Heat Wave: A Summer Loving Anthology

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Heat Wave: A Summer Loving Anthology Page 5

by Anthology

  “This looks delicious. How long were you in the kitchen?” Mom asks disbelievingly as she takes a skewer of fresh fruit chunks from the plate.

  “Long enough for you and Dad to steam up my picture window during the heat of summer,” I deadpan and Cass snorts.

  “If you’re having performance issues, we’ll be glad to talk to you about it, son,” Dad chimes in.

  Cass and Mali both snort and quickly cover their mouths. I glare at them before turning my wrath on my father.

  “Not funny, Dad.” Okay, so maybe wrath is a strong word to use with my dad. “Talking about performance issues, which I don’t have, with my parents would definitely give me performance issues. Which I don’t have.”

  Fuck. This is going to be a long week with my family here.

  “Do you think he’s protesting too much, honey?” Dad asks Mom, like I’m not standing right fucking here.

  “Well, I didn’t want to say anything in front of his girlfriend,” Mom shrugs.

  “Since she is his girlfriend, I’m sure she already knows,” Dad says as he picks up some fruit. “Mali, how long have the two of you been dating? What kind of problems have you experienced with him?”

  Mali’s mouth drops open and she gapes at my dad. To save her, I jump in to answer for her. “We just recently became exclusive,” I vaguely explain.

  Dad shakes his head quickly from side to side, dismissing me. “What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?”

  “Dad. What?” I ask with frustration as I struggle to keep up with this conversation. “You know what, never mind. Forget I asked that. I don’t care what you mean. I don’t have performance issues. We don’t have performance issues. We perform just fine. Can we talk about something else now?”

  “Your father and I have been seeing an emotional connection coach. We’ve learned a lot and we can help you, Jagger,” Mom confides. “It’s been excellent for our sex life. We got caught having sex in the car on the side of the road the other night because we just couldn’t wait until we got home.”

  I think I may develop performance issues from this visual in my head now.

  “Oh my God, Mom. Stop. This is child abuse,” Cass groans and covers her ears with her hands. “I’m sure my ears are bleeding now from hearing this.”

  “So, let’s change the subject before Mali leaves and never comes back,” I say with an eye roll. “You’re staying all week, right?”

  “About that,” Dad starts and gives me a very bad feeling. “That was our original plan, but we’ve agreed on something even better. We’re moving here!”

  Mom and Dad both smile widely. Mom bounces up and down on the cushion as they wait for my excitement to catch up with theirs. They’re moving here? What the hell?

  I glance at Cass to verify that this is some cruel joke the family is playing on me, but her face confirms she was afraid to tell me herself. Traitorous sibling. “You’re leaving Tennessee? And the mountains?” I finally ask with pretend enthusiasm.

  “We’ve decided to live at the beach and vacation in the mountains for a change,” Dad explains. “We’ve done the exactly opposite all our lives, just because that’s what we’ve been comfortable with doing. Coming here to visit you the last several years made us wish for it, and now we’re finally doing something about it.”

  “We only live once, and we should live where we’re happiest. Close to our kids,” Mom beams.

  The smile that’s plastered on my face has become a permanent fixture. I’m destined to look like a raving lunatic for the rest of my life because I can’t bring myself to break my mom’s heart. My head keeps nodding and my mouth is frozen in a scary smile, like an evil clown bent on devouring small children.

  “I think that’s wonderful news,” Mali exclaims. “Being an only child, I’ve always wished for a big family.”

  My eyes are throwing daggers at her while my sadistic clown smile remains intact. My fucking head still bobs up and down, agreeing with every word that’s said. Is it not clear that my parents are moving to be close to me? Essentially, wherever I move, they will follow. Just to be close to me.

  Now that damn song is stuck in my head.

  “So, Cass,” I turn to her and she flinches at my creepy frozen smile. “You’re moving here, too? With Mom and Dad?”

  Cass purses her lips as she tries to keep from laughing out loud. “Eventually, yes. I have one more semester of college until I graduate. Only because the class I needed is only offered one semester a year and it was full last time. So, I’ll stay in the house until it sells.”

  “So, to answer your question, son. It looks like we’ll be here longer than a week. But we’ll try to find our own place as soon as possible,” Dad explains. “We don’t want to cramp your style, especially with a new girlfriend.”

  “It’s time to go swimming,” Mom announces suddenly.

  Talk about saved by the bell. Dad gave me a strange look when he said ‘girlfriend,’ and I really don’t want to get into a bunch of questions about her. They know I haven’t been serious about anyone in years, since my high school crush that turned into a crushed heart. But that girl isn’t the reason why I refuse to settle down.

  First of all, I’m the lead singer of a rock band and I have pussy thrown at me left and right. They also throw their thongs and bras at me while I’m onstage singing. But I digress. The point is, there are just too many beautiful ladies to pick just one forever.

  Secondly, and this is really the main reason, I’ve seen what love does to people. I witnessed how it tore my mom and dad to shreds when they fought. The daggers they threw with their words stung me to the core. The whole premise of till death do us part would make me willingly go to my grave early. Even seeing them now doesn’t convince me that it won’t revert back at the first sign of trouble.

  “Yeah, let’s swim,” Cass enthusiastically agrees. “It’s a beautiful, hot day out there. No wasting it.”

  After I show Mali to my bedroom so she can change into her bathing suit, I walk back into the kitchen and wait for her to come out. To avoid suspicion in case my parents come out first, I start preparing the steak, chicken, and vegetables for the poolside grill. We repeat this same ritual with their yearly visit.

  “You want to tell me what the hell is going on?” Cass demands.

  “Holy shit, Cass,” I exclaim at her. “That’s a good way to get hurt–sneaking up on a man with a knife in his hand.”

  “Whatever,” she says and rolls her eyes. “I know you, Jagger Alexander York. You do not have a girlfriend. I just talked to you recently about this. We laughed about the clingy biotch who signed up for guitar lessons just to try to get to you at work.”

  Fuck. I forgot about that conversation. Cass knows it, too. She has always been able to read me like a fucking book.

  “So spill it, lover boy. What’s really going on here?” She raises her eyebrows and waits for my explanation.

  “All right, look,” I sigh heavily. “She’s a good girl. Highly inexperienced. She wants me to teach her how to, you know, loosen up and have some fun. I agreed to be exclusive with her while she’s here for the summer. When the season ends, we end.”

  Cass looks at me like I’ve grown a new pair of testicles on my forehead. The look is a mixture of horror and amazement, and it really freaks me out when she has this expression.

  “You just confirmed the belief I’ve held my entire life.” She put her hands on her hips. Here it comes. “I’m adopted. There’s no other explanation. We cannot be siblings.”

  “What are you babbling about?” I throw my arms out to the side in frustration.

  “Do you honestly think that a girl with no experience can spend the whole summer with you and not become attached? If she has no experience, and wants to ‘loosen up’,” she makes those mocking air quotation gestures, “tell me how she’ll do that from being exclusive with you?”

  Cass nails me to the wall with her logic. I didn’t even consider this could happen. Ma
li and I have a deal, an arrangement, an understanding that doesn’t include any of this nonsense. Shaking my head, I refuse to believe my sister. “You’re crazy,” I point at her. “Mali and I have an agreement. She doesn’t want the happily-ever-after-lie any more than I do.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, Romeo,” she replies sarcastically. “It won’t change anything, but it’ll make it funnier to watch your nervous breakdown at the end of the summer when you realize you really do have a girlfriend,” she laughs and walks out the back door to the pool.

  “Why aren’t you in your swimming trunks yet, son?” Dad asks as he breezes by me. His beach towel is draped around his neck, his zinc oxide covers his nose, and he’s ready for the pool as soon as he grabs a beer.

  “Just getting the food ready for the grill. I’m going to change now,” I stall as I wait for Mali to unlock my bedroom door.

  “Where is Mali?” Dad asks, reading my mind. He stands in front of the sliding glass door that leads out to the pool and scans the area. “I only see Cass outside.”

  “Yeah, Mali’s still in the bedroom changing clothes or something.” I pretend to be too busy to know.

  “I like her so far. I’m glad you’ve finally found someone to settle down with,” Dad says thoughtfully. “Your mom and I were beginning to think you’d be a career bachelor and we’d never have any grandkids from you.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Dad,” I shout. “Way too soon for that kind of talk. If you want grandkids anytime in the next ten to fifty years, you need to talk to your daughter.”

  “You’re the oldest, Jagger. I expect you to lead the way, be the example,” Dad slowly turns his head and pins me with is pointed gaze. “Cass looks up to you, as a little sister should. She watches what you do, whether you realize it or not.”

  He slides the door open and walks out on the deck. After he drops his towel on the lounge chair, his beer on the table, and slides his feet out of his flip-flops, he runs and does a cannonball into the water. His resulting splash completely soaks Cass, who screams expletives at him. They splash each other, laugh, and take turns trying to knock each other off the floats.

  Memories from our childhood flash in my mind. Brief glimpses of how our family used to be when we were kids and we all had fun together march along, bringing more feelings with them than full scenes. It was fun. It was good. It was different back then.

  It was a long time ago.

  Female voices carry down the hallway from my mom and Mali’s conversation. As they get closer to the kitchen, I turn to walk toward them so I can change and join the outdoor party. My jaw drops, my feet halt, and my eyes bulge out of my head when I see Mali in her sexy as hell bikini. A different kind of bulge is forming, one that only deflates when I silently repeat the words, “Mom is watching, Mom is watching,” over and over again.



  THE EXPRESSION ON Jagger’s face as I walk toward him gives me the encouragement I need. I’ve been standing in his bedroom for the past several minutes staring at myself in his full-length mirror. After putting on my bikini, a severe case of the doubts hit me.

  There were so many women who tried to get his attention at the club. So many were better built, they were more beautiful, and they were much more experienced. I can’t think of one thing I have to offer him that he can’t get from a hundred other willing women.

  But right now he’s looking at me as if I’m the only woman alive. He makes me feel alive and gives me the courage I need to see this agreement through. I’m still shocked that I even propositioned him with this ludicrous plan, but the truth is I don’t want to turn back now.

  “The food is ready for the grill,” Jagger says absently, as his eyes feast on me.

  “I would’ve helped you with that, Jagger,” Marlene chides him.

  “It’s fine, Mom,” he replies then licks his lips. “Dad and Cass are already out by the pool if you want to join them.”

  It sounds like he wants her to join them. But I don’t know if he wants me to go outside without him.

  “Do you need me to help you with anything, Jagger?” I offer.

  His eyes widen briefly before slightly narrowing at me. They darken from his chocolate brown to almost black and he draws in a deep breath. “Sure, if you don’t mind,” he huskily replies.

  “Not at all,” I smile as my bravado kicks in. “I’ll be out in a few minutes, Marlene.”

  “Okay, sweetheart,” she replies as she walks past Jagger toward the kitchen. “You two don’t take too long.”

  Jagger grabs my hand and pulls me into his bedroom behind him. The door is closed, locked, and my back is up against it faster than I can process it. His mouth is instantly on mine but his touch surprises me. There’s definitely an air of urgency but his kiss is deliciously tender. His tongue flicks across my lips and a moan escapes from deep inside me.

  He pulls his head back and his eyes meet mine, the fire burns brightly in them. “You’re already killing me in this bikini. But when you make those sounds…” His voice trails off but his body tells me everything I need to know.

  My fingers grip his arms and I pull him back to me. He leans into me, pushes his whole body against mine, and claims my mouth again. His finger skims across the skin of my thigh and I have no doubt that he’s about to rock my world. As his fingers keep moving up the inside of my thigh, my body begins to tremble uncontrollably. The pounding of my heart beating resonates in my ears and I’m lost in my desire.

  “Jagger,” a man shouts from the other side of the door. “Are you in there primping again? It’s just a pool party, dude. Come on.” He bangs on the door again so hard I step toward Jagger before I get knocked out.

  “Give me a fucking minute, Dane,” Jagger growls through the door.

  The sound of Dane’s footsteps disappears down the hall before I hear the sliding glass door open and close. When I raise my eyes to look at Jagger, his frustration is palpable. “Guess it’s a good thing he interrupted when he did. Your family would definitely know what we’re doing in here,” I say with a shrug.

  “They think you’re my girlfriend, Mali. They don’t think we’re waiting for marriage,” he smirks.

  “No, but they would think we should wait until after the pool party,” I reply.

  “Give me two seconds,” he shakes his head.

  Then he strips right in front of me. He’s completely buck-naked, shameless, and carefree. My mouth drops open in shock, my eyes bulge out, and they are trained right on his crotch as he walks to his dresser. When he turns his back to me to find his swimming trunks, he gives me a perfect view of his sexy ass.

  I’ve just decided his family can wait.

  “Jagger,” a voice that sounds a lot like Tanner yells down the hall. “We’re starting, Get off, get off her, and get out here.”

  There’s another bucket of ice water to my libido. Jagger’s head jerks up at the intrusion and his eyes find mine first. His expression softens when he realizes how mortified I am. He slides his shorts up his legs, quickly ties them, and jerks the door open. “Hey, dickhead,” he angrily yells.

  “What?” Tanner retorts.

  “That was disrespectful. Apologize to her now,” Jagger demands.

  “To who?” Tanner sounds completely lost.

  “Come here,” Jagger says as he turns toward me. I step into the hall with him and reluctantly face Tanner. “To Mali. She doesn’t deserve to be embarrassed like that.”

  “Shit, Mali. I’m sorry,” Tanner apologizes. “I didn’t realize you were in there. I thought Jagger had another one of his sluts here. You don’t hate me now, do you?”

  “No, Tanner, I don’t hate you,” I laugh nervously. I don’t have an excuse for why I was in Jagger’s bedroom with him, with the door locked, while everyone else was outside. I’m about to be labeled as one of Jagger’s sluts. “It’s all good.”

  “Are Vince and Jennifer here? I didn’t see their car,” Tanner replies, confused again. Real
ization dawns on his face and his eyes dart between Jagger and me.

  “No, I haven’t talked to them today,” I reply.

  “Mali was listening to our demo, Tanner,” Jagger lies. “She thinks her dad may be interested in hearing our music.”

  “That’s awesome,” Tanner exclaims as he forgets about his previous thoughts.

  “I can’t make any promises, but he’ll definitely listen. The music is awesome,” I smile.

  “Best news I’ve heard all day,” Tanner smiles and walks away. When he steps out on the deck, he yells the news out to the other guys. “Mali is taking our music to her dad!”

  Everyone is excited and animatedly talking about the news when Jagger and I step outside. Tanner, Dane, and Wes each brought a date with them. Every girl is exactly Jagger’s normal type and the polar opposite of me. They’re tall, long-legged, perfect bodies, perfect hair, and perfectly tanned. Everything about them looks–perfect. They’re all oohing and ahhing over the guys being discovered and complimenting me for being so nice.

  Dane’s date, the tall blonde with obviously fake boobs, long, muscular legs, and wearing high heels at a pool party, struts up to Jagger and smirks at him. “You’ll finally be able to achieve your lifelong goal of dating a Victoria’s Secret model then, Jagger.”

  “Why would he do that?” Marlene asks defensively. “Mali is already his girlfriend.”

  All heads jerk toward me. The three model-esque statues, along with the other members of the band, examine me like an insect under a microscope. The blonde beside Jagger snarls her lip in obvious disgust as she swings her gaze back to Jagger.

  “You told me you don’t have girlfriends, Jagger,” she says accusingly. “You blow me off and pick her over me?”

  “Girlfriend?” Tanner asks, trying to catch up in the conversation. “What the hell is going on, Jagger?”

  Dwayne steps forward. “That’s right, he did choose Mali. Jagger told us himself. Aren’t you going to defend your girlfriend, son?”

  “Can everyone calm the fuck down?” Jagger yells. He directs his anger toward the blonde first. “My personal life is none of your business and I don’t owe you any explanation. You’re here with Dane, in case you forgot, so I suggest you get back over there with him.


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