Falling for Trouble

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Falling for Trouble Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  Her traitorous fingers started to shake when she went to work on the buttons of his shirt. With each one that popped free to reveal the hard, inked skin of his torso, she had to work on looking at him simply as a friend. It was so hard, though, so very hard. Her love for him was so strong, so fierce, that tears threatened to make an appearance. Pursing her lips, she breathed out and freed the last button. After pushing the material open, she kept her eyes averted as she worked his arms free of the sleeves and tossed the shirt aside. In all honesty she could have just left him fully dressed, but she told herself any good fired would do this. Yeah, right. This had nothing to do with being a good friend and everything to do with wanting to see more of the man she loved.

  In his sleep he looked relaxed, like he didn’t have a care in the world. The lines of worry were smoothed, and he looked like the young boy she had followed around like a puppy. Her eyes moved back to his chest and she followed the dark lines of ink.

  Bringing the tip of her index finger over his right pec, Sophia traced the swirling pattern of ink around his nipple and down the hard ridges of his six-pack. She trailed her finger up the opposite side and rested her palm over his heart, letting the strong, steady beat calm her own racing heart. She closed her eyes and felt her breathing finally slow, but when she opened them and looked at Abe’s face, her breath hitched. He watched her intently, his gaze clear.

  “What are you doing, Sophia?” His voice was soft.

  She went to move her hand away but his reflexes were fast, even sloshed off his ass. He gripped her wrist in a strong, yet gentle hold. “Abe.” She had no idea how to respond, didn’t know how to explain why she was touching him. It might have seemed innocent enough, but by the look in his eyes and her pounding pulse, it was anything but.

  He pushed himself up until he was resting his upper body on his elbow, causing his muscles to tense. Sophia couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. She stared into his eyes and felt something shift in the air. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the heat that suddenly seemed to fill the room, but Sophia felt herself leaning forward. Abe let go of her wrist and cupped the side of her face at the same time he leaned in. When their mouths were just inches apart, she closed her eyes and moved that last inch that separated them. Everything inside of her yearned for this, but there was that nagging voice that told her what a horrible mistake this was.

  That first touch of her lips against his was like pouring gasoline on a fire. Sparks shot from her mouth, all the way through her body, and settled in her clit. It was intense and potent and they hadn’t even moved yet. Abe took the lead, moving his lips on hers, slow and easy. He pushed himself up farther, cupped the other side of her face, tilting her head at the same time, and finally deepened the kiss.

  His tongue slipped into her mouth, stroking the very tip of hers. He moaned when she reciprocated. The taste of him was tangy from the whiskey and sweet from the beer. His hands moved from her face to grip her shoulders, pulling her roughly to him so their chests pressed against each other.

  “Straddle me, baby.” Abe’s voice was gruff with need. Sophia pulled away because she knew this wasn’t a good idea. He no longer seemed drunk, but did he really know what the hell they were doing?


  “Straddle me, baby.” His tone brooked no argument. He moved so his back rested against the headboard. Swallowing the very thick lump in her throat, she found her eyes traveling down his chest and stopping on the very large bulge pressed against his jeans. Even in the darkened room, she could see how it strained against his fly, demanding to be free. The junction between her thighs became wet and she felt her nipples bead.

  “Come on, baby, I want to feel you on top of me.” Before she could stop this from going any further, Abe’s hands were on her waist, and he was hauling her on top of him. His mouth slanted on hers and he took her with a searing force. The groan that spilled from him was loud and she greedily swallowed it. With her legs spread wide over his, her pussy was in direct contact with his raging hard-on. A gush of fluid left her, and she felt her panties moisten further. Sophia shifted and gasped as the movement caused Abe’s erection to rub against her clit. His zipper caused a flash of discomfort to meld with the pleasure.

  “Fuck, baby.” He dragged his lips across her jaw and licked and nipped at her. Her head fell back and her breath left her. She gripped his wide shoulders, and curved her nails into him. A hiss escaped his mouth, but his erection grew impossibly harder beneath her.

  “This is a very bad idea, Abe.” Even she could hear that she didn’t mean what she said.

  “No, baby, I think this is the best idea we’ve had in a long time.” He continued kissing her jaw and made his way down to her neck. The light feel of him sucking at her pulse point had her shifting atop him again. He groaned and his hands landed on her ass to squeeze the mounds before spreading them slightly. He started moving her back and forth on his jean-clad erection, creating a delicious rocking motion that sent hard jolts of pleasure straight to the center of her body.

  “That is it, sweets.” He panted against her neck, and the fact he was having just as hard a time as she was turned her on even more. “That is sooo it.” His hips started lifting slightly, causing his erection to press impossibly harder against her cunt. “I can feel you, can feel how hot and wet you are.” His mouth was back on hers, his kisses so hard and demanding that she couldn’t keep up, but that was okay. That was really, really okay.

  “Do you know how long I’ve wanted you, Sophia?” The only sound that left her was a muffled moan against his mouth. “I’ve wanted you for so long. So fucking long.” He rocked her atop him harder and faster, creating a friction that had her trying to catch her breath. Her clit swelled from his ministrations and she knew her orgasm was only a few moments away. “I’ve dreamed about what your sweet little pussy would feel like on my cock, what your tits would feel like in my mouth.”

  Yes, oh God, yes.

  “For years, Soph, fucking years I’ve wanted you.” His tongue speared in her mouth and he touched every part of her. “Take your shirt off.” She didn’t hesitate when he stopped momentarily so she could remove the offending material. Tossing the shirt aside, she saw Abe’s gaze rake over her chest. “The bra, Sophia, take off the fucking bra.” There was no anger in his voice, just a deep-seated need.

  Reaching behind her, she unsnapped her bra, and before she slipped the straps down her shoulders, Abe removed one of his hands from her ass and placed it in the center of her chest. She looked into his eyes and saw him staring at her face. They didn’t speak for several long seconds and she wondered if he was having second thoughts. If she were smart, she would put a stop to this, tell him that this would ruin their relationship. The logical part of her brain snapped to attention and she opened her mouth to say just that, but Abe’s finger on her lips stopped her.

  “Don’t say the words, please.” He all but pleaded with his words and eyes. “I want this, baby, and I know you want this too.” The last part was almost phrased it as a question. After a second he removed his finger and slid first one then the other strap of her bra off. He held her stare even though her breasts were bared, but then he slowly let his eyes fall to her chest. Her nipples beaded under his sight and chills popped up along her flesh.

  “You’re beautiful, Sophia. So fucking beautiful.” Before she could comprehend his words, his mouth latched onto her right nipple and he sucked furiously. She speared her hands into his hair, grabbing chunks of the soft locks and holding his head to her chest. “I knew you’d be like this, knew you’d taste like this.” His words were muffled against her breast. The suckling of his mouth, sweep of his tongue, and stinging nip of his teeth were almost her undoing.

  Was she so desperate for his touch that she would continue with this, let the pleasure cloud her judgment and possibly ruin everything between them?

  His hips jacked up at the same time his teeth pulled at her nipple. The pleasure/pain combination was her undoing
and she climaxed, hard. She heard a low, mewling noise and realized it came from her.

  Abe grunted and he sucked harder on her, alternating between her breasts and prolonging her orgasm. Before the pleasure dissipated, Abe gripped her waist and flipped her on her back.

  “I’m not nearly done, baby.” His words were deep and low and poised right over her still-pulsating clit. She held her breath, waiting for that first touch of his mouth to her pussy. With quick, expert fingers, Abe removed her clothing until she was completely bare to him. A wave of embarrassment slammed into her. The fact she was nude in front of her best friend, the man she had known for the better part of her life, messed with her head a little. But all of that uncertainty left her at the carnal look on his face as he let his eyes travel up and down her body, taking in every single inch of her.

  With her head back and eyes closed, Sophia felt his thumbs slide along her labia before spreading them wide. He blew a warm stream of air across the inner lips he exposed and she arched her back. Electricity slammed into her, and despite the fact she had just come hard for him, she felt herself winding tighter and tighter, that coil inside of her tightening with pleasure.

  His tongue ran slow circles around her opening but he wouldn’t dip inside of her, wouldn’t give her that small reprieve. He teased her, tantalized her, and brought her to the precipice of orgasm with his tongue and fingers until she shamelessly begged for more. Then he gave it to her, spearing his fingers into her, stretching her at the same time he sucked on her clit. Her orgasm slammed into her, and she felt everything else fade into nonexistence.

  “Look at me.” The command was clear, and Sophia felt herself coming back from the hazy fog of desire. She lifted her head and saw Abe watching her. “The way you look when you come…” His exhale was long and deep and he closed his eyes momentarily. “Gorgeous.” He opened his eyes. “You’re stunning in the throes of pleasure.” The light from the moon came through the window and allowed enough of a silvery glow for her to see what he was doing. “I’m not done yet.” It was a deliciously dark promise. His thumbs were on each side of her pussy lips, holding the folds open obscenely wide. She could see her clit poking out from the hood, could tell how swollen it was. Abe flattened his tongue, while still watching her, and dragged the thick, pink muscle from her pussy hole to her clit. The sensation was incredible, but seeing him do it as well had a fervent plea leaving her. When her head would have fallen back from the overwhelming sensations, he whispered against her moist flesh, “Don’t look away. I want you to watch what I’m doing to you. I want you to watch yourself come all over my face.”

  Oh. God. The orgasm she’d just had was intense, but she felt herself climbing toward another one only minutes later. The air left her lungs when he started running his tongue up and down her cleft. His lips suctioned around the tiny bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs and she teetered on the edge. When he slowly inserted one finger into her pussy, she couldn’t stop her climax if her life depended on it.

  “Yeah, baby, that’s it. Give it all to me. Only to me.” Her head fell back and her eyes slid shut. The waves of pleasure took her breath away and she gripped the sheet beneath her, pulling, tugging at the fabric as she rode the wave of ecstasy. When she finally came back down, it was to the feel of Abe’s hips nestled between her legs. He started grinding his cock against her pussy, sending little sparks throughout her. His love bites along her collarbones and the sensation of his stubble along the now sensitive skin were intoxicatingly arousing.

  “Tell me you want more.” His mouth was by her ear, and his deep voice had her thirsty for more. Would this encounter bring them together even further or tear them apart? Sophia desperately wanted to have the answer, but she was in a blissful coma of pleasure and couldn’t find the brainpower to contemplate it. He looked down at her, waiting for her to say yes. And that was exactly what she did.

  “I want this, Abe.” He took her mouth in a bruising kiss and their hands fumbled with the rest of his clothing. When he was just as naked as she was and his hips were back between the cradle of her thighs, she gasped at the first feel of his hot, smooth, hard cock pressed against her pussy.

  “You’re so wet for me.” He started a slow rocking motion against her, causing his length to slip between her folds. The tip of his cock bumped up against her clit and his balls gently slapped against her bottom. “You feel how good that is? You feel how good we are together?” He picked up his motion and she felt herself climbing closer to yet another orgasm. It was like her body was insatiable for Abe.

  “Oh. God.” Her head thrashed from side-to-side and she closed her eyes and let the exquisite pleasure wash through her. Lifting her head, Sophia looked down and saw the thick, long length of his cock slide between her folds. The tip of him bumped her clit with every upstroke. The sight of her lips around his shaft, framing it as he fucked her without penetration, had her pussy weeping for him.

  Abe started to move faster against her. He placed his head in the crook of her neck and kissed the underside of her jaw. He worked his hips like a piston, up and down, faster and harder. The slickness from her wetness caused his motions to be easy and smooth, erotic and sensual. Then she felt the warm, powerful jets of his semen coat her pussy. His groan of completion was deep and long, and she wrapped her arms around him and held him close as his body gently shook from his orgasm. Even after he came she could still feel his semi-hard cock nestled between her folds. He lifted his head and kissed her gently, and she felt him harden almost instantly.

  “Abe.” Sophia said his name on a sigh. She tried to reason with herself that he couldn’t be that drunk if he could get hard so quickly again.

  “You feel what you do to me?” He pressed into her harder. “Do you feel how hard I get for you, even after just coming?” He ran his tongue up her neck and kissed the side of her mouth. “You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve jerked off to you, Sophia.” The words were darkly erotic and shock filtered through her.

  He had jerked off to her? Numerous times?

  He reached over to his bedside table and opened the drawer. After a moment, he cursed and then he rested his head in the crook of her neck again. He didn’t move for several long moments.

  “Abe? Everything okay?” Had he changed his mind?

  His words were muffled against her flesh and she asked again. He lifted his head and said, “No condoms, baby.”

  Condoms? How bad was it that she hadn’t even thought about using protection? She wanted to ask him if he used condoms every time, but the thought left a bitter taste in her mouth and would only conjure up unpleasant images of him with other women.

  “Baby, I always use protection. Always.” He ran his hand up her neck and cupped her cheek. “I just didn’t go out and grab anymore today.” His unspoken words about why he hadn’t found the time to go out, that he was too fucked-up in the mind over the death of his parents and his mother’s birthday, had her heart clenching tightly. Lifting her hand to his cheek, she rose up and kissed him on the lips. The only thing she wanted was to be with him, to ease his suffering and help her forget about everything aside from the two of them in that moment. So, maybe it was foolish, maybe it was disastrous, but Sophia didn’t care.

  “I want you, Abe. I trust you.”

  Chapter Five

  Abe’s stare bored holes into her and then he exhaled loudly. “Sophia.” His mouth lowered to hers at the same time he reached between their bodies and aligned the tip of his shaft with the opening of her body. This was it. This was the moment where lines would be crossed. The moment where she would no longer just be friends with Abe. Things would forever be changed between them.

  When he started to push into her, she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, causing him to sink further into her. He was a big man all around, and his dick was no different. She felt the stretch and burn of him working his way inside of her. There was pain, but the pleasure soothed the sting. The way his jaw worked under his fle
sh was both arousing and masculine. The strain, which showed in his expression, caused beads of sweat to break out along his brow, dampening the tips of his hair. One of his hands was braced by her head, his arm straight and tensed. His other hand cupped her cheek and his eyes stayed on her. It was like everything around them disappeared, like there was nothing else that mattered in the world. His eyes were half lidded and his mouth slightly parted. He stopped about a fourth of the way, eyes sliding closed and breathing heavily.

  “You’re so tight and wet.” He gritted his teeth and retreated. When just the tip was at her entrance, he waited for a prolonged moment then he slammed into her hard. A cry of pain left her and his groan mingled with it. When he bottomed out inside of her, he stilled. She could feel his heart beating a rapid rhythm, or maybe that was hers.

  “Jesus, Sophia.” He looked worried as he stared sown at her. “Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice had dropped and a soft look crossed his face. “Why didn’t you tell me, baby?”

  How in the hell was she supposed to tell him that at twenty-two she was still a virgin? That deep down inside she had always been saving herself for the man she loved? Him.

  “I-It never came up.” He sank his upper body on top of hers and she sighed when his hardness met her softness.

  “You’re so perfect.” Moving his hips back and forth, he stroked her from the inside. Her eyes closed and her back arched. Picking up speed, Abe fucked her hard, fucked her like his life depended on it. This wasn’t about making love. This was about getting their emotions out physically. At least it was for her.

  The image in her mind of her first time had always been soft and sweet, gentle and coaxing. But with Abe, feeling him move inside of her like he couldn’t get deep enough was just as perfect. Both of his arms were now beside her head, and when she looked to the side, she could see the muscles flexing in his forearms. He started whispering dirty words, filthy things that had her growing hotter, had her pussy clenching around his cock as he plunged in and out of her. She should have known sex with Abe would not be the romanticized notions of a budding virgin. Abe was everything she shouldn’t want and everything she desperately needed. He was rough and raw around the edges, said exactly what he meant, and didn’t mince his words. He drank a lot, got into fights, and was covered in tattoos, but he was the man she loved and she would make sure things between them changed for the better. She wanted a life with him, wanted to be the only woman for him.


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