That night, as they lay in their kennel, Roo snuggled up happily to Ted. He gave her an affectionate lick on the ear. She really was a mad thing, he thought: over sensitive, melodramatic and, just occasionally, very self-centred. But Roo was also the funniest, most endearing and fiercely loyal friend he could ever wish for, and Teddy wouldn't change that for anything in the world.
Thank you for downloading this ebook. The characters of Teddy and Roo are loosely based on my two beloved dogs, and many of the incidents in the story really did happen! When you have children and dogs, there's never a dull moment. H. Scholtz
About the Author:
Hayley Scholtz is a graphic designer who loves quirky literature.
Teddy and Roo is her second published work. Her first ebook,
as a free download.
This work of fiction is the sole property and copyright of Hayley Scholtz.
Please do not print or use without permission of the author.
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