Madison and the Missing Moon

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Madison and the Missing Moon Page 4

by Jamie Busby

direction of Father Christmas, so Madison began to walk towards him. The closer she got, the more she could see how rosy his cheeks were, how white his beard was and how smiley his eyes & face were! Before she knew it, she was at the top of the 3 little steps and standing right next to him! Even after all that had happened today, Madison thought that this was the best moment so far and she gave Father Christmas a little smile, which he returned along with a nod of his head.

  For what seemed like a very long time, Madison just stood there staring at him, both of them smiling at each other. Then she glanced back at Daddy who smiled at her to let her know everything was ok.

  “Ok?” thought Madison, “this is the best thing ever!”

  While Madison was busy thinking about what an amazing time she was having, Father Christmas leaned forward and picked her up. He looked such an old man, but he picked Madison up like she was just a feather. Next thing she knew, she was sitting on his lap and it was very comfortable and cosy indeed!

  “Right then” said Father Christmas smiling, “down to business! What is it that I can do for you Madison?”

  “Hello Father Christmas, my Daddy has brought me to see you but I’m not sure how to ask you for what I really want” said Madison.

  “First things first Madison, please call me Santa. After all, that is my name!” said Santa laughing. Twinkle-Toes laughed too and so did Daddy. Madison looked back at Daddy and the elf chuckling away and had a little giggle herself!

  “Ok, sorry about that Santa, but this is the first time I have been to a Grotto you see” said Madison.

  “That’s fine Madison, nothing to worry about, no harm done. I can see you are a very sweet little girl. Now, tell me, this is very important; Have you been a good girl this year?” asked Santa.

  Madison looked backed at Daddy who smiled and was nodding as if to say “Tell him YES!”

  Madison turned to Santa and replied “I think I’ve been a good girl. Mummy & Daddy say I have, but I’m not totally sure I suppose.”

  Santa looked across to Twinkle-Toes, who passed Santa some papers with lots of writing on them. Santa looked at the papers very closely, muttering to himself as he read them and letting out the occasional “Mmmm” or “Aaaaah”.

  After about a minute or so, Santa gave the papers back to the elf and said “Sorry about the wait Madison, I was just checking your behaviour records for the last year.”

  “My behaviour records?” said Madison, “What are they?”

  “What are they?!” laughed Santa. “Every child in the world is closely watched by my special helpers all year round and everything you do, good or naughty, is recorded so I can decide who gets the presents they want for Christmas.”

  “So I have been watched all year?” asked Madison. “How come I have never noticed anyone watching me Santa?”

  “You can’t see my helpers Madison, they are magical helpers like Twinkle-Toes and all the other elves” said Santa.

  Madison thought about this for a moment, then said “Well, what did my records say about me Santa? Are Mummy & Daddy right?”

  She was a bit worried as she waited for an answer off Santa, who was by now laughing so hard that big tears were rolling down his rosy-red cheeks!

  “Mummy & Daddy are indeed right, they usually are! It seems that you have been a very good girl indeed!” he said. Madison let out a big sigh and relaxed a bit, she even managed a little smile.

  “That’s more like it” said Santa, “No need for frowning Madison! It’s time for you to tell me what you would like for Christmas”…….

  This was it. The time had come. It was the moment of truth and Madison felt a shiver run through her body. She looked up at Santa; Then she looked at Daddy, who gave her a big smile and a thumbs-up as if to say “Go on Madison, you can do it!”

  Madison looked back at Santa and said “There is something I really, really want, but I don’t think you can help me.”

  Santa looked puzzled and began to frown. Then he scratched his head as if he was a bit confused.

  “You don’t you think I can help you?” he said.

  “I’m not sure, but it’s not a normal present I want you see Santa. I have lots of lovely toys & games & clothes anyway, I don’t think there is anything normal that I really want” she replied.

  “Well Madison” said Santa, “why don’t you just ask me anyway and let me decide if it’s normal or not and whether I can help you or not. How does that sound to you?”

  “Ok” said Madison, “but don’t say I didn’t warn you”……

  Madison sat there thinking about how she was going to ask for what she wanted. It was a strange present for a little girl to want, but she did really, really want it.

  “Go on Madison” said Santa, “Just tell me what it is and I’ll see what I can do.”

  Madison looked into his kind, smiling eyes again, thought “Oh well, here goes nothing” and took a deep breath before starting….

  “Santa, I would like to find the Moon as I think it is surely lost” said Madison, as quick as she could. She just wanted to get the question out of the way because she thought it sounded silly.

  Santa’s eyes opened wide, he scratched his head again, then said; “The Moon is lost? Why do you say this Madison?”

  “I used to look at the Moon every night, but it has been missing for over 2 weeks now. I am worried it is lost and for my Christmas present, I would like to find it again. Please…..” she replied.

  “You don’t want a doll or a bike or a teddy bear or some toys?” said Santa.

  “I have enough of those things Santa” said Madison, “All I really want for Christmas is to find the Missing Moon”.

  She stared at Santa’s face, he looked confused again and she had no idea what he was thinking. After all, what could he do? Santa’s job was to give out presents to children at Christmas, he didn’t have anything to do with the Moon, or the stars or the sun for that matter. Santa looked down at her with a slight frown, Madison felt a bit nervous, but slowly that frown turned into a smile, and then into laughter. Then big tears were rolling down his rosy cheeks again and he was hugging Madison as if she had told him wonderful news!

  “My child, I have never, ever in my lifetime heard such an unusual request for a Christmas present. Yet at the same time, I have never had anyone ask me for something who really wanted it as much as you obviously do” said Santa, staring deep into Madison’s eyes. “You could have asked for any toy or game or doll, but you ask me for this. This is a beautiful moment for us all, am I not right Twinkle-Toes?” he shouted, looking up and aiming his words at the little elf now. Twinkle-Toes stood there with big tears in his eyes. This time though they were not tears of laughter, but tears of love & happiness.

  “Yes it is Santa, truly beautiful” sniffled the elf, trying hard not to burst out crying! Daddy was still smiling but Madison was sure she saw him wiping his eyes too! She couldn’t believe what a fuss her Christmas wish had caused, she started to wonder if it would have just been easier if she’d asked for a new Teddy bear!......

  Santa continued; “It’s times like this that make me realise it’s all worthwhile. I feel truly blessed to have met you today Madison!”

  “Errrr, thank you Santa, I don’t know what to say!” she replied.

  “You don’t have to say anything little one!” roared Santa, “just let me have one more hug!” he added.

  He hugged Madison tight, chuckling away to himself and rocking back & forth in his chair. When he had finished what Madison thought must be the biggest hug EVER, he carried on;

  “I must tell you Madison, even though I have never heard such an unusual Christmas wish before, it doesn’t mean that I can’t help you.”

  Madison sat there and wondered what he meant. Could he help? Would Santa be able to find the Moon for her?.........

  “So, will you be able to help me Santa?” said Madison with a hopeful look on her face.

  Santa looked at her closely with a big smile
on his face. “I will do my best” he said. “Now listen very closely and I will tell you what to do.”

  “Ok Santa” said Madison, “I will do ANYTHING if you can help me.”

  “Right then Madison” he continued. “Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. When you go to bed, I want you to wear the warmest pyjamas you have got and have your coat and slippers ready.”

  “Errr, ok Santa. Why do I need to wear warm bed-clothes and be ready? Ready for what?” asked Madison.

  “You will see why on Christmas Eve won’t you little Madison!” said Santa. He looked down at the presents that were wrapped up and scattered all over the floor around him. Then he reached out, picked one up and said “For now, I would really like you to have this. You can open it when you have gone and I hope it will always remind you of today.”

  He passed the present to Madison. It was round shaped on top with some sort of flat base on it. It was quite heavy for a small present and it felt like a cup with a hard, round ball on top.

  “Thank you Santa, whatever it is” said Madison, “I will keep it for EVER!”

  “Yes my dear, I have a feeling you will!” said Santa, still with a big smile on his face. He now had a twinkle in his eye too!

  “And a big Thank You to you too Madison, you have made my day!” He then gave her another very big hug before lifting her down off his lap and putting her back on the floor.

  “So, I’ll be seeing you again then maybe

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