Billionaire Bachelors: Gray

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by Anne Marie Winston

  Gray MacInnes Had Attended This Fundraiser For The Sole Purpose Of Meeting The Woman Who Haunted His Memories.

  His donor’s memories.

  Though he couldn’t imagine what he’d say if he did come face-to-face with Catherine Thorne.

  Hello. I have your husband’s heart and I think I remember you.

  Right. She’d run screaming. But even if he never spoke to her, at least he’d finally be able to see how she matched up with the woman in his head.

  She matched perfectly. He hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her from the moment their gazes had met. He felt as if he knew her, could recall the scent and feel and even the unique taste that was Catherine.

  Mike Thorne must have loved his wife deeply. And now Mike Thorne’s heart beat in another man’s chest.

  His chest.

  And he wanted Mike Thorne’s wife with a desperate intensity he could hardly contain.

  Dear Reader,

  When it comes to passion, Silhouette Desire has exactly what you need. This month’s offerings include Cindy Gerard’s The Librarian’s Passionate Knight, the next installment of DYNASTIES: THE BARONES. A naive librarian gets swept off her feet by a dashing Barone sibling—who could ask for anything more? But more we do have, with another story about attractive and wealthy men, from Anne Marie Winston. Billionaire Bachelors: Gray is a deeply compelling story about a man who gets a second chance at life—and maybe the love of a lifetime.

  Sheri WhiteFeather is back this month with the final story in our LONE STAR COUNTRY CLUB trilogy. The Heart of a Stranger will leave you breathless when a man with a sordid past gets a chance for ultimate redemption. Launching a new series this month is Kathie DeNosky with Lonetree Ranchers: Brant. When a handsome rancher helps a damsel in distress, all his defenses come crashing down and the fun begins.

  Silhouette Desire is pleased to welcome two brand-new authors. Nalini Singh’s Desert Warrior is an intense, emotional read with an alpha hero to die for. And Anna DePalo’s Having the Tycoon’s Baby, part of our ongoing series THE BABY BANK, is a sexy romp about one woman’s need for a child and the sexy man who grants her wish—but at a surprising price.

  There’s plenty of passion rising up here in Silhouette Desire this month. So dive right in and enjoy.

  Melissa Jeglinski

  Senior Editor

  Silhouette Desire

  Billionaire Bachelors: Gray


  Books by Anne Marie Winston

  Silhouette Desire

  Best Kept Secrets #742

  Island Baby #770

  Chance at a Lifetime #809

  Unlikely Eden #827

  Carolina on My Mind #845

  Substitute Wife #863

  Find Her, Keep Her #887

  Rancher’s Wife #936

  Rancher’s Baby #1031

  Seducing the Proper Miss Miller #1155

  *The Baby Consultant #1191

  *Dedicated to Deirdre #1197

  *The Bride Means Business #1204

  Lovers’ Reunion #1226

  The Pregnant Princess #1268

  Seduction, Cowboy Style #1287

  Rancher’s Proposition #1322

  Tall, Dark & Western #1339

  A Most Desirable M.D. #1371

  Risqué Business #1407

  Billionaire Bachelors: Ryan #1413

  Billionaire Bachelors: Stone #1423

  Billionaire Bachelors: Garrett #1440

  Billionaire Bachelors: Gray #1526


  RITA® Award finalist and bestselling author Anne Marie Winston loves babies she can give back when they cry, animals in all shapes and sizes, and just about anything that blooms. When she’s not writing, she’s managing a house full of animals and teenagers, reading anything she can find and trying not to eat chocolate. She will dance at the slightest provocation and weeds her gardens when she can’t see the sun for the weeds anymore. You can learn more about Anne Marie’s novels by visiting her Web site at

  For Karen Solem,

  with my warmest thanks for sage advice and guidance,

  as well as friendship, thoughtfulness and caring;

  I am blessed to have you in my life.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  “I’m glad to hear you’re doing so well, Mr. MacInnes.” The doctor busied himself writing a prescription. “Twenty-four months post-transplant is a nice milestone. The heart appears to be functioning extremely well. Here’s an additional order for your antirejection drugs. Any questions?”

  Gray accepted the slip of paper the doctor handed to him. “Thank you.” He massaged the area around the incision beneath which a donor’s heart now beat in his chest. “Do you ever hear…do other organ recipients ever report…strange things after the transplant?”

  The doctor stopped in the act of gathering Gray’s file together and stared at him intently. “Strange things like what?”

  Gray shrugged. He’d felt foolish even bringing up the topic. Now he felt even more idiotic. “Nothing, really. Just little things that I don’t remember from before. Foods I didn’t like before taste good now.”

  The doctor smiled, still eyeing him curiously. “You might want to talk to some other organ recipients. We have a support group affiliated with the hospital, you know.” He hesitated. “There is a body of evidence, strictly from anecdotal reports by patients, that sometimes memories are transplanted along with an organ. It’s called cellular memory. One patient found he craved fried chicken, for instance, and another enjoys beer when she never could stand it before.”

  But how many of them remember a face? A voice? How many of them have intimate memories of one specific woman that they’ve never met before? Aloud, he said, “Thanks. Maybe I’ll look into that.”

  “They meet the third Tuesday of the month, I believe.” The doctor glanced discreetly at his watch. “If that’s all…?”

  “Just one other thing. I’d really like to thank the family of the donor whose heart I received in person. I know it’s against regulations—”

  But the doctor was shaking his head before the last words hit the air. “You know the transplant program has strict confidentiality policies in place. What you could do is write a letter and let the transplant management program forward it for you. You may include your name and address. If the family wishes to receive your correspondence and initiate contact, they can do so.”

  “I’ve already done that.” He’d written a note barely a week after his transplant, although he hadn’t given his name. At the time, he’d thought the family might prefer an anonymous contact. “I just…would like to meet them. Or even see them from a distance.” Maybe he’d write another letter and include his name.

  The physician smiled with sympathy at Gray. “I appreciate your need to express your thanks. But some families can’t handle any reminders of what they lost. Having a person who now possesses one of their loved one’s organs pop up out of the blue is too much for them to deal with. We try to protect their privacy.”

  “I can understand that.” Gray kept his voice calm and accepting, though inside he was shouting. But I have to find out who this woman is who’s invaded my head! “Thank you, anyway.”

  “You’re welcome. Keep up the good work. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a transplant patient in better shape at this stage.” He paused. “Of course, you were in
better health—except for the accident trauma—than most people who spend time on the transplant list with preexisting medical conditions.”

  Gray nodded. “So far, I’ve felt terrific.” Except for the fact that I seem to have gotten some other guy’s memories along with his heart.

  “Make sure you call me immediately if you run a fever or if there’s anything unusual occurring. Unless you need to come in earlier, I’ll see you at your next biopsy and checkup in six months.” The doctor stood and held out his hand, grinning when Gray stood and took it in a grip that left no doubt about his recovered strength. “Careful, I need those fingers.”

  The doctor turned and left the room and Gray lifted his shirt from the hook on the wall where he’d hung it when the doctor had examined him. He realized he still held the prescription he’d been handed and he leaned forward to lay it on the counter while he dressed.

  As he did so, his gaze caught sight of the file lying in plain sight on the counter. His file! He hesitated as ethics warred with his need to know, but after a moment, he reached out and flipped it open. A quick scan of the first few pages failed to yield the information he wanted, but at least he knew now that the donor heart had been flown in from Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland, to Temple in Philadelphia, where he’d received it.

  A few moments later, he was still buttoning his cuffs when the doctor strode back in and picked up the file, shaking his head. “I think I need some of those memory drugs everybody’s taking these days,” he said with a wry smile. “Take care, Mr. MacInnes.”


  “May I have this dance?”

  Catherine Thorne turned slowly away from her mother-in-law, to whom she’d been speaking when the stranger interrupted them. Actually, she’d begun babbling to Patsy the moment the man had started across the floor so he probably knew he wasn’t interrupting anything.

  He’d been watching her all evening, though she had no idea who he was. Tickets for the charity ball to benefit the organ donation program had been available to the public.

  “Thank you, but no. I, ah, I don’t dance.” She couldn’t remember the last time she’d told a lie and the words stuck in her throat.

  Beside her, Patsy Thorne chuckled. “That’s ridiculous, Catherine.” She turned to the tall stranger whose severely cut raven hair gleamed with blue-black highlights. “Of course she dances. She loves to dance. Now go.” She addressed her last words to Catherine with a gentle push.

  Catherine forced a smile. She loved her mother-in-law, to whom she was still close despite the death of Catherine’s husband, Mike, and she knew Patsy meant well. The older woman had told her many times that she was too young to hide herself away, that Mike would have wanted her to get out and find someone to share her life with…but Catherine still wished Patsy would quit trying to marry her off. In the past six months, she’d been introduced to more eligible bachelors than she could count.

  Slowly, she placed her hand in the palm the man extended, lifting her gaze to meet his as the shock of his warm flesh closing around hers quickened her breath. “Thank you. I…would be happy to…accept….”

  He had the darkest, bluest eyes she’d ever seen, his gaze so deep and intense that she forgot what she’d been saying. He was looking at her almost searchingly, as he had been since the moment their eyes had connected across the room earlier in the evening. Who was he?

  His hand was hard and firm around hers as he escorted her to the dance floor. When he turned and pulled her into his arms, she tensed for a second before she could prevent it. She hadn’t danced, hadn’t been held by a man in any way since Mike’s death.

  “I’m harmless,” he said into her ear as he swept her into the rhythm of the waltz.

  She searched his face. “Are you?”

  His eyebrows, black and thick, rose and he grinned. “More or less. I’m Gray MacInnes.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. MacInnes,” she responded formally, trying to ignore the way her stomach had fluttered up under her rib cage when he’d smiled. “I’m—”

  “Catherine,” he finished for her. “Catherine Thorne.”

  She gave him a small, cool smile, determined not to let him see how flustered she was by his nearness and the way he lingered over her name, drawing her first name out in a slow verbal caress. “You have me at a disadvantage, Mr. MacInnes. Have we met before?”

  He shook his head. “No. But you were fairly easy to identify when I asked who the lovely creature in midnight blue was. You organized tonight’s event, so nearly everyone knows you.”

  That was true. So why did she have the feeling there was something hidden, withheld behind his bland explanation?

  “Are you from Baltimore, Mr. MacInnes?” She concentrated on social small talk, trying to ignore how hard and unyielding his muscles felt beneath the perfect cut of his tux.

  “Please call me Gray. Originally, I’m from Philadelphia,” he said. “But I moved to Baltimore a few weeks ago. Did you grow up here?”

  “I did.” She inclined her head. “In Columbia, outside the city.”

  He drew her into a tight spin, whirling her in a circle, and she felt dwarfed by his powerful frame. At five foot six, she had never felt especially small. Her husband Mike had been six feet tall but he’d possessed a slender, athletic build. Gray MacInnes had to be at least three inches taller than Mike and if he hadn’t been a linebacker, he’d missed a golden opportunity.

  He was astonishingly light on his feet for such a large man, moving her easily over the dance floor. She’d missed dancing so much.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” It was a low growl in her ear and a shiver chased itself down her spine.

  She laughed, trying to dispel the intimacy that draped the two of them. “They aren’t worth that much. I was thinking of how much I enjoy dancing.”

  “Then you should do it often.”

  “I’m a widow. I rarely have the opportunity these days.” The words sounded so bald and starkly painful spoken aloud that she winced.

  “I’m sorry for your loss. How long since your husband passed away?” Though his words were conventional, he seemed curiously unsurprised, unshocked by her revelation. Perhaps he’d also learned that when he’d learned her name.

  “Two years,” she said. “Longer than we’d been married.”

  His hand tightened briefly around hers. “Was it unexpected?”

  “An auto accident. We were struck broadside by a truck.”

  His face pulled taut for a moment. “You were with him?”

  She nodded. “But the bulk of the impact occurred on his side.” Then she shook herself. “I’m sorry. This is hardly an appropriate conversation for a social function.”

  “It’s all right.” The strains of the waltz faded and a faster swing replaced it, but he still held her in his arms. “No children, I take it?”

  “Oh, yes.” She smiled easily, fully, as the thought of Michael always could make her do. “I have a son. He was born after his father’s death. He’s almost seventeen months old now.”

  Gray MacInnes went still; his arms were rigid around her. His blue eyes widened and if she hadn’t known better, she’d have thought her words shocked him. “Did—did your husband know?”

  “No. I—didn’t find out until after he died.”

  They’d stopped dancing altogether now and she looked up at him in concern. “Mr. MacInnes? Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. Call me Gray.” Those intense eyes were still fixed on her face. “That must have been difficult.”

  She was able to smile now, though the months of her pregnancy had been hellish in many ways as she’d mourned Mike and dealt with the fact that her child would grow up fatherless. “It was, but it was also an unbelievable gift.”

  “I can’t even imagine what you must have gone through.”

  She made herself smile and take the words at face value. “Well, the pregnancy wasn’t bad but I could have done without labor and delivery.”

p; “I bet,” he said, a grin lighting the intensity of his eyes. He relaxed again and his arms loosened. “Would you like to continue this set?”

  She nodded and they stepped into the lively pattern of the swing but a part of her noticed that he seemed different. What had been going on in his mind in the past few moments? She couldn’t shake the feeling that it had to do with their conversation about her son. Perhaps he’d suffered a recent loss. That might make him particularly sensitive to her experience.

  Forget it, she admonished herself. You haven’t dealt with men socially in so long you’ve lost the knack.

  They danced the rest of the set. She knew she probably shouldn’t encourage him by spending so much time with him, but she hadn’t danced in so long, and Gray MacInnes was a wonderful dancer. He was nothing like her husband, and in fact was a better dancer than Mike had ever been, but there was something about the way he held her that made her feel comfortable and safe and warm inside. The way she’d felt in Mike’s arms. It was a little disconcerting, and when she realized it, she leaned back from him and said, “Goodness! I’d better get back to the table. I feel guilty leaving poor Patsy all by herself.”

  As he took her back to the table where Patsy waited, she saw that far from being alone, her mother-in-law had found one of her best friends. Two beautifully coiffed heads were bent close together, but they straightened and separated when they saw the younger people returning. Patsy’s friend, a member of her bridge club, rose with a last smile and moved back to her own table.

  Catherine performed the obligatory introductions and Gray seated her.

  “Please join us,” Patsy invited him. “Catherine and I spend far too much time in each other’s company. A handsome gentleman is just what we need.”

  Gray chuckled, even white teeth flashing as he looked from the elegant silver-haired matron to Catherine. “Your time alone must be by choice. Two lovely ladies like you would have men swarming around if you permitted it.”


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