Penny of the Paranormal: Shifter Romance (Vanguard Elite Book 4)

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Penny of the Paranormal: Shifter Romance (Vanguard Elite Book 4) Page 7

by Annie Nicholas

  “If they wake up.” Alistair turned her face toward him. “I won’t jeopardize your safety.” He brushed his sore lips over her cracked ones and it was the sweetest of moments. His heart twisted at her touch. “I just can’t.”

  She cupped his windblown, numb face in her gloved hands. “I’m their omega and their friend. Darrell and Julia won’t hurt me, even in feral form.”

  He did not agree. Not with days of hunger driving these wolves. His heart knew she wouldn’t abandon them to the elements, but his instinct didn’t run parallel to Penny’s. She was healer, mother, nurse to the pack. He was a pain in the ass, hunter, spoiled brat.

  He swallowed what little was left of his pride. “What do you want to do, Omega?”

  Her worried expression softened. “Their wolves will need to feel safe before relinquishing control. Shelter, warmth, and… Food.” Sadness caressed her face. “Hunt for them, Alistair.”

  He gave her a slow blink, surprised at her request. “How?” He gestured to Darrell who he’d been carrying for over an hour. Darrell was a heavily muscled wolf who strained even Alistair’s back.

  She sighed. “I’m not sure, but if they wake without food, they’ll definitely try to eat one of them.” Her sad stare moved to their team. “I can’t let that happen.”

  Bobby Jo rose at her comment. “She’s right. I can carry two of the smaller wolves of Julia’s team if someone else can manage Darrell. That wolf needs to lay off the sweets once we get home.”

  “If we ever get sweets again,” mumbled Vicki.

  “Or home,” Amy added.

  They were all tired and hungry, but at least his team all had a meal last night. “Enough of that kind of talk.” Knowing Darrell and Julia, they probably hadn’t taken the time to hunt yesterday, choosing to reach the flags over their hunger. “We’ll get back.” Allowing impulse to move him, he kissed Penny’s forehead. “You’re a wise leader. I’ll do as you ask.” So far, she’d kept them safe and from losing themselves to their wolves. Something Julia and Darrell hadn’t accomplished. She was amazing. “Can you find the cabin from here?”

  “I recognize this area from this morning.” She pointed further down the hill. “Look, there’s our tracks in the snow.”

  Alistair took in their ragged group. The wolves she’d chosen as her team—the ones he wouldn’t have picked. Pride swelled his chest. They were survivors. Not the strongest of their pack, but somehow, they had managed to make it through the boot camp trials where others couldn’t. Unlike him, their power and strength came from within.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can find food.” If he could find prey and if he could catch it. Rabbits were one thing, but in general wolves hunted in packs. Alone was hard and he hated being alone. But they needed him. This was the first time he truly felt part of the pack so technically he carried them with him. He undressed and left his clothes with Penny before shifting to beast form.

  Fur coated his skin and blocked the wind. Scents grew sharper, the clear cold air made it easier to track. He rubbed against Penny as he passed.

  Her gloved fingers trailed in his fur. “If you can’t find anything, come back before dark.”

  They wouldn’t have that long before her pack mates warmed and woke up ravenous. If he didn’t find anything in an hour, he’d be back to protect her.

  The cabin finally came into view. Tears of relief burned Penny’s eyes before freezing to her eyelashes. She swore she’d never live north of the frost line again. Her legs shook under every step. Julia had grown heavier as they descended the mountain.

  Somehow Bobbi Jo had managed to carry two wolves while Parker struggled under Darrell’s huge form. The wolf’s tail and back paws actually dragged in the snow behind him.

  She’d never realized how big their beast forms were in comparison to their human ones until now. Opening the door, she entered the cabin. She crossed the small room and settled Julia’s slim form by the fireplace. Her friend’s chest still rose under her hands but wasn’t visible to the eye. If she didn’t warm her pack mates soon they would slip away.

  One by one, her team stumbled inside, depositing their burdens alongside Julia.

  “Where’s the firewood?” asked Vicki.

  Penny’s shoulders slumped and she pointed to the furniture. “Break them up.” Somehow she’d have to figure out how to pay the cabin owners back and she hadn’t a cent to her name.

  Nick didn’t hesitate as he smashed a chair against the floor.

  She rose to her feet and closed the cabin door, watching her team create a huge fire. Her heart pounded as Darrell opened an eye, his gaze meeting hers before closing again. There had been nothing of her friend behind that look. She pressed her back to the door, gripping the doorknob behind her.

  The team slowly returned to her side as the cabin warmed. Wide-eyed and shivering, they waited.

  “Maybe we should…umm… Run away while we can?” Nick peeked out the window. The sun was setting behind the trees.

  “They would only track us down like deer.” Not to mention, Penny wouldn’t leave her pack mates trapped in a cabin for Alistair to find alone. They would tear him limb from limb and she wouldn’t abandon her fierce hunter. “We make a stand here.”

  “I searched the cupboards. There’s no food.” Amy took Penny by the hand.

  She knew this already. Alistair and her had eaten what little they had found last night. Whoever owned this cabin hadn’t planned on returning soon so it wasn’t well-stocked.

  “We’ll wait for Alistair. He’ll catch something.” She had faith in him even if no one else did. He’d never been given a real chance to be the best shifter he could be until now. He hadn’t let her down. She didn’t expect him to.

  The cabin grew warm enough that she removed her jacket and gloves. They burned the chairs and the boys were taking apart the table when Darrell lifted his shaggy head.

  The room went still.

  Penny stood closest to him. Her heart racing. “Darrell?” She knelt slowly, gesturing for the others behind her to move out of the cabin slowly.

  The big wolf sniffed her extended hand, ears back, canines exposed.

  She dropped her gaze, appearing as submissive and small as possible.

  The cabin door creaked as her team hurried out into the cold. Luckily, Darrell’s wolf form was still groggy and disoriented. Maybe he was still in control. She could only hope because if he was,any others in his team would follow his lead since he was so dominant, no matter their mental state.

  As the last member of her team slipped out the cabin, Penny crept backwards toward the exit. Sweat trickled along her spine. She hadn’t really thought this plan out. She had hoped Alistair would be here when the other wolves woke but Darrell had warmed quickly.

  The big wolf nuzzled his mate until she stirred. The commotion had the other wolves waking as well.

  As Penny moved closer to the open door, Darrell swung around with a snarl.

  An involuntary squeak of surprise escaped her and she scrambled for an escape.

  Darrell leapt across the room with paranormal speed and was met by a larger golden wolf midair.


  Penny was pressed flat as he crushed her against the wall. Growls echoed in the small space and she couldn’t see what was transpiring. Click of claws on wood, followed by hungry snarls outside.

  Was Alistair letting them escape the cabin to attack her team? She beat her fist against Darrell’s back.

  After what felt like an eternity, Alistair moved, allowing her to rise to her feet. She expected to have to fight for her life.

  Instead, she watched Julia’s team feast on a freshly killed doe.

  Penny hugged Alistair around his thick furry throat. “You did it.”

  Chapter Eleven

  After the other team had finished eating the doe Alistair had caught, they shifted back to human form. Everyone now gathered around the dying fire inside the cabin. One of Darrell’s teammates borrowed some clothes fo
und in the cabin and went with Nick to retrieve the other team’s belongings left at the base of the mountain.

  Penny sat between Alistair and Darrell, separating them, with Julia on the other side of her mate. Their gazes landed everywhere but on each other. To say things were awkward was an understatement. Naked pack mates, ex-fiancée, and going feral made for uncomfortable conversation.

  Alistair had his arm over his omega’s shoulders and her pack mates tossed him unsure glances. Darrell’s were clearly disapproving. Alistair didn’t care. All that mattered was how Penny felt about him.

  Thankfully, Nick and the other shifter returned quickly with everyone’s clothing. Nudity wasn’t what made him uncomfortable. He didn’t want anyone freezing and wasn’t used to feeling all this…empathy.

  “What now?” Penny rested her head on Alistair’s chest.

  “We should go for the flags.” He stroked her hair. They had been so close to the summit. It would be a shame to give up now.

  “Why do you care?” Julia snapped. “Why are you even participating and don’t give me this bullshit story about wanting Pallas’s car. I know you, Alistair. You could buy five of those cars and not put a dent in your bank account.”

  Darrell’s eyes went round. “He could? Really?”

  Alistair’s traitorous gaze darted to Penny.

  “Really?” Julia echoed her mate, her expression just as stunned as his.

  “What?” Penny looked from him to Julia and back again. “Ian asked him to even out the teams to make it fair. You heard him, Julia. Now leave Alistair alone.” She set a possessive hand over his thundering heart.

  Not that he needed protecting from others but it was sweet that Penny felt the need to defend his honor. He kissed the top of her head. “I don’t want anyone from my team to be sent home. I think we should have time to reach the summit and return to the manor if we leave now.”

  “I don’t want to go home,” said Vicki.

  “Nobody wants to go home.” Darrell rested his arms on his knees as he stared at the small flames.

  “We’re out of fuel for the fire.” Alistair gestured to the bare cabin. “No matter what, it’s going to be a cold night. Better to keep moving.”

  “Easy for you to say. Your team didn’t almost die on the mountainside.” Julia hugged Darrell’s arm.

  “Not true.” He rested his chin on Penny’s head, needing her close as he recalled how near she’d come to freezing to death.

  “I hate to admit this, but I agree with Alistair,” Darrell finally spoke. “We can’t give up. We have to keep pushing.”

  Penny gave Alistair a wink and mouthed the words. “Good job.”

  His heart could have burst at such outward approval. “Grab what blankets and clothes you can find so we can stay warm in case we get caught in another storm.” Alistair helped Penny to her feet and with her jacket. “This will be harder to do at night. You need to stay close to me at all times.” He couldn’t bear to lose her. Not again.

  She nodded. “We can do this.”

  Except for finding the frozen team, they would have accomplished this goal already and been returning to the manor by now.

  “Let’s go,” Darrell called out and exited the cabin.

  Alistair bristled at the command but his omega ran her hands over his tense shoulders, calming his dominant wolf. This wasn’t his pack, no matter how much he wished. He had no right to lead them or make trouble. Darrell was their most dominant hunter and the teams should follow him. He, at least, took Alistair’s suggestions with more grace than Alistair would have when he first arrived to the boot camp. The man he’d once been seemed like such a stranger now.

  Both teams shuffled out into the snow. The weather on the summit would be worse. He watched the tired steps of the other shifters, none of whom asked to quit and return to the manor.

  As if sensing his thoughts, Penny leaned closer and whispered, “Some of us don’t have the option to fail.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Their packs won’t accept them back if they fail the boot camp. For some, this is home.”

  Alistair fisted his hands. That explained why many of the shifters were so driven. “Then they’re outcasts if we fail?” He knew exactly how that felt.

  “Ian will take them into his pack, but as long as he’s training at the boot camp he can’t care for those who have no home. Pallas owns the manor, not us. The outcasts have to wait until Ian and Clare graduate.” She wiped her red nose. “I know that sounds heartless, but—”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I think it’s honorable that Ian is offering them a home.” Most wouldn’t have. Outcasts didn’t tend to get a second chance. When he returned to his pack without Julia, he was sure to be cast out. The thought didn’t cause knots in his guts like it had a few days ago. He caressed Penny’s face. Maybe not returning home wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe leaving his pack might actually be a good thing.

  The last of the shifters left the cabin so Alistair and Penny followed them out. He shut the door with a silent promise to right the damage they had done to this place.

  They hiked along the mountain. The moon hung low in the sky, silhouetting the stark bare branches of the trees as the wind howled down the mountainside.

  Wait. Alistair stopped. “Quiet everyone.” He waved his hands at the other shifters. He twisted around, scanning the forest, and listened closer. More distant howling. Not the wind.

  Darrell paled and gripped Julia’s hand. “You don’t think?”

  “I do.” Ian and Clare’s team were out there and in wolf form, howling as if on a hunt. Drawing closer. As they had just recently witnessed, hungry, cold shifters could go feral fast. Not recognizing friend from foe, pack from prey.

  “Shift,” Alistair ordered Penny.

  Without question, she unzipped her jacket with shaky hands.

  “Shift,” he commanded their team. Julia’s people were too exhausted to change again so soon. “We need to be prepared to defend the other team.” He met Darrell’s worried stare. “Keep your people together while we ring you.”

  They were exposed in the forest. “Which way to do you want to run? Cabin or manor?”

  “Manor. It has more defenses,” Darrell replied. “They’ll tear into the cabin easily.”

  Alistair stripped and started his own shift. They could fight better this way with tooth and claw as weapons. It was possible Clare’s team was tracking game, but he had hunted this mountain. Prey was sparse. He’d been lucky to track a sick doe.

  The only trail this side of the peak were theirs.

  Julia gathered her team in a tight bunch and Penny’s team circled them.

  She stood at his side, pale fur gleaming in the moonlight. Her delicate little paws danced in the snow as adrenaline pumped into her bloodstream as it did in his.

  Even though tiny for a wolf, she remained steady at the front, ready to protect her pack.

  Those who thought omegas were weak, were wrong. They were the heart. She would fight just like any shifter, but her drives were different than a hunter’s.

  A huge wolf broke through the line of trees in the distance. He ran straight for them, not pausing or slowing. Teeth bared.

  “Shit.” Darrell pulled Julia behind him. “They have gone feral.”

  Someone screamed.

  Alistair twisted in time to see the rest of Clare’s team break from cover around them. She’d chosen the strongest and fastest of the pack. Each wolf outweighing their team members easily.

  They didn’t have a fighting chance.

  Darrell must have had the same thought since he shouted, “Run!”

  Heart in throat, Alistair shoved Penny toward Darrell’s group, then rushed toward Ian’s growing form. He was their only chance of stopping the alpha from killing his own pack. He couldn’t let Ian harm them. If he did, they’d never trust him again. From what he knew of Ian, he was a good leader. Someone Alistair could look up to and aspire to be.

  The scra
mble of claws at his side caught Alistair’s attention. He tossed a look over his shoulder, expecting to find a feral wolf ready to attack. Instead, he found Penny, struggling to match his pace.

  Ian’s huge form crashed into his before he could react to his delicate omega’s insane move. The alpha was a little bigger than Alistair and much, much hungrier. Sharp teeth snapped at Alistair’s face as he held the alpha back with just his paws. He’d never been prey before and he didn’t like it.

  The alpha yelped in surprise and was suddenly off of Alistair.

  Penny danced around her alpha and under him. Her small form easily moving between his limbs as she nipped at his paws until he tripped and fell. Then she was racing off after the others, not going for the kill Alistair’s hunter instincts screamed for.

  He shook his head, clearing his wolfish desires. Killing was not what he wanted to do. Hell, he didn’t even want to replace Ian as alpha. In all truth, he didn’t know what he wanted. He hadn’t been given a chance to find out except he knew from now on Penny would be part of his life.

  In a few long strides, he joined Penny in a race for their lives. The others ran ahead of them in human form with their team busy keeping Clare’s at bay.

  They were in luck. Clare’s team seemed exhausted, otherwise they would have overtaken them easily. They still managed to get a few bites on Penny’s team’s hides.

  Ahead, the manor’s huge stone building came into view, the moonlight paving their path. Candlelight lit some of the lower level windows as if welcoming them home.

  Ian’s howl cut through the night like a knife and pumped fuel into everyone’s legs. Amazing how fast they suddenly could run with the right motivation. Not long ago a hike had seemed impossible.

  The sound of heavy footfalls followed Alistair across the deep snow. He could hear Ian panting as he closed the distance between them.

  Unable to resist, Alistair tossed a glance over his shoulder.


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