Falling for Trouble

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Falling for Trouble Page 9

by Jenika Snow

  “She said she was going to tell you.”

  Confusion settled in for a moment before Abe said, “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Hunter rubbed his jaw and spit out another mouthful of blood. “Man, I’m not the father of Sophia’s kid. You are.”

  Abe had heard as much from her, but hearing it from Hunter had the world fading away. His voice was cracked, strained when he repeated, “What the fuck are you talking about?” How in the hell was that even possible?

  Hunter took a deep breath before he spoke again. “The night she broke it off with me she told me she was pregnant, told me the whole story. She never told me who the guy was, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out it was you. I knew how she felt about you, could see it written all over her face every time she looked at you. I’m just surprised your dumbass never saw it. She said she had only slept with one guy and only once. Said he was drunk and didn’t remember being with her the next morning.”

  Hunter standing in front of him faded away as Abe thought back to the night Kid brought him home sloshed. The next morning she had already been in his kitchen, her clothes mussed, her hair messy. The hurt look on her face and the funky way she’d acted when he told her he didn’t remember what the hell had gone down the night before made so much sense now.

  Oh, God. What in the hell have I done?

  Images of his mystery woman flashed through his head. He closed his eyes and stumbled back, feeling the picnic table hit the back of his knees. His body fell backward, and he sat on the seat and buried his head in his hands. She had asked him to trust her, and he had pushed her away. How could he do that to his sweet girl?

  Long, tanned legs, creamy skin, tight breasts topped with dusky nipples, and a pussy that tasted sweeter than anything he had ever had flashed through his mind. All of the memories of that night slammed into his head and he grew dizzy. His mystery woman wasn’t a mystery at all. He could see her face in his mind, her glorious naked body beneath his as he thrust in and out of her. He had slept with his best friend, with the only woman he had ever loved, and he didn’t even remember doing it until right now.

  “Why didn’t she tell me?” He was talking to himself but Hunter decided to answer.

  “She said she was going to tell the father. I just assumed that was what you wanted to talk to me about, seeing as I dated your girl and all. I thought you meant to stake your claim or some shit.” There was a beat of silence. “I also wanted to make sure you were taking care of her. You know she doesn’t work for me anymore, and I haven’t talked to her in weeks.”

  His girl.

  What had he done? Everything he said to her. Pushing her away, calling her a liar. If he’d just given her a moment to tell him without pushing her aside, without making her feel like crap, maybe things would be different right now.

  “I gotta go.” He grabbed the bag from his purchase earlier and headed toward his truck. It was October and starting to get a bit chilly. He had garaged his bike because of winter coming, but he wished he could ride it now because the cold air across his face would do him some good in clearing his mind. He cranked the engine and headed to Sophia’s house. He didn’t know if she was home or not, but he didn’t know where else to go.


  Sophia had put away the last bag of groceries when there was a knock on her front door. She looked through the peephole and held her breath when she saw Abe standing on the other side. A part of her had prayed he wouldn’t come try to talk to her after they saw each other earlier that day, but there was another part that hoped he would. For a moment she contemplated not answering, pretending she wasn’t home, but then she heard Abe’s voice through the door. It was clear he was ready to talk and now she found herself paralyzed with fear over the concept.

  “I know you’re home, Kid.” She looked out the peephole once more and saw his head drop and his hand run through his hair. God, she loved when he did that.

  Grabbing the courage deep down inside of her, she opened the door and stood face-to-face with Abe. Up close she could see bags under his eyes and scruff covering his jaw. Even rough-looking he took her breath away.

  “Hey, Kid.” His voice was soft. “Can I come in?” The stillness between them was awkward, but after a prolonged moment she finally stepped aside and let him in. When the door was closed, they stood in the foyer for several awkward seconds before she finally made her legs move. Going into the living room, she sat on the couch and waited for him to follow. Sophia didn’t have to wait long. He held a plastic bag in his hand and sat in the chair across from her.

  “So…” He got comfortable, or he tried to appear that way. Even she could see how tense he was. He kept watching her, his eyes almost burning holes through her. “You look good, Kid, really good.”

  “Yeah, well…” She really didn’t know what to say. She had never felt like this with Abe, so uncomfortable and awkward.

  “You’re feeling okay, though? Not sick or anything? I mean I’ve heard that pregnancy can cause morning sickness and all that.” Despite everything, Sophia couldn’t help but smile. Hearing him talk about morning sickness sounded ridiculous.

  “I have my days.” She shifted in her seat. For a long time he didn’t do or say anything. He stared at her and then he reached inside his bag and pulled out a book, handing it to her. The hesitation in her was minimal, and when she took the book and looked at the cover, she felt confusion wash through her.

  “Why do you have a What to Expect When You’re Expecting book?” Her heart started pounding hard in her chest as he stood and sat beside her.

  “I bought the book this morning before I knew.” He didn’t give her a chance to question what he was talking about. “It took me three weeks to realize that I was being a selfish bastard. I took that time to get cleaned up. I don’t drink anymore, I haven’t been with any women, and I don’t get into fights.” She smiled, elated that he was getting better. “I never told you this, but I had these nightmares, ones where I could hear my parents screaming for help. The alcohol made those dreams stay buried.” His eyes penetrated hers, as if he could explain every little detail through his gaze. “It’s not an excuse, I know that, but I wanted you to know why I did some of the things I did.”

  Sophia held her hands together tightly. Abe had never told her this part of him, but she had known his parents’ deaths still haunted him. She knew he had compensated with the booze and women.

  “I thought Hunter got you pregnant and that you were just latching onto me because he left you.” Hearing him confess all of this was almost too much, but she needed to hear it. “I wanted to be there for you, even if it didn’t seem that way. It took me too damn long to realize that I had pushed away the only person that means anything to me.” She wanted to go to him but she stayed right where she was. “I was taking that first step. I didn’t know if you would let me back in your life after being a total fuck-up, but I had to try.”

  He looked down and then brought tortured eyes back to her. “I know you don’t work at Tiny’s anymore, know that you are trying to move on with your life. I’ve been a shitty friend to you, Kid. I said hurtful things and pushed you away. I bought that book because I decided it didn’t matter if the baby wasn’t biologically mine. I can’t live without you in my life.” He moved closer to her and took her hands in his. “I love you, Sophia, but it is so much more than that. I’m in love with you, have been for as long as I can remember. I want to be there for you and the baby no matter what.”


  He continued on as if she hadn’t even spoken. “I didn’t know when I was going to come over and confess it all, but Hunter stopped by today and told me everything. It was then that I remembered, Sophia.” He squeezed her hand in his hand, held it tightly. “I remember, Sophia.” He whispered the last statement. “You, me, and that night. I remember it all, baby. I took your virginity, got you pregnant, and then pushed you away, accusing you of lying. I’m so, so sorry, sweets.” He brought their
conjoined hands to his mouth and kissed them. “I love you, Sophia, and I want to be there for you and our baby.” He held her gaze and she snapped.

  Wrenching her hand away, she stood and started pacing. Tears spilled down her cheeks as his words penetrated her. She opened her mouth but instead of telling him anything, he spoke again.

  “Just tell me, Sophia.”

  “Tell you what?” Her voice sounded strained.

  A beat of silence passed and then he whispered, “Tell me that you’re in love with me too.” Everything around her crumbled.

  As she stared at him, her stomach clenched and she turned and rushed to the bathroom. Slamming the seat up, Sophia hunched over it and threw up. Abe stood behind her and lifted her hair away from her face as she emptied her stomach. When she was finished, she took a deep, fortifying breath.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, concern clear in his voice.

  She chuckled despite the fact this was the least humorous situation. “Peachy.”

  “I’m sorry, Kid. I didn’t make you throw up, did I?”

  Sophia chuckled again and pushed away from the toilet. Abe handed a wet washrag to her and she thanked him. “Abe, I have the urge to throw up when I’m doing dishes.” She glanced up at him and smiled. “You know, for as much as you piss me off, you’re a pretty considerate guy.” He smiled and slid down beside her. They sat there in silence, their backs to the bathroom wall, staring at the tub.

  “I really am sorry, Sophia.”

  Exhaling loudly, she rested her head against the wall and closed her eyes. “I know and I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t hold a grudge against you. I miss you in my life.” She turned and looked at him. “And yes, I’m in love with you too.”

  His smile was slow and sweet. His eyes closed and she could have sworn he was savoring the moment. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you too, Kid. I love you. So fucking much.” His eyes dipped to her mouth and she covered it with her hand. His brow furrowed and he snapped his gaze back to hers.

  “I just threw up, lover boy.” He chuckled and she stood. After a quick brush of her teeth and a gargle of mouthwash, they made their way back into the living room. She picked up the book he’d brought and smirked. “Were you really going to read this?”

  His back straightened. “Damn right.” All of the sudden he got extremely serious. “Come here, Sophia.”

  She licked her lips and stood. Before she could sit beside him, he gripped her around the waist and brought her close to his body. He tilted his head back and looked up at her. “Please say you forgive me. Please say you’ll give us a chance.” He rested his head on her still flat belly, and she felt his warm breath through the material. “I’ll do whatever it takes, Soph. I just want you. I want to be there for you and take care of our baby.”

  Her heart was thundering and tears were building in her eyes. Touching his head with her hands, she let her fingers tunnel into his hair. She felt him lift the bottom of her shirt and kiss her belly. That was when the tears spilled forth. Her knees buckled but Abe caught her. Abe always caught her.

  “Please, baby. Please.” He sounded pained and she wanted to take that away.

  “I love you. I want to make this work. I want our baby to have a mom and dad.” He lifted his head and brought his lips to hers. The kiss was soft and not at all sexual. They might have kissed before, but he didn’t remember. Technically, this was their first kiss, and oh, what a first kiss it was. She pulled away and reached for the end table. After pulling out the pictures, she handed them to Abe and watched as his eyes widened and his mouth parted. The tips of his fingers ran over the images and more tears fell from her eyes.

  “Oh, God, Kid. I’m so sorry I ever doubted you.” He brought his own teary eyes up to hers and smiled. “This is our baby.” She nodded and he pulled her close, kissing her deeper this time. “I love you. For as long as I breathe, I’ll love you.”

  “I love you too, Abe.” She didn’t know what the future held, but she knew as long as she had Abe everything would be okay. There would be ups and downs, no doubt, but they had gotten through a hell of a lot worse.

  They deepened the kiss and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. She so didn’t want to be doing this in her living room. She broke away from him and stood. He followed her, and as soon as they made it into the hall, he had her pressed against the wall, his mouth right back on hers. Sophia could taste the saltiness of their tears combining with the heat of their kiss. It was almost frantic in nature, but then, as if he realized it was spiraling out of control, he slowed. Their tongues slid together, pressed and moved to an erotic beat. Her panties were wet and her clit throbbed. It felt so good, and knowing that Abe wasn’t drunk and right there with her this time made the sensations so much more intense.

  He broke the kiss and started dragging his lips up and down her throat, murmuring along the way. “I’ve been dreaming about this moment for years, Kid.” He started sucking at the base of her throat and she let her head fall back against the wall, hearing it thump without caring about the pain.

  Just knowing he had wanted her for as long as she wanted him was a heady feeling. “Please, Abe.”

  “What, baby? Tell me what you want.” He pressed his erection into her belly and she moaned low in her throat. God, she wanted this so bad.

  “I want you inside of me.”


  Hearing her say she wanted him inside her body was like an electrical shock to his cock. He jerked in his pants with the eagerness of a teenage boy. Even though he now remembered what they had shared, it seemed so far away. Abe wanted her desperately, but he also knew that he wouldn’t last long, not when it was Sophia’s sweet pussy wrapped around his cock.

  “Abe, I can’t wait. It’s been too long already.” Her breathy words and warm breath brushed along his temple and he groaned against her flesh. He slipped his hand down her side and curled his fingers under the hem of her shirt. Her skin was so damn soft as he dragged his fingers under the fabric until he reached the edge of her bra. He could feel the lace, so feminine, and had to force himself to slow down, to savor this moment. It appeared Sophia had other plans, though. Her hands speared into his hair and pushed his head down and toward her chest.

  “Touch me, Abe, everywhere.” He looked up at her, saw her eyes closed and her lips parted, and something inside of him snapped. He latched his mouth onto her breast, right over the fabric of her shirt and sucked. She tightened her grip in his hair, causing a sting of pain, but he loved every minute of it. He felt her nipple tighten under his ministrations and renewed his effort until she was thrashing her head from side to side. He loved seeing her like this, all unrestrained and needy. It was a side of Sophia that he had never witnessed, but he promised himself he would make sure to see more of it.

  “Baby, I don’t want to take you up against a wall. You deserve a bed.” He said this around her breast. He slid his hands down and gripped her ass, loving how the mounds fit perfectly in his hands.

  “I don’t want to wait, Abe.” He looked up at her just as she opened her eyes, the green orbs seeming to glow. “I’ve waited long enough for this, and besides,” she said as she grinned and pulled his head to her for a long, deep kiss, “I think this is kind of hot.” She dragged her tongue along his bottom lip and he shuddered.

  “You’re going to be the death of me, Kid.” She chuckled against his mouth and then he was tearing off her shirt. The sight of her lacy little white bra had him almost coming right there in his pants. The material that covered her left breast was wet from his mouth and he could easily see the hard outline of her nipple through it.

  Removing his hands from her ass, he dragged the tips of his fingers up her side, feeling her skin pebble and her body tremble. With deft fingers he unhooked the front clasp of her bra, and watched in stunned awe as the creamy globes of her breasts spilled free. His mouth went dry at the sight. Images of those dusky nipples painting the tips of her breast filled his mind. H
e dipped his head and sucked her flesh into his mouth. Eyes closed and the flavor of her flesh filling his mouth, Abe groaned. Skin so smooth it felt like silk against his tongue, and tasting like ripe peaches, Abe knew he would never get enough.

  Her hands were out of his hair and were frantically going at the button of his jeans. He wanted to go slow, take his time, savor each and every minute with her, but she was just as heated as he was. Lord help him, but she wanted him now. He took a step back and her nipple came free from his mouth with a little popping noise. He moved closer again, slanting his mouth against hers until she whimpered and pleaded against his mouth. Their hands went between their bodies, and clothing was removed until it was just the feel of her naked body against his. The soft swell of her breasts pressed against his chest. Gripping her thigh, he lifted it up to his waist. She kept it there when he grabbed the other one. He lifted her easily, and she tightened her thighs around his hips. Her pussy was so fucking wet and hot.

  “Baby, I hope you’re just as worked up as me because I’m not gonna fucking last long.” She shifted and her pussy rubbed along his length. They both groaned.

  “God, Abe, please quit tormenting me.” She shifted again and he cursed.

  “I don’t have a condom, baby, but I’m clean. I got tested months ago, right before my mother’s birthday and haven’t slept with anyone since.”

  “I trust you, Abe.” She started kissing the side of his jaw and he groaned. Reaching between their bodies, he aligned his cock with the opening of her body and pushed in the tip. Her arms and legs tightened around him and he placed his hand on the wall beside her head. His other hand gripped her ass as he sank fully into her. She was so fucking tight, wet and hot, and so damn perfect.

  Resting his head in the crook of her neck, he started pulling out and pushing into her sweet body. The little sounds that came from her throat drove him higher to paradise. “God, baby,” he panted against her skin. “You feel incredible.” He sank in her again, and again, and again, her snug pussy clenching around his shaft like an iron fucking fist.


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