CEO's Pregnant Lover Bundle (Books 1-3)

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CEO's Pregnant Lover Bundle (Books 1-3) Page 19

by North, Leslie

  Chapter 5

  The gurgle of babies woke Chance up just as the sun was coming up over the foothills. After changing wet diapers, he took both boys into the front room, hoping their noise wouldn’t disturb their mama. She needed as much sleep as she could get.

  He thought about fixing bottles, but since the boys were happy, and he didn’t know if Rachel intended to feed them herself, he held off. Needing to do something, he set about making cinnamon rolls, letting the rolls sit to rise on the counter when he was through.

  Settling back on the couch, he turned the TV on, hoping to catch a repeat of the evening news from the night before. He was curious as to how Shawn had spun the tale regarding the missing baby.

  When he located the morning news, he was pleased to see that they were just getting ready to recap the headline story….

  “And now to recap from our broadcast last night – In a surprising turn of events, the baby that was abducted from Denver General Hospital yesterday has been returned to the hospital. Earlier last evening, the head neonatal nurse, Mrs. Stephanie Belkins, received a phone call that she was needed at the night delivery door to sign for some supplies.

  When Mrs. Belkins arrived at said location, she found the missing child wrapped in a blanket inside a child carrier with a note attached apologizing for the misunderstanding. Apparently, a man suffering from Alzheimer’s had wandered into the hospital and believed he was there to see his grandchild. He then left the hospital and returned to his home.

  The parents of the child have refused to press charges against the elderly man, and the hospital and authorities have used this experience as a training tool for their staffs. The child is in perfect health, and was happily reunited with her parents.

  In other related news – Trent Coldwell, of Coldwell Enterprises, announced that his wife’s foundation has generously donated two million dollars to see the juvenile diabetes clinic fully functional by the end of the year. Mrs. Coldwell was unavailable for comment, but a spokesperson for the company says that she is ecstatic and looks forward to seeing many children helped.”

  “See that boys, Shawn is a magician when it comes to spinning tales.”

  “Who’s Shawn?” came a voice from the hallway entrance.

  Chance turned his head to see a sleepy Rachel standing there, clad only in the thin t-shirt and boy shorts he had laid out for her the night before. The clothing did nothing to conceal the woman’s body beneath. As he let his eyes peruse her body, he noticed how quickly her body responded to his gaze and let his eyes return to meet her own startling green gaze.

  “I thought I was just tired,” he heard her mumble beneath her breath.

  “What was that?”

  Shaking her head, “Nothing,” she replied.

  The boys both started babbling upon hearing their mother’s voice and she walked over and picked them up, one at a time, nuzzling their little faces and murmuring to them softly while Chance looked on.

  “I didn’t feed them yet, I wasn’t sure…,” Chance broke off, not wanting to start the morning off by embarrassing her.

  “Oh, I…uhm…well, I usually feed them when they wake up. They don’t normally wake up at the same time.”

  Rachel looked perplexed for a moment and then decision rolled across her features, “Bottles it is boys.”

  Chance gave her a questioning glance to which she replied, “I’ll just nurse them later this morning. It’ll be fine. Won’t it boys?” she queried the babies, heading towards the kitchen to ready bottles.

  Seeing the rising rolls on the counter, she raised an eyebrow at Chance, “You bake?”

  Chance nodded, “Yeah. I like good food and had the advantage of having some great chefs for instructors while I was growing up.”

  “How’s that?” Rachel inquired, making the bottles and not really paying much attention.

  “Seth and I had a privileged upbringing. Boarding schools, country clubs – that sort of thing. But my parents were adamant that we learn to take care of ourselves. That included cooking. They would hire world-renown chefs to come out and teach us during breaks and such. I can cook, but I’d much rather bake.”

  “And your brother?” she asked, curious to learn more about this mysterious man.

  “He loves to cook. Italian mostly, but he can make a mean pot roast as well.” Chance chuckled at her dubious look, “Ask your sister next time you see her. I’m almost positive that Seth cooked for her last night.”

  “I’ll do that.”

  A comfortable silence ensued while he finished heating up the bottles.

  “About yesterday, neither you nor your sister’s names are going to be associated with what happened. Shawn, my boss, came up with a cover story that everyone seems to be buying into. I need you to promise to just forget what happened yesterday. Seth is instructing your sister to do the same thing.”

  “Have you heard from my sister?” Rachel asked, handing him a bottle for Tony.

  “Not yet. I need to call over there, but wanted to let everyone sleep as much as possible first.” Chance pulled out his cell phone and dialed Seth’s home number while he fed the baby the bottle.

  “Hey, bro. Everything okay?” Seth asked.

  “Yeah. How are things over there?”

  “Well….,” Seth let his answer drag out, he had woken up with the knowledge that Chelsea slept in the other room and he had decided that was unacceptable. He wanted her in his arms the next time he awoke. “Things are moving pretty fast. Did you hear about Shawn’s mastery yet?”

  “Yeah. Remind me to call him first if I ever need a really good cover story.”

  Seth laughed, “Hey, so I’m going to run Chelsea home here in a bit to change clothes and such. She also wants to run by the hospital and check on Faith.”

  “She really got attached to that baby, didn’t she?” Chance asked, looking down at the sleeping infant in his arms. His attention turned to see Rachel walking from the room with a sleeping David in her arms. He watched the sway of her hips beneath the scant boy shorts that molded to her curves and struggled to keep up with the conversation at the same time.

  “…but she’s worried about Rachel and the twins…”

  “Why is she worried about the twins? What’s wrong with them?” Chance asked, only having heard part of what Seth had been saying.

  “Bro, try to focus on my voice. There’s nothing wrong with the twins. Chelsea and I discussed moving our relationship along quickly and she’s worried about how Rachel’s going to manage with the twins if, her term not mine, she moves out.”

  “Why would she be moving out?” Chance asked, once again lost in the conversation.

  Seth sighed through the phone, “What are you concentrating on because it sure isn’t this conversation. I suggested that Chelsea think about moving in with me.”

  “Bro, you just met this girl yesterday. Seriously, don’t you think you might be moving too fast?” Chance asked disbelief in his voice.

  “I’ve asked myself that same question a thousand times and the answer’s always the same – I can’t imagine not spending the rest of my life with her. We just clicked. It’s as if she were made for me.”

  Chance didn’t know what to say. His brother wasn’t the impulsive type, but this sure fit that bill.

  Seth continued talking, “We’re going to give it a trial run and go up to Aspen for a week. Get to know each other away from the pressures and phones.”

  “When is this taking place?”

  “Well… that’s just it. Chelsea’s really worried about leaving Rachel to fend for herself. I think it’s a good way to test the waters and see where the problems might be.”

  Chance nodded his head in agreement, “I agree. You all should definitely spend a week together before you move all of her stuff in.”

  Rachel stopped in the hallway upon hearing Chance’s side of the conversation and took a step back, her hand covering her mouth. Was Chelsea honestly thinking about moving in with his brother? A
guy she had just met, and probably given her virginity to?

  Rachel wanted to grab the phone and tell Chelsea to come home. She wanted to scream at her that she couldn’t take care of the twins by herself. But she did neither. She stood in the hallway and made a decision – it was time for her to take back her life and that included figuring out how to handle two five-month-old babies.

  Chapter 6

  Her decision made, Rachel returned to her bedroom and made the bed before picking up her bathrobe and collecting all of her dirty clothes. She was taking back her life, starting now! She intended to prove to Chelsea that she no longer had to put her life on hold to keep Rachel from falling apart. From now on – Rachel would hold herself together.

  Chance found her several minutes later starting a load of laundry and moving with a militant focus throughout the house. He could sense that something had changed, but her expression didn’t seem like she would welcome any questions so he kept quiet for the moment.

  Rachel turned from the laundry room and found Chance lounging in the doorway, a predatory gleam in his eyes. Narrowing her gaze at him, she decided she didn’t like the added stress the sexual tension was creating in her world. Solution – Chance needed to leave.

  “Thanks for staying last night. I haven’t gotten that much sleep all at one time since the babies were born.”

  “You needed it. I’m happy I was able to help. That was Seth on the phone. He’ll be bringing Chelsea home here in a few.”

  “Great! Did I overhear you talking about him taking her away for the week?”

  At Chance’s slow nod, she plastered a smile on her face, “She really needs it. Did you know she basically put her life on hold when the babies were born? It’s been five months and I love my sister, but she really needs to get on with her life.” Rachel said only the truth, but found that small comfort as the doubts began to creep back in.

  Chance watched the beautiful woman in front of him try to convince herself and the world around her that she had it all together. “So, do you have someone you can call to come in and help you for a few hours a day with the twins?”

  Rachel shook her head, turning her back to him as she made a production of folding the laundry, “I’ll be fine. What you saw yesterday was just one of those things. The boys and I will be fine. I may have to adjust their schedules a bit, but we’ll get it all worked out.”

  Glancing over her shoulder at him, she queried, “You know you don’t have to wait around until Chelsea gets home. The boys are both down for their morning naps and I’m just going to try to get some housework done while their sleeping.”

  Chance took the hint, “Are you sure there’s not something else I can do for you?”

  The double meaning wasn’t lost on Rachel and her hands trembled as she finished folding the towel in front of her. She swallowed before she said, “No. I’m fine.”

  Chance heard the huskiness in her voice and felt the punch down low, he wondered how much huskier her voice got when she was in the throes of passion. Or was she a screamer? He was dying to answer those questions, but not today. She was trying to gain back her independence, and while he applauded the thought, he was doubtful of the outcome.

  “Look, I gave you my card yesterday, but I’m going to leave another one on the fridge. Promise me that if you need anything, help with the twins, the toilet overflows, or just need some milk and can’t get to the store – promise me you’ll call.”

  Turning around, she faced him, “Why?”

  “Why do I want you to call me?”

  Rachel nodded.

  Chance looked at her for the longest time, letting his eyes convey everything his body was feeling. When he saw her pulse quicken and her breathing speed up, he stepped further into the room, stalking her as if she was his prey.

  When he was mere inches from her, he leaned down and placed his lips upon hers. Letting his lips sip from hers, he brushed his tongue across the seam of her lips, silently asking for entrance.

  Rachel felt his kiss like it was hot coals. Her insides began to shake and her heart was beating so loudly in her ears it was all she could hear. She grabbed onto the edge of the washing machine, needing to feel something solid to ground herself.

  Chance gently placed a hand behind her neck, rubbing his thumb against the side of her neck and feeling the shivers his touch set off in her body. He wanted to feel her tremble beneath him, but for now contented himself with only the shivers that could be brought about by a kiss.

  Tilting his head, he deepened the kiss for a few seconds and then pulled away. He took a step away and then wiped his lips with a finger, savoring the memory of her lips against his own. “Did that answer your question?” he asked softly.

  Rachel could do nothing but stare up at him. She had been married, but never kissed like that. She had spent hours kissing her husband, but none of their kisses had ever affected her like Chance’s. Confusion turned to guilt. How could she enjoy kissing another man? Her husband hadn’t even been in the ground for a year!

  Chance watched the change come over her face and tried to figure out what he’d done to put that look of despair and guilt on her face. “Rachel?”

  She held up a hand, not even wanting to look at him at this point. “Just go.”

  “Promise me you’ll call if you need anything.”

  Rachel shook her head, “I can’t do that. I won’t do that.”

  Chance was frustrated and wanted to demand she accept his help, but somehow he knew that pushing her any further would only cause her to back completely away from him. “Fine. I’ll check on you in a couple of days.”

  Rachel shook her head, “No. Don’t bother. We’ll be fine. Thanks for everything.” She turned around and concentrated on folding the remainder of the clothes.

  Chance watched for several minutes, frustration eating at him. Finally, he decided to back off and try again later. “I’ll put the cinnamon rolls in the over before I leave and set the timer. Pour the icing over them right after you take them out of the over.”

  Rachel nodded without turning around or verbally answering him. When she heard his footsteps echo down the hallway, it took everything within her not to chase him down and beg him never to leave. What was wrong with her? She barely knew him and yet she knew him. In some ways, she felt a stronger connection to him that she had her husband. Thinking about Sam caused a fresh wave of guilt to wash over her. She was a horrible person for even thinking about another man!

  Rachel finished her chores just in time to feed both boys. Chelsea would be home soon and she was going to see a sister in charge.

  Chapter 7

  Seth drove Chelsea over to the hospital where she insisted on stopping in the gift shop to buy flowers for Brianna and a stuffed lamb for baby Faith. Seth followed her and insisted on paying for the purchases before directing her to the nearest elevator.

  As they entered the room, they were greeted by a smiling Brianna. “Good morning,” she chimed as they pushed through the doorway

  “Chelsea! Seth! Oh, come in.” Brianna was smiling and the light was back in her eyes. Trent was nowhere to be seen, but she held her daughter in her arms, snuggled tight in a blanket and sleeping peacefully.

  Chelsea approached the bed, her eyes never leaving the small bundle she had cared for the day before. A sense of longing caught her by surprise as she envisioned one day holding her own child close to her chest. Would Seth be standing by her side when that time came?

  Seth gave Brianna a gentle squeeze on the shoulder, “How you doing, mama?”

  “Seth, isn’t she just perfect?” Brianna asked, tears in her eyes once again.

  “Just like her mama. Where do you want these?” he asked, indicating the flowers he still held.

  “Oh, they’re lovely. Over there on the table is fine.” Brianna glanced back to Chelsea to see her attention still fixated on the tiny infant. Holding her daughter up, she inquired, “Would you like to hold her again?”

  Chelsea had be
en afraid to ask, but eagerly nodded her head, “Hey there, babygirl. You are so precious. I bet your mommy hasn’t put you down since last night.”

  Brianna chuckled, “You are so right. Trent stayed here last night and held her so I could sleep. I just couldn’t handle the thought of her going back to the nursery.”

  Chelsea glanced up and nodded, “That’s understandable. I don’t think I’d let her out of my sight for a good long while.”

  Brianna and Chelsea shared a look that only women could while Seth watched. “So, Trent went home to catch some sleep?”

  Brianna shook her head, “No. He went home to make sure everything’s ready for our homecoming. They’re going to let us out of here this afternoon.”

  Chelsea looked concerned, “Are you sure you’re ready to go home? You have to be really careful of your stitches…” Realizing that she was probably interfering in business that didn’t concern her, she trailed off.

  Brianna was so touched by her concern, “Chelsea, I feel fine. Really. The doctor was here just a few minutes ago and said everything looks great. I’ll have to be careful about lifting anything for a few weeks, but I really want to go home.”

  Chelsea nodded, “Sorry. I guess I tend to get carried away sometimes.”

  “No worries.” Brianna turned to Seth, “We’re having a homecoming party next week and I would love it if you would both join us. Your brother, too.”

  Seth nodded, “We wouldn’t miss it!”

  Chelsea handed the baby back, “She’s absolutely perfect!” She realized she was jealous of this woman she had just recently met. That was unacceptable and she lectured herself mentally for allowing negative thoughts like that to surface. Seeing Seth watching her with a calculating look in his eyes, she blushed and thanked Brianna for allowing them to visit.

  Heading out the doorway, she waited for Seth to join her, anxious now to get home and snuggle the two babies awaiting her at home.


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