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Page 19

by Becca Van

  Luckily for him, he had his own set of tools and always carried them with him in the back of his own truck. He rolled under the belly of the vehicle, pulled his electric screwdriver from his pocket and started drilling into the gas tank until there was a small hole.

  Now all he had to do was get out from under the truck and flick a lighted match at the quickly spreading gas. He was going to have to run fast before the truck blew. He needed to get to the back of the diner and be ready to enter so he could get to that cunt.

  Hopefully, the noise of the explosion would bring people running from every direction and he’d have his vengeance.

  Leo rolled out from under the truck and crouched on the balls of his feet, once again making sure no one was watching him. He drew in a deep breath as he pulled the matches from his pocket and tensed his muscles in readiness.

  He scraped the match on the box and flicked it into the gas and took off fast. His heart raced in his chest and he gasped air into his lungs as he ran. Once he was behind the building, he slowed down and breathed deeply to regulate his breathing as he pushed the spare key to the diner into the rear door keyhole and silently counted in his head.

  When the blast came, it was so loud it hurt his eardrums and the ground shook beneath his feet. He turned the key and counted to twenty before opening the door. He knew as soon as he entered that the place was virtually empty since there was no chatter or the clinking of cutlery on plates. Leo just hoped that the guy on bodyguard duty had gone out the front like everyone else, but if he hadn’t, he would deal with him, too.

  Excitement raced through his bloodstream. He was so close to getting his revenge he could taste it.

  * * * *

  Ace’s heart slammed against his ribs as the building shook when something exploded. He was immediately transported back to his last tour in Afghanistan. His hands clenched and he moved his arms as if he was holding his automatic rifle, spinning and scoping trying to find the enemy. When his gaze alighted on Delta he was brought back to the present.

  Her face was pale, her eyes wide, and she was gasping for breath. He glanced over at Enya to see she was just as pale as his woman, and though he wanted to go and see what the fuck was happening, he didn’t want to leave the women alone.

  “Are you okay?” Ace asked meeting both their gazes.

  “Yes,” Enya answered.

  “We’re fine, Ace,” Delta signed. “Was that an earthquake?”

  “No, darlin’.” He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight. She drew back to gaze at him.

  “What was it?”

  “Something exploded.”

  “What? Oh. What if someone’s hurt? You need to go and see if you can help.”

  Ace shook his head. He didn’t want to leave the women alone. “There are sure to be other men already out there helping.”

  “Has someone called the sheriffs and the paramedics?” Delta asked.

  “I will.” Enya raced to the phone just inside the doorway.

  “Someone help.”

  Ace released Delta and started for the door, but stopped to glance back at her. He turned and signed quickly, glad that Major had given him and Rocco an intense crash course in sign language. He wasn’t as good as his older brother, but he was getting there.

  “Someone needs help, darlin’. Promise me you and Enya will stay here, in the kitchen.”

  “I promise. Go.”

  He nodded and hurried out to dining section. When he saw the elderly woman slumped in her seat, he cursed and hoped she wasn’t having a heart attack. He raced over and crouched down feeling for her pulse.

  * * * *

  Leo entered the back door just in time to see the big guy who’d been guarding the bitch disappear toward the front of the diner. He smiled and quelled the urge to whistle just in case there were other people about. He moved along the hallway stealthily, keeping his steps light as he hugged the wall and stopped just outside the kitchen entrance. He listened intently hoping to ascertain if there was someone in the room with the deaf cunt.

  When he heard a woman speak, he knew he had to make his move now.

  “The sheriffs and EMTs are already on their way.”

  Leo sprang around the corner, his fist already raised and he punched the blonde woman in the jaw. She fell to the floor unconscious. Luck was on his side because the bitch had his back to her as she stirred something on the stove. He hurried up behind her, simultaneously wrapping an arm around her waist as he covered her mouth with his hand and began dragging her toward the door.

  * * * *

  Even though Delta wanted to go out and see if she could help, she remained where she was, in the kitchen just like she’d promised Ace. She sighed with relief when Enya told her the emergency services were on their way and turned back to stir the beef stew she was making for the lunch special.

  Her heart flipped in her chest when a hard arm wrapped around her waist and large hand covered her mouth. She dropped the wooden spoon into the pot and began to struggle. She kicked back and clawed the arm around her waist with her short nails, but she missed his leg and he didn’t even seem to feel her nails scoring his flesh. Delta sobbed as she wished she had longer nails, but she’d kept them short since she was dealing with food all the time.

  She flailed her arms and thrashed her body hoping whoever was half carrying, half dragging her down the hallway toward the back would drop her, but it had no effect other than the tightening of his arm around her waist. He squeezed her so hard she felt as if her ribs were about to break, and all the air was expelled from her lungs. She tried biting his hand, but he had it cupped and she couldn’t get his flesh between her teeth. After inhaling, she yelled as loudly as she could but had no way of knowing if her scream had been loud enough.

  Tears welled and rolled down her cheeks. She’d caught a glimpse of Enya lying on the floor and she prayed that the other woman was still alive. Anger surged through her body along with terror, and while she was sweating she felt cold to her core. She was trembling and knew if she didn’t escape soon, she was doomed.

  Delta raked her nails, the tip of her fingers along the wall and her brain suddenly kicked into gear. Whoever had her was going to be taking her out the back door. She still had her arms free and planned to grab and hold onto the door frame for all she was worth. Maybe that would be enough to slow the asshole down. She kicked out again hoping to connect with the wall but the bastard was being cagey and keeping her away from the walls. All the while she was mentally cursing that the hall was more than wide enough so that there was room enough for people to pass each other if they crossed paths.

  She was panting and her while her lungs were burning, she didn’t feel as if she was about to pass out. Delta needed to try and keep the fear from taking over so that if the chance for escape arose, she’d be able to get free.

  He stopped just short of the back exit and the arm around her waist loosened. She sucked in a deep breath and tensed her muscles in readiness. She’d never understand or work out how he did it while still holding her against him, but the next moment she felt something stab into her side. Lethargy invaded her muscles and her vision grew blurry. She tried to keep her knees from buckling but she knew she was going to lose this battle.

  Delta slumped forward as whatever he’d injected her with knocked her out.

  * * * *

  “She’s okay,” Ace said as he rose. “It was the shock of the explosion, just a panic attack. Make sure you take her to the doctor for a checkup though.”

  “I will. Thank you, young man.”

  Ace shook the elderly man’s hand, relieved that his wife hadn’t had a heart attack like he’d first suspected. He moved away to give the couple some privacy as the guy tried to soothe his wife and gazed out the window. There was debris all over the road and on the footpaths from shop windows breaking, but he was pleased to see the firefighters were dousing the flames. While he’d been helping the elderly couple, he been attentive mak
ing sure no one came into the diner.

  The sheriffs were also on the scene, studying the ground looking for clues. Ace pulled his cell phone from his pocket, sent off a quick text to his brothers and headed toward the kitchen. As he walked down the hallway a knot of dread formed in his gut and grew bigger with each step he took. He picked up speed and raced into the kitchen.

  He took everything in with a glance. Enya was on the floor unconscious and Delta was gone. He ran toward the front yelling at the top of his lungs. “Get the sheriffs and EMTs in here now. We have a woman down in the kitchen.”

  When Ace saw the elderly man stand and hurry toward the entrance, he took off running toward the back, glancing into rooms as he passed open doorways, cursing his stupidity the whole time.

  The exploding truck had been a fucking diversion and he’d fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

  He burst out the back door, scanning up and down the narrow alley. He was just in time to see the back end of a dark green truck turning left onto the street behind the diner. Ace sprinted after the vehicle, hoping he was fast enough to get the number plate.

  * * * *

  As soon as he got Ace’s text, Major’s gut knotted. He and Rocco had sprinted for the truck and were racing toward town. He kept his foot on the gas pedal heedless of the speed limit, intent on getting to his woman.

  He’d just hit the outskirts of town when his cell phone rang. Major hit the answer button on the steering wheel.

  “He’s got her,” Rocco rasped.

  “What the fuck do you mean he’s got her?” Major roared.

  “I left her in the kitchen with Enya to help an elderly lady having a panic attack. He got in through the back door.”

  “Motherfucking son of a bitch.” Rocco punched the dashboard.

  “How the fuck did he get in the back?” Major asked.

  “I don’t know. I have a license plate and a description of the truck.” Ace rattled off the number plate, make, model and color of the vehicle. “Luke’s running a check.”

  “Which way was he heading?” Rocco asked.

  “North-east.” Ace panted as if he was running.

  Major turned the corner with a squeal of tires. “Where are you?”

  “Just getting into my truck. I need to disconnect. I’m expecting Luke’s call.”

  “Call back as soon as you’ve heard from him.” Major disconnected the call and pressed his foot flat to the floor. His mouth was filled with the acrid taste of fear. He’d thought they’d be able to protect Delta, but they’d failed. He didn’t blame Ace for what had happened, because he had no doubt that if he or Rocco had been shadowing their woman, they would have left her alone to help the woman, too. It was ingrained in them to serve and protect. There was no way they could have ignored a call for help. That thought made him think the bastard who’d kidnapped Delta had to have been watching them.

  Was he familiar to them? Was he a local?

  When he got his hands on the fucker he was going to tear him apart with his bare hands.

  * * * *

  Rocco unclipped his seatbelt and climbed into the back of the truck cab. He lifted the seat and pulled out the rifles they all carried locked away in their trucks. He and his brothers never went anywhere without a weapon even if they didn’t carry them around town. They had rifles in the house, which they kept locked away most of the time, but they all always carried their pistols strapped around their hips while working on the land. Thank fuck they hadn’t had to waste time by going back to the house to get their weapons. He checked both guns and the magazines to make sure there was plenty of ammunition, making sure the safeties were on and then climbed back to the front seat and put his seatbelt back on.

  His heart was beating so fast it was almost painful and while he wanted to yell with fear and anger, he clenched his jaw instead. He lifted a hand to thread his fingers into his hair and wasn’t surprised to see it was shaking. Every time they passed a side street he gazed down the roads hoping to spot the truck they were in pursuit of.

  Rocco had no doubt if Luke, Damon, or his deputies were scouting, as well. He just hoped if they were that they found Delta before it was too late. There was no way he’d be able to survive if she didn’t.

  * * * *

  Delta’s mouth was so dry, her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. She was drifting in and out of consciousness, and though she tried to push the fogginess from her mind and the lethargy from her body, it didn’t work.

  She knew she was in danger but the drugs he’d injected into her made her too drowsy for the adrenaline which had been coursing through her veins to shake the effects off.

  The drone of tires on the road was hypnotic, and while she tried to keep herself from drifting off, she sank into sleep again.

  * * * *

  Ace peeled out of the parking space and pressed his foot down hard on the accelerator. The back end of his truck fishtailed until the rubber caught the bitumen and he clutched the steering wheel so hard his knuckles ached. He felt so guilty his chest was tight and he was having trouble breathing. It had been his responsibility to keep Delta safe and he hadn’t. He’d also left Enya lying unconscious on the kitchen floor. He hated himself right then, but he pushed his emotions aside and tapped into the cold, unfeeling soldier he used to be.

  He was already outside the town limits but he hadn’t seen another vehicle, not even his brother’s truck.

  When his cell phone rang, he pressed the answer button and nearly sagged with relief when Luke started speaking.

  “The truck belongs to Leo Stafford, formerly known as Leo Pratt.” Luke paused to suck in a deep breath. “Leo’s brother was killed when trying to rob a bank in Chicago. Larry Pratt shot Delta during the hold-up.”

  “Fuck! Where are you?”

  “We’re searching. I have all my available men on this, Ace. I put out an APB on the vehicle and Pratt. We’ll know as soon as he’s spotted. I’ve got Trent and Tristan Woodall searching his house.”

  “Why?” Ace frowned.

  “The bastard was working for Woodall construction.”

  “Are you fucking kidding? Why the hell wasn’t a check done on this fucker? He’s probably been watching Delta the whole time. Please don’t tell me he was helping fix the diner up?”

  “He was.”

  “Motherfucking bastard.”

  “I’ll call if we find him. Don’t do anything stupid.”

  Ace ended the call without bothering to reply. He would do whatever it took to save Delta. He’d killed while he was serving his country, and he had no compunction about killing again to protect the love of his life.

  * * * *

  “Talk,” Major said when he answered Ace’s call. As Ace told him what Luke had said, he clenched his jaw so hard he was in danger of breaking a tooth.

  He wanted to curse up a blue streak but was scared if he opened his mouth he would fall apart.

  “There!” Rocco shouted.

  Major squinted into the sun and saw the back end of a truck in the distance. He pushed his foot down harder on the gas pedal.

  “I’ve just spotted a dark green truck turning left from off the S8 road heading toward the T11!” Rocco yelled.

  “I’m on the 141 just near the T11 turnoff,” Ace replied.

  “I’ll call Luke.”

  “You don’t have to,” Major said in a growly voice. “He’s coming up behind us.” He was glad that he and his brothers had taken time out to explore the region after moving to Slick Rock because he knew there was nowhere for the asshole to go. In essence, he’d trapped himself because all the roads leading of the T11 were dead ends. Unless the fucker decided to use all terrain, he was trapped.

  * * * *

  Delta came awake when she was jostled about on the back seat of the truck. The fogginess in her mind was wearing off and although her limbs still felt heavy, she was able to move them.

  She shifted on the seat, trying to keep her movements fluid so as to not alert her abduct
or, and lifted her head to gaze around. If she could inch her way across the seat, she might be able to jump out of the moving vehicle. It had slowed since they were now travelling on bumpy dirt road. Hopefully if she was able to escape, she wouldn’t do too much damage to herself.

  She inched her way closer to the door and tensed her weak muscles as much as she could as she grasped the door handle and tugged. Elated surprise surged into her heart when the door swung open and she dove out of the truck door, tucking her head close to her body, and rolled.

  The breath was knocked from her lungs on impact with the ground, and she’d protected her head as much as she could until she came to a stop. She rolled onto her stomach and pushed up onto her hands and knees, her breath sawing in and out of her lungs once she was able to inhale again.

  Her limbs were quaking but she wasn’t about to let the weakness in her arms and legs stop her. She lurched to her feet, staggered and then began to run in the opposite direction of the truck.

  When she looked over her shoulder and saw the wheels sliding on gravel as the brakes were applied hard, she tried to run faster. Her legs were uncooperative and she felt as if she was moving in slow motion, but there was no way in hell she was going to give up.

  She chanced another glimpse over her shoulder and screamed when she saw the man aiming a gun in her direction. She flinched and sobbed when a shot was fired and dirt sprayed from the ground to the side of her, and she waited for agony to rip into her body, but the pain never came. She took off again and her mistake was looking back over her shoulder once more, since her equilibrium was already so screwed up. The tip of her sneaker hit a sizeable rock and she went down hard, her head knocking into the ground since her arms felt as if they had the consistency of cooked noodles and wouldn’t hold her up. Again, she pushed her palms to the ground, but her body was quaking so hard, her teeth were clacking together.


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