Scandalized!: Risqué Business

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Scandalized!: Risqué Business Page 22

by Lori Foster

  Nick Angel was a dangerous opponent.

  “A dream come true?” Mindy responded absently.

  Delaney stopped her agitated pacing to glare at her friend, who was curled up all comfy and secure on the couch with paperbacks piled around her. Mindy didn’t notice, of course, since she was engrossed studying Nick’s sexy photo on the back of a book.

  “You call this a dream?” Delaney demanded, thrusting her hands through her hair. That her fingers slid through smooth as silk still shocked her, but not enough to stop her from freaking out.

  Mindy heaved a sigh and set aside the book she’d been ogling. Like Delaney, she was still dressed in her yoga gear after their weekly class.

  “Let me ask you a few questions, okay?”

  Did she have a choice? Not willing to snap at her friend and risk upsetting her, Delaney waved a hand in agreement.

  “When you met with the Risqué people, they asked you about your vision, about who or what you wanted to be, remember?”

  “Yeah, I said I wanted to be visible. To come across as assured and strong and—”

  “And sexy. Like a heroine from a novel. The kind of woman who could wrap a guy around her little finger and make him beg.”

  Delaney scrunched up her nose and resolved to quit sharing so much with Mindy. The other woman had a rotten habit of throwing her words back in her face.

  “Okay, yes, that was my vision. But that’s what I wanted to look like. Looking doesn’t instantly translate into being, you know.”

  Mindy lifted her index finger to her lip. But instead of biting down she shook her head, dropped her hand—unnibbled—back to her lap and squared her shoulders.

  “This is your chance, Delaney. You keep taking these steps toward your goal, but you never take the final leap. You love the makeover, but you weren’t willing to consider it until forced to for your career. You are an incredible reviewer, but weren’t willing to even tell people you did it until you accidentally let it slip in your Risqué interview.”

  Where was this going? She wasn’t sure but she knew she wasn’t liking it. Struggling not to frown, Delaney dropped into her favorite chair and pulled a pillow onto her lap. Holding it across her belly like a security blanket, she tilted her head to indicate Mindy could continue.

  “You’ve had the hots for this guy’s writing for a long time now, right?”

  Delaney’s shoulders went stiff. Shit. She wasn’t the youngest professor on staff at Rosewood College for nothing. She knew exactly where Mindy was going.

  “You want things to happen, but you aren’t proactive, you’re reactive.”


  “You’re taking too many psych classes,” Delaney muttered.

  “Well, duh, I’m a psych major. That doesn’t change the fact that you have a golden opportunity here to fulfill your ultimate fantasy. You want to prove you’re a strong, sexy woman? Take this guy up on his challenge. Then put him in his place.”

  “Oh, sure, like I’d have a chance at that.”

  “Why not? Look in the mirror, Delaney. You look like a woman who could bring a guy to his knees. You’re hot. And Nick Angel obviously wants you.”

  The old Delaney would have rolled her eyes and scoffed at the impertinence of even imagining Nick Angel wanted her in his bed for any reason other than so he could win the bet. But the new Delaney, the one who’d pressed her damp, aching core to the hard muscles of his thigh in a desperate bid for release, believed he did want her, and was totally attracted to her. Oh, she knew the attraction was purely physical, based only on the made-over mask he’d seen. It didn’t matter.

  It was the wildest feeling. Intense, empowering and just a little scary.

  “You wanted to be visible, now you are. Big-time. So what are you going to do about it?” Mindy challenged.

  “Just because he’s attracted to me doesn’t give me the power, you know. He’s basing this entire competition on a premise of lust versus intimacy.”

  “Do you believe in your stand?”

  “Of course. Sex without intimacy is hollow. It might be fast and hot, but it won’t last. There’s no common ground, nothing other than animal urges.”

  Mindy nodded, then she lifted Nick’s latest release, his photo facing Delaney. Those wicked blue eyes stared back, making Delaney’s stomach clench with lust. She recalled his voice, husky and low, as he’d verbally seduced her. The taste of him, hot and heady on her tongue. The feel of his hands as he’d explored her body. Sexual need surged, urging her to do whatever it took so she could feel the wet heat of his mouth again.

  “Do you think you have enough in common with this guy to build intimacy?”

  “I…” Her automatic denial trailed off. Intimacy required a bond beyond sex. Did they have anything in common to build that? They both loved books, obviously. She’d love to talk literature with him, to hear more about his writing process. And he wasn’t intimidated by her intellect. If anything it appealed to him.

  “From your silence, I’m going to take it you have enough to build on,” Mindy said with a snicker. “So the only real problem is repercussions.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like falling in love.”

  Delaney’s mouth dropped open and, for the first time she could recall, her mind went blank with shock.

  “You think he could fall in love with me?” she finally found the voice to ask.

  Mindy frowned, then pink washed over her kewpie-doll cheeks. “I meant you falling in love with him,” she muttered.

  Delaney burst into laughter.

  “Okay, you obviously think it’s a crazy idea,” Mindy said in a huffy tone. “I don’t know how you can be so sure it wouldn’t happen, though.”

  Oh, sure, maybe if Delaney believed in fairy tales, she’d think it was possible. But she was too smart for that. “As hot, sexy and talented as Nick Angel is,” she said between giggles, “he’s definitely not the fall-in-love type. I promise, that’s not going to be an issue.”

  Mindy huffed, then shrugged. “Then the only question left is can you go into a sexual relationship with this guy knowing that it’s just physical? Doesn’t that support his argument for lust?”

  “Of course not,” Delaney protested. “Lust is one-night stands. He’s already doomed his argument by offering a month-long affair.”

  “So it’s a win-win?”

  Delaney considered. Winning the bet and cementing her reviewing career and becoming confident enough to assure herself she’d get her promotion. And potentially the most incredible sex in the world with the hottest man she’d ever seen.

  “Definitely win-win,” she agreed. It was like Christmas, her birthday and Valentine’s Day all rolled into one sexually charged gift. How could she resist?

  Thirty minutes later, she saw Mindy out and resisted the urge to beat her chest and give a Tarzan yell. Delaney Madison, Super Reviewer. Able to seduce a sexy author in a single bet. She felt as if she could take on Nick Angel, guarantee herself multiple orgasms and leap tall stacks of books in a single bound.

  Riding that feeling, she easily ignored the scoffing voice in her head and made her way down the hall to her office.

  Unlike the rest of her apartment, which was furnished in kitschy hand-me-downs and flea-market finds, her office was pure business. The sleek, sexy lines of her chrome-and-glass desk were reflected in the curves of the sculpture on the floating shelf and the rounded ebony bookcases.

  A low, overstuffed chair in nubby red silk sat in the corner, catching the morning light. Perfect for reading. There, she knew, was where she’d read the books Nick chose for their bet. When she read for pleasure, she inevitably chose the pillow-festooned couch or her bed. But no matter what stories Nick chose, reading them would be all business. After all, her reputation was on the line.

  And, she realized as she dropped into the leather office chair to boot up her laptop, if her barely used feminine instincts were right, so was her virtue.

  She wasn’t risking either
without doing her homework. Any good scholar knew that knowledge was in research. And if in the process of trying to figure out what kind of books Nick would have her read, she found hints on how to deal with him and best win her argument, that was great.

  But mostly, she wanted to make damned sure if and when they ended up having sex together she was armed with as much information as she could find to show him an A-plus performance. Because after years of obsessing over the man’s books, she’d be a total idiot to give up the chance to actually become like the women she’d fantasized about being.


  BY FRIDAY NIGHT, Delaney felt like a schizophrenic. She’d alternated between excitement and terror over this evening so much, her nerves had whiplash. The only thing keeping her from cancelling was her assurance that she’d succeed. Delaney didn’t know how much of her desire to win was ego and how much was belief in her stance. She just knew she had to win.

  She’d spent her life honing her intellect. And that was her secret weapon. Because while she’d done her homework and learned everything she possibly could about Nick Angel, thanks to her makeover and her sexy new persona, Nick would have no clue who she really was. All he’d see was the mask.

  And what a mask it was. Still not quite believing it was her, she glanced in the mirror Mindy had insisted she install by the door for last-minute wardrobe checks and blew out a breath. Nick wasn’t the only one who was out of the loop. Delaney herself was having untold difficulties accepting that she was the sleek, sexy redhead with the tousled curls.

  Smokey shadow defined her brown eyes, a hint of shimmer in the corners giving them extra sparkle. Only she’d recognize the glint in them as terror, rather than anticipation. She ran her tongue over her glossy burgundy mouth and had to force herself not to chew on her lip for fear of ruining the slick look Mindy had created.

  With her do-me makeup and sexily tousled hair, she actually did justice to the tiny bottle-green silk dress with its baby-doll styling and jewel-encrusted bodice. She’d wanted black, thinking it’d be sophisticated, but Mindy had shot her down. The fast-talking blonde had insisted the rich grassy hue would make her stand out.

  That had done more to convince Delaney than any argument about the season’s hot hues or being told that black wouldn’t suit her coloring. If she was going to win this bet, she’d have to command every second of Nick’s attention, she told herself just as the doorbell rang.

  Delaney pressed her hand to her stomach and took a deep breath. Using the same method Sean had taught her at the TV station, she focused on her breathing, letting the icy picks of terror melt away.

  Huh. Who knew: “Critic’s Corner” was already paying off. Maybe she wouldn’t suck after all. With a giggle, she opened the door and forgot every bit of terror, worry and concern. A few thoughts of sucking did flitter through her mind, though.

  Oh. My. God. The man looked so delicious, Delaney wanted to take tiny little bites of him. Her face flamed at the idea, so sexy and bold, and so unlike her.

  “Hello, Delaney.”

  “Hi,” she said quickly, hoping to distract him before he could comment on her heated cheeks.

  She didn’t need to worry, though, since he was busy looking at the rest of her. Apparently long, naked-to-midthigh legs rated tops on his inspection list. A sense of vanity she’d never felt before swept over her.

  She was pretty sure she liked it, too. Delaney resisted the urge to tug at the hem of her dress; instead she gave Nick the same treatment.

  He’d been sexy enough in the studio, but dressed for seduction? Holy cow. If she’d thought he’d go easy on her, take it slow, she’d been deluded. The man had one thing on his mind, and one thing only. Winning.

  Thanks to her makeover education, she recognized his clothes as designer. She recalled the magazine stylist’s explanation of how the cut and fit of material played into pricier clothes. Given the way the black fabric was caressing its way across his shoulders and the jeans cupped his…thighs, she figured they were worth a small fortune.

  Her eyes met his. Instead of looking flustered at her obvious perusal, he sported a huge grin of appreciation.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he said, his voice a husky purr that sent shivers down her spine.

  Delaney lifted her chin and reminded herself to focus on the competition.

  “I’m looking forward to this evening,” he told her. “I hope you enjoy everything I’ve planned as much as I’m sure I will.”

  Definitely focused on the competition. It was a contest he apparently thought he had in the bag. Did he have that much faith in his hypothesis? Or was he just that sure he could overpower her with his charm and charisma?

  Delaney frowned and tilted her head to the side, her curls bouncing on her cheek at the movement. Nick’s eyes slid over her hair, almost like a caress. Soft, light, gentle.

  This time it was easier to ignore her body’s reaction. Sure, her nipples beaded and her stomach tightened. Maybe her breath quickened just a little at the idea of him running his fingers through her hair. But years of being physically invisible were about to pay off. All she had to do was remember he was drawn to her made-over persona, not the real her. If she kept that in mind, played the vamp and used some of the tricks she’d researched in the books on flirting and seduction, she’d be fine.

  Fine, hell. She’d win. With one brow raised, she stepped forward, close enough to Nick to reach out and press one hand to the lapel of his jacket. Her heart raced at the feel of his sculpted chest beneath her fingers, but she kept the amused, slightly distant look on her face and made a tut-tutting sound.

  “If you’re trying to influence me, it won’t work. I’m still sure I’ll win the reviewing bet,” she told him with a smile. “But I am definitely looking forward to tonight…and seeing what you think will convince me to accept your side bet.”

  Nick laughed. “I can’t say I didn’t have convincing you in mind when I planned the evening. To be honest, it’s been an intriguing challenge. I debated a number of ideas to use as proof that good sex is all physical.”

  He reached up and laid his hand over hers, holding it trapped between his larger one and the hard planes of his chest. Delaney’s smile stiffened but she forced herself to keep it, and her hand, in place.

  “The actual bet, if you remember, is to prove that emotions make sex better.”

  “Interesting paraphrase,” he mused, his fingers curling into hers now. “My concept of the bet, of course, is that sex doesn’t need the fluffy veneer of emotion to be incredible.”

  Delaney gave a little one-shouldered shrug and, needing the distance, slid her fingers out of his grasp.

  “It’s all moot unless you convince me to take the challenge, of course,” she demurred. After all, she still hadn’t agreed, not totally. If her body had any say in it, though, she’d be tossing him to the ground and doing it monkey-style before the night was out. But he didn’t know that. She took comfort in the slight frown between his brows. Hopefully she was keeping him off balance.

  “Ready?” she asked, lifting her heavy cloak off the back of the couch. The rich black wool was satin-lined, creating an elegant silhouette. Better yet, it would be warm. Perfect, since San Francisco nights were chilly, even in the summer.

  “Ready,” he agreed, placing the cloak on her shoulders. She stiffened, but he didn’t do more than adjust the fabric, then step away.

  He handed her an envelope. She pressed the thick card-stock between her fingers and shot him a questioning glance.

  “Your reading list,” he informed her with a wicked grin. “I thought I’d let you have a peek at it before I sent it to the producer.”

  Delaney ran her thumb under the flap and Nick’s hand shot out to close over hers. She gasped as the hard warmth of his fingers made her tummy spin. He gave her a naughty look and shook his head.

  “After,” he said.

  She ran her tongue over her lower lip, tasting the sweet flavor of her glistening lip gloss. After?
br />   After what? Images of the two of them writhing together in ecstasy, their moans of pleasure filling the air, flashed through her mind. If the brain was the strongest sexual organ, she was already halfway to a mind-blowing orgasm with Nick. And that was just from looking at him.

  Control, Delaney. She had to keep a cool head. He’d obviously given her the list, with the no-reading instructions, as part of his strategy to keep her off balance. Probably figured she’d be more susceptible to his naughty games this way.

  With that in mind, she slanted him that slow “I’m gonna win” smile again and tilted her head. “I’m sure I’ll have other things on my mind…after. But I’ll leave this for later.”

  His blue eyes widened, then lit with appreciative heat. Before he could act on the smoldering promise, Delaney gestured to the door.

  “Let’s get started, hmm? I’d hate to be late.”


  NICK SMOTHERED HIS grin at the dare in the sexy redhead’s eyes. From her attitude, she actually thought she had a shot at changing his mind about emotion. Ha, about as likely as his ex ever offering anyone unconditional love.

  Like taking candy from a baby, this bet was in the bag.

  The list of books he’d come up with were all guaranteed to push her buttons, both sexually and on the emotional level. He was sure she’d get all holier-than-thou with her reviews, turning off readers. Especially his readers, who would find out next week when he announced the review contest on his Web site. He was sure his fanbase would flock over and, after reading her uptight, emotionally demanding reviews, vote her down.

  “By all means, let’s begin,” he agreed, eager to start the evening. After all, with the review bet sewn up, he could focus all his energy on the bet he really wanted to win. The one that would get the most intriguingly sexy woman he’d ever met into his bed. He gestured toward the door. “I have a car waiting.”


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