The Madeleine Richards Box Set (The Madeleine Richards Series Book 4)

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The Madeleine Richards Box Set (The Madeleine Richards Series Book 4) Page 7

by Juliette Duncan

  Steve Taylor then welcomed everyone, and opened the evening's performance in prayer.

  The girls' group was next. Maddy and Hannah made some last minute repairs to their hair whilst waiting to enter the stage, and were fidgety with nervous energy. The music started. They took a deep breath, looked at each other, and ran onto the stage to begin their routine. The girls were all skilled dancers, and had practiced the routine many times before, but tonight was the first time they'd performed it in front of an audience. They hoped that nothing would go wrong.

  It was a highly energetic, upbeat performance, and the audience loved it. Sarah was pleased to see that Maddy performed the difficult routine with ease, and had obviously enjoyed herself, if the smile on her face indicated anything.

  Relieved that it was over, Maddy and Hannah joined the rest of the girls back stage to change out of their costumes. Steve Taylor congratulated them on their performance, and then directed them to the seats at the front of the church so they could watch the remainder of the concert.

  It took Maddy's body and mind a while to calm down after the energetic performance, and she was caught whispering to Hannah several times. Eventually she managed to focus on the act at hand.

  The lights had dimmed, and Maddy could just make out the shape of what looked like a small boat in the center of the stage. Although she'd seen some of the other acts at rehearsal, she'd never really taken much notice of them. "It's the boys' skit," Hannah whispered in her ear.

  One of the boys was standing in the boat, holding onto the mast. The sound of wind and waves could be heard through the building. Another boy, standing to the right of the stage, began.

  "The disciples set sail one day on a three hour cruise across the Sea of Galilee."

  "A three hour cruise?" the boy in the boat called out. "Can I pass on this one?"

  Another boy, standing to the left, replied:

  "Stop whining, and start sailing."

  The sound of the wind and waves increased.

  "There was a storm at sea," Boy One said. "The tiny ship was tossed about."

  "The crew were terrified."

  "Then they saw a ghost."

  "A ghost!" The boy in the boat peered out, and from the back of the stage, a figure could be seen, walking towards the boat.

  "Don't be afraid," the figure called out. "It's just me, Jesus."

  The boy in the boat laughed nervously.

  "Jesus? Out for his nightly stroll on the water, I suppose? If it's really you, then have me come out there to you!"

  "That should get rid of the ghost," Boy Two said sarcastically.

  "Peter," Boy One said. "He wants you to go."

  "What? Go where?" Peter asked.

  "Out on the water," Boy One said.

  "Are you crazy?"

  "It was your idea!"

  "But I didn't really mean it."

  Peter strained to see through the storm.

  "Oh no. This is bad."


  "It might just be Jesus."

  "And by golly, he was right. It was Jesus. Standing right there on the water," Boy Two said.

  "Me and my big mouth."

  "Peter. Come," Jesus called out gently.

  Terrified, Peter got out of the boat, and started walking towards to Jesus.

  "This isn't too bad, after all," he said, turning to the audience.

  "Peter took his eyes off Jesus, and when he realized how stupid he had been (who walks on water anyway?), he began to sink."

  "Lord, help me!"

  Jesus reached out to him and caught him.

  "You of little faith. Why did you doubt?"

  The lights went out, and the audience clapped. Maddy wriggled uncomfortably. The skit had been a bit too serious for her liking.

  The guest performer was on next. He sang several of his well-known songs which he'd written himself. He then started to speak. Maddy normally turned off when the sermon started, but there was something about this guy that made her want to listen.

  As he shared his story, Maddy could sense something stirring in her heart. What was happening? God, is this you? She thought about the skit the boys had performed, and how Peter had been challenged to trust Jesus, and then about this guy's life. He'd had some horrible things happen to him, including losing both of his parents when he was young, but he still trusted Jesus, and he seemed to be happy.

  Maddy came back to the present when she heard him start praying.

  "Lord Jesus, I know there are some people here who have been fighting you. Maybe they've never really trusted you, and aren't sure if they can. I just ask that you will touch them, and draw them to yourself in your own way. Let them know that they can trust you, with whatever challenges they are facing, and that you will be with them, no matter what. Amen."

  Tears pricked Maddy’s eyes. She wiped them quickly with her hand. She didn't want anyone to see her crying. But her heart had been touched. She knew that God had reached out to her. But was she willing to reach out to him? To trust him to look after her when they moved? To even be happy about it?

  The band began playing, and the whole youth group started to re-assemble on stage for the last song of the night. It finished how it had begun, but this time, with the whole group singing Amazing Grace together. They held each other's hands as they sang, and this time, the words came alive in Maddy's heart. Yes, she could trust him. She would trust him!

  "Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear

  And Grace my fears relieved.

  How precious did that Grace appear

  the hour I first believed."

  The rest of the night passed in a blur. Hank and Sarah noticed a change in Maddy when they hugged her at the end of the performance. She appeared to be calm and at peace. She even hugged Hank, which she'd never done before.

  Later that night, after Hank had left for the long drive back to Smithtown, and Sarah and Maddy were drinking a cup of hot chocolate together in the living room, Maddy told her Mom what had happened. Sarah's heart rejoiced and tears ran down her cheeks. God had been faithful. Her prayers for Maddy had been answered.

  As they sat together on the sofa, they both knew that God was with them, and would help them face whatever lay ahead.

  Chapter 17

  The day of the wedding dawned bright and clear. A beautiful day to get married, Sarah thought! Maddy and Sarah had risen early, and had shared a simple breakfast of fruit and toast. It was a special time, being the last meal they'd share together in this house on their own.

  Everything was just about ready. Sarah had booked the hairdresser in town for eight o'clock. Her mom was coming to the house to help the girls get dressed at ten o'clock, and then her father was arriving soon after to accompany her to the church in the wedding car.

  Maddy hadn't enjoyed her trips to the dressmaker, but when she tried the dress on at the last fitting session, she was surprised by how nice it made her feel. Maybe wearing a dress wasn't going to be so bad after all.

  Robyn was already at the hairdresser's when Sarah and Maddy arrived. They hugged each other before being seated for their two hours of pampering. As Maddy's hair and make-up was being done, she thought back to the night of her birthday party, when she and her friends had enjoyed their girly girl make-up session. It seemed so long ago, and so much had happened since then. That was before her world had been turned upside down.

  What would life be like in Smithtown? Although she'd accepted the fact that the move was inevitable, she was still a little apprehensive about it all. The thought of starting a new school where she knew no-one filled her with dread, but then she remembered she wouldn't be alone. God would be with her. He would give her strength.

  She wondered what it would really be like having Hank around all the time. Having him as her Dad. It hadn't been that long since she'd fought against him, but now, especially after the running away episode, she'd come to realise what a strong, caring man he was, and how much he loved both her mom and herself. It would b
e okay. In fact, it would be good! For the first time in her life that she could remember, she would have a dad!

  Sarah, too, had time to reflect whilst her hair was being done. The hairdresser had been chatty to start with, but now under the dryer, she had some quiet time to herself to reflect and enjoy the experience. Although slightly nervous, she couldn't wait to be Mrs Wilson! Meeting Hank had changed her life. No longer would she spend lonely nights on her sofa, wishing that Dave was there with her. No longer would she have to make decisions on her own. Hank would be there. What a wonderful thought!

  "How are we going here?" Sarah was jolted back to the present when the hairdresser lifted the dryer off her head.

  "Great, thanks. I was just day dreaming a little and enjoying the rest."

  "Yes, it's going to be go, go, go soon, but I'm sure it will be a wonderful wedding! Such a perfect day!"

  Shortly after, with their hair and make-up done and looking beautiful, the three girls drove back to Sarah's house. Sarah had looked forward to this day for so long, and now it was here. Putting on her beautiful dress made it feel so much more real. She looked at herself in the mirror, and was pleased with what she saw. The dress was very simple, but suited her tall, slim figure. Her hair had been slightly curled, so that it bounced lightly on her shoulders, creating a soft, very feminine look.

  She turned and looked at Maddy in her lovely long dress, and almost didn't recognize her!

  "Oh Maddy, look at you! You look absolutely stunning! And how grown up you look! Where's my little girl gone?" Sarah gave Maddy a careful hug, so as not to get any make-up on her dress, and fought back the tears that had suddenly welled up in her eyes.

  "You look pretty good yourself, Mom. Maybe we should get dressed up more often!" Maddy joked.

  "Well, it's definitely good to see you in a dress, so maybe we should," Sarah replied.

  "I think the cars are here," Betty said, looking out the window.

  Her father came in and greeted all the ladies before taking Sarah's arm and walking her to the waiting car. Maddy and Robyn followed behind, and carefully climbed into the other car.

  Hank had been waiting nervously in the church for his bride to arrive. When he heard the whisper go through the congregation that the car had just pulled up, he smiled to himself and adjusted his tie.

  The music changed, and everyone turned their heads in anticipation. Robyn was first to walk down the aisle, looking lovely in her gorgeous, mint green dress. Next to come was Maddy. Hannah couldn't believe it was her! What an amazing transformation! Maddy smiled at her as she walked slowly down the aisle. Such an unreal experience. It was hard to believe that this was actually happening. For one, that she was in a dress, and two, that she was walking down the aisle at her mom and Hank's wedding, and that she actually felt happy about it.

  She could see Hank standing at the front of the church. He was smiling at her. Her eyes locked with his, and in that moment, there was acknowledgment of a special understanding. She joined Robyn on the side, and then waited for her mom to walk down the aisle.

  All eyes were on Sarah as she entered the chapel on her father's arm. Mesmerized by his beautiful bride, Hank couldn't take his eyes off her as she walked slowly down the aisle towards him. Sarah's heart was beating rapidly. This was the moment she'd been dreaming of. She glanced briefly around at her friends and family who were there to share this special day with her, but then she only had eyes for Hank.

  He reached out and took her arm, squeezing her hand as she took her place beside him. Pastor Jim Carmody welcomed everyone, and then led Hank and Sarah through the traditional ceremony.

  "Dearly beloved," he began. "We are gathered here today in the presence of God to witness and bless the exchanging of vows that will bind Hank and Sarah together in the covenant of marriage."

  Hank turned his head to look at Sarah and smiled. The congregation relaxed as the love between these two special people radiated out and touched their hearts.

  Maddy was close to tears as her mom and Hank shared their vows with each other. Such a beautiful and touching moment. Hank took her by surprise when he turned and faced her, and spoke directly to her.

  "Maddy," he said. "Thank you for sharing your mom with me. I know how difficult this has been for you. I love you, Maddy, and I am committed to making your life full of happiness and fun, nurturing your creativity, encouraging your independence, and making sure you always know what a special gift you are to this world. I look forward to helping you grow into a beautiful woman, just like your mom."

  There was hardly a dry eye in the congregation. When Pastor Jim pronounced Hank and Sarah man and wife, everyone clapped and cheered. Such a joyous occasion.

  They’d chosen to have their reception in the park beside the river. Being summer, the park was overflowing with a stunning array of colorful roses and flowering annuals. The setting was absolutely superb for the relaxed celebration of the start of their new life together.

  Maddy looked at her mom and her new dad out of the corner of her eye as she stood talking with Hannah, Skye, Talitha, and Beccy. They were arm in arm, and her Mom looked so happy.

  "We're going to miss you, Maddy," Talitha was saying.

  "We'll all have to come and visit you in Smithtown," Skye added.

  "I'm going to miss you guys too." Maddy turned her attention back to her friends. "How about we organize another slumber party at our new house one weekend, and we can have fun doing our nails and make-up again? I think I've kind of got the hang of it now!"

  "Sounds great!" Beccy said.

  The girls heard the music start, and watched with delight as Hank took Sarah's hand for their first dance together as husband and wife. It was so graceful and touching, and even Maddy, who didn't like to think of herself as a romantic, couldn't help but be swept away by the love that was so evident between them.

  Once again, she wasn't prepared when, at the end of his dance with Sarah, Hank came over and took her hand, and pulled her to the dance floor. Everyone gushed when they heard Steven Curtis Chapman's beautiful song, Cinderella, start playing. Such a fitting song for Hank to share with his new daughter. Maddy was surprised and delighted at the same time. Although feeling awkward in front of everyone to start with, Hank encouraged her to relax and enjoy the experience. She couldn't have felt more loved or special at that moment.

  Later, when he gave his speech, everyone was touched by the sincerity of his words.

  "Life is a gift given to us by God," he began. "We need to reach out and take it with both hands. It's also important to cherish those special moments in life, and the special people he sends our way. Today is one of those very special moments, and Sarah and Maddy are those very special people that God has sent my way." Turning to face Sarah and Maddy, he continued. "I promise to love and cherish you both for the rest of my life. I love you, and I look forward to sharing my life with you."

  Everyone clapped and cheered again, and then it was time for Hank and Sarah to leave. Before they left, however, Sarah pulled Maddy aside and whispered in her ear.

  "Pack your bags, Maddy. We've got a surprise for you!"

  Turn the page to find out what Maddy’s surprise is in “Problems in Paradise” (Madeleine Richards Series Book 2), but before you do, if you've enjoyed Maddy's story so far, could I ask you (or your mom) to help other people find this book by writing a review and telling them why you liked it? Honest reviews of my books help bring them to the attention of other readers just like yourself, and I’d be very grateful if you could spare just five minutes to leave a review (it can be as short as you like) on the book’s Amazon page. You can jump right to the page by clicking here. Thank you!

  BOOK 2 Problems in Paradise

  Cover Design by

  Copyright © 2015 Juliette Duncan

  All rights reserved.

  THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All ri
ghts reserved worldwide.

  Chapter 1

  "Maddy, I'm scared!" Twelve year old Hannah McDougall bolted upright in her seat and reached for her best friend's hand.

  The seat belt sign had been turned on a few seconds earlier, and the air hostess had announced they were entering some turbulence, but "there should be nothing to worry about."

  "Nothing to worry about! She must be joking!" Hannah said.

  "It'll be okay, Hannah," Maddy replied, squeezing her best friend’s hand and trying to sound more confident than she felt.

  Great. The first time we've flown and we're going to crash, Maddy thought.

  She took a deep breath to calm her nerves just before the plane hit an air pocket and plummeted several meters through the air. Apart from the general gasp that filled the cabin, the only noise she could hear above the droning of the airplane’s engines was a screaming baby and its mother trying to sooth it. It seemed all the other passengers were praying silently, and bracing themselves for what was to come.

  Hannah's grip on Maddy’s hand tightened.

  "Breathe deeply, Han, and pray," Maddy said, heeding her own advice.

  Maddy held on tight as the plane continued to bump its way through the night sky like a boxer in a boxing ring being pummelled by his opponent, each blow stronger than the last, and threatening to knock him out.

  "Are you two okay there?" Sarah, Maddy's mom, leant forward and asked.

  "Kind of." Maddy turned around slightly so she could see her mom and her new dad in the row behind. "It's a bit scary. How long do you think it will last?"

  "Have no idea. Hopefully not too long!" Sarah replied. "Hang on tight," she said as the plane hit another bad patch.

  When it seemed that the worst might have been over, Maddy lifted the blind a fraction so she could peek outside to see what was happening. What she saw reminded her of the fireworks display that had marked the end of her years at Riversleigh Junior School just a few days before. She thought it would have been great to watch if she wasn’t so scared.


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