Heat Wave: A Summer Loving Anthology

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Heat Wave: A Summer Loving Anthology Page 97

by Anthology

  We'd forced ourselves into a circle of a conversation. Neither of us were going to agree with the other. It was time to end the conversation before we ended up arguing.

  “All right, Mom, I've got to go get ready.”

  “Are you taking her out?”

  If only she could see my eyes roll.

  “No, I'm going to get a drink.” I wouldn't tell her it's the same bar where Olivia worked.

  “Okay, Nick, call me when you get home. Oh, and when you man up enough to admit you want this girl, don't screw it up by being stupid.”

  “It's not going to happen, Mom. But I have to say, it feels great to be called stupid.” The sarcastic reply rolled right off my tongue.

  “Don't be smart. You know what I mean. Have fun.”

  “Night, Mom.”

  After hanging up, I set the phone on the counter and studied my face in the mirror for a moment. Was Mom right? Did I feel something I was trying to avoid for Olivia?

  Whatever the answer, I had to keep my head on straight and my heart locked up tightly in my chest. While those thoughts continued to run through my head, I climbed into my car and headed for the bar.

  It was hard not to notice Olivia the minute I stepped through the door. She didn't seem to realize that she captivated every man's attention in the room.

  “Hey, stranger,” she said when she stopped in front of me.

  “Long time, no see.” I chuckled.

  Before I had a chance to ask, she had a Sam Adams sitting in front of me. She gave me a quick wink and walked away to take care of another customer.

  “Something else, isn't she?”

  The question startled me out of preoccupation with Olivia. Looking over I saw Chris standing right next to me, his arms leaning on the bar. I straightened in my seat. From the first night I met Chris, I got an overprotective vibe from him. Did he want her for himself?

  “She is.” My eyes wandered back to Olivia where she was mixing some kind of pink drink.

  “What are you doing with her?”

  I glanced over at Chris. “What do you mean what am I doing with her? We've become friends, we're hanging out while I'm in town.”

  He looked back at Olivia. “Friends, right. Then why do I get the feeling from watching you two, it's so much more.”

  “Neither of us are looking for a relationship right now and even if we were, I'm not sure it would be any of your business.” Watching her out of the corner of my eye was not nearly as enjoyable, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being right.

  “I absolutely say it's my business. Liv means the world to me and Brianna and we've been the ones to clean up every time another guy breaks her heart.”

  “I'm not going to break her heart, it's not like that. We're friends. Besides, if you want her so bad why haven't you gone after her before?”

  Chris laughed, a deep rumbling sound. “Olivia is nowhere near my type.” He leaned down to whisper in my ear. “You on the other hand are exactly what I go for.”

  Olivia chose that moment to come over to us. She plopped her hands on her hips. “Chris, stop messing with him.”

  He stepped back and gave me a quick wink before walking away. How did I miss that he was gay? He might have been messing with me tonight, but I would have bet money that he wanted Olivia.

  “Don't let him get to you,” she whispered close to my ear. “He likes to mess with anyone that I spend time with.”

  “He didn't freak me out. He did, however, warn me away from you.”

  Her eyes flashed. “You're not going to listen, right?”

  I covered her hand on the bar. “Not in a million years.”

  “Good.” She grinned. “A few more hours and I'm all yours.”

  “I really like the sound of that.”

  The rest of the night I spent watching her. I couldn't stop myself. Although, I caught Chris looking between us every once in a while, a scrutiny to his gaze. By the end of the night, he stepped up next to me again.

  “I don't think you'll hurt her. In fact, I think whatever is between the two of you is more than either you expected it to be. I think you both need to look at what you're doing. You might find it worth it.”

  With that he walked away, not giving me a chance to reply. Then again, there wouldn't have been time. A small set of hands wrapped around my chest.

  “Ready?” she whispered in my ear, gliding her tongue across the lobe.

  My cock jerked to attention. “More than you'll ever know.”

  I grabbed her hand, and led her out the door. My mind trying to piece together all Chris had said. His words freaked me out a bit. He might have been right, but that wouldn't stop me from spending the rest of the week with her. I'd just have to deal with the consequences later.

  Chapter 9


  THE LAST TWO DAYS few by in a blur. More picnics and a sunset walk. If Nick treated his friends like that, I could only imagine how he might treat the woman he loved. He was sweet and funny, something that had been missing in my other relationships. Except that's where the problem lay, this wasn't a relationship. Something I had to keep reminding myself over and over again.

  It was hard to pinpoint the exact moment my feelings for Nick had changed. Not that the when really mattered, it was the fact they changed at all. Something in the beginning told me I had set myself up for some serious heartache and I'd been dumb enough to ignore the warning voice in my head. There I stood, slowly falling for a guy who wanted nothing to do with a serious relationship. And there was only one night left.

  I decided that if I was going down I'd do it in a blaze of glory by torturing myself to the fullest. I switched shifts so I could spend one last night with Nick, even though I knew I'd pay for it the next day. Once again we had spent the day surfing. When the waves finally died out we went back to his rental to shower and change.

  “What do you want to do for dinner?” Nick called from the bedroom.

  To anyone on the outside it would seem like a normal conversation between a couple. Instead it served as another reminder of things Nick wouldn't be willing to give me.

  “Do you want pizza? There's a great place down the street. We can walk.”

  “You don't want to go out?”

  Right then, I wanted to scream from the roof tops. Of course I didn't want to go out. That would mean I'd have to share him. If it was my last night to have him all alone, I wanted some peace and quiet to create memories that would have to keep me company eventually.

  “Not really. You have to leave tomorrow. This will be easy and then we can grab a Redbox movie and watch it.”

  I knew I should tell him how I felt. What could it hurt, right? But I knew it could make him run like his ass was on fire, something I wasn't willing to risk.

  “Okay,” he smiled. “Let's take a walk.”

  By the time we made it to the end of walkway and onto the sidewalk, I decided that the walk would be its own form of torture. The desire to reach over and take his hand like a real couple was completely overwhelming. Thoughts of going home swirled through my brain, but I rejected them all. One more night would be worth the heartache.

  “Are you ready to go back to work?” I asked to distract myself from everything else racing through my head.

  “Not in the least.” He chuckled. “Who wants to give up all this? But it's not like I have a choice though.”

  “Do you like living up there?”

  “I love it. I just wish I was a bit closer to the beach.”

  While there were a ton of people surrounding us on the crowded streets, it was hard not to feel like we were in our own bubble.

  “Of course. The beach will always be my home, even though I know I probably won't get to live here forever.”

  The smell of pizza wafted out the door as we walk in to place our order. Nick didn't want to sit inside to wait, so we chose a bench outside.

  “Are you ready to go back to school?” he asked when we took a seat.

/>   “Kind of. To be honest, I'm excited to be done, but I'm not sure I want to be an adult.”

  His shoulders shook. “News flash. If you haven't already notice you already are an adult.”

  Playfully, I smacked him on the arm. “You know what I mean, besides it doesn't mean I have to like it.”

  “Who does?” He shrugged. “I can say that I love my job.”


  “Yeah, I couldn't imagine doing anything else with the rest of my life.”

  I fiddled with the hem of my shirt. “I hope I feel that way someday.”

  His warm hand covered mine. “You will.”

  It took most of my brain power to try and ignore the way his skin felt against mine. Talk. Talking will help clear my mind.

  “Who do you work for?”

  “Dupont. It's right in Ithaca, so I don't have to travel far.”

  “How long have you been with them?”

  His hand still held mine. It was a simple gesture, yet it seemed so much more intimate than anything else we'd done together.

  “I've worked for them since I graduated. I'm not sure I'll stay with them forever, but I'll never walk away from my job. I love using chemicals to create new things.”

  The cashier called our names and we went back inside to collect our pizza. On the way back we made a quick stop at Redbox to pick up a movie. We put the pizza on plates and settled on the couch for the night. American Sniper played on the screen and I found myself unable to concentrate on the move.

  With all the fun I'd had with Nick, I set myself up for some serious heartache when he left the next day. The only plus was the fact that with him gone, he wouldn't be a constant reminder like Jake. Absently, I drew circles on his thigh and tried to get my head back in the game. Eventually, Nick's hand captured mine. I looked up and noticed that Nick's breathing had increased and he was hard as steel.

  Our gazes locked and the molten chocolate held me captive. Ignoring the movie, he lowered me onto the couch, pressing his lips to mine. Damn, he could kiss. I found myself breathless and needy in no time and I still had all of my clothes on. Nick's hand slipped down to the waistband of my shorts, dipping to pop the button and open the zipper. The lace panties I wore weren't much of a barrier to stop the sensual onslaught of Nick's fingers. They'd slipped under my panties and were flicking my clit in a way that made me desperate for more.

  I bucked my hips up into his hand hoping he get the hint. For a moment he looked at me then he stopped everything all together. One corner of his mouth lifted. Reaching down to the hem of my shirt he pulled it over my head. Seconds later he'd removed my bra, panties and pants. Completely naked, my body trembled under his intense stare.

  “Liv, you are what dreams are made of. You're sexy and sensual all wrapped up into one enticing package.”

  Sliding my hand up his chest, I grazed his nipples, making his muscles jump under my touch. I flexed my fingers and pulled his head down to connect his mouth with mine. He kissed me deeply and broke the seal of our mouths. Nick shed his clothes and came back over me, sliding his hands along my arms, pushing them up above my head.

  A devilish glint flashed in his eyes when his hand clamped over my wrists, pinning them above my head. I hadn't thought it possible, but my body responded. If I'd been turned on before, it was nothing compared to what I felt then. Liquid heat poured through my veins and into my core, making my clit throb in its need for attention.

  Keeping his hold on my arms, he pulled them down with his hand clamped tightly around them. His tongue snaked out and down my body, making me writhe beneath his gentle assault. When his tongue, dipped inside me I could do nothing but stay along for the ride.

  “Please, Nick. I need . . .”

  His head lifted. “What do you need, Liv?”

  I shook my head, unable to say it any louder. He bent his head down next to mine. “Let it go, Liv. I won't give it to you, until you ask for it.”

  Frustrating asshole knew he had me cornered. I had two choices. Give him what he wanted or suffer in need. I was willing to beg for the return of that talented tongue.

  “Please, let me come,” I begged.

  “Mmm . . . I love that sound.”

  His tongue returned to swirl around me. When he used his teeth to scrape across my clit I was done.

  “Nick,” I screamed.

  His hips pistoned forward and he entered me in one long stroke before my body had a chance to settle. My walls continued to ripple around him while he thrust into me over and over again. His body was the perfect fit for mine. Every stroke made my body burn for more. The driving rhythm continued until he reached his end, taking me with him again.

  Panting, he used all his strength to keep his weight off me. Letting go of my arms, he brushed the hair from my face. “You're incredible,” he whispered.

  We stayed there for a bit, giving ourselves a chance to calm down. Eventually we got up to clean up the pizza and move to the bed. That night cuddled in his arms, I thought about all of the things I was going to miss when he left.

  I tried to make light of the whole situation. “I'm not going to know what to do when I have to sleep in my own bed tomorrow night.”

  He laughed, but it was strained. “Me neither. My bed might feel a little empty.”

  His hand stroked up and down my back and I couldn't stifle the yawn. “I'm glad I met you, even if you did steal my wave.”

  Softly, he kissed the top of my head. “I'm now a reformed wave stealer. Now get some sleep.”

  He didn't need to tell me twice. The week was finally taking its toll. It wasn't long before I fell asleep and it seemed an even shorter time before morning came and it was time for Nick to leave. He'd put everything in his car the night before. All he had to do was change for the day and he'd be on his way. The thought alone, made my eyes burn. I wouldn't let him know how much the whole situation had affected me.

  He put his last bag in the car and turned to face me. “I wish I didn't have to go.”

  “Me neither.”

  “You know, Liv . . .” He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something and promptly closed it.

  “What?” I asked, curious about what might be running through his head.

  He shook his head. “Nothing, just . . . why don't you look me up when you get back to school? We can hang out again.”

  “I'd like that.”

  Wrapping his arms around me for a hug, I did everything possible to keep the tears at bay. There was no way I would let him see me cry. When he finally let go, I watched him walk to his car, waving as he climbed into the front seat.

  “Bye, Nick.”

  “Goodbye, Olivia.”

  With that, I watched his car back down the driveway and speed down the street. I hopped in my own car and let all of the pent up emotions out.

  Chapter 10


  WATCHING HER STANDING there waving goodbye felt like a lead brick in my stomach. Throwing the car into gear, I backed out of the driveway and took off down the street watching her disappear in my review mirror. The feeling of loss grew the farther I got from the shore. It was hard, but I reminded myself that Liv wanted no strings attached. Once again I'd let myself fall for someone who didn't feel the same about me. Would I ever learn?

  Pressing down harder, I weaved through the traffic. All I wanted was to get away from the heartache. Damn, when did I become the girl chasing after what I couldn't have? Fuck it. I was going home and getting a dog for company. Being the ultimate bachelor seemed like the way to go. Hot sex with no more commitment than a night in bed. It worked in college, why couldn't it work now? Trying to clear my head, I cranked the radio, letting the heavy bass beat settle over me. Time passed in a blur and before I knew it the five hour ride was over.

  Tired from more than just the drive, I grabbed my overnight bag from the back of the car and climbed the stairs to my apartment. Imagine my surprise when my door flung open, with Emily standing on the other side.

/>   “How was your trip?” she asked, unable to stand still.

  “It was good. I'm wiped.”

  It wasn't a lie. The trip had been good until I had to leave.

  “Come in. I want you to tell me all about it.”

  “Thanks for inviting me into my own place.”

  I carried my bags in the door and dumped them on the floor next to the couch. I could deal with them later.

  “Don't start with me, Nick Thompson. I've been worried about you all week and I just want to know what you did while you were gone.”

  “Sorry, Em. I'm just really tired.”

  Shrewd eyes studied me for a few moments. “Nick, what's wrong?”

  “I just need some sleep.”

  “No, it's more than that. I can see it in your face. Something happened. Talk to me.”

  I looked to Andrew for help even though I knew it would be pointless. He never got in Emily's way when she was on one of her missions, which seemed to be now and I'd been chosen as the lucky target. Wanting the whole thing over sooner rather than later, I decided to tell her the whole story. From the moment I met Olivia up until I left her a few hours ago.

  Emily closed her eyes. “Wait a minute. You met a girl more like you than anyone I know and you ask for a no strings attached week of sex and you think that's okay?”

  “I never asked for sex. I just wanted to spend time with her. We had fun together.”

  Her eyes flashed when they opened. “Semantics. Did you tell her how you feel?”

  “No. She's not looking for a relationship and neither am I.”

  Standing up, Emily started to pace the living room. Shit. That was the universal sign that Emily was going to lose it. Even Andrew shrunk back into the couch, cringing.

  “You're fucking delusional.”

  “Now you sound like my mom,” I whispered under my breath. Apparently it wasn't quiet enough because Emily's eyes snapped to me. The look she gave me should have pulverized me.

  “Let me get this straight. You met Olivia. She likes a lot of the same things you do, you two have fun together, and you feel more for her than friendship.”

  “Yeah and?”


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