Madison and the Missing Moon

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Madison and the Missing Moon Page 6

by Jamie Busby

I think the whole thing has only just begun and surely you’ll never, ever forget seeing Santa today?” said Daddy.

  “No Daddy, I’ll never forget it. I just want to take my time please” replied Madison.

  “Does somebody want to tell me exactly what happened today?” said Mummy. “Is there anything I need to know?”

  Madison & Daddy quickly looked at each other, Daddy winked at Madison and they both said “No Mummy!” at exactly the same time! This made all 3 of them laugh and Madison thought that this was surely the most splendid Christmas EVER!

  “Ok then” thought Madison, looking at the present, “let’s get you open.”

  She took hold of the wrapping paper and started to pull. It was very well wrapped and was difficult to find a place that would rip open, but then suddenly there was a tearing sound. Madison stopped and there was a little hole in the paper. She took a deep breath, grabbed hold of the paper where it was torn and just pulled as hard as she could……. “RIP!” went the wrapping paper as it came away from the gift it was hiding. And there, sitting on the table, was Madison’s present off the real Father Christmas……..

  She looked at it and thought “What is it?”

  Then she turned to Mummy & Daddy and said “What is it?”

  It had a base that was like a big cup, the sort you would have tea in but bigger. On top of this was a glass ball with stuff inside it.

  “What is it?” asked Madison. She was very confused now!

  “It’s called a ‘Snowstorm’ Madison” said Mummy, “and it’s very pretty!”

  “It’s gorgeous Madison, don’t you think?” said Daddy.

  Madison looked at it closely. The base, the part that was like a cup, was painted green and carved to look like the trunk of a tree. Inside the glass ball sitting on top of the base was a little model of Father Christmas, but the best bit was that up in the top of the glass ball was the Moon! Not the real Moon of course, you couldn’t fit that inside a little glass ball and anyway, the Moon was still Lost. Inside here was a little pretend Moon, but Madison thought that it was every bit as beautiful as the real thing! She sat there looking at it, head on her hands and smiling to herself.

  “Are you going to give it a go then?” said Mummy.

  “Yes Madison, don’t you want to see if it works?” said Daddy.

  Madison looked at them both with a puzzled look on her face, just like the puzzled look Santa had on his face when Madison made her Christmas wish.

  “Give it a go? See if it works? What do you mean? Does it do something else?” said Madison.

  Mummy & Daddy had big smiles on their faces.

  “Let me show you” said Daddy.

  He reached down and picked up the Snowstorm and said to Madison “Are you ready?”

  “I think so!” replied Madison with a big grin on her face.

  Daddy turned the Snowstorm upside down, then he turned it back the right way and put it on the table…..

  “It’s snowing in there!” squealed Madison, “Look Mummy, look Daddy, it’s really snowing in there!”

  “That’s why it’s called a Snowstorm!” said Daddy, “You just tip it upside down & back again and Hey Presto, you get a Snowstorm!”

  Madison watched as the snow fell across the Moon and over Father Christmas inside the Snowstorm until it finally stopped. Then she tipped it upside down and back again before putting it back on the table and watching it all over again!

  “This is brilliant!” said Madison.

  “It is lovely Madison, you must have been a very good girl for Father Christmas to give you such a beautiful gift” said Mummy.

  “She deserves it” said Daddy, “Father Christmas said so!”

  Madison kept playing with her new present all through dinner, turning it upside down again and again so it would make a snowstorm inside! It was getting late now though and it had been a very long & very exciting day.

  “I think it’s about time for bed now Madison” said Mummy after dinner.

  “I think you’re right Mummy!” said Madison. “I’ve never felt so tired.”

  “Ok then, Daddy can tuck you in tonight” said Mummy.

  “Come on then Madison, let’s go sweetheart” said Daddy.

  Madison held her Snowstorm tight and went up the stairs with Daddy.

  “Can I sleep with my Snowstorm in bed with me please Daddy?” asked Madison.

  “I think we had better leave it on the window sill tonight Madison” said Daddy.

  “Ok, as long as you promise it will still be there in the morning. Today has been so wonderful that I am worried it might all be just a lovely dream” said Madison with a little frown on her face.

  “I promise it will be there in the morning and I also promise that you were not dreaming today! You saw the real Father Christmas and the Snowstorm will always remind you of that!” said Daddy.

  Madison began to smile again.

  “And don’t forget what day it is tomorrow; Christmas Eve!” said Daddy, “Remember what Santa said about wearing warm clothes, coat & slippers?”

  “Yes I do Daddy, what did he mean?” asked Madison.

  “I’m not sure darling, but if I were you I’d be very excited and ready for anything!” said Daddy.

  Madison closed her eyes, she was so tired now and felt all cosy & warm in her bed. There was a little smile across her face still, even though she was falling asleep.

  “Nigh night Madison” said Daddy.

  “Nigh night Daddy” said Madison, yawning as she spoke. It was the last thing she remembered that night before she drifted off into a beautiful, deep sleep…..

  …..the next thing she knew, Madison was waking up. It was the same time as she usually woke and she felt good after having such a big, long sleep. She looked around her room, it looked all fuzzy because she had just woken. Then she remembered what day it was;


  Christmas Eve!

  Then she remembered the Snowstorm that Father Christmas had given her. She slowly moved her eyes to the window sill where Daddy had said he would leave it……. It was there! It hadn’t all been a dream, she really had seen Father Christmas yesterday! This made her feel better. This also made her feel excited. Not because it was Christmas day tomorrow but because she wondered what was going to happen that night because of what Santa had said about wearing warm pyjamas & a coat & slippers! While she was thinking about this, she heard Mummy call from downstairs;

  “Come on Madison, breakfast is ready.”

  “Ok Mummy, I’m coming” said Madison.

  She got out of bed, had a quick glance at the Snowstorm and headed downstairs. She was very hungry indeed!

  “Good morning Madison” said Mummy, “did you sleep well?”

  “I think I did Mummy, I feel very good & very excited today!” replied Madison.

  “That’s great!” said Mummy, “eat your breakfast and then we have to pop out for a while.”

  “That sounds like fun Mummy!” said Madison, tucking into her bowl of cereal. It tasted lovely and she ate it all up.

  “Right, I’ve got some things I need to do in town and then we will come home for dinner. Daddy will be here later” replied Mummy.

  “Sounds good to me Mummy, let’s go!” said Madison.

  She went upstairs, quickly got dressed and out they went, Mummy & Madison, off to town in the car. Madison was getting more & more excited as each minute passed!.......

  They drove around town, stopping at different shops every now and then where Mummy would collect something or drop something off. There were people everywhere as usual, all rushing around carrying big, full bags; “Probably presents” thought Madison. She wasn’t really paying much attention though because she couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday’s visit to Santa’s Grotto! The day was passing quickly too and by the time Mummy had finished her last little job in town, it was starting to get a bit dark.

  “Ok, all finished Madison!” said Mummy, “We can go home now.”
/>   “Great!” said Madison. “I’m hungry again Mummy” she added.

  “We’re going to have a nice dinner with Daddy tonight and then it’s an early night for you darling, big day tomorrow!” said Mummy.

  “I know Mummy, I can’t wait!” said Madison.

  Really though, Madison was not thinking about tomorrow, which was going to be Christmas day of course. Oh no! She was thinking about what might happen tonight! She had no idea what to expect, but from what Santa had said, something very magical might happen! That was it you see, she just didn’t know and it was making the butterflies whizz round in her tummy again thinking about it! She loved Christmas Eve anyway because it was so exciting, but this year it was going to be extra-special, she just knew it!…..

  When they got back home, Mummy started making dinner and Madison played with her toys. It wasn’t long before Daddy arrived.

  “Hello Mummy” said Daddy and walked through into the living room.

  “Hello Madison” said Daddy. “Are you looking forward to tonight?” he whispered, checking that Mummy wasn’t listening. It was ok though, Mummy was busy in the kitchen making dinner.

  “I am very excited!” said Madison. She spoke in a quiet voice too.

  “But what do you think is going to happen tonight Daddy?” she asked with a slightly worried look on her face.

  “I honestly don’t know Madison, but what I do know is that there is nothing for you to be worried about!” replied Daddy.

  Madison gave Daddy a little smile and said “I’m so excited Daddy and I am very happy, but I just don’t know what to expect. Maybe nothing will happen,

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