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THE EQUINOX STONE (Knights of Manus Sancti Book 2)

Page 22

by Bryn Donovan

He snuggled against her and breathed in the light traces of her perfume and the unique female scent of her well-pleasured body. She gave a little sigh of contentment. After a moment, he kissed her damp cheek. “Hey, you should pee.”

  She blinked. “Excuse me?”

  “So you don’t get a UTI.”

  “Oh.” As she got up, she laughed. “That’s not very romantic.”

  “Neither are UTIs,” he said as she pulled on her robe.

  She gave him a wry look. “Good point.” When she emerged again, she came over and sat on the edge of the bed.

  He remembered the thing he wanted to ask her about, and he propped himself up on one elbow and looked at her. “So…you get excited fast.”


  “A couple of kisses, and you’re like the Gulf of Mexico down there.”

  Val lightly smacked him. “It’s because I can feel you too.”

  Of course she could feel him… “Wait. When you sense me being horny, it makes you hornier?”

  She sighed. “Honestly, anyone. If I’m around someone who’s checking someone else out, or a couple who are really into each other, it affects me.”

  “Wow.” It was hard to imagine. Michael felt desires strongly enough without other people’s feelings adding to them. He’d known her forever, and he was still learning how, in some ways, she lived in a whole different world than he did.

  “Other people don’t affect me as much as you, because it’s directed right at me.”

  “That’s for sure.”

  Her robe wrapped around her soft, inviting curves. He leaned his head against her thigh. If he could stay, they could do it again before morning…

  He sighed. “I don’t want to leave.” The thought of it made him ache a little, but there was sweetness in the ache, because he’d never had a lover so hard to say goodbye to before. He traced circles on the silk of the robe above her knee.

  “I don’t want you to, either,” she admitted. “But you’ve got orders.”

  They were going to be sleepy for work in the morning—well, later that morning. As far as he was concerned, it’d been more than worth it. But had he worn her out at a bad time? “Do you need to delay Reading Padilla till Monday? Nic won’t mind.”

  She shook her head and for the first time didn’t look gray at the mention of Reading him. “I’m ready for him.”

  He kissed her on the leg and looked up at her. “I look forward to your being naughty.”


  The next morning in his apartment, Michael woke up to a buzzing phone. Groggy, he almost knocked it off the nightstand before he grabbed it.

  Nic was requesting a video call. Ugh. Michael had slept for three hours; he’d been hoping for a more luxurious three and a half. But it was likely something urgent—sudden anxiety spiked his nerves. Was Val okay? He picked up and saw the man sitting in his bedroom, glaring at him. “What the hell’s going on?”

  Oh. Michael grunted and rubbed his eyes. “Exactly what you think.”

  “You said you were going to leave her alone.”

  “People hook up on missions all the time.” Nic had before, Michael knew, when he’d been a Knight. He was being a complete hypocrite.

  “Don’t be stupid. She’s never been on a mission before. And it’s not going to be just a hookup for her.” Nic was being really protective for someone who didn’t even know Val all that well. Then again, he was protective of everyone he worked with, even hardened warriors, and his job was to make sure nothing compromised their objectives. He shoved a hand through his hair. “She’s a very emotional person.”

  Nobody knew that better than Michael. She’d cried because sex was nice.

  Well. It had been a lot more than nice. It had been the most amazing experience of his life.

  “It’s not what you think,” Michael said.

  “You literally just told me it was.”

  “No, I mean…” Damn it. “I’m in love with her, okay?”

  Nic stared at him for a moment. “What?”

  Michael spread his hands. He’d heard him.

  “Isn’t that kind of sudden?”

  “We’ve been best friends since I was nine years old. So, no.”

  Nic sighed, visibly relaxing. “I wish you could’ve waited a little longer. Like, until this mission was over.”

  “Hey, last night was her idea,” he said, pleased. It had certainly been his idea, too, but she’d been the one to insist.

  Nic held up a hand. “Don’t tell me things like that.” Michael had always told him things like that, and vice versa. “I’m not trying to invade her privacy—more than I already have.”

  “You’re happy to invade my privacy,” Michael pointed out.

  “Like you have privacy. You once told me about your bowel movement.”

  Michael opened his mouth to protest, but then had a vague recollection of this. “I was just making conversation,” he mumbled.

  “You and my grandfather think that’s appropriate conversation.” Nic still sounded grouchy, but the corner of his mouth twitched upward.

  “Are we done here?”


  “What?” He already guessed what Nic was going to say, though. Something along the lines of, Don’t screw this up.

  “Be careful today,” Nic said.


  Val was sitting in Mr. Eddings’s class the next morning when she realized she was getting her period. Or she might be—it was three days early, but she definitely felt dampness. She stood up to go to the restroom.

  Wait. She wasn’t supposed to do that without permission. She sat back down again. This was barbaric. She might be sitting in her own blood. Swallowing her irritation, she raised her hand.

  Mr. Eddings had his head down, grading papers. She’d Read him on the first day. He wasn’t guilty of anything except being unpleasant, and his psyche had looked like a rabbit warren stuffed full of mail.

  She said politely, “Excuse me, Mr. Eddings?”

  He looked up. “Yes, Miss Cortina?”

  “I need to go to the restroom.”

  He glanced at the clock on the wall. “It’s five minutes before the bell. You can go between classes.”

  What in the world? “It’s urgent,” she said firmly.

  He frowned. “Are you sick?”

  “No, I’m getting my period.”

  The girl in the desk in front of her let out something like a squeak. A few scattered laughs came from other students.

  Mr. Eddings was immediately angry, his face reddening. “You’re being inappropriate.”

  “Having a period is inappropriate?” she blurted out. What was wrong with everyone? And she wouldn’t have brought it up if he hadn’t denied her a basic human need in the first place.

  “Mr. Padilla’s office. Now,” he said.


  Her pulse pounded in her neck. It was okay that she looked upset, she considered vaguely, as she grabbed her purse and stood up. Students looked upset when they got sent to the principal’s office. They just didn’t have to worry that the principal might actually be the leader of a bunch of homicidal religious fanatics.

  She left the classroom and walked down the hallway. It was just as well she was going to do this now and get it over with. She went to the girl’s restroom and ducked into a stall, and touched the alarm button to let Michael and Nic know to look at their phones. Then she texted them, Going to see Padilla now.

  After that, she tended to business. She had started her period, but at least she hadn’t bled through her skirt. When she was done blotting the spots on the crotch of her panties and putting a tampon in, she exited the stall long enough to wash her hands before retreating to it again.

  Then she looked at her phone again. Nic’s response read, Michael, leave class now. Get outside the office door. Val, don’t go in until you see Michael. Set your phone to record so we can hear.

  Val hit the symbol that meant obedezco. Michael had already done the same.
br />   When she got to Padilla’s office, Michael already stood close by in the hallway, pretending to text. He didn’t look up at her.

  Val touched the button on the phone so Michael and Nic could hear the conversation. She came up to the open door of the principal’s office. “Mr. Padilla?”

  He wore a white shirt and tie, and his long face was set in a scowl. “Miss Cortina. Come in.” He got up and closed the door behind her—only halfway, which was good, even if she felt no more reassured. “Have a seat.”

  Her adrenaline kicked in, coursing through her, as she complied. She reached out psychically to reassure herself of Michael’s vigilant presence as Padilla sat back down behind his desk.

  He picked up a steel pen as if ready to take notes on her transgressions, although there was no paper on his desk. She thought of the Manus Sancti steel pens that had been turned into handy weapons for stabbing someone in the throat…or gouging out an eye. “I understand you were disruptive today,” he said. His watch was steel, too, clunky and cheap.

  She wanted to ask exactly what she should have done, since her period had started and the teacher had denied her the right to use a bathroom. But she was here to learn more about the Tribunal, not argue with the man about the school’s petty cruelties. “I didn’t mean to be.”

  She glanced at the door behind her to make sure no one was coming and then went into his psyche.

  She smelled soil and plant food. They stood in a greenhouse. This was nice…

  No, it wasn’t. The plants surrounding her were vicious: cacti with foot-long thorns, giant Venus fly traps.

  “What is this!” he demanded.

  She was getting sick of people asking this when she Read them, although it was the most reasonable response, and her annoyance made her brave. “Who’s Malleus? And where is he?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


  “Are you Tribunal?” she asked.


  The gigantic Venus fly trap next to her snapped at her elbow, and she jumped out of his reach. She tried one more tack. “Do you think any of the teachers are involved in anything strange? Anything secret?”

  “They had a fantasy league baseball team. That’s against school regulations. But they promised not to do it again.” He scowled again. “Why am I telling you this? What is this place?”

  Her heart sank. This was a complete miss. He was an ordinary, deeply unpleasant man.

  Wiping his memory, she got out.

  Padilla looked disoriented. Then he shook himself. “I know you’re new here, and this school is different from what you’re used to, but I expect you to treat yourself and others with respect.” He tapped the tip of the pen lightly on the desk.

  “I understand.” She tried to think of how to tell Michael and Nic immediately that Padilla wasn’t Tribunal. “It’s not like any of us are enemies.” Not the subtlest way she could’ve phrased it, but at least it was clear.

  He squinted at Val, perplexed, but said, “Exactly. I don’t want to have to suspend you, but I will if I have to.”


  On the following night, Friday, Michael came over for the call with Nic. The late-night meetings were wearing him out, and he’d be glad to catch up on sleep over the weekend. He just wished he’d be sleeping next to Val instead of in his depressing apartment, alone.

  “What did you bring?” Jacinto asked as he deposited the bag from the drugstore on the counter. Val was just coming down the stairs.

  “Uh, stuff for Val, in case she needed it.”

  “Stuff?” She came over and took out a box. “Tampons.” She reached in again.

  “And…more tampons.”

  “In case you need more.” Michael shrugged. He’d gotten two sizes, because once he’d gotten in the right aisle, he’d realized he had no idea which she used.

  “And Advil. And…” She peered at the plastic container she drew out next. “Peanut butter pretzel things?”

  “I was going to get chocolate, but it’s not vegan,” he explained. Jacinto’s eyes widened. “I don’t know, I thought those looked good.”

  “They do,” Val agreed. “And…what is this? A teddy bear?”

  He hadn’t thought about her looking at everything and commenting, and he fought the urge to shove the items back in the bag. He wasn’t sure if he’d gotten anything useful. “It’s, uh, a hot water bottle. The teddy bear’s like a cover that goes over it.”

  Val looked up at him wonderingly. “You’re amazing.”

  He shrugged. “The drugstore is on the way here. You said you had bad periods.”

  “I had the worst cramps earlier,” she admitted. “I projected for a little while.”

  “What?” Jacinto asked. Then recognition crossed his face. “You can do that thing where you leave your body?”

  Val nodded. “If I have cramps, it’s a nice break.” As far as Michael knew, only three other people in Manus Sancti had the gift.

  “But you can’t go anywhere, right?” Jacinto asked. “Like, to Paris?”

  “No, though there used to be people who could do that. It might be one of the Lost Gifts. The most I can do is hover a little bit above my body.”

  “Still useful,” Jacinto said. “If you ever want kids, that would make childbirth a lot easier.”

  “I do want kids,” Val said, making something twist in Michael’s heart. He’d told himself in the past he’d never have any, because he wasn’t ever going to be in a serious relationship.

  But he loved children. And now that he was with her, he realized it was at least a possibility. Not any time soon, of course, but maybe someday.

  “It wouldn’t help for that, though,” Val added. “If I’m projecting, my body can’t move. It’s like it’s unconscious.”

  “Oh yeah, good point,” Jacinto agreed.

  “We should get on the call,” Michael said. “He hates it when we’re late.”

  When Nic first appeared on the screen, Michael worried the man would say or do something to make things more awkward, given the way he’d inadvertently broken in on their lovemaking the night before. Nic was his usual self, relaxed but professional. Michael should’ve known he’d be. Val briefly described the encounter with Padilla.

  “At least we can rule him out,” Nic said. “I’ve got a plan for Reading Kevin again. He’s the captain of the basketball team. You need to go to the next practice and tell him you missed the tryouts, but you’d still like to join.”

  Val gaped at Nic. “Do I look like a basketball player?” Michael was actually proud of Val for knowing that basketball players were usually tall. There weren’t any basketball courts at El Dédalo, and because people there had grown up all over the world, soccer, field hockey, and tennis were all more popular spectator sports.

  “No. But we don’t want you alone with him, and we don’t want you to blow your cover.”

  She nodded unhappily. “I hope I didn’t blow it today.”

  “What, by menstruating?” Michael asked.

  Nic said, “Talking about that is taboo for lot of sonámbulos—”

  “Oh no, your secret’s out,” Michael joked. “You’re a human lady.”

  “It’s probably fine,” Nic allowed. “Anything else before I go?”

  “Yeah.” Michael cleared his throat. “I’m really tired. Okay if I crash here? No one’s ever followed me.”

  Nic paused a moment. “It’s okay if it’s okay with them,” he said, his voice neutral. “But get back to your own apartment before six.”


  The alarm on Michael’s phone woke him up at four-thirty a.m. He opened his eyes, thinking his bed was warmer than usual.

  Oh yeah, right. He was in Val’s bed. She lay right next to him, in a sexy black silk slip thing. And he had a huge hard-on.

  She stirred and opened her eyes at the alarm. “You’re not going yet, are you?”

  He kissed her on the cheek. “Why? What do you want
to do?”


  That sounded good. But his still-sleep-fogged brain could think of other things that sounded even better. “Is that all you want to do?”

  “I don’t know.” She sounded deliciously unsure.

  He propped himself up on one elbow to look down at her. “Are you tired?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  He caressed her breast and the curves of her body, and she wriggled. Lowering his head, he kissed her breast through the silk, and she sucked in a breath. Could she feel how badly he wanted her? Of course she could. He’d teased her before about getting excited quickly, but he was every bit as bad.

  He traced a finger on top of her thigh. “Spread your legs.”

  She looked down, frowning.

  “Let me guess. That wasn’t romantic,” he said. “My lady, would you do me the very great honor of spreading your legs, so that I may…feast upon your…royal parts?”

  She burst out laughing. “Royal parts?”

  “What did they call it back in the old days?”

  She scrunched up her face as though trying to remember. “I think in The Canterbury Tales they call it ‘quaint’? Or just ‘cunt.’”

  He grew even harder hearing a dirty word coming out of her pretty mouth. “Say that again.”

  “No. That’s really not romantic.”

  Maybe ‘spread your legs’ sounded better in Spanish. He drew closer and half whispered in her ear, “Abre las piernas, mi princesa.”

  She sighed. “I’m having my period, remember?”

  “Oh, right,” he said, feeling like an idiot. He didn’t know how he’d forgotten, after they’d talked about it so much. But he’d just woken up, and realizing she was right next to him, looking sexy as hell, had not contributed to clear thinking.

  Well, it wasn’t a deal-breaker, as far as he was concerned. They could put a towel under her. Hell, he could probably still go down on her if she had a tampon in.

  He kissed her again, above the collarbone, and she squirmed. “What do you want me to do, then?”

  She bit her lower lip. Did she know how hot she looked when she did that? Was she doing it on purpose to drive him even crazier? “There’s something I’d like to do.”


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