Matthew Returns

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Matthew Returns Page 7

by Terry Aspinall

  Chapter 7

  Picking Through

  The Pieces

  As Matthew walked into the gatehouse to clock on for the day's work, he was stopped by Hossreite the supervisor and asked to step into his office. There he was met by a couple of managers who sat him down in front of a desk and started asking him a lot of questions, about his job and things that had happened in the factory over the past couple of months. Matthew had not got a clue what it was all about, and as the interrogators would not tell him he just went along with it. Until that is they started talking about things that had been stolen and that they were going to bring in the police unless he cooperated with them. That was the cue for Matthews to realise that if he did not watch his step he was going to end up with his back to the wall and stuck in a corner. Being the stranger in town, there was not going to be many people who were going to be standing up for him. Without warning he suddenly declared that he would say no more unless he had a solicitor present. This was also the trigger for the managers to agree amongst themselves that he was worried, and that they thought he had something to hide. He was asked to wait in the next office until the police arrived. However, Matthew refused, telling them that he intended starting work and that they knew where to find him. He was stopped from entering the assembly line building and informed that he was suspended from work until further notice. He made up his mind that he was not going to let this thing drag on so he finally agreed to hang around until the police arrived, and also a solicitor for him if he could find one at six o clock in the morning.

  When finally the police arrived Matthew agreed to meet them even though he had not been able to find a solicitor. Back in the manager's office it was to hear the same old questions being put to him, only this time it was the police asking them. After a time Matthew stopped them, and told them to stop all the crapp and that he wanted to know exactly what it was all about. If and when they decided to tell him, well then he just might be able to help them.

  Somebody had anonymously telephoned Hossreite telling him that Matthew had been stealing lawn mowers from under their noses from the factory. Matthew could only laugh at the accusations being made against him. Asking how in the world he was carrying them off the factory site, and adding that they were welcome to look in his lunch box. The police warned him that it was not a light matter and that he should be taking them seriously. I am, he told them once you have worked out how I got them off premises please tell me I would love to know.

  It was then that the mood of the questioning changed once again for the worse. Then the police informed him that they knew how he was stealing the mowers. The night before a delivery truck had been stopped at the main gate and the mowers on board had all been counted. One hundred and one mowers were found in the container on the back of the truck. While the driver could only produce sufficient paper work for one hundred. The driver had been charged with the theft and now the hunt was on for the accomplice who had helped him load the extra mower on to his vehicle. At one stage Matthew could not work out what all the fuss was about, it was only one lawn mower not exactly the crown jewels. Until it was pointed out that the theft had been going on for years. One truck a day leaves the factory fifty-two weeks of the year, that’s two hundred and fifty lawn mowers a year. Now Matthew knew they were talking big money and because of the phone call it was his head that was in the frame. The only thing that might save him was the driver, he just prayed that he did not finger him. Matthew he had nothing to hide, he had stolen nothing and anyway they the police were going to have to prove that he was involved.

  He was told to go home and that after further enquiries the police would be in touch with him, and until then he was suspended from work. He was not even allowed to go and see Maureen or Sally to explain to them what had happened. One could only guess at the rumours and stories that would be flying around the factory once the story leaked out.

  Back at home Matthew got Janice up and out of bed to drop the whole story on to her. Still rubbing sleep from her eyes she told Matthew that it was becoming a regular habit of his to use her as a mother figure, by burdening her down with all of his worldly problems. The only scenario that both of them could come up with, was that the anonymous phone call had come from somebody who had a grudge or did not like him, and that was blatantly obvious. It was not as though he needed the money, he was earning very good wages at the factory, plus he was still receiving a good pension from his time in the Army.

  After a time they both came up with the same answer, it just had to be John or Cheetah. They were the only two people that Matthew had fell out with and as far as Cheetah was concerned they had actually hand physical confrontation with each other on more than one occasion. Yeah that was it, it was possibly John and Cheetah trying to take a final swipe at him and his reputation. Although there was no way that they could actually prove it, and at this stage it did not look like the police were going to confirm to him who it was.

  Matthew decided that he would have to get a solicitor to represent him. If and when it finally got to court then and only then would he find out who it was, if indeed they were brought before the court? Janice was quick to tell him that the call was an anonymous call that the police would not know whom it was. If that were the case they would still have to prove it was him. She then added that he should stop worrying and that he was better off getting out of the factory. She then muddied the waters further by adding that we are assuming it was a man, it could have been a woman. She went on to say that John’s sisters were not a bunch of nun’s and that she would not want to be on the wrong end of their tongues. Then of course there is Eileen, oh and Peter you haven’t seen him for a few days. Matthew stopped her before she went any further, as it did not bare thinking about, and deciding that they should at least wait until they heard from the police.

  Matthew rang up Hossreite and tendered his resignation, and in doing so he fell right into his hands. He had always wanted to have the pleasure of sacking him. However, he was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth accepting his resignation right there and then on the spot. He began rubbing salt in to the wounds by telling Matthew that it would be a waste of time asking him for a reference. Unless of course he didn’t mind him telling the world that he was a thief and that they should lock all their valuables up while he was around. Matthews’s anger began to boil within and he slammed the phone down before he said something he would regret at a later stage.

  It was then that he called out to Janice, the one person we have forgotten is Hossreite. Who’s that she asked so Matthew had to explain who he was and how their relationship had deteriorated right from the very first day that they first met, and how he would always try and rub him up the wrong way by calling him Horse-Shite in front of the other workers.

  Matthew took a walk up town just to brush the cobwebs from his head he needed to think straight. It sure looked like he had been set up and he intended to find out why. As he entered the Galleon Café there right in front of him was Eileen and Peter having a talk over a cup of tea. Upon asking if he could join them he was very surprised to be told that he could, but not before he ordered a cup of tea for himself. This is nice and cosy he said to them, I hope you don’t mind me joining you. I was hoping to catch you both together at your house Eileen, just so we could sort out a few things.

  Peter was in a good frame of mind and seemed willing to talk on any subject that was thrown at him, which caught Matthew completely by surprise. So he tried to explain to Peter that he had not known that he was his father until his mother had told him on the night of his birthday party. He went on to tell him that he would have been proud to be his father and to be able to move in with her. That would have been a fairy tale finish to the whole story. Even working alongside of each other at the factory, he had felt a magnetic friendship that drew them both together, even though it was only mate ship, he’d had that feeling that it was going to end up being that little bit more. The conversation was very friendly amongst all thre
e of them, and to anybody who saw them in the café, they would have been forgiven not to think that they were one big happy family on a day out. The one thing on Peters mind was when they were going to get back together, it had taken him a little time to realise that was what he really wanted. Both of them agreed that it was too late for them to pick up the pieces and anyway what had happened to them in the past couple of weeks could not be repaired. Peter and Matthew wanted to know what each other were going to do with their futures. However, neither could answer the question truthfully because neither had any idea. Then Peter asked about Maureen and if that relationship might survive. Matthew was honest on this one, in telling him that he hoped they would make a go of it and that maybe it might lead to marriage in the future.

  Matthew tried his usual trick of cracking a few jokes to brighten up the atmosphere, but this time it was not working. It was their futures that he had played around with, and it could not be brushed aside by a silly little joke. Boy things have changed since we were young, Matthew said to Eileen. In our day we walked on the grass and now the kids of today smoke the dam stuff. He continued and to have a gay time meant something totally different to what it does today. He could sense the atmosphere change once again so he decided to make an exit. He leaned over and kissed Eileen on the cheek thanking her for all of the good times they had spent together even though it was over twenty years ago. Then he offered Peter his hand telling him he was proud to be his father and that he was sorry he had not been there for him and for the loss of his childhood. If ever he could help him in any way or if ever he wanted to visit or stay with him he was just to get in touch. No matter what, he would always be his father. Peter grasped his hand and they shook each other tightly for almost a minute. Then as their hands were slowly pulled apart Matthew turned and walked away from them, somehow thinking that it was possibly the last time that he would ever see either of them.

  It was time to get drunk, so without looking behind him, he left the café and headed straight towards the Queens Head Hotel, and a meeting with Brian who he knew would be propping up the bar. Then they could swap war stories of their past deeds in the military, get drunk and for just a few hours forget all the problems that were hanging around his neck.

  Matthew was awakened from a deep sleep the following morning by Janice, who was tugging at the blankets that should have been on his bed, but were half hanging on the floor. Wakey, Wakey rise and shine, she told him, you got a visitor down stairs. How about a cup of coffee first, he asked her. Got one right here and before you ask it's as thick as I dare make it. You had better make it snappy, as there is a gentleman down stairs in a blue uniform who wants to speak to you. As he slowly swung his legs out of the bed and placed them onto the flaw a sharp pain shot up his leg, just the effect of last night he thought.

  Matthew stumbled into the kitchen while still feeling the effects of a bad hangover that had been self induced the night before, while trying to drown his sorrows and to get away from reality.

  He was suddenly brought up with a jolt finding Janice and the copper having a cup of tea and looking out of the window, and discussing the garden. You will have to excuse me officer, were the first words he said to the policeman. At the moment it's like looking at you both through a set of lace curtains, you’ll just have to let me get my bearing.

  "Had a big night have we sir," the policeman said to Matthew.

  "Kind of," he replied and then went on to say that "It was just a little letting off of steam between a friend and myself, a type of farewell gesture to a couple of friends."

  With this Janice’s ears pricked up not knowing quite what he was getting at or going to say next.

  "Anyway I hope you're not here just to discuss my love live or are you," he asked the Policeman.

  The policeman ran over the events that had greeted Matthew on the morning he had arrived at work to be stopped and accused of stealing the lawn mowers. So Matthew just went through everything once again keeping to the same story. The policeman then asked him if he could think of anybody who might dislike him enough to report him as being involved. Matthew was quick to tell him that at that very moment in time he could name almost a dozen of them, but added that he was not going to, and then asked the copper why. Oh, he said some loose ends in this case just do not add up. Like why the anonymous phone call was only made after the truck had been stopped and searched at the main gate to the factory.

  You wouldn’t know whom it might have been then, the policeman once again asked him. Matthews’s brain was working overtime, his service-training instructors had always told him that attack was the best form of defence. Yes I think it was old Hoss-Shite said Matthew. Come again the policeman asked, Hoss-Shite the supervisor, you know that guy has never liked me right from the start. From the very first day he had always been trying to put the knife in my back. The policeman went on to tell Matthew that it was indeed the one he called Hoss-Shite who had received the phone call. Both Matthew and Janice looked at the policeman and by now both had their tongues hanging out. The officer then went on to explain to them that upon checking past records at the factory several hundred mowers were actually missing and that Matthew had only been working there for just a short period of time. That it seems to be a highly organised crime that had been going on for years and netting whoever was responsible a lot of money. The gatehouse keeper who had stopped the truck before it could leave the factory was new. In fact it was his first day on duty and there had not been time for the gang to talk him in to joining the scam that was being perpetrated amongst some of the workers at the factory.

  It was getting better all the time for Matthew, mind you he had not really been worried because they would have had to prove it was him. The policeman then confirmed to Matthew that they had arrested the supervisor along with a few other workers and that they were to be charged later that day. It was quite an easy scam that they were running, with every delivery one extra mower was hid on the back of the truck. The truck driver the gatehouse man, the supervisor and a couple of guys in the warehouse and that were all it took. However, it was netting big money for them, it’s a wonder that somebody did not pick up that they were spending big money around the town.

  The policeman went on to tell Matthew that if it were he, then he would go to see that management and get his job back. Matthew just shook his head and told the Policeman that he'd had enough of factory life, and for the moment he was going to take a break, while he made up his mind on what he was going to be doing in the future.

  Once the officer had gone Janice tried pumping Matthew about the remark he had made earlier about saying good-bye to old friends, and what had he meant by it. He then told her that he had met up with Eileen and Peter and that they had discussed all of their problems and what they all intended to do with their futures. They had come to the conclusion that it was better for all involved if the relationships between them where broken and that they go their own ways. That was what he had been celebrating and was also the reason why he had returned home in such a state.

  Eileen then took him to the lounge where she showed him the heap of bits and pieces of pottery in the corner, which had been the second double headed llama present that Maureen had bought him. Let's see you stick that mess together she taunted Matthew. She then continued to ask if his foot was hurting and if it wasn’t then it should. Looking down he could see one of his big toes almost blue in colour and the one next to it still had blood seeping from a small cut below the nail. Matthew immediately started to limp, saying that he could not remember what had happened and that she was not to worry, he would clean it all up. It's not that, Janice said what about that poor girl who keeps buying all these presents for you, what are you going to tell her why they keep getting broken.

  Matthew then hatched a plan that he could tell her that last night they were burgled, see it’s that easy he continued. Now we have no problem, or do we, his speech slowed down before saying to Janice. How the hell do I stop her buying any mo
re of the dam things. That’s your problem Janice laughed at him as she left the room.

  That evening Maureen turned up at the house asking to see Matthew, so Janice invited her in, and then shouting over her shoulder to Matthew, that there was someone to see him. Janice thought it a wise decision to take her into the kitchen and not the lounge, knowing that Matthew had still not cleaned up the mess that used to be the second present that Maureen had bought him. Janice made her comfortable by offering her a cup of tea, while she waited for him to come down. It's strange that you have come round, because I had been trying to get him to bring you round so that we could all get to know each other, Janice said as she introduced herself. She continued saying that they had briefly met at Peter’s birthday party.

  Maureen remembered the night well but was still unaware of the relationship between Matthew and her. Then Maureen dropped a bomb on to Janice by telling her that when Matthew and her got married she hope that Janice would attend. She was dumb struck and for a few moments did not know what to say. The silence was broken when Matthew walked into the kitchen asking if everybody was okay.

  Maureen was just telling me that she had invited me to your wedding. The shocks of that statement showed on his face, oh yeah tell me more, said Matthew. Maureen joined in by adding that I was only telling Janice that when we finally get married I hope she will come. I’ll be there said Janice and adding that wild horses would not keep her away, at the same time nudging Matthew lightly in the ribs and saying I would have thought you would have told me about the upcoming event

  Matthew just told her that he was going to but it had slipped his mind. Janice was quick to come back in and said I hope you don’t forget to turn up at the church that could be embarrassing for everybody couldn’t it.

  Janice did not like where the conversation was leading, so she decided to up the anti and then came straight out and asked Maureen if she knew that Matthew was a father, that in fact he was Peter's father. She was then further shocked that Maureen already knew that, she had thought that Matthew had not the courage to tell her any of the details of his life. Did you know that Matthew walked out on Peter's mother over twenty years ago, and up to just a couple of weeks ago he was going to marry her.

  Shock number two for Janice, once again Matthew had already told her most of the details. He was quite shocked at the way the conversation was going, having already worked out that Janice was coming in for the kill. She had chosen her timing perfectly as it was on her home ground. It had also come completely out of the blue because Matthew had no idea that she was going to turn on him in this way.

  Somehow he had always thought that she would tolerate most of his flirting, and that she would always be there for him if anything went wrong with his love life. He had been very wrong and it totally caught him off guard, not knowing what to do next or how to get out of the awkward situation that was developing around him, if he were not careful he was going to end up with nothing.

  Janice then came in for the kill telling Maureen that they both sleep together on a regular basis and that she doubted very much that he would marry her. If there was to be a wedding then it was going to be between her and Matthew, so she had better get used to it. Maureen made a half hearted attempt at trying to grab the initiative but adding that she was still going to marry him and that they would be happy. However, it was becoming evident that she was having a hard job in hiding her disappointment in what had just been said.

  Matthew just stood there in complete silence not know what to say or who’s side to take. It was a case that he had a foot in each camp and that he could not make up his mind who he really wanted to live with.

  Janice grabbed Maureen’s hand and led her in to the lounge where she pointed to the little heap of rubble in the corner. Telling her that’s what he thinks of your presents can you guess what he thinks of you, he’s been laughing behind your back.

  Matthew was primed and cocked like a loaded pistol, and this was the last straw, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. He spat fire at her, telling her that she should not throw stones and should look in her own back yard. Did she know that her own daughter Dawn was in to drugs and that she got up to no good when out with her friends.

  Janice was quick to shout aloud that he should know after all he had also been sleeping with her as well.

  Maureen did not want to hear any more and pulled herself free from Janice’s grasp and ran out of the house and in to the night, leaving them both arguing at the tops of the voices, so that most of the street could hear.

  Matthew ran after her pleading with her not to believe what had just been said and that he would tell her everything, if only she would give him another chance. Could he come back to her place so that they could talk it over. It was all a waste of time for Matthew, as she just shrugged him off threatening to call the police if he did not leave her alone. By this time he was getting a little worried just in case one of the nosey neighbours might be watching from behind their curtains, so he just let her go. Watching as she disappeared in to the night, leaving him hurt and with a large lump in his throat.

  Back in the house the arguments continued with Janice, but this time it was laced with venom, and most of the remarks from both of them were hurtful. By the time they had both run out of steam it was a foregone conclusion that their relationship was over and beyond repair. Between them they both agreed that in the morning Matthew should move out. At least she was not throwing him out in to the night with nowhere to go. She would give him time in the morning to find somewhere, but that he should have his bags packed and gone before midday.

  That night was one of the most loneliness times he had ever spent on his own, so much so that he did not close his eyes once. His mind was racing from one subject to another on what had just happened, and what he was going to do in the short term, while he then had to map out his long-term plans.

  Matthew was up very early in the morning having made the decision to try and move out before Janice got up. He had made up his mind that it would be in both their interests if he were to just fade away without a fanfare. If she were to confront him he knew he would not know what to say to her. He was also worried in case a scene was to develop over his leaving, and that he would not know how to handle it. So after leaving a short note on the kitchen table thanking her for tolerating him as long as she had, and to say sorry for the problems he had brought upon her, especially with her daughter Dawn. He went on to ask her to say sorry to Dawn and only hoped that whatever had happened between the two of them that they would make it up and at least get back together in the very near future. He then packed his small amount of belongings into his car and drove off not even bothering to look behind him.

  Matthew found himself on his Aunts doorstep after first having stopped for a coffee at the Galleon Café, giving her time to get up. Need a place to stay where his first words to her as she opened the door. What have you been up to now, she asked can’t be anything good if you are looking for a room at this time of the day. With that she led him into the lounge where Matthew told her a little of what had happened. He could see no point in telling her most of the spicy details that had brought him down. He also knew that she would not turn him down, as she was one of the few relations he had alive. Anyway blood is thicker than water and you always try and help each other whenever possible especially if one is in trouble. He told her that it would only be short term as he worked out what he was going to do in the very near future. He told her that he wished he could go back to the Army that was the life he enjoyed and had loved for over twenty years. However, that was just not possible because of his age, and anyway he’d been let out to make room for all the young ones that wanted to join up. There were more people like him who wanted an exciting life that would take them free of charge around the world.

  Matthew made several attempts at trying to phone Maureen, but all he could get was her answer phone. There was a chance that she had not gone to work, as she was very upset, wh
en they parted the night before. All he wanted to do was to get her to talk to him, so he could plead with her to forgive him, he wanted her to take him back, but it was all to no avail. So after leaving her five messages on the phone he did not bother to ring anymore, accepting that it was possible all over for good. Although he did tell his aunt that if a Janice was to ring she was to tell her that he was not staying with her. Which was a good thing he had, because as he was up stairs unpacking. His aunt called up the stairs informing him that she had in fact just rang. I told her you were not here, but she said that if I saw you I had to tell you that you forgot to take the mess that was still littering her lounge, and if not she was going to dump the lot. Matthew knew that she was having second thoughts about his leaving and he was guessing that she wanted him back. If he were to go round for what remained of the statues she would probably grab him and it would only end up as one big sex romp in her bedroom. He was thinking bedroom because she would never do it in front of the double headed Llama’s because they were now connected with Maureen and she had seen him run after her last night. He knew that Janice was aware that he wanted to end up with Maureen, and he did. It had taken him a long time to realise this and now he had left it too late. In all of the time that he had been going with her they had only had sex once, and that was the night he went to hers straight from work, and he had showered with her, must be something about showers with me he thought.

  Matthew left the house and headed for the town to do a little window shopping and trying to make up his mind on what to do. Although he was worried just in case he walked on to someone he did not wish to see. So in an effort to avoid this he found himself in the Queens Head Hotel sinking a few beers with Brian. These few led to a few more and before he knew it they were both drunk. This was the last thing he wanted being just a little worried in case John and his shadow Cheetah were to turn up. If he were to get in to a fight just as he had made up his mind to leave town for good, it would look like the so-called bullies of the town had chased him out. Matthew was not going to let that happen to him, in fact if it did he would change his mind and go against his better judgement and stay.

  During the evening and unbeknown to Matthew, Janice had rang Maureen and abused her over the phone. She accusing her of breaking up the relationship that she and Matthew had been enjoying, and at times not letting Maureen get a word in edgeways. Maureen was just dumbstruck by the whole conversation and was completely court off her guard. She had been the last to find out that Matthew had been playing the field as they say. She had thought that he was very serious about their relationship and had been very sincere in her belief that they would get married, the only mistake she had made was to push the issue without talking to Matthew first. The conversation just deteriorated in to a one sided slanging match that left Maureen in tears. Janice’s final outburst was to tell her to come and clean up the mess her statues had made in the lounge and that if she didn’t, then she would clean it all up and dump it on her door step. True to her word Maureen awoke the next morning to find a big heap of statue parts, dust and rubble right in the middle of her doorstep.

  There was also another message on Maureen’s answer phone from Matthew, this time it was very emotional and Matthew was pleading with her to just see him one more time. He would be at the Galleon Café at midday would she please see him there, but that he would only be there for thirty minutes.

  That same day Matthew also left a long message to Eileen once again saying he was sorry and that he was going to miss her and also Peter, who he had hoped to get close to the boy as all fathers should. He ended the message by saying that maybe one day they might meet once again and that maybe they would get off to a better start.

  Matthew was at the Galleon Café at a quarter to midday, not wanting to miss Maureen if as he hoped she turned up. However, she was not there so he got himself a coffee and sat near the window in a vain attempt to see her if she was to walk past.

  Unknown to Matthew, Maureen was across the town square in a shop doorway watching him and wondering what she should do. Just in front of her was his car and she could see his two suite cases on the back seat. So she was by now aware that his intentions were to leave town. This confused her even more, knowing that he had made up his mind to leave the town, if they were to meet it would just be for a few minutes, and confuse the issue even more. Deep within her heart she wanted him to stay, but all of his flirting had left her wondering if he could be trusted again, and what would the future bring. After all can a leopard really change it spots or does it just confuse its friends even more. Anyway she had never been a person who could say goodbye very easy, it was best left as it was. Although she was carrying a big secret that she had not told Matthew, she was now wondering if it was selfish of her not to tell him. She believed she was pregnant and carrying his child, after all she had not been to bed with anybody else. No matter what thoughts went through her head, she made up her mind that she would not go into the Café and would also not tell him of her secret.

  True life can be very cruel to individuals, and endings to true life stories are not always like what have been written in books. This was the reality that Maureen was learning and learning the hard way, as Eileen had done so all those years earlier. Now here was Maureen having his child just as Eileen had, only in this case it had been the end result from their one and only sexual encounter that had taken place in the shower, the night they had gone looking for Peter.

  Matthew hung around till nearly one o’clock when he asked the café owner if he could use his phone and make one more final call to her. After just a few rings he knew she was not going to pick up her phone. He paid the owner for the call and walked out of the café and to his car.

  As he reversed out of the parking space in the town square, he almost pulled up alongside of Maureen. Looking over his left shoulder for any oncoming traffic, Maureen could see he had tears in his eyes. Just as she had, but Maureen had made up her mind and turned and walked away as Matthew pulled out into the traffic and slowly drove off.

  Matthew was not aware that he was about to become a father, and that once again he was driving away from a girl he loved and would have married if given another chance, and also in leaving her behind he was also ensuring that she would keep the secret from him, just as had happened more than twenty years ago.


  A Different Ending

  As Matthew drove out of town on the old Ipswich road towards Combs Ford the tear in his eyes had developed into a constant stream and was affecting his vision. Grabbing a tissue from the dashboard he wiped his face, having made up his mind to return to the Town Square, just in case Maureen had turned up late for their meeting. He jerked the steering wheel around doing a hundred and eighty degree turn in the middle of the road. He then set off back to the town square and parked his car in the same spot. After a quick look in the café that he found deserted he got back into his car and took a slow ride in the direction of Creeting Road, all the time keeping his eyes peeled just in case she was walking.

  Just as he was approaching the railway crossing he saw a young lady walking on his side of the road heading in the same direction as him. It just had to be Maureen, even from the back he knew it was her. He bumped the car up on the kerb and got out, and started to run towards her. As he was about three feet away, and she having heard someone running up behind her, turned round and they were standing face to face. Neither moved another inch, and then just like it had been choreographed by an expert. They both took a step forward and wrapped their arms around each other for a big hug. Maureen I love you, said Matthew and with that they both kissed for what seemed like five minutes. Suddenly alarm bells could be heard as a barrier covered with flashing lights was lowered down beside of them. To them it was like they had hit the jackpot in the love stakes. But they were soon brought back to reality as they were standing on the railway level crossing and on the wrong side of the barrier. One of the railway porter’s further up the line and on the
station was shouting at them. Calling them stupid bastards and that they were going to kill themselves if they did not watch it. Loves not that good to be killed for he shouted. Oh but it is, said Matthew as they both ducked under the barrier to the safe side of the track just as a train approached.

  They talked for a time every now and then dropping back in to a kissing session. Until finally she agreed to go with him as long as they could call in to her house so she could grab a few belongings. By late afternoon they headed off in his car in the direction of Ipswich, any further than that and they had no plans.

  Although it was learnt via Aunt Betty that they ended up living in Marlbough in Wiltshire where they brought up a small family and lived happy ever after.

  The End.

  JOHN went on to curse the day that Matthew returned to Stowmarket, ruining the relationship that he had with Eileen and of the chance he had to marry her. He was never to see her in private again and ended up living a very boring life with his two sisters. Being hen pecked at every opportunity his sisters could find to get at him. They had thought him to be a bit of a sissy, and that he should have stood up to Matthew more that he did. So to this day his whole life revolves around cleaning up behind them.

  CHEETAH Within just a few weeks of Matthew’s departure from the town, Cheetah had also moved away from Stowmarket, after a major argument and falling out with John over his failure to get Matthew out of Eileen’s life, and thus leave the field clear for himself. He was supposed to have moved to Norwich in Norfolk where he joined a money lending gang becoming their debt collector. The story goes that on one such debt collecting job he was beaten up and was left in a coma, dying in hospital a couple of days later.

  DAWN Having moved in with the new boyfriend, the relationship did not last long and within just a couple of weeks she was home once again with her mother. However, the taste of independence had been sweet for her, and when, within a short period of time a new boyfriend came along, once again they moved in with each other. However, this relationship led to her becoming addicted to drugs and later alcohol. Over the next few years she was constantly being admitted into hospitals to try and dry her out. Sadly with in just a few days after each release, she was back on the drugs once again. Her mother tried desperately to help her, but it was all in vain. After going through two miscarriages and a couple more relationships that all failed, she took an over dose of her mother's sleeping tablets. This was a stupid move that almost killed her, leaving her with a mental problem. This time upon her release from hospital, she moved in with her mother, where she was looked after for the next ten years before she finally died from acute kidney failure due to the drug abuse she had given her body over the years.

  AUNT BETTY Lived to a ripe old age, enjoying and living the life style she had been accustomed to, even though it was on her own. Matthew kept in touch with her on a regular basis by phone and letter, but he never returned to Stowmarket so they were never to meet again. She was thrilled to learn that he had finally married and settled down. The only thing she missed was to see his children, but like so many other family’s she had to be content with looking at photos. She also kept his secret to herself.

  BRIAN Continued to prop up the bar of the Queens Head Hotel and to constantly relive his war stories to any new patron who came in for a drink. This was a good thing because the landlord more than once had remarked that if he changed his watering hole then his profits would take a nosedive. He never took a job and solely relied on his service pension and on the drinks that he had bought him by the interested patrons, or was it that they just wanted to get him drunk so that he went to sleep.

  SALLY Married Peter within a year of Matthew’s departure from the town, and over the years gave birth to two children a boy whom they named Matt and a girl they named Eileen after Peter's mother. Sally became a good mother to her family and also gained a very good sense of humour that Peter likened to his father Matthew, something that gave him a thrill to hear.

  PETER Married Sally and they bought a house in the country near Great Finborough where they set up home and had two children. It was only with the loss of his father from his life that he realised just how much he missed him, and would have done anything to have him return to be with him whenever possible. He had also noticed that his mother missed Matthew as well, and at times he believed that his mother had regretted the decision she had made, in letting Matthew go. Peter continued working at the Lawn Mower factory and after a year was promoted Supervisor taking the position that Hossreite had was vacated after his arrest for stealing from the factory. Peter also took a keen interest in local council workings and in due course was elected to the town council, where he served the people of Stowmarket well, being remembered as one of the best in the last few years.

  HERR HOSSRIETE Was charged with the theft of several hundred Lawn Mowers, and found guilty, and for his part in the racket he received four years imprisonment in Norwich Prison. Being a German and having that familiar deep German accent he received a lot of unfriendly attention from the fellow inmates that led to several beating. He served out the majority of the sentence in solitary confinement for his safety. Upon his release he returned to live with his relations in Hamburg where he remains today.

  EILEEN Never married, she just accepted what had happened and got on with living her own life. However, she did not let John back in to her life, and at times thought it a blessing in disguise that John’s true colours had come out before she had taken the plunge and got married to him. She was lonely at first but once Peter and Sally started to have children, life for her changed and for the better. She had the children in her care whenever it was possible, and like all grandparents spoilt them as if they were her own. In Matt she saw a very close likeness to Matthew and although she was the only one to say so, in Eileen she saw herself. She still remains in the same house today near the entrance to Walnut Tree Walk.

  JANICE Never got over Matthew’s decision to move out from her house, she had loved him, but until that day she had not realised just how much. This loss had altered her life forever, realising too late that it was possibly her last chance of finding a partner. She would willingly have married him the very same day the question was popped to her. Although sadly no other men came into her life, and then her daughter became addicted to drugs and alcohol. She then spent a large amount of her time nursing Dawn trying to get her back to good health. However, she was up against a losing battle as a lot of parents have found out over the years. Once Dawn had moved back in with her for good, Janice just accepted what had happen and got on with the job of looking after her daughter, and to make their lives as happy as she could. The death of Dawn almost killed Janice taking away from her the only remaining love in her life. She still lives in Temple Road and has no plans of moving for the moment, she just waits for the day that Matthew might return. If she were to move she is afraid that Matthew will not know where to find her if ever he choose to return. She never found out whatever happened to Matthew or Maureen for that matter, but if he were ever to return and pop the question to her, she would fling her arms around him and say yes right away.

  MAUREEN & MATTHEW They were married within a couple of months and later moved to the West Country, setting up a home in Marlbough, Wiltshire. Maureen’s observations were right, she was expecting a baby and they had a little girl who they named Peta after Peter, Matthews’s son. Matthew took a job with a local firm building buses. They were both very happy and Maureen forgave him for all of his past misdemeanours. For his part Matthew repaid her by never accepting any female offer that was thrown his way, and there were a few. No this time he was not going to let any silly mistake take away from them the true love that they had found.

  But that’s another story, and one day I will tell you all about it.

  The End---for now

  Further Publications

  From This Author

  'Almost Total Recall' an Autobiography of the author Terry Aspinall. This book is part
one that covers his early years from May 1943 until he leaves New Zealand to head for Australia in March 1988. Volume 2 is under way but will be couple of years down the track.

  'The Autumn Reunion' a fictitious story of a school reunion that tempted James through the painful journey of having to chose one girlfriend above another.

  'The Fabulous Spawlszoff Brothers' a fictitious story, that is based on actual funny events that the author has experienced during his 50 years in the music industry.

  'Johnny Morris and the Convertibles' is a fictitious story that is based on actual events that the author has experienced during his 50 years in the music industry.

  'The British Hang Gliding History' is an updated history of how the hang glider was invented in Australia during 1963, and of how it arrived in the UK to be manufactured and flown for the first time during 1972. This book is a shortened version of the successful website it is based on at there are working hyperlinks to the websites BHGA early Hang Gliding magazine 'Wings' and also the BMAA early Microlighting magazine 'Front Line'.

  'The Adventures of Henri and Charlie' is a very young children's short story about the authors pet Peach Face Parrot and Canary that escape from their cages and are taken on a wild ride, with no hope of returning to the security of their own cages back home. In this story the birds talk to each other.

  'Matthew Returns' Matthew has been discharged from the British Army after serving 22 years. He returns to Suffolk and the small country side town of Stowmarket, in which he grew up. At first he finds it hard to settle back into the life he once knew. Finding it hard to obtain employment with skills he had picked up while in the Army. However, a shock awaits him when it comes to finding himself a girl friend.


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