Falling for Trouble

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Falling for Trouble Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  He took another long pull from his beer and turned back to the men at his table. Red was watching him with a knowing look. At least his boss didn’t feel the need to call him out on his clear infatuation with Sophia.

  Abe wasn’t good for her anyway, not with the life he had led. Since his parents’ deaths, he’d jumped from one woman to another. Maybe he was trying to fill a void? Maybe things would have gone down a different road if he had just come clean and confessed how he really felt for her? No one on the planet could give him what he needed like Sophia could. Her gentle nature had soothed him on some of his worst nights, but there were also parts of him he had never told her about. She didn’t know about his nightmares that were hindered when he drank himself unconscious. He surely must look like some kind of alcoholic to her. Hell, to everyone. Truth was he hadn’t gotten drunk since that morning fourteen days ago. He’d told her he was going to do right by her, and dammit, he was trying.

  Everything he did was a start. If she didn’t want that kind of relationship with him, then he would take whatever she would give. Having a life without Kid in it was not something he wanted to face. He supposed that was why he hadn’t admitted his feelings to her yet. That rejection he might face from revealing such things also hung in the air like a black cloud. He would take each day one at a time, and then, when he felt the time was right, he would lay it all out for her. He would bare his fucking soul to her and pray like hell she didn’t walk away.

  He looked away from Red and stared at Hunter’s closed office door. What in the hell was going on in there? Oh, he had seen the way Hunter looked at her when Sophia wasn’t looking. There was clear interest on her boss’s face, a fact that had him on edge. Abe had seen it for the last four years, but the guy never made a move on her. It was clear Abe’s silent threats and death glares hadn’t penetrated Hunter’s thick fucking skull. It wasn’t lost on him that running off potential boyfriends for Sophia was a really shitty thing. Why should he be able to be with someone, yet she wasn’t? Telling himself that Sophia never showed any interest in her boss and therefore Abe was just looking out for her was a lame excuse. He didn’t want her with anyone because she was his. He had come to that conclusion, gripped it with the claws of his soul, and held on tight.

  Something inside of him had snapped and molded into a picture-perfect image of what he could have…Sophia. Maybe all the years of coping with his pain had gotten old, or maybe it had been waking up that morning and really seeing her in his kitchen, tending to him, that he knew it was now time for a change? Whatever it was wrapped around his mind and refused to let go. Just the image of her messy hair falling around her face, of her expressive green eyes, pulled at his heart and had his stomach clenching. It had taken him far too long to come to the realization that he was in love with Sophia and wanted her to know it finally.

  Of course, all of his musing could be for nothing, but he would never know unless he tried. The first step in the right direction was straightening out his shit. She might not know it, but Sophia Kidd was his, and he would prove that to her until he drew his last breath.


  Hunter’s office wasn’t what one would call an average bar office. It looked more like a small apartment tastefully decorated with hints of masculinity. The walls were a deep tan and green with dark brown leather furniture tastefully positioned, and an old, worn-in thick wooden desk taking up a good portion of the room. There was a door off to the side that she knew led into a small bedroom. He took his business seriously, even if that meant spending the night to get everything done.

  When Sophia was seated in the chair in front of his desk, they stared at each other. The air around Hunter seemed different, charged almost.

  “How are you doing, Soph?” He leaned back in his seat and placed his hands behind his head. His shirt stretched over his wide chest and she looked away, feeling embarrassed for looking at him with anything other them professionalism.

  “Good.” She cleared her throat. “I’ve been pretty good.” Shifting in her seat, she suddenly felt so strange alone with Hunter. She turned her attention back to him and saw that he watched her intently.

  “That’s good, Soph.” He leaned forward to rest his forearms on the desk. “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go out with me sometime.”

  For a solid minute, all she could do was stare at him and blink. He probably thought she was a crackpot, just staring at him, her mouth opening and closing with nothing coming out.

  “Soph?” Amusement laced his voice. “Would you like to go out with me sometime?” He smiled.

  “Uh…I…” Her first instinct was to say no because it almost felt like a betrayal to Abe, but the logical side of her said the opposite. Why should she wait for a man that didn’t even see her as more than a friend? Why pine for someone who brought a different woman home nearly every night of the week? He hadn’t in the last two weeks, but still, that was a moot point. And why in the hell would she let herself love someone that didn’t even remember taking her virginity? She loved Abe, always would, but she needed to realize that her dream world would never be a reality. Abe would never love her like she loved him, and the sooner she moved on, the sooner she could actually start her life.

  So, pushing her bleeding heart aside, she blurted out, “Yeah, that sounds great.”

  He looked momentarily surprised, like he expected her to decline, but recovered and his grin widened.

  “Great. Well, how ’bout I give you a call later to set something up?”

  She nodded and returned his smile. She could see herself falling for Hunter. He was smart, handsome, and kind. He didn’t drink excessively, sleep with random women, or pick fights with total strangers.

  When she finally left his office, she was in a sort of daze. She sought out Abe, saw he was no longer sitting where he had been, and also took note a blonde was missing. She didn’t let that bother her, not anymore. Tonight was the start of her new life, a life where she didn’t wish there could be more with Abe Rochester.

  Chapter Seven

  Abe heard his phone ringing but he was so fucking tired. The sheets were tangled around him and he reached out, his hand slapping against his bedside table, trying blindly to grab at the annoyance. The phone stopped ringing and he relaxed again only to be woken up by the damn thing going off once more. Peeling his eyes open, he reached for it. His head hurt but it had nothing to do with alcohol. He had spent half the night staring at old re-runs on the television because every time he fell asleep, the nightmares consumed him. When he did finally fall asleep, the sun had just started rising over the horizon. A glance at the clock showed it was going on eight in the morning.

  Rolling over, he grabbed his phone, saw it was Kid, and slid his finger across the screen to answer it. “Hey.” His voice sounded like he swallowed a bucketful of sand. Despite feeling like absolute shit, just hearing her sweet and soft drawl had all that washing away. He scrubbed his hand over his mouth and sat up. Clothes were strewn across his floor and he reached down and grabbed a pair of boxer briefs from the pile. After pulling them on, he headed into the bathroom.

  “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  He chuckled and stood. “You know you did, but it’s all good, Kid.” He smiled and knew she heard it by the sound of her smile in her voice.

  “Yeah, well, you always were a night owl.” There was a long pause and he wondered what she was thinking.

  “So you’ll be here in about an hour?”

  She exhaled loudly and he gripped the edge of the counter. A sick kind of feeling welled up inside of him at the sound. “Kid? What’s up?”

  “Well, I’m not going to be able to come by today…or tomorrow.” There was another, longer pause.

  “Okay.” That really wasn’t horrible. He knew her life didn’t revolve around him, but the way she sounded when she said it told him there was more. “You workin’ or something?”


  Okay. “Well, what about later today? I don�
��t work. We can grab lunch or something.” At her silence he went on. “I’d like to see you, Kid. I’d like to talk to you about some things.” Obviously this hadn’t been his plan, but he knew if he didn’t get his ass in gear, he was going to lose her.

  “I can’t, Abe.”

  Her short answers didn’t make him feel the least bit better. “What the hell is going on, Sophia? You’re being very vague with your answers, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to avoid me.” This was totally out of character for her. In fact, she had been acting pretty fucking weird the past couple of weeks. She exhaled roughly and he gritted his teeth.

  “Listen, don’t think I’m blowing you off, ’cause I’m not, but I have…” Her lengthy pause had his heart thundering in his chest. He lifted his hand and started rubbing the center of his chest, as if the motion would ease the ache. “I have a date and I’m meeting him in a little while.” She said it on a breath, and he couldn’t form any solid words for several seconds.

  The world closed in on him until he had tunnel vision. Why was he surprised? She was a beautiful girl and any guy who didn’t realize that and want to jump at the opportunity was a fucking moron. Any man would be damn lucky to have her, and he just might have blown his chance to be that man.

  “A date? Like with a guy?” She didn’t respond right away, and he looked down at the screen to make sure she was still there. “Kid?” Obviously he had said something wrong.

  “Why did you say that?” She was quiet, but he also heard how pissed she was.

  Fuck. This was so not the way this day was supposed to go. “Say what?” Of course he knew what she was referring to because after he said it he knew he had fucked up. Still, he played dumb. Maybe she would take pity on him and give him a break for putting his foot in his mouth.

  “Do you think that I can’t get someone to take me on a date, Abe?”

  He ran his hand through his hair and breathed out. “Calm down, Sophia. I’m not saying anything like that. I’m just asking.” Because I’m a jealous asshole that doesn’t deserve you but still wants a chance.

  “Yes, I have a date with an actual guy, believe it or not.”

  “Where is all this hostility coming from?”

  There was rustling in the background and then she said, “Listen, it really isn’t a big deal and I’m sorry for being short with you. I just wanted to let you know I won’t be there, but I’ll try and free up some time so we can we can get together later, okay?”

  He wanted to press her, wanted to beg her like some sappy fool to ditch whoever the hell she was going on a date with and spend that time with him, but of course he kept his mouth shut. He sucked up his pride and muttered, “Okay, Kid. I’ll talk to you later.”

  They disconnected and he sat there staring at his reflection. The jealousy he felt consumed him, but it was completely misplaced. Because of all the shit he had done in his life, he had no right. He hung his head and breathed out. After cleaning up, he headed back into his room and got dressed. He thought about letting her live her life, just stay the hell out of it, but then he shoved those fucking thoughts in the farthest recess of his mind.

  What the hell, dude? How many times have you fucked a girl, knowing Kid was going to stop by in the morning? She may not want you like you want her, but if you really look back on all the fucked up shit you did, you would see what a prick you’ve been.

  Damn. He couldn’t be upset with her. Did he actually expect her to never have a guy? He hadn’t confessed how he felt. An image of long, smooth legs spread in front of him flashed through his mind and he closed his eyes. For the past couple of weeks he had been having these odd images of a mystery girl. How sad was it that he started fantasizing that the woman in his mind was actually Sophia giving herself to him? It was getting to the point that when he closed his eyes, she was all he saw. He imagined the pussy that flashed in his mind, and the scent of flowers that filled his senses was actually Sophia. Yeah, he was a dirty bastard for thinking such things about her.

  He adjusted his dick because picturing Kid that way got him hard as steel. Once outside he headed to his bike. Red’s was his destination, and although the shop wasn’t open for business yet, he knew Seth would be there working on a bike or car. Red was always there. He still needed to talk to Kid, but obviously that would have to wait. He didn’t want her mad at him and right now she was. Sophia needed a little space, and he’d give it to her, because he needed Sophia more than he needed to breathe.


  Sophia pushed the door open to the small café where she was supposed to meet Hunter. He had wanted to pick her up, all gentlemanly, but she declined.

  When she called Abe this morning she had lied slightly. She did have a date, but she could have easily gone to his house and made him breakfast. She was glad she had decided against going over there, though. A little time apart would clear her head.

  Her love for Abe was strong, but she needed to sever these feelings if she had any hope of moving on with her life. They were dangerous and would only lead to heartache. He might have changed for the better, but how long would that last? Her heart couldn’t handle going to his house and seeing the naked females, smelling the sex in the room. She had done it for years and she just couldn’t do it anymore, wouldn’t do it anymore. Of course she still wanted Abe in her life, but the way she attached herself to him wasn’t healthy.

  Hunter sat at one of the bistro-style tables to her right. There was a chill from the air conditioner and she shivered slightly. He spotted her and smiled broadly while he stood. A smile curved her lips and she made her way over to him. Because he was sweet, he held her chair out and pushed it in when she was seated. The fact that he brushed his fingers along her shoulder wasn’t lost on her, but she liked it. It was a nice, gentle touch that maybe could grow to more when she was ready.

  “I hope I didn’t come off pushy or anxious when I called you last night.” He sat in the seat across from her and smiled again.

  When she’d gotten off work last night, she was surprised to get a call as soon as she stepped through the door. Despite the late hour she felt like a silly schoolgirl when she saw that it was Hunter.

  “No, I didn’t think you came off pushy at all. In fact, I was excited you called.”

  “Yeah?” His grin was positively blinding, and she felt her own smile widen as well. Hunter made her feel comfortable. She had always felt that way around him, but now that she looked at him as more than just her boss, that comfort bloomed inside of her.

  The waitress came by and eyed Hunter with clear attraction, but Sophia didn’t let that bother her. For one thing, he was very good-looking and any woman could see that. They ordered their meals, and after the waitress left Sophia couldn’t help but laugh softly.

  “What?” There was laughter in his voice.

  “Nothing.” At his raised brow, she caved. “I just think it’s funny that the poor girl was flustered. You really made an impression on her.” It was cute that the young girl had to ask him twice what he wanted. His chuckle was rich and deep and she let herself admit she liked it, a lot.

  For the next two hours they ate and talked about anything and everything. She found out he’d purchased the bar when he was twenty-nine, just ten years prior. Yes, he was seventeen years older than she was, but she didn’t feel like she was so much younger. He had started out with nothing, but the bar had prospered. It wasn’t the only drinking establishment in Northon, but it was the cleanest and most popular by far.

  “So, I guess ‘no fraternizing with the employees’ doesn’t apply here?” She was only teasing and was thankful he grinned at her comment.

  “Well, I’ll be honest, I have never asked one of my employees out. Ever. I do take that policy to heart, but I won’t lie. I’ve always seen you, Sophia.” His voice had dropped an octave on the last part and she felt a tingly sensation travel through her body. The way he said it seemed to mean so much more. “I’m willing to break the rules for you

  The fact that someone was willing to break anything for her sent a giddy, girly feeling through her. It was stupid, but whatever. She always thought of herself as just another girl, a plain Jane, but the knowledge that someone noticed her, even if it wasn’t Abe, made her feel really good, like she was worth something.

  “So if you’ve noticed me, why wait until now to ask me on a date?” Was she so desperate for praise that she’d fish for more from Hunter?

  He glanced down and for a moment he looked a little uncomfortable. “To be honest, I always thought there was something going on with you and Abe. I mean, the two of you are inseparable. I’ve seen you carry his drunken ass out of the bar too many times, and it’s hard not to wonder what happens after that.”

  Sophia averted her gaze and started messing with the hem of her shirt. She really didn’t want to talk about Abe, especially after their conversation that morning, but if she was going to move on, then she would have to get used to it.

  “Yeah, well, he has been my friend for a long time.” Hunter nodded and brought his iced tea to his lips to take a drink. He didn’t prod her for answers, just let her explain at her own pace. “For a long time there wasn’t anyone else but Abe in my life. He helped me get through a lot growing up.” She shifted in her seat, a lot of emotions swarming through her. “He’s my best friend.” She lifted her eyes and stared at Hunter. “But that’s all we are, just friends. You see how he is, know how many women he picks up in your bar. There are absolutely no feelings for me when it comes to him, aside from friendship.” Hunter didn’t say anything for a long while, and she wondered if he caught the way she didn’t admit that she didn’t have feelings for him. If he did catch it, he was kind enough not to call her out on it.

  “That doesn’t freak you out, does it?”


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