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Scandalized!: Risqué Business

Page 17

by Lori Foster

  She did. She told him about her trip to the hospital, that the pregnancy was still at risk, that there was a good chance she’d never get pregnant again. Even if she was able to carry this baby full-term, it might be their only child.

  She didn’t look at him as she spoke, choosing to keep her face hidden against him. Tony was relieved. It was damn difficult keeping his anger hidden, but he wanted her to finish the story, to make certain there were no more secrets between them. When she grew silent and he didn’t immediately respond, she turned stiff in his arms.

  “Tony?” He heard the uncertainty, the vulnerability, and his anger doubled. But he remained silent.

  “You’re angry?” she persisted.

  “I’m furious.” And he was.

  She gave a small sob, but he didn’t relent. “How could you do this, plan to go through all this alone, leave me in the dark? Didn’t you think, somewhere along the line, I’d earned your trust? Have I ever given you any reason to believe I’m such a shallow ass that I’d let you go through this alone? Damn you, Olivia, are you ever going to open up to me?”

  She had gone very still just after he started his tirade, and now she whispered, “I just did.”

  “What?” He was almost too angry to make sense of her words.

  “I just opened up to you. And I do trust you. I swear. It’s just that I love you so much, I didn’t want you to be burdened with a wife who couldn’t give you what you want.”

  “And if what I want most is you?”

  She pushed away so she could see his face. Her dark eyes were liquid with tears, her cheeks blotchy, and he loved her so much, he wanted to cry with her. “Olivia, I love you.”

  She sniffed and threw herself against him, squeezing his neck so tightly he couldn’t breathe. He choked out a laugh and said, “Marry me.”

  “But you want a baby, too.”

  “We’re having a baby.”

  “But what if…”

  “Shh.” He laid his finger against her lips. “No what-ifs. I love you. You love me. If something happens, we’ll have other children. And if you can’t carry them, we’ll adopt. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that I need you with me.”

  Olivia laughed and squeezed him again. “I want you, too. And this baby. I’m being so careful, following all the doctor’s orders, taking my progesterone twice a day…”

  “You have to take pills?”

  She slanted him a look. “Don’t ask. Just understand that my body needs to absorb it now to help the baby. After the first trimester, the risks aren’t nearly so high.”

  He loved holding her like this, seeing her so animated. “You’ve really studied up on this, haven’t you?”

  She ducked her head. “I’ve been so afraid.”

  He held her face, making her look at him. “From now on, you’ll tell me. We’ll get through it together.”

  Smiling, she said, “Yes.”

  “And you’ll marry me.”

  It was his I’m-in-charge-now voice, and Olivia said, “Yes, sir.”

  He grinned. “You’ve just made my family very happy.”

  “And you?”

  “I’ve just gotten everything I ever wanted. Of course I’m happy.”

  Two years later

  “SHOULD WE TAKE the diaper bag on the plane with us?”

  Tony laughed. “I wouldn’t leave home without it.” He walked into the bedroom where Olivia was packing. Her body once again slim and beautiful, though it wouldn’t be that way for long. “How are you feeling?”

  She turned and gave him and their thirteen-month-old son, Devon, a big smile. “Fine. Anxious.”

  “No morning sickness?”

  “It’s the strangest thing, but this time I feel wonderful.”

  “Lisa and Kate swore each pregnancy was different for them, as well.”

  Devon reached for his mother and Tony transferred him into her waiting arms. There was no hesitancy on her part now as she cuddled him close and kissed him and breathed his scent. Devon laughed and kicked his pudgy legs.

  “Do you think he’ll like flying? Maybe I should wait a little longer before making the Seattle trip.”

  “You’ve waited long enough. Besides, we’ll only be there a week to look things over, and the woman you hired to manage the place is counting on seeing you. I have no doubt she’s gone to great pains to impress you. And I did want to check in on the hotel anyway.”

  She laughed at him and shook her head. “You’re worse than me. But running a business from across the country is easier than I’d thought it would be.”

  “With hotels, you have to adjust. Can’t be everywhere at once.”

  “I know. And you taught me the secret long ago.” She balanced Devon on her hip and went back to her packing. It sometimes amazed him the things she could now do one-handed. “As long as I hire good people, treat them well and expect the best from them, things, for the most part, run smoothly.”

  She bent to tuck a pair of shoes into the suitcase, and Tony couldn’t stop himself from patting her rear. “Did I ever tell you how hot it makes me when you use that logical corporate tone?”

  She cast him a look and said, “Why do you think I use it so often?”

  “You always were a devious woman.” He laughed when she playfully smacked him. Her earlier ploy was no longer a sensitive issue between them, especially since things had turned out so well. They had their baby, they had each other, and it was the best deal either of them had ever made.


  Risqué Business

  Tawny Weber

  Books by Tawny Weber


  Blazing Bedtime Stories, Volume VII

  “Wild Thing”

  Nice & Naughty

  Midnight Special

  Naughty Christmas Nights

  Uniformly Hot!

  A SEAL’s Seduction

  A SEAL’s Surrender

  A SEAL’s Salvation

  A SEAL’s Kiss

  A SEAL’s Fantasy

  Christmas with a SEAL

  A SEAL’s Secret

  A SEAL’s Pleasure



  And don’t miss Tawny’s next book in the Uniformly Hot! series,

  A SEAL’s Temptation

  Available now!

  “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

  —e. e. cummings

  To my parents, who always encouraged me to be who I really am.


















  HER HOT, DESPERATE breaths echoed down the long, dark hallway. Terror coalesced into a black swirl of passion as his mouth slid down the concave silk of her belly. His fingers gripped her butt, lifting her for his pleasure, totally in control. He held complete dominance over her. Damp heat pooled between her legs, making her squirm in silent supplication. His fingers tightened, holding her prisoner, demanding she await his command.

  Delaney Conner’s own breath puffed out as the words blurred on the page. God, to be that woman! She’d already read this scene three times since she’d gotten Nick Angel’s latest erotic thriller, but it still fascinated her. Fascinated, hell. She’d had two orgasms thanks to this chapter alone. Three, if she counted the memory it’d invoked in the shower.

  She traced a finger over the face on the back cover. The author’s eyes, vivid and piercing, promised an ability to live up to the heat between the pages. She wondered how much of the sexual appeal was the words t
hemselves, and how much was knowing they’d been written by the man with the sexiest face she’d ever seen grace a book jacket.

  “Professor Conner?”

  With a gasp, Delaney tossed the book in her canvas tote as if it had spouted flames. Cheeks on fire, she plastered a look of ingenuous questioning on her face. Hopefully the rapid flutter of her eyelashes conveyed innocence, in addition to cooling off her cheeks.

  “Mr. Sims, hello,” Delaney said, her tone tight and stiff, as suited a professor at Rosewood.

  Women like the heroines in Nick Angel’s books, when busted having sex in public places, gave a wicked smile and made you envy their moxie. Her? She couldn’t even read sexy books in public without blushing and worrying someone was going to rat her out for ill-advised reading choices. After all, reading was meant to be an educational pursuit, never for tawdry entertainment.

  “I just wanted to say how much I got out of today’s lecture. The evolution of character archetypes fascinates me.”

  Her discomfort dissipated as Delaney shifted into teaching mode. The two of them fell into a discussion of the topic, Delaney growing more animated and excited the more they talked. She loved it when a student grasped her concepts, loved even more seeing the spark of excitement in his eyes. Delaney wasn’t an easy teacher by any means. She pushed her students, keeping her curriculum dynamic and challenging. But she prided herself on having the lowest failure rate of any other professor in the English department.

  And her success would only help in her bid to become assistant head of the department. A plum promotion, it’d put her in the position to take over as department head within the next ten years. Exactly as she’d planned. And maybe, just maybe, it’d have the added bonus of actually getting her father’s attention.

  “Excuse me,” said a husky voice.

  Delaney and Sims moved aside to let a gorgeous brunette pass. Stunning from the top of her perfectly straight hair to the bottom of her sleek black heels, even her little red suit screamed power. Now she was a perfect Nick Angel heroine. Sexy, savvy and confident.

  They both watched the woman pass, Delaney envying her sense of presence and Sims obviously admiring her ass. While he gathered his composure, Delaney glanced at her watch.

  Damn. Late again. With a quick goodbye to her student, she hurried down the hall to the dean’s office.

  She flew into the reception area. The tiny blonde at the desk looked like a kewpie doll. Flaxen curls, huge blue eyes and a round dimpled face hid a razor-sharp mind and a wicked sense of humor. She was Delaney’s best friend, and the two women had bonded over an obsession with Johnny Depp, eighties rock music and their mutual love for romance novels, a top-secret subject here at the college. Rosewood was that uptight and narrow-minded.

  It’d taken Delaney until last year to finally confide in Mindy Adams her deepest, darkest secret. She not only loved to read popular fiction, but unbeknownst to anyone other than Mindy, she also made a tidy income reviewing it for various magazines and newspapers. She’d heard a rumor that two years ago, the college had fired an art history professor when they’d discovered she modeled on the side. That her modeling had been of historical costumes in a magazine layout had seemed to make no difference to the dean. Delaney could only assume that he and the trustees saw it as frivolous and mocking.

  So she kept her reviews top secret and used her middle name, Madison. She’d have been crazy not to.

  “Am I too late? Is my father still here?” she asked, catching her breath.

  “He’s still here,” Mindy responded slowly.

  “What’s wrong?” Delaney asked, still panting slightly.

  “I just thought you might want to know, um—” Mindy hesitated, then sighed. “Did you notice that brunette leaving a few minutes ago?”

  “She had a great laptop bag, with plenty of room for books and papers.” She glanced at her own canvas bag, ratty and worn. She hated shopping, but she lusted after practical totes, especially in leather. Maybe after she got the promotion she’d treat herself to one like that.

  “She was here about the position in your department.”

  Brow furrowed in confusion, Delaney stared. “My position?”

  She hadn’t ever considered there would be competition for it. She tilted her head in silent question and Mindy nudged a paper toward her. Delaney scanned the woman’s resume.

  “Nice, but not as strong as mine.”

  Mindy winced.

  “I’d heard talk Professor Belkin wants someone who’s going to attract attention,” the girl said, referring to the head of the English department. “Attendance is down in the department and he’s taking it personally. He seems to think a more attractive assistant head will help boost the numbers.”

  “A dynamic curriculum and strong teaching reputation aren’t enough?”

  They both knew it was a rhetorical question. Where Delaney might hide a mystery novel behind her textbook, Belkin was the kind of guy who hid a Hustler magazine behind his. The man was all about looks, the hotter, the better.

  And even though the position was awarded by a hiring committee, he headed it. Which meant he had a lot of influence.

  “I heard Belkin tell the dean he wanted someone with a lot of charisma and looks, who could not only handle the academic side of the job, but the PR angle he’s planning to push,” Mindy said to the top of her desk. She obviously couldn’t meet her friend’s eyes.

  Delaney clenched her jaw to keep from screaming in frustration. Temper never helped, but imagining how good it would feel to throw her ratty bag across the room sure did.

  Mindy took a deep breath and shot her a long, considering look, probably to make sure Delaney wasn’t going to pitch a fit. Reassured, she tapped the magazine on the desk in front of her.

  “Maybe if you’d consider a makeover…” she suggested hesitantly, not for the first time. Delaney was already shaking her head before the blonde continued. “You know, something to change the visual so maybe people will give you the attention you deserve?”

  Delaney sighed. Spoken like a true girly girl. Mindy never left the house without lipstick, how could she be considered unbiased? Delaney figured it was because she’d grown up motherless that she’d never been inducted into the girly club.

  “Why bother? I am who I am. Will mascara and a push-up bra make me someone else?” The thought made her cringe. Makeup, fancy clothes, they baffled her.

  “No, but they’ll get you noticed.” Mindy waved the magazine in her hand. Risqué. Delaney rolled her eyes. What a title. She looked at the tagline, “You’re only as confident as you look.” Right.

  “Who needs that kind of attention?” Delaney groused. She tugged at the frayed hem of her tweed jacket and frowned. “What about that whole ‘inner beauty being more important than outer beauty’ thing?”

  “It’s a feel-good myth, like Santa Claus,” Mindy deadpanned.

  Delaney snorted.

  “You’ve got looks under all that tweed. You’ve definitely got brains, and you’re a nice person,” Mindy mused. “You just need to learn to make the most of it all. Take my advice, read this magazine. It’ll have you on the road to satisfaction. Better yet, I’ll bet you even get laid.”

  Delaney snorted again.

  “Unlike some people, I don’t think sex is a cure-all.” Well, she was alarmingly addicted to a certain author’s books. But that had nothing to do with real life. Their only purpose was titillation. They had the reality level of SpongeBob SquarePants and even less emotional depth.

  “How would you know? When was the last time you had sex?”

  When Delaney opened her mouth to retort, Mindy shook her head. “With someone else actually in the room with you.”

  Damn. She clamped her lips closed.

  “What good is another department-store makeup fiasco?” she asked instead. She’d tried that once in her teens and discovered being invisible was much preferable to being mocked.

  “No, you need something much bigger.�
�� Mindy leaned over to push the magazine into her hands.

  Delaney glanced at the cover, then at the dog-eared page. Risqué? “A makeover contest? You’re kidding, right?”

  “Not at all. It’s a killer deal. Complete makeover. Hair, makeup, completely new wardrobe. Not some cheesy thing, either, it’s custom created just for you. They even teach the winners how to maintain her new look.”

  “Why on earth would I want to do this?”

  “It’s your shot. You win, you’ll see what a difference it makes.”

  Delaney tossed the magazine back on the desk with a roll of her eyes. “What’s the point? I hardly think something as shallow as eye shadow and hairspray will cure my problems.”

  Mindy pulled a face, then shrugged. Delaney felt bad for hurting the other woman’s feelings. Before she could apologize, Mindy slipped the magazine into her drawer. The alarm on her desk squawked a reminder.

  “He’s leaving in ten minutes. If you want to see him, you’d better go in now,” Mindy reminded her.

  Frowning, Delaney nodded her thanks, scooped up the tote and squared her shoulders.

  She strode through the heavy doors, lifted her chin and took a deep breath. She’d originally intended to hint around that she’d appreciate his backing on her application. Now she’d have to be more direct. For once, she had to stand up for herself.

  Of course, it would help if her father actually looked at her. Delaney cleared her throat, but he still didn’t glance up from the papers he was signing.

  “I need your help,” Delaney stated quietly.

  He lifted a finger, gesturing for her to wait. Preferably in silence.

  She clutched the strap of her bag so hard the canvas hurt her fingers. She wished she had the nerve to throw it across the room, but years of lectures on why losing control never paid off flashed through her head. Temper, temper. Maybe if she recited that often enough, she’d stop imagining how good it might be to let loose and let him know exactly how she felt. But, as with most things nonacademic, imagining was the only way she’d experience the pleasure. Her mother had always been able to soothe away her temper, but once she’d gone, Delaney was on her own. Once, only once, she’d let her temper fly with her father. She’d been ten. He’d sent her away to boarding school as a result.


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