Heven & Hell Anthology (Heven and Hell)

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Heven & Hell Anthology (Heven and Hell) Page 1

by Cambria Hebert

  Heven & Hell

  Short Story Anthology


  Bonus Content

  By Cambria Hebert


  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions

  thereof, in any form without written permission except for the use of brief

  quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Published by: Cambria Hebert


  Interior design and typesetting by Sharon Kay

  Cover design by MAE I DESIGN

  Edited by Cassie McCown

  Copyright 2013 by Cambria Hebert

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents

  either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used

  fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,

  business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents







  Bonus Content


  To Aurora, my Mommom. Thank you for reading everything I publish, including this.

  Oh, and for all those times you let me buy Boardwalk when we played Monopoly.


  A Heven and Hell prequel

  By Cambria Hebert


  I stared before me at the mess. The mess I was supposed to clean up. I was tired of doing this. Tired of this lifestyle and pretending like it didn’t bother me. It did. It was disgusting – and by extension I was disgusting.

  Completely unworthy of someone like her.

  Heven. I hadn’t heard her name until yesterday, when I got close enough to overhear it. It was perfect, it fit her perfect. Because to me she was heaven, she was everything I could ever want and everything I couldn’t have.

  I stared down at the splatters of blood and gore, the pieces of ripped flesh. The scent of death clung to the air, leaving it heavy and regretful.

  “Don’t just stand there,” the person whom I was beginning to view as a monster snapped.

  A person that once upon a time wasn’t like the crazed –psycho killer that stood before me today. I had learned things from this person, learned about myself, learned how to survive.

  Was I going to end up like this too?

  What would Heven say if she saw what I was about to do?

  “No.” I said, firmly, refusing the order that was just issued.

  “Excuse me?” Eyes narrowed until they were nothing but slits. Behind me the others stopped their gathering of what was left of the victim… or victims, it was hard to tell with what was left so scattered about. I could feel their eyes bore into the back of me, but I didn’t care.

  “I’ve cleaned up your last mess. I won’t do it anymore. You’re sick.”

  “After everything I’ve done for you, you dare talk to me like this?”

  “If you don’t stop killing people, I’ll make sure the police know where to find the bodies of all the people you’ve murdered… and evidence of exactly who put them there.”

  “If you turn me in, you’ll go down as well. You might not have had the fun but you helped hide the crime. Every. Single. Time. The police won’t think you’re innocent.”

  I shrugged, praying that I looked as bored as I tried to. “As long as you go down, I don’t care.”

  “And what of that little girlfriend that you seem to covet above all else? I wonder if you would feel the same if these were her parts scattered at your feet.”

  “I don’t know who you’re talking about.” I lied.

  The laugh that echoed around me was one that did belong to a monster. What had caused such a change? Why the constant need for bloodshed and killing? It was almost as if the monster was trying to prove something. “You know full well who I am talking about.”

  “I haven’t seen her in weeks. She means nothing to me. Do what you want. I meant what I said. I am done here.” I turned away, feeling sick to my stomach, praying that my bluff wasn’t called.

  The others had resumed collecting the remains so that they could burn or bury them later. They were no longer looking at me, but as I walked away from the monster, a pair of dark eyes flashed to mine. I stared back without blinking; I would accept any challenge that was issued.

  “Wait.” The voice was a near growl, a forced word that the monster must have practically choked on to force out.

  I stopped but didn’t turn back. I was my own person – my own man – I was done following orders.

  “Will you still help me look?”

  Ahh, the thing that mattered most to the monster. Finding something that probably didn’t even exist. I waited a few moments, weighing my options. I could walk right now and never look back. I could get into my truck and drive until the landscape changed and I knew no one. But that would mean never seeing her again. The thought left me surprisingly hollow. And, it was no guarantee that Heven would be safe, I could leave and the monster could carry out the threat to harm her. If I stayed, if I agreed to continue searching then maybe Heven would be forgotten, she would be safe.

  I looked back, over my shoulder. “I’ll help you look but the killing stops now. You waste searching time when you take out your anger on innocent people.” Like I cared how much time was wasted searching, but I was tired of the death… the echoes of screams and pools of blood that filled my dreams.

  “Fine,” the monster snapped. “Just remember who you are and who you aren’t. Remember exactly who you have forgotten.”

  I didn’t respond. I walked away, allowing the darkness of night to swallow me whole and give me some sense of relief. Message received. There would be no more killing as long as I continued to stay far away from Heven.

  It was a small price to pay to give someone that pure, someone that innocent, the life she deserved.

  I just wished I could have met her once.


  “Can you believe the nerve of our history teacher?” I complained, walking down the hallway and stopping at my locker. “I mean who assigns a three page essay to be due the next day when there is only two weeks left of school until summer vacation?”

  “Google, my friend, Google.” Kimber said, watching as I tossed my unwanted books into my locker. “I fully intend to buy a paper.”

  I laughed as I consulted the small pink framed mirror hanging on the inside of the door. I pulled out a tube of lip gloss and unscrewed the cap. “I cannot buy a paper, Kimber. If my mother ever found out I would be grounded for life.”

  “Lucky for me my parents hardly know I’m alive.”

  She said it off-handedly, but I knew that her parent’s lack of attention was hard for her. “Looks like I’ll be spending my evening in the library.” I sighed.

  Kimber reached into my locker and pulled out my pink sequined duffle bag. “Cheer first, school later.”

  I slammed my locker door and we headed off toward the locker room where we would change for cheerleading practice.

  Just as we turned the corner we saw two guys heading in our direction. Cole and Brice. Kimber elbowed me in the ribs and I giggled. “Here he comes, Hev.”

  Cole and Brice stopped a few feet in front of us with Cole leaning forward to kiss Kimber. When he pulled back he gave me a smile. “Hey, Hev.”

  “Hey, Cole.” Cole’s eyes slid to Brice. “Hey, Brice.” I said brightly, offering my crush a smile.

  “Hey, Heven. You’re l
ooking good.”


  He acted like he might say more but the group descended into silence with Cole standing over me and Brice like a chaperone.

  “Cole, I wanted to talk to you about something.” Kimber said, giving me the eye.

  “Sure, Kimmie,” he said, glancing at her, waiting for her to continue.

  “In private,” she said, exasperated and took his arm, leading him away. She looked back at me and gave me a dazzling smile. I giggled.

  When they were a fair distance away Brice cleared his throat. “So, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to Kimber’s end-of-the-year party?”

  Excitement exploded through my middle. “I would love to.” I had been hoping he would ask me! We had gone out a few times before, but this, showing up at Kimber’s party together would be making a statement. A statement that we were an item.

  He smiled, turning the power of both his dimples and his dazzling smile on me. “Yeah? Cool.” He shoved a hand through his brown hair, visibly relieved.

  I twisted a strand of shiny blond hair around my finger and smiled, about to say something completely ditzy I’m sure, but Kimber saved me from making an idiot of myself. “Heven, we gotta go. We can’t be late for cheerleading; they’re announcing next year’s squad captain!”

  How could I have forgotten about that?!

  “I heard that you’re going to be named.” Brice said. “Congrats, captain.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “But it hasn’t been announced yet.”

  Kimber made a noise. “Please, like you don’t know it’s in the bag.”

  Well, okay, it was pretty certain. I gave Cole and Brice and little wave as Kimber drug me away.

  We quickly changed into our cheer uniforms and I took a moment to brush my hair into a ponytail and add blue and gold ribbons (the school’s colors) wanting to look fabulous for the moment I was made captain.

  Then we rushed out into the gymnasium where my future awaited.


  I took another glance at the clock. Only a few more minutes ‘til my shift was over. Usually I liked working; it was a good excuse not to be home. I liked the people. They didn’t seem to have any hidden agendas or horrible secrets lurking in their gaze. But tonight I just wanted to leave. I felt caged in, restless.

  The monster was gone, and even though I knew it would be coming back, it always came back, I was thankful for the fact that I had been rid of it for a few days. I felt like I could breathe – I had been able to let down my guard for a while. I knew why I was so edgy tonight.

  I wanted to see her.

  It felt like eons since my eyes had last looked at her beautiful face. I said I wouldn’t see her again. I missed her. I could go and see her, from a distance of course and no one would know.

  Just one last time.

  I would make this last memory count. I would commit it to my brain so that I would always carry a little piece of her with me.

  I would tell her goodbye. Even though I never got to say hello.


  Best. Day. Ever! This day was turning out to be awesome! The cheer squad was mine, Brice and I were practically dating – we would be dating after Kimber’s party and summer vacation was only a couple short weeks away! Now, if I could only erase this little essay problem this day would be perfect. Maybe I should take Kimber’s lead on this one and buy a paper.

  “Come on, Hev, let’s go!”

  I took one last look in the full-length mirror before grabbing my stuff and heading out after Kimber. I looked good, just the way the soon-to-be head cheerleader should look. I was wearing a pair of dark skinny jeans and a purple top that was softly tie-dyed and was slightly longer on each side of my hip. It was a loose, swinging style and since it was still kind of cool outside (Thank you, Maine weather), I was wearing a lightweight light purple Burnout tee underneath. To top off my outfit, I was wearing not one, but two, necklaces. The first was a long chain with a giant white paperclip that was blinged out with purple crystals. The second was shorter and simpler, my mother gave it to me: a simple silver cross on a silver chain. I finished off the outfit with a pair of dark purple heels with a crystal detail at the toe. I released my light blond hair from my ponytail and let it fall in waves around my shoulders.

  With that I rushed out of the locker room and ran (as good as anyone can run in heels) to catch up with my friends. They welcomed me with smiles and more congratulations. It felt great. I was a lucky girl.

  “So are we on for some celebration?” Amber asked.

  Kimber looked at me. I smiled. “Sure thing!”

  On the way out to Kimber’s too cute red car I leaned in and whispered. “Drop me off at the library after?”

  Kimber laughed. “I knew you’d never buy a paper.”

  I’d thought about it. But, yeah, in the end I couldn’t do it. I didn’t like being lied to and I wasn’t about to lie to my teacher. “Guess not,” I smiled.

  Cole was driving by as we were climbing into Kimber’s car so he stopped and rolled down the window.

  “Follow me!” Kimber called, and blew Cole a kiss.

  I spotted Brice in the passenger seat of Cole’s truck and on impulse I blew him a kiss too. I saw him grin as they drove away.


  She wasn’t at the first place I looked. Usually she was riding a horse on a huge property that belonged to someone she must know. She would ride the horse into the woods and along a trail that wound through the trees.

  It was the first place I saw her. A day I wouldn’t soon forget.

  I wasn’t sure where else she would be, but I remembered a place that I followed her to a while back and I drove there, hoping that she would be there. When I pulled up I got lucky and saw the red car that she was always riding in and I knew that she would be inside. It was a popular place to hang out, a coffee shop that also served food. Because it was late afternoon and school had let out, it was busy, but that was good.

  It gave me cover.

  I could blend in and no one would even know I was there. A little voice inside urged me to see how close I could get. I was tempted by the voice, but I had vowed to only see her from afar…

  When I opened the door to the café, I was greeted with the strong scent of coffee and pastries. My stomach growled, I was always hungry, but I hadn’t come here to eat. To avoid sticking out I went to the counter and ordered some kind of coffee drink, I have no idea what I asked for because I was too busy trying to see where Heven might be.

  When the barista went off to make whatever I ordered I took the chance to glance around the room and over my shoulder. I saw her immediately. It’s like her shiny blond hair and smile were a beacon to my lost ship. Her back was turned and she was laughing. She had a great laugh. It was confident and carefree. She was at a table that was full of people, so full that it spilled out to the booth behind them, where guys were leaning over it and talking.

  All eyes were on Heven.

  Why wouldn’t they be?

  She was beautiful. There was something about her that people responded to.. As I was about to turn away (wouldn’t be good to be caught staring), I saw a guy directly across from her reach out and brush a strand of her hair away from her face. He was grinning, like a cat that ate the mouse.

  I didn’t like him.

  In fact, I wanted to deck him.

  But I wouldn’t. Why shouldn’t she be happy?

  The lady at the counter slid a cup across the counter and I handed her a few dollars, grabbed the cup (turns out I ordered something hot) and walked away. The booth directly in front of the one Heven was sitting in was being vacated and the temptation to be close to her was too great. I tried not to think about how easy my vow not to get too close to her was disregarded as I casually walked over and slid in. I sat with my back to Heven, her back to me. I imagined that without the thick wood of the bench, our backs would be pressed together.

  I took a sip of my drink, it was coffee and it was sweet (not ba
d but I preferred something else) and sat it down. Then I reached into my leather jacket and pulled out a comic and slapped it down on the table. It fell open and I left it that way. To anyone who looked I would look like someone who was enjoying a coffee with my read.


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