Ste 115 1

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by Jake Ward






  Copyright 2015 by Jake Ward

  All Rights Reserved

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  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language, and may be considered offensive to some readers. This e-book is for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under aged readers.


  Please do not try any new sexual practices, especially those that might be found in BDSM/fetishes titles, without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither this publisher or the author are responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from the utilization of any information contained in this story. This story is fiction and all the persons and events are creations of the writer's imagination.


  Tens of thousands of people disappear in this country every year. Some are eventually found or return to their home and to something that simulates a normal life. Though normality may never be truly achieved. The remains of others are found, usually in isolated locations, generally telling a story of violence and death. Still others have chosen to disappear and seek to begin a new life somewhere else, some successful, some not. There are many circumstances that can lead to someone disappearing from the life they know. The disappearances in this story have their genesis in two of the oldest realities known to man, power and greed. In fact, this is not so much a story of men that disappear, as it is a story about young men that are taken.

  Chapter I

  The Abduction of Matt Forest

  Matt Forest was beginning to feel the burn. He'd been running for about an hour, but he'd been pushing himself a little harder than usual because he wanted to finish early. He could feel the sweat running down the back of his neck, between his shoulder blades, down the small of his back, slightly lubricating his ass cheeks as it continued down his crack and inside of his legs. He'd just come around the corner of the park when he noticed his unofficial fan club. There they were, about five women standing on the upper plaza of one of the major downtown buildings. Evidently it was a cigarette break. Each of the ladies was holding a cigarette, which qualified them for this break, but none of them were smoking, at least not cigarettes. However, their eyes were smoldering as they watched Matt run from the park across the plaza, to the next intersection.

  Matt smiled and blushed a little as he looked down and away. He knew why they were looking, he looked good. Or at least he looked a lot better than he had eight months ago when he started this regimen of two-a-days, working out at the gym first thing in the morning, then hitting the streets for a run during the lunch hour. He'd always been nice looking, but a little beefy. About a year ago he'd decided this was the time, now or never. He went on a strict diet and began exercising in earnest.

  Apparently, he was succeeding and not just in the eyes of the women in the plaza. Just the other day a man had stopped him during his run and asked him if he was a model or had ever done any modeling. Matt was flattered and a little shocked, no one had ever approached him like that before, and it had been kind of exciting. Anyway, the man had given Matt his card and told him to call him if he ever wanted to make some extra money, he would be glad to represent him.

  Matt was flattered, but he knew he would never make the call for the same reason he was blushing as he ran across the plaza in front of the women staring at him. Matt was actually a very shy, private person. He always had been. Making this decision to get in really good shape had been mostly for him and to boost his confidence as he tried to meet people. Well the people were beginning to notice, but Matt didn't feel that much more confident, at least not yet, he hoped it would still come.

  All this was going through Matt's mind as he took his shortcut through an alley to the next leg of his run. He had just made his turn into the alley when he noticed a big limousine blocking the alley about thirty yards ahead. He was thinking about how he was going to get around the limo when the back door opened and the modeling agent got out of the car. Well this was definitely the wrong way to approach Matt. Stopping him once on the street was one thing, but this was like stalking, and Matt didn't really appreciate it.

  He was just about to work his way around the limo when the guy said, "Hey Matt, how’s the run today? I know this is a bit inconvenient, but I have my boss with me today, and he wanted to say hello and encourage you to call. Could you just take a minute and say hello?"

  By the time the guy finished this little speech Matt had already started running in place. Matt was annoyed, but he was also somewhat flattered, so he thought what the hell, I'll say hi to this guy and be on my way. So Matt moved over to the open door to stick his head in and say "hi," and tell him politely that he really wasn't interested in a modeling career. But as Matt leaned his head into the car he felt something cold and hard as steel pressing against the side of his torso. The change of events took him completely by surprise and he became flustered, saying only, "hey, what the.....?"

  The man holding the gun in Matt's side spoke in a voice as cold and hard as the steel of the object he felt pressed against him, telling Matt to get into the car, and without waiting for a response on his part began to push him firmly onto the floor of the car. With the gun still in place Matt felt his right wrist being pulled high up behind his back, pinning him to the floor. he felt and heard a metal click around his wrist, and was trying to get some leverage to resist when he felt his other wrist being pulled savagely into place, and heard another clicking sound. Just as Matt began to protest the man backhanded Matt, driving him even further against the floor of the limo. That quickly, his world had changed. In less than ten seconds Matt had gone from standing at the door of the limo to being handcuffed and lying on its floor.

  Before Matt had any time to really protest he felt himself being lifted up by strong hands grasping under his shoulders. He was on his knees, facing the back seat of the limo where a distinguished looking man of about forty-five sat calmly looking at him. The other man was now on the long side seat behind Matt with the gun still pressed against his back. As Matt opened his mouth to protest what was happening to him the man seated before him struck him hard across his face with the back of his hand. The force of the blow drove Matt off balance, and he fell to the side, so the other man pulled Matt up again till he was once again facing the man on the back seat.

  That was when Matt heard the seated man speak for the first time. "I'm sure your confused and have a lot of questions about what is happening to you right now, but listen to me for a moment. Your world has just changed and changed irrevocably, and your survival in this new world depends on how well you follow the instructions I give you right now. The first reality of your new world is that you don't speak unless you have permission. If you break that rule the consequences will be swift and painful. Also, when you speak you will always refer to me as 'Sir,' do you understand what I've just told you?"

  Matt was unsure of himself and this "new reality." He felt the car moving, but there were curtains over most of the windows so he couldn't see where they were going. As the shock of what was happening began to wear off, the anger about what was going on began to kick in. Before he realized it, he shouted, "Look, I don't know who you think y
ou are?"

  That was all he got out before the man struck him again, viciously with the back of his hand, across Matt's face causing him to fall to the side again, and again Matt was put back into position only to be hit hard in the gut. He doubled over bringing himself even closer to the man in the back seat, and the man struck him again on the other side of his face. Then the man grabbed Matt's running shirt with both hands and pulled him up so there were eye to eye.

  "You sounded brighter when Mr. Watts told me about you, but I can see you're a little slow on the uptake. Mr. Watts, the collar if you please." And as the man held Matt in place he could feel the man called Watts putting a kind of metal and leather strap around his neck. Matt heard it snap into place, and was surprised by the sound of finality about it.

  "Now listen carefully to me boy, because I truly hate to have to repeat myself. The world you knew is passing by the windows of this car. The world you are entering into, is mine, and I can assure you I'm in complete control of my world. Now if you want to continue to exist in any world, you had better start paying attention to me. You speak only with permission, and only about what I'm asking you. Do you understand me boy? Think real hard before you answer boy, it could be the last answer you ever give."

  "Mr. Watts, demonstration please!"

  Then Matt felt like a ring of fire had encircled his neck. He started screaming as the pain was immediate and intense. He struggled, trying to get his cuffed hands from behind him and up to his neck to get the collar off. He moved from one knee to the other, trying to find a position in which the fire would stop, screaming all the while, but nothing seemed to help. Then it stopped as quickly as it began. Matt was breathing harder than he had been when he was running, and new sweat was running down his back.

  As the fire around his neck subsided, Mr. Watts repositioned Matt so he was once again facing his nemesis. The man looked at him with an intense coldness. Matt had never experienced eyes on him like that. He was shaken to his core.

  The man grasped Matt's shirt again in his fist and pulled Matt to where their faces were only inches apart. "Well boy, I'm waiting patiently for an answer, but I'm not use to having to wait. Do we need another demonstration boy, or do you understand what I'm telling you?"

  Matt was quickly realizing that he was in a desperate situation and his life seemed to hinge on keeping this guy happy. So until he saw an opportunity to escape he was going to do what this man said. He looked into the man's eyes and very slowly said, "Yes Sir,....I understand."

  The man seated in the back seat let out a sinister laugh as he released Matt, and said, "If there's one thing I'm absolutely certain of Matt Forrest, only child of Stewart and Martha Forrest, both deceased, currently residing in a small apartment on 81st St. because of the miserable pay you get from a dead end job at Super Mart, it's that you don't have any understanding at all about what's happening to you. But at least you're trying to please me, and that's a move in the right direction."

  Matt looked up into the man's face again, startled by the use of his name and the other personal information. How did this guy know so much about him? His head was filled with questions, none of which he could voice at this time because he didn't want this maniac to hit him again, or worse, turn on that ring of fire around his neck. The man could see the confusion on Matt's face and chuckled again.

  "Do you actually think we would be at this point, in this place, without me knowing everything I needed to know about you? What do you take me for, a fool?"

  Matt doubted that he was supposed to answer that question, so he just kept silent as the man continued to stare at him. Then the man startled Matt by saying abruptly, "Mr. Watts, clothes!"

  The next sensation Matt had was of his clothes being cut off his body. First his shirt was simply torn off, then his running shorts were cut off with a knife that Matt was particularly uncomfortable with in those regions. It seemed Mr. Watts sensed his discomfort and slowly let the blade of the knife slip upward between Matt's ass cheeks, coming finally to the jock strap he was wearing. Like that it was gone, along with his socks and shoes. Matt was completely naked, on his knees, with his hands cuffed behind his back before this mad man, and was angry with himself for blushing because of his shyness.

  The man in the seat smiled and leaned back. "Now," he said, "let's get a little better acquainted. My name is irrelevant for you because you would no more refer to me by name than you would try to fly. You will always refer to me as 'Sir,' or 'Master.' That may sound strange to you, but that's the reality you're living in. You are my slave in every sense of the word that you can imagine, and I can assure you that you can't even begin to imagine the degree of control I'm talking about. I will do anything and everything I desire to do to you, and if you're not completely clear about the extent to which I mean that, please notice that you are naked, on your knees, and bound before me. When I say I will do anything I want with you, I mean just that."

  Matt's mind was racing, this was madness. Things like this simply didn't happen in the world today. Slavery? No! It wasn't possible! When he realized that this man intended to use him for sexual purposes he blurted out without thinking, "but I'm not gay!" Then he screamed as his neck caught on fire again. And again, he contorted his body, trying to get at that collar, but of course, that was impossible. It continued to burn for a moment longer, then again, as before, it stopped. He could feel his heart racing as he tried to get his breathing under control.

  Matt was physically exhausted and emotionally terrified. He was now lying on his side on the floor of the limo, breathing fast and beginning to cry a little from the pain. Once again, hands grabbed him from behind and set him back on his knees before his nightmare.

  "I don't want to have to keep repeating myself to you, so I'm going to say this as clearly and as slowly as I can. If you speak again without permission Mr. Watts is going to cut off one of your little toes. Please believe me, I don't like damaging the goods that way, but I will not suffer this kind of disobedience any further. Hear me boy, you are not to speak without permission! Mr. Watts!"

  With that, Matt could feel the blade of a knife rest against the underside of his little toe, pressing it slightly until it was firmly against the floor of the limo. Matt stayed as still as he could, not wanting to put any pressure against the blade, and now Matt was certain of one thing, if he spoke again without permission this madman would do exactly what he threatened. Matt decided he had to get control of himself and fast, or he might not make it out of this car alive.

  "Now if you finally understand what I'm telling you, I want you to nod your assent. Don't speak a word! Simply nod or we'll begin eliminating body parts." Matt looked at the man, continued trying to get his breathing and his emotions under control, and nodded his understanding.

  "Good," said the man, "now we'll try this again. First, I couldn't care less about your sexual orientation. You may very well never have sex again, at least not in the way you've thought of it. That doesn't mean others won't use you for their sexual pleasure, but I can assure you, the act will be decidedly one sided in its appeal." With that Matt's mind simply let go a little bit, he didn't even want to imagine what this man might be talking about, so he just stared in disbelief.

  As the man saw his words sinking in and having an effect, he chuckled again, and Matt realized for the first time that this man's laughter was probably often accompanied by the pain of others, so for now, he kept quiet and tried to conserve his energy.

  The man saw a shift in Matt's demeanor and stopped chuckling at once. He could see the strength in Matt's eyes and he relished it. Without that strength Matt would simply not interest this man, for he knew better than most, it was in the breaking of the spirit where the real fun lay. This boy might prove very interesting and a lot of fun after all. Mr. Watt's had been enthusiastic, maybe it was warranted.

  Now the man sat up again and looked straight into Matt's eyes. "Okay boy, respond to my questions but remember to begin and end each statement with 'Sir
.' I'm not going to explain that any further because you've already had your extra chance."

  "How tall are you boy?"

  Matt looked at him, but only for a second and spoke up, "Sir, 6'2", Sir."

  "Good boy, maybe there's hope for you yet. Weight?"

  "Sir, 195 pounds, Sir."

  "Waist size?"

  "Sir, 32", Sir."

  "Chest size?"

  "Sir, 46", Sir"

  "With the blue eyes and blond hair you make a nice Nordic package," said the man. With that he reached down and took Matt's ball sac into his hand. Matt froze. Never in his life had anyone else touched him there, except for a couple of girl friends, and they had had his enthusiastic permission. But this! Matt actually coughed to catch the words that were coming out of his mouth. He could feel the knife, but this guy's hands! He was rubbing Matt's balls together like dice in his hands. Matt just looked straight ahead and kept his mouth clamped shut. He really didn't trust himself right now, and he couldn't afford to make another mistake.

  The man could see Matt's discomfort, and relished it. He took his time, in fact, he decided to hold on to them a little longer and begin some of the training. 'Tell me boy, what do I have in my hand?"


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