The Prophecy

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The Prophecy Page 13

by Jennifer L. Armentrout

  I kissed the stubble along his jaw as I reached between us, palming him. His back reared off the bed. My heart was already racing again. “Not good enough.”

  He reached up, cupping the nape of my neck. His eyes were startling in the darkness of our room, consuming me. My heart tripped over itself. Lust hardened the edge of his voice. “I love you.”

  “That’s better.”

  Sitting up in one fluid motion, he slipped deep inside me and captured my mouth, smothering my cry of surprise. He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me tight against him as he flexed his hips upward while pulling me down. Toes curling, I gripped his shoulders as my surprise turned to pleasure.

  “I love you now,” he said, thrusting his hips. “I will love you always.”

  I pressed my forehead against his, my bottom twisting down. Both of our chests were rising raggedly. “Always? I-I love the sound of that.”

  He pulled back and our eyes locked.

  Wordlessly, he cupped my rear, urging me to move faster. Unable to look away, I fell into those burning eyes. A sharp swirl of tingles rushed through my body. Under me, he moved his magnificent body at a furious rhythm. My release came fast and hard. My entire body stiffened.

  Seth grasped my cheeks, bringing my face down to his, kissing me deeply. Lightning flew through my veins. My muscles clamped down on him as he found his own release. My cry mixed with his as he pumped his hips furiously, throwing me head first into another orgasm.

  Sometime later, I stirred to lift my head from his chest, but his embrace tightened. I cleared my throat. “What happened in Chicago?”

  He didn’t answer for a long moment, and when he did, part of me almost wished he hadn’t. I almost couldn’t process what he told me or the horror those poor people must’ve felt and seen. Worse yet, if Seth didn’t do what they asked, more innocent people would die. Mortals. Pures. Halfs. Everyone.

  “This is bad,” I whispered.

  And for the first time Seth didn’t say it would be okay.

  Chapter 13


  Standing among tall elm trees—trees so thick and full that only sporadic streams of light broke through their bushy limbs—I could feel the life slipping out of me.

  Everything had been so perfect, so beautiful, and now…

  I was dying.

  It happened so fast. I’d been standing in front of Seth, staring into those striking golden eyes, holding his hands, and then there was nothing but heart-stopping pain. Unexpected. Brutal.

  Cool air raised tiny goosebumps along my bare arms. I tried to draw in a breath, but the air went nowhere as I looked down at the white gown that brushed the tops of my feet—the gown I’d been so excited to wear, so ready to wear.

  Blood poured out of my chest, spilling down the front of the gown, ruining it.

  Ruining everything.

  There were shouts erupting all around us. Chaos as the very thick tree limbs seemed to rattle and shake. Seth was reaching for me, confusion fading from his face and giving way to a raw mixture of fear and anger.

  Too late. Too late.

  Pressing shaky hands against my chest, it did nothing to stanch the blood flowing from between my fingers.

  Oh gods, I was going to die.

  My knees gave out, but I didn’t fall to the ground. Strong, warm arms folded around me, easing me down, holding me close. I blinked, trying to focus as I pressed against the warm, hard chest. Amber-colored eyes stared back into mine—eyes that had been filled with love and happiness moments before were now shining with terror.

  With every stuttering breath I took, I knew I was coming to the end, that one of these breaths were going to be my last, and it was going to be all over.

  “Seth,” I whispered. “Don’t let me go.”

  “No.” His face contorted. Tears filled his eyes as he lifted my head, pressing his mouth to my forehead. “I’ll never let you go, Josie. Never.”

  My hands slipped away, falling to my sides. I tried to speak once more, to tell him that I loved him, that I’d always love him, but I couldn’t force the words from my tongue.

  “Josie.” His voice cracked as he rocked us back and forth. “I love you. I love you and I won’t let you go. I will never—”

  Gasping for air, I came awake with a silent scream burning up my throat as I jerked upward. The sheet slipped to my waist as I planted a hand on my chest. My heart jackhammered.

  Just a dream.

  That’s what I kept telling myself as I willed my heart to slow down and stared into the darkness in the bedroom. It was just a dream.

  Shoving sweat-slicked hair out of my face, I twisted at the waist. As my vision adapted, I could make out Seth’s profile. He was lying on his side, facing me. One heavy arm still lay over my hips and lap. He was sound asleep. A strand of blond hair fell over his cheek, touching the corner of his lip.

  I wanted to wake him, so I could hear him say my name and to feel his touch. So I could erase the memory of the dream with all the wonderful things he made me feel.

  But I didn’t.

  Easing down on my side so our faces were inches apart, I bit down on my lip. What if…

  What if it wasn’t a dream?

  My breath caught as I closed my eyes. What if it was a prophecy, like the others? What if I wasn’t dreaming, but seeing my own death?


  Sitting in the center of the bed, I tried to focus on braiding my hair, but it was hard.

  Seth was virtually naked.

  He’d just come out of the shower and all the man was wearing was a towel around his lean hips. A towel! It barely covered anything. And I had no idea how the towel was staying on as he prowled to the dresser. Those heavy biceps flexed as he lifted his hands, shoving hair that was darker-blond when wet, slicking the strands back. It was hanging so low, showing all those interesting dips and planes.

  Staring at him made the dream feel like a lifetime ago.

  My fingers stilled along my hair as I watched him pull out a black shirt. How in the world was I supposed to pay attention when I had that to drool all over?

  Seth looked over his shoulder at me. “See something you like?”

  “A lot,” I told him, getting back to finishing my braid. “I see a lot that I love.”

  One side of his lips kicked up as he tossed the shirt on the bed. A pair of black boxer briefs landed next, followed by tactical pants.

  A Sentinel uniform.


  I finished the braid with a hair band and then flipped it over my shoulder. “I wish I was going with you guys today.”

  He would’ve left for Pluckley immediately after the meeting with Marcus, but then everything had happened with Chicago. Late last night, Alex and Aiden had showed up to discuss going to Pluckley, the latter a little bruised but otherwise okay. I hadn’t really paid attention to what they’d been talking about. What happened in Chicago was in the forefront of my thoughts.

  What in the hell were we going to do? There was no way Cora or Gable would be remotely ready in a month’s time to face the Titans, even if their abilities were unlocked. I’d been practicing with the elements since my abilities were unlocked and I still didn’t have complete control over them.

  And the Titans knew this.

  Straightening, Seth turned to me. “That’s the plan. Sort of shocked that Aiden relented on the whole allowing Deacon to go, but they’re he’s going with us.”

  “I’m surprised to.” I dropped my hands to my lap. “I hope they’re careful. I mean, I know Luke is badass and Deacon is in his own way, but he’s…he’s got a kind heart.”

  “You have a kind heart.” Seth’s fingers toyed with the towel at his hips.

  “I do, but according to you, I’m also bloodthirsty.” I gave him a cheeky grin.

  “Yeah, that’s right. You are. Huge turn-on.”

  “Only you would be turned on by something like that.”

  “Only I matter.”

  I rolled my eyes an
d my eyes almost kept rolling, because Seth dropped the towel, and oh my.

  The tips of my ears burned as my gaze slipped over his chest and stomach and then further south. Wow. I bit down on my lip.

  “I won’t be gone all that long,” he said, and hell, I had no idea what he was talking about. “I plan to take them over, scope out the town, and then Aiden’s supposed to call me when they’re ready. I don’t plan on leaving you here alone.”


  Seth chuckled. “You are not paying any attention to what I’m saying.”

  Blinking, I forced my gaze to his face. “Yeah, I am… Okay.” I lifted my hands helplessly. “What do you expect? You’re standing here naked and you’re so nice to look at.”

  “You’re nice to look at.”

  “But I’m fully clothed, so…”

  “Shame.” Planting his fists on the bed, he leaned in and kissed me. It was so soft and so sweet, it caused my stomach to dip. When he drew back, he repeated what he’d said. “I won’t be gone long.”

  Letting my eyes drift closed, I rested my forehead against his. “You know I’m safe here, right?”

  “Unless the walls are breached, and that has happened way too many times in the past for me to feel confident in their safety,” he reminded me. “So I don’t know if you’ll be safe here.”

  A faint smile tugged at my lips. For some people, his overprotectiveness would chafe, but I found it sweet. “But they are more unprotected than me,” I pointed out, opening my eyes. “If the Titans are close to finding this demigod, you guys could be in danger. As of right now, I’m not.”

  Seth didn’t respond as his lashes lifted and his gaze met mine. A long moment passed. “I don’t think the Titans will be straying too far from Chicago.”

  “We don’t know that for sure. So I don’t want you to worry about me.” I pressed my finger against the faint cleft in his chin. “But you also don’t need to hurry back here because of me.”

  Dipping his chin, he nipped at my finger. “What are you going to do today?”

  “I think I’m going to check out the library and see if I can find Medusa. If anyone knows how the demigods are starting to manifest abilities or how to unlock their abilities, she might.” I pulled my finger free from his naughty little kisses. “And don’t think I didn’t notice you hadn’t responded to what I said.”

  “Damn,” he murmured, sitting down next to me as naked as the day he was born. “I was hoping you didn’t catch that.”

  I lifted a brow.

  His grin turn boyish. “All right. I won’t rush back, but I’m not staying with them and it’s not because I’m worried about you. But because I’ll get bored and I’ll miss you. And then I begin to wonder if you’ll be taking a shower…touching yourself.”

  “Stop.” Looking away, I grinned as I blushed. “How can you get bored in a town that’s supposed to be one of the most haunted places in the world?”

  “Probably because it’s not haunted.” Kissing my cheek, he pushed off the bed and finally started dressing.

  I didn’t know if I should be upset about that or not. “It better be haunted, or Deacon is going to be so disappointed.”

  Buttoning his pants, he shot a grin over his bare shoulder. “I’m willing to bet he’s going to be disappointed.” He reached for his shirt. “Do you think you can wait to find Medusa until I get back?”

  “Seth.” I pinned him with a dry look. “Last time I checked, Medusa hates dudes. Especially dudes like you.”

  He froze, arms shoved into his sleeves. “Like me?”

  “Yes. Like you. She will never talk to me if you’re around.” I paused. “And honestly, I don’t think she even likes you.”

  “She doesn’t even know me.” He pulled the shirt on over his head. “How rude.”

  I laughed softly. “Is your ego bruised?”

  He appeared to think about that. “Nah.”

  “Didn’t think so.”

  His grin spread as he came forward again, placing his hands on either side of my legs. “Got a question for you.”

  “I might have an answer for you.”

  The damp strands of hair fell forward, slicing over his cheeks. “Did you wake up in the middle of the night?”

  I was not expecting that question. “Did I wake you up?”

  He tilted his head to the side. “A little. I was kind of half-asleep, but I had this distinct impression of you sitting up and then lying back down.” He drew back, letting his hands slide off the tan comforter. “And I think you were staring at me.”

  “Oh, Lord,” I muttered, feeling my cheeks heat. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Why were you awake?”

  Squirming, I lifted a shoulder. “I had a dream.”

  His gaze searched mine. “A nightmare? Like the ones before?”

  After I’d been held captive by Hyperion, I had a lot of nightmares. I hadn’t had any recently, but it didn’t surprise me that Seth probably thought this dream was due to that.

  In that moment, I knew I could tell him the truth about what I’d dreamt last night. I could get it off my chest, shaking off the fear that lingered like a cough that wouldn’t go away, but that’s not what I did.

  “Yeah.” I lowered my gaze. “It was just a nightmare.”

  Two fingers pressed under my chin, drawing my gaze back up. Seth’s eyes were soft. “Next time, wake me up, babe. You don’t have to deal with that alone. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  I don’t know why I had chosen not to. Maybe I knew because if I did Seth would freak, and I didn’t want that. Not when he was going out there, going to a place the Titans could be close to discovering. And maybe…maybe it was because I feared that, if I spoke it out loud, then it became more real.

  Speaking it out loud made it something that could happen.

  That would happen.



  “I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited about anything than I am right now.” Deacon actually looked like he was about to pass out. “I am so ready for this.”

  I slid a look in Aiden’s direction.

  The bruise on his jaw from the day before was completely healed, and there was no mistaking the fondness in Aiden’s expression as he shook his head. There was also no way you could miss the exasperation either. Aiden looked like he wanted to hug his brother and at the same time choke him.

  “You’re going to be so disappointed when you realize it’s just a boring little village and nothing more,” I said.

  “Don’t you dare say that,” Deacon gasped, and beside him, Luke dipped his head. “You’re going to jinx this.”

  Josie leaned into my side. “Don’t jinx it, Seth.”

  Looking down at her, I raised my arm and draped it over her shoulders. She scrunched her nose at me. I sighed and then looked at Deacon. “You’re going to see so many ghosts you’re going to think you’re in the Underworld.”

  “Damn straight.” Deacon grinned as he nodded.

  Alex rose from the couch. “All right, I think we’re ready to get this show on the road.”


  Forever impatient.

  “Cora and Gable know where we’re going.” Luke turned to Josie. “And that we don’t know exactly how long it’s going to take, but they know you’re still here.”

  “Cool. Colin’s with them now, right?”

  Colin? Hell. That guy.

  Luke nodded. “Yeah, he’s also going to keep them entertained.”

  “In other words, keep them out of trouble.” Aiden sheathed a dagger in the holder strapped to his chest, fitted to be worn under his shirt and hidden. He reached for another dagger, and I smirked. This time I hadn’t left mine behind. “I think it would be wise for them to stay in their dorms.”

  I opened my mouth to point out that I thought it would also be wise for Josie to do the same thing, but she must’ve read my mind, because her fingers dug into my skin. My gaze narrowed on her. />
  “I’ll make sure they stay put and are safe.” Josie completely ignored me. “Meanwhile, I’m going to see if I can locate Medusa and try to get some info out of her.”

  Deacon pouted. “Well hell, that might sway me to stay behind.”

  “Really?” Aiden jumped on that like a damn kangaroo. “I’m sure—”

  “Pretty sure Medusa doesn’t like guys,” Alex cut in. “We’re stuck with Deacon.”

  “Or I’m stuck with you two,” Deacon corrected. “That sounds more like what is really happening.”

  “Okay.” Luke stepped forward. “I think it’s time for us to do this.”

  It was.

  And I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

  While Josie had been right and the gang heading to Pluckley was in more danger than her, I didn’t like the idea of being over there. Hell, I hadn’t even liked it when I went to the island to recharge.

  Josie’s hand slid along my back. When she spoke, her voice was low and only for me. “Remember what I said. Don’t worry about me.”

  I turned to her. “You know that’s never going to happen.”

  “You can try, though.” She smiled as I picked up her braid. “Just like I’m going to.”

  I lowered my head, brushing my nose over hers as I said, “You do not need to worry about me, psychi mou. No matter what, I’m coming back to you. Always.”

  Her lips brushed mine as I found her hand. “I know.”

  “You guys need us to leave the room or something?” Aiden asked.

  “Shut up,” I replied and Deacon laughed as I cupped Josie’s cheek. I wanted to tell her that I’d be back before she went to bed tonight, but truth was, we really had no idea what we were going to find when we got there. Could be a boring, quaint village, or worse yet, the Titans could be there.

  Speaking so only she could hear, I said, “If there are Titans there, I won’t kill them.” I wanted to reassure her that I had…that I had learned something after what happened in Long Beach. “I’ll put a hurting on them, but I won’t kill them.”

  “I know,” she repeated, squeezing my hand.


  She did know.

  I loved this woman.

  Stretching up on the tip of her toes, she placed her hand on my chest and kissed me. “Be careful.”


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