Fated. Enemy Mine.

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Fated. Enemy Mine. Page 6

by Ariel Lei

  “I’ll be taking this, too. I’ll have you screaming every night. And it won’t be because you’re enjoying it.” Every word he was saying was like a knife to her heart. She let out a small sob, unable to stop the tears running down her face. Mason pulled his head back and looked down her body.

  “You’re soaking wet,” his voice was full of contempt. He started pulling at her top.

  “Stop,” she pleaded. He gave her a licentious smirk.

  “I’ll stop if you can make me.” She couldn’t. Her strength was depleted. Even if it wasn’t, she knew she’d be no match for him. He used his claws to rip off her top, and then pulled off her leggings, leaving her in her black bra and panties. Picking her up, he wrapped her legs around his waist and held her against the wall with his body. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head to the side.

  “I’m going to enjoy this.” He released the hold on her hands, and they fell limply at her sides. He shoved his face into the side of her neck and took in her scent. His free hand moved up and down her thigh a couple of times, his claws scratching at her skin, before he grabbed her ass and pulled her more firmly against his groin. His hard length rubbed against her from inside his jeans.

  “Please...d...don’t,” she wept weakly. He pulled his head back and took a moment to study her. Her lids felt heavy, and she was struggling to keep them open.

  “Are those the first real tears you’ve cried here?” he asked. She shook her head.

  “Please,” she begged. “Don’t hurt me.” His jaw seemed to tighten. His eyes swirled from black to their normal greenie grey colour. Was he fighting his emotions? She hoped he had enough strength to control his animal side.

  “Why not? You deserved to be punished, and I might as well punish you in a way that will satisfy my needs,” he hissed.

  Neoma couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore. She was just too tired and weak from the wolfbane coursing through her body.

  Letting out one last sob, darkness took over her, and she slipped into unconsciousness, unsure of what would happen to her while she was lost to oblivion.

  Chapter Ten.


  Mason leaned over his desk in his office, looking at the territorial map flat out in front of him. The ten red circles were territories that belonged to Werewolves. The ones circled in white belonged to humans. Only a select few humans knew of the existence of paranormals. They were mostly in government, and had agreed with the leaders of certain paranormal species to keep humans away from their territories if they agreed to keep away from humans. The paranormal treaty was made assenting to remain civilized with each other, so long as neither killed each other’s kind. Sometimes rogues killed humans, and then humans sent out hunters to deal with them. When hunters turned rogue, paranormals took matters into their own hands. But most of the time they lived in peace with each other.

  Mason had circled an area with a stream in no man’s land, close to Alpha Kruz’s territory, and planned to send some of his men out there to search for signs of Neoma’s Pack. After hearing Wade’s plan to cross the border to Alpha Kruz’s territory to make their way back to no man’s land, he realised their Pack must be closer to Alpha Kruz than him. And if they were, he knew they would be close to the stream. After all, werewolves needed a water source to survive.

  He’d sent some of his men out in the past, hoping to find Earl and his Pack, but they always came back empty handed. The forest was large, and Earl could be anywhere in the unclaimed areas. Narrowing down his search could help find him quicker. The stream seemed to be the best place to start.

  He could have moved on by now, Mason thought, idly tapping the pen on the desk. If Earl had moved on he probably wouldn’t have gone far. Not while his daughter was still in enemy territory. Mason knew he’d want to be close so that he could try and get her back.

  He hadn’t seen Neoma in two days. He’d stayed away from her since nearly losing complete control to his wolf. Man and wolf felt like they’d been betrayed. Both sides of him wanted to punish her. He’d wanted to show her who she belonged to. He’d been so close to doing the unthinkable, unable to control his animalistic urge to mate with her. He dreaded to think what would have happened had he not managed to gain control when she fell unconscious.

  Her old clothes were ripped, so he asked Jonas to get some more from Courtney and re-dressed her. The thought of the guards outside her cell seeing her half naked through the viewing window didn’t set well with him.

  Just thinking about her made him angry all over again. He’d been disappointed when she chose her Pack over him, but that wasn’t what made him angry the most. He was angrier at the fact that she’d been playing him for a fool from day one, pretending to be scared and fragile so that he’d be more merciful on her, and not have her tortured every day like Wade had been. She’d taken advantage of their mate bond and used it against him.

  The pen in his hand snapped in half just thinking about it. He threw it in the bin next to the desk.

  He was glad that he tested her. Her actions proved she couldn’t be trusted. Had he not turned off the electricity to the prison, and had asked her what her choice was instead of seeing when she decided to escape, she could have still been playing on her charade, and he would have been none the wiser. She was a good little actress.

  He’d tried to get information about her Pack from Wade again. The guy was a tough nut to crack. He wasn’t going to talk. Mason knew this now. He was thinking about killing him. There was no point in keeping him around.

  As for Neoma’s punishment, every day he made sure Jonas injected her with enough wolfbane to keep her weak and subdued; to the point she could barely stay awake or even move. He wanted Gary or Jake to torture her, but he couldn’t bring himself to order it. She made him feel weak. And he hated it.

  At the sound of his phone ringing, Mason pulled his attention from the map and swept it up off the desk. It was a new one. The old one was completely unusable after he’d thrown it at the wall.

  “Hello,” he spoke casually.

  “Alpha MacKaye.” It was Alpha Earl. Mason’s jaw tightened and his body went stiff.

  “Checking to hear if your daughter is still alive?” Mason sneered down the phone.

  “Is she?” Earl asked. His voice held a note of worry. He was surprised that the old man actually cared.

  “For now,” he replied. He sat down in his leather chair, turning it to face the window. The sun was beginning to set over the forest. The orange glow it cast was one of Mason’s favourite colours. There was something peaceful about it.

  “What do you want?” he enquired, leaning back and resting his left leg on his right. He was determined not to get angry during this conversation with him like he had the last time. He didn’t want to break another phone.

  “I would like to make a deal with you,” Earl was blunt. Mason laughed without humour.

  “What makes you think you have any deal I’d find interesting?”

  “I think this will be to your interest,” Earl replied, confidently. Mason was genuinely curious. He sat up straight.

  “Okay. I’m listening.” Earl took a moment to clear his throat.

  “A swap. Me for my daughter.” Mason’s brow rose in surprise. He would give up his life for his daughter’s. He couldn’t believe it. He hadn’t expected him to offer himself as part of a deal.

  “Is this a joke?” He had to ask. His father had said that Earl was a self-centred man and cared for only himself. So this was going against everything he’d been told about him. Giving himself up for his daughter was a selfless act. Not a self-centred one.

  “I assure you, this isn’t a joke. You may have been led to believe that I am an uncaring man, but I am not. I care for my daughter more than anything in this world, and I will do everything I can to see her safe and out of your hands,” Earl replied.

  Fuck me backwards. Mason never truly expected Neoma to be Earl’s weak point. He should have known that she was when he first spoke t
o him. It had been quite obvious. He loves his daughter. Mason had been too angry to comprehend that before.

  “Maybe I should just kill her then,” he threatened. He wanted to hear the old man beg. Just like his mother probably had before he took her life.

  “Your conflict is with me, not her. She is a good girl and has done nothing wrong. Don’t bring an innocent into this,” Earl responded in a firm tone. Innocent. Mason snorted. Yeah, right. He had no doubt her innocence went as far as her virginity still being intact. If she were still a virgin.

  Neoma was far from innocent in his eyes. She was a clever little manipulator who used her beauty to charm the socks off men, or by pretending to be a damsel in distress. She played on her emotions just like most women did, but did it much better.

  “Do we have a deal?” Earl asked. “It is the only way you will get me. You can look for me all you like, but my Pack is hidden by magic. You won’t find us.” The smugness in Earl’s voice had Mason grinding his teeth together. Fucking magic. He should have known. No way was it possible to stay hidden all these years without help. He should have realised that sooner.

  Only Earl would stoop so low to seek protection from filthy witches, Mason thought in disgust.

  Witches were sly and manipulative. They weren’t to be trusted. Not since one had put a curse on Alpha Stone, making it impossible for him to produce an heir. He was one of the oldest Alphas in Canada, refusing to settle down and mate, preventing himself from growing old because he didn’t want to give his family title to any other than his own heir. He was as hard and as cold as his name. And witches were to blame.

  If Earl was telling the truth, then handing over Neoma would be the only way to get to him if he really did have a witch on his side. Unless, she or Wade helped him. But the chances of that happening were slim to none. He could stoop as low as Earl and seek help from a witch himself, but he didn’t trust them enough. No. Witches are bad news.

  “Your offer is very tempting. But what makes you think I trust you to keep your word? This could well be a trap,” he replied.

  “I’m not foolish enough to risk my daughter’s life,” Earl sounded sincere. Mason sat back in his chair and rubbed his hand across his stubbly chin. Neoma for Earl, he pondered the thought for a few moments. If he agreed to this, he’d finally be able to have his revenge. But then she’ll take over the Tribal Pack and mate with the Beta. Could he give her up knowing she’d be mated to another werewolf?

  “I don’t trust you. I need time to consider this. Phone me in a couple of days, and I’ll give you my decision then.” Mason had wanted to agree there and then, but the words just wouldn’t come out.

  “You expect me to leave my daughter in your hands for another couple of days?” Earl voice turned angry.

  “Your daughter will be safe until then,” Mason promised in a clipped tone.

  “And what of my second in command?” Enquired Earl.

  “I can’t make any promises where he is concerned.” Mason ended the call. He threw the phone on the desk and dragged his hands down his face in annoyance.

  “Fuck,” he shouted and smacked the arm of his chair. This should be an easy fucking decision. The pull towards her was too strong. He couldn’t ignore it. Even though he’d kept trying.

  But I have Earl where I fucking want him. I’ve waited too long to get my revenge on that bastard. He shook his head.

  I can’t let her get in the way of this. She failed my test. She tried to escape. It was proof enough she didn’t want to be with him. If she can deny our connection, then I can too. His determination was renewed. He’d give Neoma up, and then move on after killing Earl.

  He owed it to his mother. He owed it to himself. He couldn’t let her get in the way. No matter how much his heart protested it.


  “Are you okay?” Courtney asked, softly. She and Mason were in the bar room. He was sitting on the settee, and she was on his lap straddling him. After talking with Earl, he’d left his office and came straight here to grab a glass of well needed whiskey. Courtney had seen him and decided to follow. He hadn’t wanted company, but he didn’t want to be harsh by telling her to go away. Maybe she could take his mind off things.

  “Alpha business,” he murmured.

  “You need to relax a little,” she purred, running her hand through his blonde hair and tilting his head back. She moved her face towards his neck and started planting soft kisses along his jaw. Her hips began moving, rubbing her core against his jean covered cock. Her tight black leggings, the belly top exposing her stomach and waist, made her curvy body look even sexier. Usually, Mason would find her more of a turn on. But his cock didn’t stir. Not even a twitch. I’m broken. He had to be. Why else couldn’t she make him hard? She’d had no problem in the past.

  He lifted the whiskey he had in his hand and took a swig, enjoying the slight wooden and caramel flavour as it brushed passed his tongue to burn a path down his throat. He shut his eyes, trying to focus on Courtney’s body moving against his.

  A minute passed. His mind began drifting off, imaging a certain face, scent, touch. Life started stirring from inside his jeans right away. He could almost feel the sparks running across his flesh. He let out a small grunt, enjoying the feel of his cock being grinded on. He was throbbing with need now. Aching. Needing to feel himself buried balls deep inside his object of desire.

  “Mhm, you like that?” Mason’s eyes shot open. A pair of dark blue eyes stared back. Not the sparkling blue ones he’d been imagining.

  The whiskey in his hand slipped, dropping to the floor at the side of the settee. He felt sick. Sickened by the fact that he imagined Neoma, being turned on by the just thought of her, while Courtney was the one actually with him, trying her hardest to turn him on. Shit. This is fucked up. He’d got caught up in a fantasy. A fantasy he’d had no control over.

  Courtney stared at him, confusion knitting her brow. “What’s wrong?” she asked, quietly. Mason took in a deep breath and gently pushed her off him.

  “Shit. I’m sorry. I can’t do this.” Her face flushed red. Oh, great. He’d upset her. He leaned forward and went to reach for her hand. She took a step back. “I don’t mean-”

  “You don’t find me attractive anymore?” Her eyes started to water. She looked embarrassed.

  “Fuck. No. That’s not it,” he needed to reassure her, “I find you attractive. I do. It’s just...” he paused, trying to work out how to explain it to her without hurting her feelings any more than he already had. He ran his hand through his messy hair.

  “Just what?”

  Mason sighed. I can’t keep fucking lying every time she asks questions. Jonas was right. He needed to tell her the truth about why he’d been distant with her. He dropped back against the settee in mild defeat.

  “I’ve found my mate,” he admitted. Courtney opened and shut her mouth. She stared at him for a moment in stunned silence. Then frowned in confusion.

  “Then why aren’t you with her?” she asked, softly.

  “It’s complicated,” he answered. Her brow furrowed even more.


  “Because she’s from the enemy Pack.” Courtney put her hand to her mouth to hold in a small gasp.

  “You won’t tell anyone,” Mason ordered, letting his Alpha power slip into his voice. She wouldn’t be able to disobey him. Not while she was part of his Pack. An Alpha order could only be disobeyed if a werewolf were either, from another Pack, without a Pack, left a Pack after the order was given, or was a fated mate with a strong mind.

  “I wouldn’t.” The look on her face suggested she was appalled that he’d even think she would. In truth, Mason knew she wouldn’t, but he wanted to make sure.

  “Oh, Mason. I’m so sorry.” Genuine sympathy flashed in her eyes. Mason shrugged, playing it off. He didn’t want her to think he cared.

  “Shit happens.”

  “You must want her. She’s your mate.”

  “And my enemy,” he retorted
. Courtney kneeled down in front of him and took one of his hands.

  “She may be your enemy, but that’s something you can change. You can’t change the fact that she’s your soul mate. You can deny each other, push each other away, but you’ll never be able to stop the bond you feel. You will only ever have one fated mate,” she explained, softly. He already knew this. He didn’t need, nor want, the depressing reminder that Neoma was his one and only true mate.

  “I gave her a choice. I deliberately turned off the power to the prison to see if she would leave to go back to her Pack, or stay behind for me. She chose to try and escape,” he stated, snappily. Courtney narrowed her eyes.

  “It wasn’t a very fair choice, Mason. If she chose you, she would have had to betray her Pack. The same Pack you want to destroy. And you would have expected her to help. See things from her point of view. What would you have done in her place?” Mason pulled his hand from Courtney’s and fixed her with a cold glare.

  “My Pack come first,” he growled, “I’m an Alpha. If an Alpha finds his mate, then she’s expected to leave her Pack to join his. It’s always been that way.” His hands curled into tights balls. “Why are you defending her anyway?” he snapped. Courtney stood to her feet and shook her head.

  “I’m not defending her. But I know how stubborn you can be, and I know if you reject her you will regret it,” she responded.

  “I’ve already rejected her. Her father is the reason my mother is dead. Do you really think I’ll let that go just because his daughter is my mate?” He stood up, towering over her. “You think she will want me once I take his life? That we’ll mate and start a family together? Rule both Packs together in peace?” He was shaking now with how angry he was. His eyes had gone black, and his nails had lengthened into sharp claws, making little half moons in his skin as he fisted his hands. He was beginning to shift.


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