Madison and the Missing Moon

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Madison and the Missing Moon Page 2

by Jamie Busby

excited again by now.

  “He’s somewhere close, keep calling his name Madison!” said Daddy.

  The whole crowd, including Madison & Daddy, were now calling his name and it was the loudest noise Madison had ever heard;

  “FATHER CHRISTMAS!...... FATHER CHRISTMAS!...... FATHER CHRISTMAS!.....” they called.....

  Then suddenly, up on the roof above the balcony where the Mayor was standing, Madison & the crowd could see a red glove.....then a red arm with white, fluffy cuffs......then a red hat with a white bobble......then a face with rosy-red cheeks and a great big white beard.....then a big, plump body wearing a red suit......

  “It’s Father Christmas Daddy!” squealed Madison, “He’s up on the roof!”

  “I see him too!” said Daddy. “Look, he’s coming down.”

  It was indeed Father Christmas and he was standing on the roof waving at the crowd. The crowd were all waving back and calling his name and screaming! He came to the edge of the roof and looked like he was going to fall onto the balcony, but instead of falling, he floated gently down until he landed softly next to the Mayor.

  “How did he do that Daddy? Why didn’t he fall?” said Madison.

  “Because he has special magic powers; One of the things he can do is fly!” said Daddy, “I told you he was special Madison!”

  “Is it real magic Daddy?” she asked.

  “Of course it is” said Daddy, “everyone knows about Father Christmas and his magic! You’re a very lucky girl to see him.”

  Father Christmas was now on the balcony and he spoke into the microphone to the crowd of people;

  “Ho, Ho, Ho! Merry Christmas everybody! It’s wonderful to be here, I hope you all get the presents you want on Christmas day. I’m sure you will, as long as you’ve been good girls & boys of course!” he said.

  Then, using his magic, he floated down from the balcony into the crowd where some of his little elves were waiting for him, Madison couldn’t believe her eyes! He started walking through the crowd followed by his elves and Madison watched him go past, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was shaking people’s hands and speaking to everyone as he passed, but he moved very quickly for such an old looking man. He turned a corner and was gone.

  “Wow Daddy! That was the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen!” said Madison. “Where has he gone? What do we do now Daddy?”

  Daddy lowered Madison down off his shoulders and stood her back on the ground, she felt very low down again.

  “Come with me Madison, we have lots left to do!” said Daddy.

  Madison’s head was spinning and she couldn’t wait to tell Mummy about all that had happened. She held Daddy’s hand tightly and they walked off the same way Father Christmas had gone. Madison had a feeling that this adventure was not over yet and she could feel the butterflies in her tummy, again!.........

  Madison and her Daddy had got to the biggest shop in town and there was the longest queue of children that she had ever seen, all standing with their Mummy’s or Daddy’s, waiting in line to go in. It was like a great big snake made of boys & girls and Mummy’s & Daddy’s!

  Then Madison saw that there was a huge picture of Father Christmas on the front of the shop. On the picture, he was eating a biscuit!

  “What’s going on? Why is everyone queuing? Why is there a picture of Father Christmas eating a biscuit?” she thought.

  Madison and Daddy held hands and joined the queue, it was slowly moving forward into the shop through one door. Madison saw that there was another door round the side of the shop where little boys & girls kept coming out of with their Mummy’s and Daddy’s. All the children were smiling & laughing like they had just had the most wonderful time!

  “Daddy, where are we going? What is in the shop? Why is everyone queuing up here and coming out the other door looking so happy?” said Madison.

  “Well” said Daddy, “You see the picture up there of Father Christmas?”. She looked up at the picture and nodded.

  “Today is a very special day because not only has Father Christmas taken time off work to come to our town, but he has come to this shop to see all the children too!” Daddy told her. “This is where he went after you saw him earlier”.

  Madison could hardly believe what Daddy had said.

  “So, that means……that means……errrrrr…….” said Madison!

  “YES!” said Daddy, “I have brought you here to see Father Christmas!”. Madison could hardly believe it. She thought that Father Christmas must have gone back home after speaking to the crowd. But NO! She was going to actually get to see him and maybe even speak to him! Now, she was so excited and the butterflies were flying around in her tummy so fast that she thought she was going to burst like a balloon!

  “What happens Daddy? What do I say to him? What will he say to me?!” asked Madison.

  “Don’t worry sweetheart” said Daddy, “He will just ask you what presents you would like for Christmas and if you have been a good girl. If you have been a good girl, Father Christmas will make sure you get everything you want!”

  “Have I been a good girl Daddy?” asked Madison, looking a bit worried.

  “YES YOU HAVE DARLING!” said Daddy, “Father Christmas always knows if you have been good or not anyway because of his special magic! Sometimes, naughty children tell him that they have been good when really, they have been very naughty. But Father Christmas ALWAYS knows the truth!”

  “Oh, I see” said Madison.

  “But you don’t have to worry though because you have been a very good girl. Anyway, do you know what you are going to ask him for?” said Daddy.

  “I’m not sure Daddy” said Madison, “I will have to think about it”. So Madison started thinking about what she would ask for…..

  All the time Madison was thinking, she couldn’t help but notice that the queue was getting closer & closer to the shop doors. The closer they got, the more excited she became and she had that feeling of bursting like a balloon again, but this time she was sure she would explode!


  “We’re getting close now Madison, do you know what you’re going to ask for yet?” asked Daddy.

  “I’m still not sure Daddy. I wish I was a bit taller though, I can’t see what’s happening” she replied.

  With that, Daddy picked up Madison and put her straight back on his shoulders! Now she could see EVERYTHING again! She looked all around her. People were walking or queuing everywhere she looked, she had never seen anything like it in her life. This was even better than watching the Mayor turn the lights on!

  “How is it back up there on my shoulders?” said Daddy.

  “Its brilliant Daddy, I can see everything again! We’re getting very close to the shop door” said Madison.

  “I think we’re nearly there Madison, not long now” replied Daddy……..

  Madison was now thinking so hard about what she was going to ask Father Christmas for that she hardly noticed when Daddy said “Look Madison, we are next in line! Are you ready? Have you thought of anything you want to ask Father Christmas for yet?”

  “I’m still not really sure Daddy” she replied. “I have lots of toys & games, I’m not sure if there is anything else that I want Daddy.”

  “There must be something” said Daddy. “Just think about what you would like more than anything else in the world and ask for that. The more you REALLY want something, the more likely you are to get it, as long as it is a good thing” explained Daddy.

  Madison closed her eyes and thought as hard as she could about what she REALLY wanted. Daddy was watching her and he noticed a little smile begin to spread across Madison’s face.

  “Why the smile Madison? Have you thought of what you want to ask Father Christmas for?” said Daddy.

  “I think I might have Daddy. It’s not a normal present, but I might just ask anyway and see what happens” replied Madison.

  “It doesn’t matter WHAT it is Madison; If there is something you really, really want a
nd it is a good thing & it would make you happy, Father Christmas is the perfect person to ask!” said Daddy.

  Before Madison could answer, Daddy quickly got her back down off his shoulders and held her hand. “It’s our turn Madison” said Daddy. “Then let’s go” said Madison, “I think I’m ready!”……

  Holding hands with Daddy and with the butterflies now flying faster than ever in her tummy, Madison walked slowly towards the entrance. It was HER turn and she couldn’t believe it was really happening! There was a little elf, one of Father Christmas’s helpers, waiting for them as they got to the doorway. He was not quite as tall as Madison and dressed in a costume that was green with red stitching all over. He even wore a green & red hat which had a little bell on top!

  “Welcome to Santa’s Grotto!” said the cheerful little elf. “My name is Twinkle-Toes and I will be your guide!”

  “And hello to you too Twinkle-Toes!” said Daddy.

  “Who is Santa? What is a Grotto?” whispered Madison to Daddy.

  Daddy kneeled down & whispered back into Madison’s ear, “Santa Claus is Father Christmas’s real name and a Grotto is the special place where children visit him. THIS is Santa’s Grotto!”

  “Oh, I see!” said Madison, she was now smiling more than ever!

  “Is everything ok?” asked the elf, “Santa is waiting to see you now.”

  “Everything is fine” said Daddy, “This is my little girl and her name is

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