Falling for Trouble

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Falling for Trouble Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  Chapter Nine

  Two weeks later

  Sophia blinked over and over again as she stared at the little stick that showed two pink lines. No, this is sooo not happening. She threw it away and grabbed another one, this one made by a different manufacturer. This was her third test and they all said the same thing.


  She was in denial, pure and simple, but she was scared as shit most of all. Ever since the day Abe seemed to disregard her when she approached him at the bar, she had seen less and less of him. The phone calls or texts that they shared had been short and to the point. She hadn’t gone over and made him breakfast and there was a part of her that felt like she was going through withdrawal from not seeing him. Any time she did reach out to him, tried to get together for lunch or just to talk, he seemed aloof and distant, acted too busy to have anything to do with her. It pissed her off, but most of all, it hurt her. What had she ever done to make him treat her like this? True, she had started keeping her distance first, but she never acted so nonchalant when they spoke or saw each other.

  Her heart had completely broken in two, and she’d not only lost her best friend but her other half. For years, years, they had been Sophia and Abe, Abe and Sophia. Now they were just two separate people and it felt wrong.

  She set the new test on the counter after she peed on it and tapped her foot nervously. How stupid could she have been? Hadn’t she attended health class in sixth grade to learn how babies were made? Didn’t she understand that when people had unprotected sex, this could happen? She let her head fall into her hands and felt tears prick behind her eyes. Sophia had been seeing Hunter for the past three weeks, but they hadn’t done anything more than kiss. The one and only time she had given herself to a man was five weeks ago. That man had been Abe, the same man that no longer wanted anything to do with her.

  Several minutes passed, far more than the allotted time for the test to work its magic. She picked it up without looking at it and closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes and looked at the test.


  The lone word on the digital screen had her pulse pounding in her ears. They could be wrong, right? Oh, who was she kidding? She was so screwed. How in the hell was she going to explain this to Abe? If things were different between them, this would have been a joyous time. She loved Abe, but their fallout and the way it had transpired made this the worst possible situation. Of course she didn’t want to keep this from him, but how did one go about telling a man that he’d knocked her up when he didn’t even remember sleeping with her?

  God, this was so freaking bad. She threw the test in the wastebasket and stood on shaky legs. The mirror showed a girl she didn’t even recognize. Her eyes traveled down to her belly and she gripped the edge of her shirt, slowly raising it up. She was only a few days late, but her boobs had been so swollen and sensitive, far worse than when her period was going to start. There had also been a little voice inside of her that had poked her, telling her that maybe, just maybe, there was something more going on than just her period starting. She had told that little voice to shut the fuck up, but in the end she had driven herself to the convenience store one town over and bought several tests. There was no way she was going to get them at the local Walgreens and run the risk of someone she knew seeing her buy them and spread the news like wildfire.

  She stared at her flat belly and the very idea that there was a tiny life growing inside of her, a little piece of Abe, was almost too much to handle. Dropping her shirt, she braced her hands on the counter and hung her head. How in the hell was she going to get through this? Things were going good with Hunter, very well actually, but once he found out she was carrying another man’s child, he would want nothing to do with her and she didn’t blame him. Besides, she knew she couldn’t be in a relationship when she carried Abe’s baby. Sophia wanted to be with Abe in the worst possible way.

  There was no other option for her. She didn’t believe in abortion for herself and could never carry a child for nine months just to give it up to strangers. No, she would keep the baby and get through it. She would be a good mother and take care and love her child better than her own mom had. Eventually she would tell Abe because there was no way she could keep something like this from him. Sophia just hoped he believed her, hoped he didn’t push her away even more.

  Oh God. There was so much to do, and she didn’t even know where to start.


  Abe gripped his cock tighter. He pumped his palm up and down as his thoughts were consumed with Sophia. With each passing hour, each passing day, he felt like Sophia was slipping further away from him. She was still with Hunter, still walking the streets with him, their fingers entwined as if they wanted to prove to everyone how happy they were. He was a damn procrastinator. He brought the bottle of tequila to his lips and took a long, hearty pull. He set the bottle down and threw his arm over the back of the couch. He hadn’t gotten drunk in weeks, trying to be a better person and show the woman he loved that he wasn’t as bad as everyone thought he was. His life was all sorts of fucked up, and he wanted desperately to be good, but what the hell was the point when Sophia had finally found the happiness she deserved?

  In the darkness he could almost imagine he wasn’t alone, jacking off. Almost. Closing his eyes again, he pictured Sophia with him, touching him. It was her hand that moved up and down his dick. He was a sick fuck that had to stoop to this, but it was all he had and so he would take it.

  Resting his head on the back of the couch, he closed his eyes and the images that had been haunting him for over a fucking month played through his head. His mystery girl was gorgeous, despite the fact he couldn’t see her face. Then again he was imagining Sophia’s petite and stunning face on the lush, curvaceous body. Her pussy was tight, hot and wet, and had gripped his cock to the point he couldn’t breathe. Her hands slid over his chest, pulling him closer as she whispered how much she wanted him. He'd jerked himself off so many times at night with just those pictures in his head. Those releases had been far sweeter than the ones when he fucked some random female.

  He thought about Sophia, thought about how much he fucking missed her. Five weeks had gone by and he had barely seen or talked to her. The times that he did weren’t nearly long enough for his liking.

  Every time he saw her with Hunter, the hot spear of anger and jealousy consumed him. For years he had been cool with Hunter, but now that he had taken his girl, Abe felt nothing but hatred. Totally misplaced, he knew, but still an emotion he was unable to shake.

  He picked up the bottle again and swallowed some of the liquid. He was pretty toasted as it was, but at the moment he didn’t give a shit. Since shit had fallen through with Soph, he had stayed away from Tiny’s when she was there. It was just too hard seeing her, even if she didn’t have Hunter’s arms wrapped around her. He had no idea how their friendship had gone to shit so quickly.

  He pumped his hand over his cock faster and it felt good, but it was just empty pleasure. He was close to coming and gripped his erection with an iron fist. Grunting as he ran his palm over the crown of his cock, he smeared the pre-cum that leaked out of the slit and worked himself quicker, bringing his orgasm to the surface faster. A low groan left him as his balls drew up tight right before his cum spewed out and covered his hand. He didn’t bother getting up right away to clean himself up.

  This was not the direction he wanted to go, not when he had been trying so damn hard to be a better person, but everything that meant anything in his life had slipped through his fingers. This was not how he wanted things to end, and so he was going to fucking do something about it. He was going to make Sophia see that Hunter was not the man for her. He was.

  Chapter Ten

  One week later

  “Thank you for dinner, Hunter.” Sophia had waited seven whole days to finally tell Hunter that she was pregnant. She should have done it sooner, and there was no excuse for not, but her fear of Hunter’s reaction kept her
quiet. She liked him, but he wasn’t Abe. It didn’t matter that she was pregnant, because she knew in her heart things with Hunter could have never progressed. The time away from Abe had only made her want him that much more, but her need to try and face a reality she didn’t want had made her stubborn. Not anymore though. Hunter would know and then she would tell Abe everything.

  Hunter walked her to her door and took both her hands in his. “It was my pleasure, Soph.” His smile was so genuine that she hated having to say anything, but prolonging it would only make things harder. Hunter was a good guy, and he didn’t deserve being cornered and blindsided because of the trouble she got herself in and her feelings for another man. “I’d like to do it again. Maybe Saturday?”

  She didn’t say anything, just looked at his handsome face, wishing things could be different. Hunter was the kind of man she could see herself falling for one day, one day a long time from now, maybe. Abe was still too big a part of her life for her to think of a future without him, no matter how hard she tried.

  “Hunter…” God, how in the hell did someone break it off with another person? She had never been in this situation, not even with the few boyfriends she’d had. Those had all been a mutual spilt without any kind of animosity involved. She had a feeling that wouldn’t be the case in this situation. He let go of her hands and took a step back. When she lifted her eyes to his, she saw something shift in his expression. He shoved his hands in his front pockets, a defensive move she presumed, and he waited for her to continue.

  “I think maybe…this…isn’t going to work.” He didn’t say anything for so long she started to twist her hands together, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

  “Why? I thought things were going good, Sophia.”

  “They were. They are.”

  “Then what’s wrong?” He sounded so earnest, like she was breaking his heart after only four weeks of dating.

  “I…” Lord, this was so hard. Taking a deep, calming breath, she just spit it out. “I’m pregnant...and in love with someone else.” The mask was once again on his face and she wished she could wash it away. She hurriedly continued so he wouldn’t get the wrong idea. “I just found out about the pregnancy a week ago. I wasn’t sleeping around while we’ve been seeing each other.” Mortification seeped into her. She felt like a slut. “The one and only time I had sex, I ended up…” She swept a hand down her body because she didn’t really want to say the rest. She was afraid to look at him, afraid to see the anger and disgust that would surely be on his face. His words surprised her, though.

  “Are you okay? I assume the father is the man you are in love with? Does he know?”

  Lifting her head, she felt tears start to form in her eyes and thought of Abe. “I’m okay, I guess.” She took a deep breath. “No, the father doesn’t know, and yes, he is the one I’m in love with.” He nodded but didn’t make a move or say anything. For some reason she felt the need to elaborate, to tell him the truth, yet not tell him that it was Abe she had slept with.

  “He was my first and we only slept together once. He was drunk and the next morning didn’t remember what we had done.” The look he gave her was one of sympathy, and she felt like the biggest bitch in the world. She was pregnant with another man’s baby, loved someone else, and was breaking up with him, yet here he was feeling bad for her. “I know I have to tell him, but how in the hell do you tell someone you are pregnant with their baby when they don’t even remember sleeping with you?” The tears she’d thought would stay back flowed freely now. Hunter wrapped her in his arms and she buried her head in his chest. After the shit she just dropped in his lap, he was still kind enough to hold and comfort her. He deserved so much better than what she could ever give him.

  “It’s okay, Soph. Everything will be okay.” He pushed her back and looked down at her. His thumbs brushed away the stray tears that made tracks down her cheeks. “Whoever this guy is…” The way he said it made her believe he knew she was talking about Abe. His smile was soft and small. “One look in your eyes and he’ll know you’re telling the truth.” He kissed her on the cheek, and she closed her eyes and savored it. Would she ever have a man that treated her so gently?

  He gave her one last squeeze and turned to leave, only stopping once he got to his Jeep to look at her. “Get some rest, Soph. Everything always looks better in the morning.” With that he got in and drove off. She stood there a moment just staring at the place where his car had been. When she did finally go inside, she let the tears fall without the embarrassment of someone seeing her.


  Abe sat on his bike for several long minutes after he watched Hunter leave. He had showed up about half an hour ago, needing to talk to Kid. This shit with them had gone on too long, and since he seemed to be the one prolonging it, he was going to be the one to end it.

  He hadn’t tried hard enough to tell her what she meant to him. Abe thought about her every fucking minute of every fucking day. He would sit her down and just tell her, and if she didn’t feel the same way, then that was fine because at least he wouldn’t be holding how he felt inside any longer.

  When he saw Sophia start to cry, the urge to climb off his bike and beat Hunter’s ass was strong. There was so much pent-up anger inside that needed to come out, but he was turning over a new fucking leaf so he stopped himself. He had explain that he was being a selfish bastard, that even though he didn’t deserve her, if she just gave him a chance, he would spend the rest of his life proving to her that he was worthy.

  After climbing off his bike, he made his way to her front door and raised his hand to knock. For a few seconds his hand was suspended in the air. Before he could bring it down, the door swung open, and the object of his affection stood in front of him.

  “Hi.” That lone word was breathy and filled with longing. At least that’s what he liked to think. There were drying tracks of wetness on her cheeks from her earlier tears, and without thinking, he reached out and brushed her skin. Her breath caught and it made his heart race.

  “Can I come in?”

  She nodded and stepped aside. The kitchen light was on but that was all, and the shadows seemed to wrap around the corners like a dark cloak. He heard the door shut behind him and turned around to see her leaning against it, her arms wrapped around her middle almost protectively.

  “How are you doing, Kid?” Her hair was up and tumbles of dark curls cascaded around her face. She was so damn beautiful.

  “G-Good, Abe. You?” The way she said it almost led him to believe that she wasn’t good at all. He nodded because he didn’t trust his voice at the moment. Just being here with her, actually seeing her, had everything inside of him shifting. She tilted her chin and pushed off the door. “I was about to make some tea. Want some?”

  “Yeah, sure.” He followed her into the kitchen where he saw the kettle on the stove. She grabbed two cups out of the cupboard and set them on the table.

  “You want flavored or just green?”

  “Green’s good.” He held her gaze and smiled, thankful that she reciprocated. He sat at the table and watched her grab the teabags out of the cupboard and the kettle off the stove. Once the tea was set and steeping, she sat in the chair in front of him and rested her chin on her hands.

  He said the first thing that crossed his mind. “I’ve missed you.” The fact that she shifted in her seat and didn’t respond right away didn’t sit well with him. Abe grabbed his tea and brought it to his mouth. Didn’t matter that it was hot as hell and burnt off his taste buds, he needed the distraction. He watched her over the rim of his mug and saw her cheeks become pink.

  “I missed you too, Abe.”

  The tea scalded his tongue again, and he set the mug aside and cleared his throat. “Sophia?” Eyes on him, she didn’t answer. “I don’t like where we are right now. I want to get my best friend back.” Dropping his head he ran a hand through his hair. “I love you, Soph.” When he brought his eyes back to hers, he prayed she could hear the sincerity in h
is words. “I’m an asshole, Kid. I am selfish and have a tendency to fuck up…a lot. I did a lot of shit back in the day, most of it not too long ago. I don’t want to be that man anymore. I don’t want to lose the best thing that has ever happened to me…you.” He heard her swallow but pushed on before she could say anything.

  “Despite all of this, you have always stuck by my side, loving me and giving me strength when no one else would. I’ve done a lot of things that have warranted you to turn your back on me, but I’ve come here tonight to tell you that if you’ll give me another chance, I want to be the man you turn to as more than just a friend. I’m so in love with you, Sophia.” God, telling her that he was in love with her, that he wanted her to choose him and not Hunter, was far harder then he thought it would be, especially since she had yet to say anything. He had played this exact conversation over and over again in his head, but doing it in the flesh was like a fucking nightmare.

  The silence that stretched between them was suffocating, but he gave her time because he knew she needed it. He watched as she picked up her mug and took a slow sip. The smell of chamomile permeated his senses, and the slender column of her throat worked as she swallowed. When the bottom of the cup met the table again, she kept her hands around it.

  “Sophia…” He could do this.

  She lifted her eyes to him and then said, “I’m pregnant.”


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