Scandalized!: Risqué Business

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Scandalized!: Risqué Business Page 5

by Lori Foster

  “Marriage first?”

  “Yep.” He grinned again, that ready grin that made all the ladies of his acquaintance smile in yearning. “They’ve been very diligent in trying to get me married off. Every damn one of them has produced at least three prospective brides. I can’t make them understand that I’d prefer to do the choosing myself when I decide the time is right.”

  Olivia suddenly realized they’d already broken their new set of rules. Learning about Tony’s family definitely went beyond business and was dangerous besides; the more she knew about him, the more fascinating he seemed. It had taken her no time at all to become accustomed to wanting him, to accepting him as a desirable man. Every day, every minute it seemed, her feelings for him grew. She began to wonder if those feelings hadn’t been there all along, waiting to be noticed.

  It was a very scary prospect. She couldn’t afford, professionally or emotionally, to get overly involved with him. So she changed the subject, away from his family, and tried to dwell on something less intimate.

  Their soup was delivered and throughout the rest of the lunch they discussed Olivia’s new shop and Tony’s proposed agreement. To his credit, Tony argued fiercely, but Olivia wore him down. The meal ended with Tony promising to have his lawyer okay everything and return the finalized papers to her very soon.

  They stood on the curb outside the restaurant, the lunchtime crowd flowing around them, and Tony touched her arm. “Friday at six.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  He started to move toward his car, then halted and turned back to her. “I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

  Olivia never wavered. As with all her decisions, she didn’t allow room for regrets. She held his gaze and nodded.

  “Good. Because I think we’ll barely make it inside the door before I’ll lose my control. You’ve pushed a lot on this deal, lady, more than any before. You’ve demanded that I give you pleasure, and that I spend a great deal of time doing it.” He reached up and flicked a finger over her cheek, so very briefly. “Friday night, you’re liable to find I have a few demands of my own.”

  Olivia watched him stride away, and then as a smile spread over her face, she whispered, “Oh, I do hope so, Tony, I really do.”


  DISGUSTED WITH HERSELF, Olivia knew she wasn’t going to get any real work done. She’d spent Friday afternoon having her legs waxed and her nails manicured, then left the shop early to go home and shower and change. She’d meant to get back in time to do some inventory, but she’d lingered over choosing an outfit, trying to find something simple and attractive, while not wanting to display too obviously her wish to be appealing. By the time she returned to the shop, she had only a little time before Tony was due to pick her up.

  After saying good-night to her store manager, she settled down to look over the most recent batch of applications for new jobs, thanks to Tony. She’d already decided to promote one woman to manager of the new store, but then she had to fill that woman’s position. Olivia was fortunate in always having found excellent employees. She’d learned from Tony that you got what you paid for, and she’d always been generous with her benefits.

  As soon as thoughts of Tony entered her mind, she started daydreaming again. She should have bought a new outfit for today, she thought, looking down at her simple beige wool skirt and matching tunic. The top had a row of pearl buttons that started just above her breasts and ended at the hem. As she imagined Tony undoing those buttons, one by one, she shivered.

  She’d tossed aside her normal panty hose in favor of silky stockings with a pale rose satin garter, a big seller for the shops. She had even dabbed on perfume in very naughty places. Her pumps were midheeled and made her legs extra long and shapely. To balance the effect, she’d left her hair loose, parted in the middle, and it fell to rest against the top of her shoulders. She was so nervous, she’d long since chewed off any lipstick she might have applied, and decided against fussing with more.

  She’d probably feel more confident, she thought, if she’d worn something daring, something sinful and sexy. Her selection of underclothes often gave her confidence, especially when no one knew she was wearing them.

  She walked to a rack and picked up a teddy that fairly screamed enticement with rosette patterns of lace across the breasts and between the legs. She fingered the material, feeling it slide through her hands. She drew in a deep, shuddering breath imagining it sliding through Tony’s hands.

  When she heard the bell over the door chime, even though the Closed sign was up, she jerked, then quickly spun around to face the door.

  Tony walked in, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his dress pants, and she could only stare. His gaze connected with hers, and he started forward with a steady, determined stride. He didn’t stop at the counter, but came to the rack where she stood, her lips parted, the teddy still in her hand.

  His eyes moved over her, lingering on the teddy, and he asked, “Are we alone here?”

  She nodded. “I was just finishing up—”

  He laid a finger against her lips. There was no smile on his mouth, no welcome in his eyes. He looked intent and determined and very hungry. He slid his hand into her hair and cupped her head, stepping closer until his pant legs brushed her skirt. And then he kissed her.


  IT HAD BEEN worth the wait.

  He couldn’t remember ever feeling so anxious for a woman. It was the teasing, he was certain, that had brought him low. Olivia, in her usual forceful, decisive way, had seduced him most thoroughly. Odd, but he hadn’t ever thought of her business manner carrying over into something so personal. He knew so damn little about her personal life.

  Such as whether or not she really ever wore a garment as sexy as the teddy in her hand.

  That was something he could soon find out. Because it was obvious she used the same tack of gaining what she wanted whether it was business or pleasure. And she wanted him.

  That thought had plagued him all week, and it had been all he could do to maintain a touch of control over himself. What he needed, he thought, was a long, hot, intimate evening alone with her. And then he’d be able to get her out of his system and put her, and his purpose for being with her, in proper perspective. But damn, she tasted good.

  He knew he should pull back, give her time to catch her breath, but she wasn’t fighting him, wasn’t behaving in a particularly shocked manner. She merely stood there and gave him free rein. He slanted his mouth over hers again, then lightly coasted his tongue over her bottom lip. She groaned.

  Apart from the one hand he had in her hair and his mouth, Tony didn’t touch her. Olivia’s hands remained at her sides, almost as if she was afraid to move them. He leaned back and stared down at her face. Her dark brown eyes were half closed, the thick lashes seeming to weigh them down. Her lips were still parted, and her cheeks were flushed. He liked that.

  “We’re going back to my house.”

  She blinked twice, then cleared her throat. “I assumed you’d rent a place…”

  “My home is very private. And I don’t want to be running around town. Too many people know me. Besides, today is my birthday. Someone might decide to surprise me with a bottle of champagne or some such nonsense, and once we’re alone, I don’t want to be disturbed.”

  Her eyes widened. “Happy birthday. I didn’t realize… You should be celebrating with someone special.”

  He started to tell her she was special, almost too special, but he bit back the words. “It’s okay. More than okay.” He bent to kiss her very quickly. She looked disappointed when he pulled away. “I can’t think of a better way to spend the day. You’re giving me the best gift imaginable.”

  No sooner did he say it, than he realized she might misunderstand. So he quickly clarified, “A baby, I mean.”

  “I knew what you meant.”

  But he was lying, to both her and himself. Right now, he wanted her so much, thoughts of conception were taking a backseat to g
ood old-fashioned lust. He still wanted his baby, very much, but he found himself hoping it would take a couple of tries before they found success. He wanted—needed—to expend all his desire for her so he could concentrate on other, more important things.

  Olivia looked slightly rattled, which was new for her. She reached behind herself to feel for a hanger, then slipped the teddy onto it and back on the rack. Tony looked around, taking in the ambience of the shop. He’d been in them all, of course, but still, she never ceased to amaze him with her organization and natural ability for merchandising.

  She did a remarkable amount of business, and it was easy to see why.

  Everything was displayed in a way that bespoke intimacy with a touch of class. Mannequins were shyly posed in every corner, their perfect forms draped in soft pastel shades of silk and satin, musky scents filled the air from the perfume rack and the shelves of sachets. Every inch of space was utilized to the best advantage, so nothing looked crowded or busy.

  Olivia cleared her throat, drawing his attention. “I was thinking of ordering more of these,” she said, indicating the teddys. “I knew they’d be a big seller, but this week we went through more than even I had anticipated. They’re just so comfortable.”

  “And incredibly sexy?”

  She nodded. That Olivia felt the need for small talk proved her nervousness, and Tony didn’t want her nervous. He also couldn’t stop himself from asking the question of the day. “How do you know they’re comfortable, Olivia? Do you wear these things?” He reached over and caught at the lace edging the leg of the teddy, then rubbed his thumb over it.

  Straightening her spine, a gesture of defiance he was beginning to recognize, she nodded. “Of course I do. I’ve personally tried everything I sell.”

  Tony took another quick survey of the shop, and this time his gaze landed on a midnight black bra and panty set, the bra designed to merely cup the fullness of the breast, leaving the nipples exposed, and the panties with a very convenient open seam. He felt his stomach constrict, and knew he had to get her out of the shop before his libido exploded. “Are you ready to go?”

  Appearing as flustered as he felt, she nodded and reached behind the counter for her coat. Tony helped her slip it on, then took her arm to guide her out. She was trembling, and he wanted to reassure her somehow, but as she locked up the shop, he saw that her nipples were peaked against the soft wool of her tunic, and any coherent conversation escaped him. He wanted to touch her breasts, to see if they felt as soft as they looked. He wanted to taste her, all of her, and he wanted to give her the pleasure she’d requested.

  At first, it had seemed like a tall order, and a bit intimidating. No woman had ever come right out and told him to give her the level of satisfaction she expected. It was enough to shrivel many a man. But he wasn’t a man to cower under pressure, and the more he’d thought of it—and ways to see the job done—the more excited he’d become by the prospect. Going head-to-head with Olivia during business always exhilarated him. Doing so in bed would be even better. He felt challenged for the first time in a long time, and what red-blooded male could resist a challenge?

  Besides, he decided, as they drove from the parking garage, if he didn’t get it right the first time, he’d have plenty of time to keep trying. That thought brought a grin.


  He glanced at Olivia and realized she was watching him. She looked wary now, and a little self-conscious. “Hey, you’re not having second thoughts, are you?”

  “No, but I’ll admit that grin of yours is a little unnerving.”

  He heard the slight tremor in her tone and reached over to take her hand from her lap. “I’m just…”


  “That’s a very appropriate word.” He grinned again. “What about you?”

  She drew a quavering breath, then whispered, “Yes.”

  Tony had to put both hands on the wheel. Never had one simple word affected him so strongly. He wanted to speed, to race to his house, but the streets were congested with holiday shoppers. With Thanksgiving less than two weeks away, it seemed as if everyone had a reason to be out on a Friday evening. Curse them all.

  “How far do we have to go?”

  “It’s about a twenty-minute drive.” Twenty minutes that would seem like two hours. “Are you hungry?”


  “Are you sure? I could stop at a drive-through.”

  She glared at him. “No. I am not hungry.”

  He liked the idea that she was as anxious to get under way as he. They stopped at a traffic light and he said, “Well, then how about scooting over here and giving me another kiss? It’s the truth, I desperately need something to tide me over.”

  Her chest rose and fell in several deep breaths, then she scooted. Tony caught her mouth, pressing her back against the seat and this time skipping the teasing. He slid his tongue into her mouth and stroked her deeply. Olivia’s hands came up to rest on his shoulders, and then curled to pull him closer.

  The light changed, and at a snail’s pace, traffic moved.

  They continued to kiss and cuddle and touch at every opportunity, and Tony knew they were making each other just a bit crazy. But he didn’t call a halt to the touching, and finally, after excruciating frustration, he pulled into his long driveway. It had taken twenty-five minutes, and every minute had been a form of inventive foreplay. Olivia had her eyes closed and appeared to be concentrating on breathing. Her coat lay open, her knees pressed tightly together, and her hands, where they rested on the seat on either side of her, shook.

  Tony said very softly, “We’re here.”

  She slowly sat forward and surveyed his home through bleary eyes. She was quiet for long seconds, then whispered, “Oh, Tony. It’s beautiful.”

  He was pleased with her praise. “I had it built a few years ago. I made certain as many trees were left as possible.”

  “It almost seems a part of the landscape.”

  That had been his intention. Built of stone and wood and slate, the house blended in with the background, sprawling wide with only one level, and surrounded by oaks and pines and dogwoods. “Now, with the trees bare, you can see the house better. But in the spring and summer, it’s nearly hidden.”

  He hit the remote to open the garage door, then drove inside. The four-car garage held only one other car, and was very quiet.

  When he opened Olivia’s door for her and she stepped out, he couldn’t help but kiss her again. And this time, since they were assured of privacy, he gave his eager hands the freedom to roam. His palms coasted over her back, feeling her warmth even through the thickness of her coat, then scooped low to cuddle her soft rounded buttocks.

  Olivia sucked in a deep breath and moaned when he brought her flush with his body. He knew she could feel his erection, knew she was reacting to it, and with every rapid pulse beat of his body, he thought: this is Olivia, the cool businesswoman, the shark, and she’s pressing against me, trembling and wanting more. It was wonderful and strange and so exciting he almost couldn’t bear it. He felt his body harden even more, felt himself expanding, growing. He felt ready to burst.

  He back-stepped her toward the door leading into his house. Now that he was this close, he certainly didn’t want to make love to her in the garage. But when he lifted his head, his eyes were immediately drawn to her heaving breasts, and he saw again her stiff little nipples. Her coat was open down the front, and he pushed it farther aside, then gently cupped her breasts, shaping them, weighing them in his palms. She was soft and warm and her nipples were pressed achingly against the fabric. She tilted her head back against the garage wall and made a small sound of pleasure and need.

  Before he could give his mind time to approve his actions, he unbuttoned three small pearl buttons, and peeled aside the soft wool material. Her bra was lace and satin, a pale coffee color, but so sheer he could see the entire outline of her. It nearly sent him over the edge. He brushed his thumb over her nipple, gently, teasing,
and watched her tremble. He lost control.

  He growled low in his throat, pulled the bra down so it was cupped beneath her pale breast, pushing her up, seeming to offer her to his mouth, and then he brushed his thumb over her again. She panted as he toyed with her, building the suspense, the excitement.


  It was her small, pleading voice that brought him around. He couldn’t wait much longer to taste her, but neither should he be rushing things. He kept his eyes on her beautiful body, on the breast he’d bared, then wrapped his arm around her waist to guide her inside. He reached for the doorknob and turned it, then jerked when he heard a screamed, “Surprise!”

  He looked up and saw his entire family, balloons in the background, streamers floating around. It took everyone a second to realize the misfortune of the entire scene, and then little by little, expressions changed. He saw his mother gasp, his grandfather chuckle. His brother was now wearing a wide grin.

  His own face must have looked stunned, and he couldn’t find the wherewithal to move. Both he and Olivia seemed frozen to the spot. Then he saw his six-year-old nephew turn his gaze to Olivia, and watched as his sister-in-law rushed over and slapped both hands over her son’s eyes. Tony came reluctantly to his senses. He slammed the door shut, then tried to get his mind to function in some semblance of order so he could figure out what to do.

  “Oh my God.”

  He glanced down at Olivia, her hands covering her face, her shoulders shaking. She said again, “Oh my God.” Her breast was still uncovered, and more than anything, he wanted to taste that small pink nipple. He wished his family elsewhere, but when he heard the sudden roar of hysterical laughter inside, he knew not a single damn one of them would budge. Meddling bunch of irritants.

  “Oh my God.”

  Tony frowned, his gaze still on that taunting nipple. He was beginning to feel like Pavlov’s dog. “Are you praying or cursing?”

  She peeked at him from between her fingers, her expression as evil as any he’d ever seen. Through gritted teeth, she said, “You promised me privacy, Tony. There must be fifty people in there.”


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