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Liberation Page 6

by Becca Van

  “Lilac is new to town and saw the help wanted sign in the window. She came in straight away. She’s from Minnesota and is used to being on her feet, and she’s worked in a well-known restaurant in New York City,” Cindy explained.

  “Please tell them all thank you, and I look forward to working with and getting to know them all.”

  Cindy turned to the new waitstaff and passed on Delta’s gratitude. Once she was done, she turned to face Carly and her friends and starting signing. “Carly, ladies, I would like to thank you all so very much for helping me out when things were looking so bad. I will never be able to repay you for what you’ve done, but the least I can do is give you lunch on the house.”

  Carly and her friends clapped and smiled, and Delta thought one of them may have whistled since she’d pursed her lips. All five of her new employees shook her hand and then walked toward the serving counter. Cindy had rushed toward the back and returned moments later with aprons, order pads and pencils.

  Delta thanked everyone one more time and headed back to the kitchen with a smile on her face. Her silent prayers had been answered. She was happy and her heart was filled with warmth. For the first time in months she felt as if she’d made the right decision by moving to Slick Rock and fulfilling her passion for cooking. These people were almost strangers to her but they had opened their hearts to her without knowing who she was. The least she could do was try and do the same.

  Things were finally looking up and she was going to embrace her new life and the wonderful, kind people reaching out to her.

  * * * *

  Leo watched the women in the back from beneath the brim of his ball cap. One of the ladies was interviewing waitstaff, and while he admired her willingness to help, he was also angry at her. If the dumb cunt had more people working for her it was going to be harder than ever to get his hands on the bitch.

  He’d been trying to blend in and thought he was doing a damn good job of it since no one had paid him any attention. Maybe it was because he was wearing one of the construction company’s T-shirts and the locals accepted him as a new member of the small town.

  When he’d first arrived and seen two or more men walking with one woman, paying her the attention a lover would, he’d thought he stumbled into a cult town. However, he’d kept his ears open and had been shocked to find out there were a lot of ménage relationships around the county. What surprised him the most was how diligent the men were in seeing to their women’s comfort. He was going to have to make sure no one was about when he went after that deaf bitch. He’d also seen the upgraded security system when he’d entered the diner, and though he didn’t have electrical knowledge he wasn’t a total dumbass. Leo knew that a power outage would bring all that fine equipment to a halt.

  An idea began to form and it took everything he had not to laugh out loud and draw attention to himself or rub his hands together. He lowered his eyes back to his plate of bacon, eggs, pancakes and syrup. While he hated that slut with a passion, he had to admit she was a damn fine cook. He’d just finished off his last bite when he caught movement from the corner of his eye. The deaf idiot was behind the serving counter signing with one of the young waitresses. He glanced their way from beneath his hat and wondered if he should go after the young waitress. She would be easier to get his hands on than the deaf chick, since she had to come and go to and from work. He could use her to draw the cunt out, but first he was going to have some fun with the slut. By the time he was finished with her, she would be screaming for mercy. He quickly negated the idea of getting his hands on the young girl. It would be harder to grab the waitress, since she could hear. Going after the deaf bitch was his only goal, anyway. He didn’t have a beef with the teenage waitress. She was just unfortunate to be working for the bitch.

  Leo would make the first move in his game of cat and mouse, and when he made the last move, the deaf cunt would know there was no way in hell she would find any redemption for what she’d done.

  * * * *

  Usually Ace loved working with the animals out in the open on their ranch, but the day seemed to take way longer to pass than normal. He was itching to get back to the diner so he could see Delta again. Just thinking about her had him semi-hard and it was damned uncomfortable trying to ride his horse when his cock was being strangled by his jeans.

  The urge to say, “fuck it” and ignore his chores was strong, but he couldn’t. The cattle relied on him and his brothers to make sure they had enough food and water to make it through the hot summer’s day.

  The minutes dragged as he worked his way through his chores. As soon as Major had entered the house he’d gone straight to bed to catch a few hours of sleep. Rocco had just been entering the barn when Ace rode out. His brother had been going to head toward the east pasture to move the herd of cattle to the paddock next to it so the animals had fresh grazing. The weekend before they gotten some much needed rain, which had ended up lasting three days straight, and while the eastern field still had plenty of feed left, none of them wanted the animals eating it down to the roots. Summer was close to over but the rainfall hadn’t been anywhere near what it was supposed to be.

  After glancing at his watch for about the hundredth time, Ace, sighed with frustration and scrubbed a hand down his face. If he was going to get through all his work, he needed to get his mind on the task at hand and stop thinking about Delta. Just maybe if he could concentrate long enough he would finish up early, and after cleaning up he and his brothers could head to the diner before the dinner rush. Feeling a little lighter, Ace urged his mount forward, determination giving him a figurative spring in his step.

  * * * *

  Although she was hot, sweaty and tired, Delta couldn’t stop smiling. The day had gone so smoothly with her newly hired staff, she felt like dancing a jig. Enya and Lilac had worked really hard, making sure all the ordered meals were delivered as soon as she placed them under the warming light. They’d cleared tables, poured coffee, taken money and placed orders without a hitch.

  Cindy had also served the customers, but the young woman had also kept up with the dishes, making sure plates were scraped, rinsed and put in the dishwasher.

  Delta would have hummed the whole day through if she’d been able to. There was a lightness and music in her heart, and while her day wasn’t done yet, since the dinner rush hour was just about to start, she was actually able to take a much needed break for a change.

  “All the muffins sold within the first two hours,” Cindy signed.

  Delta nodded and smiled. “I’ll have to make sure to triple the next batch.” She glanced at Enya as she entered with another tub of dirty dishes and placed them on the counter next to the sink. She glanced at Delta before gazing at Cindy. She could see Enya’s lips moving but since the woman was side on to her, Delta didn’t know what she was saying.

  Cindy waved at her to get her attention. “Enya just told me that she used to make muffins and cakes for a restaurant and the bakery she worked for. She’s offering to do the same for the diner. She’s a pastry and sous chef.”

  “For real?” Delta asked excitedly.

  Enya turned to face Delta, nodded and smiled. “I love baking. I really miss making muffins and cakes. Will you please let me?”

  Delta was excited and couldn’t keep the smile from her face. She walked over to Enya and pulled her into her arms. She felt the other woman tense and hoped she hadn’t overstepped her personal bounds, but after a couple of seconds, Enya relaxed and hugged her back. She felt the other woman’s chest expand and then contract as if she’d just given a big sigh. She finally released her and nodded before she started signing, so happy that she had Cindy to interpret. “I would love it if you would make, muffins, cakes and pies. If you agree, I would love to have you working with me in the kitchen, too.”

  Enya smiled and nodded. “Yes. I would love that. Thank you.”

  “It should be me thanking you. So, thank you, so very much.”

  “You’re welcome. Wh
at sort of things do you want me to make?”

  “Can we work out the details later?” Delta asked. She hurried over to the serving window and peeked out before turning back to face the other women. “The dinner rush is just arriving.”

  “Sure, and don’t hesitate to let me know if you need help.” Enya was facing Delta and while Cindy continued to sign she was able to read the other woman’s lips.

  “I will” She turned toward the oven to check on the two large beef roasts she had slow cooking. The tantalizing smells wafting from the oven had her salivating and her stomach rumbling. She couldn’t remember eating anything today, but she was feeling a little jittery since she’d had way too much coffee.

  So why the hell was the hair on the back of her neck standing on end? Delta felt as if she was being watched.

  * * * *

  “That was the best damn roast beef I’ve ever tasted.” Ace patted his belly and leaned back into the seat.

  “Yeah.” Rocco sighed as he glanced toward the serving window.

  Major nodded in agreement. The diner was packed and while he loved that their woman’s business was thriving, he didn’t like how many single men were sitting around the place. The single men living in Slick Rock were synonymous for zeroing in on single women with the intention of trying to woo them. He and his brothers were going to have to move fast if they wanted a chance at courting Delta. Most of the men in town were good, honest, hard-working guys, and all of them were very protective of the opposite sex.

  That didn’t mean they were infallible though. The men involved in polyandrous relationships had certain rules they wanted their wives, girlfriends, or significant others to follow. Such as carrying a fully charged cell phone with them wherever they went, and texting to let their men know where they were, when they were leaving or arriving at a destination. It wasn’t because the men were controlling or abusive in any way. It was because they liked to know their women were safe. Every single one of the women who were now involved in the ménage relationships had had trouble follow them to town, and even though their men had tried to protect them, some circumstances were just out of their control. He, his brothers, and the other guys hated that their women had suffered in some way or another, and that was one of the reasons they were all so shielding.

  None of the guys living in Slick Rock wanted to see a woman or child scared or hurt, and if they could do something about it, they wouldn’t hesitate to step in.

  “I can’t believe what Carly and the other women have accomplished in such a short amount of time, but I’m happy that Delta now has another five women working for her.” Ace smiled at the brunette waitress as she hurried past with a tub full of dirty dishes.

  “Yeah.” Major rubbed at the back of his neck. He loved that their woman had more help, but he hated how busy the place was. How were he and his brothers supposed to court Delta if she was always working?

  “Do you think any of the new staff know how to cook?” Ace frowned.

  “I fucking hope so,” Rocco replied. “Our woman needs to be able to take time off. If she continues to work the way she has been, she’ll end up burning out and getting sick.”

  “We can ask Carly the next time we see her,” Ace suggested.

  “Good idea.” Major nodded. “We have to find a way to have some alone time with her.”

  “Speak of the angel.” Rocco smiled.

  Major glanced toward the door. Carly and her husbands, Ridge, Bull, and Rocky had just walked through the door.

  Major and his brothers stood to greet their friends. After handshakes to the men and hugs were given to Carly, they sat down again.

  “I want to thank you for helping Delta out with the hiring.” Rocco reached across the aisle to squeeze Carly’s hand.

  “You don’t need to thank me.” Carly smiled. “I hated seeing an injustice done.”

  Major frowned. “Was there an injustice?”

  “Not with the women who are now working here,” Carly answered. “Enya and Lilac have only been in town a short while. Katie and Kiara, too. They just moved back home a few days ago.”

  “Luke and Damon went to the school and talked to the students about discrimination. I think some of the kids were prejudiced, but a few of the girls said their dads didn’t want them working for someone they’d never seen,” Ridge explained. “No one’s ever seen Delta out and about. In fact, she never seems to leave the kitchen.”

  “I think there’s a reason for that,” Luke Sun-Walker said.

  Major shifted to gaze at the Sheriff. Luke, as well as Clay and Johnny Morten and their wife Tara were standing in the aisle behind the sheriff.

  “And what would that be?” Ace asked.

  Major waited to hear the answer with bated breath. He’d just been about to ask the same thing, but Ace had beaten him to it.

  “That’s not my story to tell.” Luke frowned as he glanced toward the serving window before turning back to meet his and his brothers’ gazes. “Just make sure to take your time with her.”

  Major knew that was the sheriff’s way of saying, “I’ll be watching you and if you hurt her, you’ll be answering to me”. He was glad that Delta had others watching out for her, too, but he also wanted to know what the hell Luke knew.

  A knot of dread formed in his stomach. Was their woman in danger like the other women had been?

  He was damn well going to find out.

  Chapter Six

  Delta couldn’t believe how well the five new women and Cindy worked together. The kitchen was sparkling, the tables in the dining area had been wiped down, the floor mopped and all the dishes were already put away. What astounded her was that it was just going on eight-thirty.

  This would be the first night in months she would be in bed before midnight. Yes, she still had food prep to do for the next day, but that would only take her a couple of hours at most.

  She decided then and there that she would pay her staff more than the minimum wage because they had damn well earned it.

  Delta couldn’t stop smiling as she began to get the ingredients she needed for the next day’s meals. Just as she dumped them onto the counter, Enya and Lilac entered the kitchen with Cindy on their heels.

  “Katie and Kiara have gone home and will be back to work from the lunch to dinner rush,” Cindy explained.

  She smiled and nodded. “You should all go home and get some rest. You’ve been on your feet all day long.”

  “So have you,” Cindy replied as she glanced at the other two women. “Enya isn’t the only experienced chef. Lilac was working as head chef in a prestigious restaurant in New York City.”

  “You were?” Delta asked excitedly. “Which one?”

  Her heart flipped inside her chest when Lilac named the most famous restaurant in the US. “Are you kidding me? Why are you here? You could have your own place.”

  Wariness entered Lilac’s gaze as she shifted from foot to foot. Delta saw shadows in the depths of the young woman’s violet eyes and decided not to press. She didn’t want Enya feeling as if she was being interrogated. She wanted the woman to hang around for as long as possible and maybe, she would ask her and Enya if they wanted to become part owners with her in the future.

  Delta was already tired and she knew she couldn’t keep going the pace she had been without paying some price. She didn’t want to get sick, but for now, she would hold her cards close to her chest, and give the other women time to settle in.

  “It doesn’t matter why you left,” she said. “I’m so glad to have you all working for me.”

  “Thanks for hiring us.” Lilac smiled. She moved toward the food prep area. “What do you want done with this?”

  “I’m making lasagna as well as chicken vegetable soup for lunch tomorrow. The left-over beef will be offered in club sandwiches, and tomorrow night will be the usual steak, as well as roast lamb, and the usual burgers and such.” Delta took a deep breath when she went a little light headed and hoped she didn’t look as pale as she f
elt. She blinked to clear her blurry vision and wondered if the other women could see the sweat popping out on her brow.

  She took a shaky step toward the counter, praying all the while that her knees didn’t give out on her. There was too much to do for her to end up sick now. She didn’t have the luxury of being laid up in bed. She released the breath in her lungs, inhaled again, and nearly sighed with relief when her vision cleared. She was about to reach for the vegetable peeler and head to the fridge, but darkness enveloped her, pulling her into a deep dark abyss.

  * * * *

  Ace was getting impatient. He and his brothers had been sitting in the booth for what felt like hours on end. He, Rocco, and Major had helped the new waitresses clean the diner and mop the floors after introducing themselves. At first Enya and Lilac had been wary of them, but Cindy had put the two women at ease. Cindy knew the score about the men in town and how protective they were since she’d lived in town her whole short seventeen years of life, but she was a sweet little thing. Ace had heard rumors that the girl’s mother was an alcoholic and as much as he, his brothers and the rest of the men in town wanted to step in and get her momma the help she needed, he knew it would likely be thrown back in their faces. The sad fact was someone who was dependent on drugs or alcohol needed to ask for help when they were ready to kick their habits. Until then, all any of them could do was make sure Cindy and her sister were looked after.

  “What’s taking so damn long?” Ace snarled.

  “Have a little patience, bro,” Major said. “The women have only just finished cleaning up. They’re probably helping put the kitchen to rights.”

  “I want to see her.” Ace stood and began to pace.

  “And you think we don’t?” Rocco snapped.

  “Shit!” Ace scrubbed a hand over his face. He was about to walk back to the booth and sit down but stopped when he heard a thud.


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