Plus One Is a Lucky Number

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Plus One Is a Lucky Number Page 24

by Teresa F. Morgan

  He loved her.

  He couldn’t wait six months, get his life sorted at the company, then go find her. She’d be gone. Someone as wonderful as Sophie would be snapped up – look at Nick! It wouldn’t take long for some guy to come along and see through her plain, placid disguise and realise the full warmth of her character, her fire and passion.

  Watching her with Nick had done him good. The anger and jealousy coursing through his veins tonight had made him realise he could not stand the thought of Sophie being with anyone else but him.

  Anything he did from now on would feel worthless without her beside him.

  What have you got to lose?


  Chapter Twenty Four

  Adam knocked hard on Sophie’s hotel door.

  “Sophie, please open the door. I need to talk to you.”

  When she unlocked the door, it was like the air he needed, preventing him from suffocating. He took a deep breath, relieved she’d actually opened the door. He wasn’t sure what he would have done if she hadn’t.

  “Thank you,” he said, taking in every detail of her face. She’d removed her make-up, yet her skin, in its purity, still looked beautiful.

  With no hesitation, he leaned in and pressed his lips on hers, easing his arms around her waist, tugging her towards him. She responded briefly, then jerked away, and slapped him.

  “I told you never to kiss me unless –”

  “I mean it!” Adam said, his eyes never leaving hers. “That’s why I’m here. I mean it.”

  With both hands, he clasped her face and kissed her again, this time with an urgency, a need. This kiss had to convince her his feelings were real.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck and her body pressed against his, her soft breasts pushing against his chest. She believed him. Without letting his mouth leave hers, he walked them inside her room, the door automatically closing behind them.

  “I’m sorry,” he said between the kisses, her soft moans making him delirious. “So sorry. I’ve been such an idiot.”

  He felt every curve of her body; from her rounded, firm bum he’d admired all evening, up to her shoulders, and down again, until he found the zip on the side of her dress and started to guide it down. He wanted her naked – right now.

  Fight – make love.

  And oh boy, he wasn’t going to mess this up a second time.

  Suddenly Sophie tore herself away, pushing at him.

  “What? What’s the matter?” he asked anxiously. “I thought you wanted this.”

  “Stop, Adam. Stop,” she said, breathless and flustered. She held her hands up and backed away as he stepped towards her, wanting her back in his arms. “I can’t do this.”

  Oh God, he had to convince her that she could.


  “Because everything I’ve done with you has been a lie. We technically haven’t even had a date.” She zipped her dress, and tugged at it, to regain its position and her composure. “Not a real one anyway.”

  “Sophie, what I feel for you is far from a lie – you have to believe me.”

  “It just doesn’t feel right.” She hugged herself, still keeping her distance.

  Adam smoothed down his ruffled hair. She wanted him to do this properly. He adjusted his shirt and prayed his erection would disappear soon.

  Thank Calvin for boxer briefs.

  “You’re right. Absolutely right. You deserve better than me waltzing in here. I’ve mucked you around. We’ll go out, some place special.” He looked past Sophie and frowned. She stood in front of the bed he’d been planning to make love to her on. On the bed lay her suitcase – open. “Were you packing?”

  She turned to the case and shut the lid; he quickly flipped it back open. “You were packing.”

  “We leave tomorrow.”

  “But … ”

  “Adam, I can’t stay around you.” Sophie sighed. “Yes, okay, I was thinking of leaving.”

  “We have a meeting tomorrow. And not only that … ” he glanced at his watch, trying to keep his anger in check, “it’s nearly midnight. Where were you going?”

  “I don’t know. Another hotel. I had to get away from you. I probably would have come to my senses, if you hadn’t knocked on the door anyway.”

  “Is this what you do? Run away from trouble?”


  “You ran from Simon.”

  She slapped him. For the second time that evening, he reminded himself. This fight-make-love dream he’d been revisiting over and over inside his head turned out not to be as great as it was cracked up to be. The fighting actually hurt.

  “I did not!” Sophie said, raising her chin. “I was already at uni. It made it easier to put Simon out of my life by not returning.” He could see her tears welling, her eyes sparkling with moisture. “I thought the easiest way to forget about you would be to move on, too.”

  He took hold of her hand. “I don’t want you to leave me. I can’t bear the thought of us being apart. Tonight proved it.” Carefully, he kissed her forehead. Then, because he couldn’t resist, he kissed her cheek, then, gently, her lips. “Wednesday, seven o’clock, I’ll pick you up. I’ll take you out to dinner. It’ll be our first date.”

  “You’re just saying that because I said –”

  “Sophie!” Adam looked her in the eye and smiled. “You’re right. However much everything between us felt real, it was all based on a lie. I want to do this properly – for you.”

  She nodded hesitantly.

  “I mean it. I’ll see you in the morning,” he said, and she nodded with a smile. “And do my blood pressure the world of good - stay away from Nick at that meeting.”

  She laughed, but wiped her eye with the back of her hand as she did so. He kissed her again, gently, not wanting to risk getting carried away. He could so easily get carried away. He hated the idea of them sleeping in separate rooms, separate beds. However, unlike the wedding, he didn’t think he could trust himself to just cuddle. He’d be tempted even more than before. But he wanted to do this properly.


  Sophie stared at the suitcase on her bed. What the hell had she been thinking? Yes, fine, move away, leave, but don’t look like you’re running for heaven’s sake.

  She had to endure working with him while she found a solution, not run.

  In her anger, she’d grabbed her case, and started packing, her argument being she wanted to be ready for an early off tomorrow morning. Then she’d boiled over, so frustrated with Adam she’d convinced herself to leave the hotel that night.

  Ha! That would show him!

  She would have come to her senses, realising the wine she’d drunk at dinner was giving her Dutch courage.

  But she didn’t have to leave now. Adam would take her out on a date. She would see how this went. Heavens, he kept saying he wasn’t good enough for her. But was she good enough for him? All day she’d been thinking Lauren was the one perfect for him.

  He could change his mind; he had a couple of days to think it over. What if his conscience took over once again? She pushed all negativity to the back of her mind, needing to stay positive.

  Ready for bed, she slipped in under the covers, shattered as she was. Her emotions had been up and down like a lift in shopping centre. She had nearly, very nearly, made love to Adam in this very bed. If she hadn’t come to her senses, she would have done it. Twice now she’d come so close … She wanted it. She didn’t doubt it. Having Adam in her bed as a permanent fixture was her dream.

  But if Wednesday night went well, she shouldn’t let him in, not straight away. They both needed to get to know one another properly. Because once she made love to Adam, that would be it. It would be hard to recover. If things went wrong, then she would be running from him. The only way she could heal her heart.


  Adam held her hand as they walked to breakfast, kissed her fingers before letting go of her hand, and paid her heart-warming compliments. It felt surreal. It was like the
ir weekend away, only this time they weren’t acting. She did not care he was showing his affection publicly. It was hard to control her own love towards Adam, worried she’d become overbearing and seem heavy, but she felt rather loved up – just a smidgen!

  She sighed, rather loudly, staring at her bowl of fresh fruit.

  “What?” Adam stopped buttering his toast.

  “Nothing, it’s embarrassing.”

  “Tell me.” His knife clanged on the plate.

  “To think yesterday, I got myself so worked up in the car; believing Lauren was perfect for you –”


  “Yes, because she’s beautiful, stylish and clever.”

  Adam chuckled. “But you’re those things too.”

  “I’m terrible.”

  “No you’re not.”

  “I am.” Sophie leaned on her elbows. “Because I got Lauren drunk in the hope you’d find her unattractive.” Adam chuckled. “Don’t laugh, it’s not funny. I have to apologise.”

  “Sophie, honey, Lauren really doesn't need to know. We all drank the wine.”

  “Not as much as her! I don’t want her feeling embarrassed. She’s really nice – even if she was trying it on with you.”

  He held her hand, thumbing sensuous circles into her palm. “You really had nothing to be jealous about. Where as I –”

  Sophie waved it off. “Nick was just being friendly.”

  “I know what he’s like.”

  “Let’s say no more on the matter. Deal?”

  He leaned over the table, tilted her chin up, and gently kissed her, his mouth tugging at her bottom lip for a brief moment. Good job she was sitting down.



  They attended the meeting together and were shown around Jerrisons’ factories, demonstrating where Sophie’s expertise was required. Throughout the day, Adam remained professional, and so did Sophie. This is where they would have to draw a line between their work and their relationship. Adam, about to become the Managing Director, needed to be taken seriously. But it worked. Sophie happily concentrated on her work, and tried not to be distracted by his occasional cheeky smile and wink in her direction when no one was looking. Roll on Wednesday night. The day spent not touching Adam drove her to distraction.

  She refused to avoid Nick. After all, he’d done nothing wrong. James had been the one interfering, though Nick confessed to liking Sophie anyway. So she made sure she didn’t give any wrong impressions, although deep down, she wanted to shake his hand and thank him for paying her attention last night. It had woken Adam up to a reality Sophie delighted in.

  “Have you had any more thoughts on Sophie joining us here, Adam?” Nick asked, as they were finishing the meeting.

  “I have discussed it with Sophie, and I would rather she stays at our offices,” Adam replied, in a professional manner. And as sexy as hell. Sophie stayed quiet. If she and Adam worked this out, there would be no reason for her to move on. She still carried doubt, and wanted someone to pinch her. A part of her still couldn’t quite believe it was happening.


  “Sophie, honey, you’re home.” Adam nudged her gently, as she’d fallen asleep, unable to keep her eyes open.

  She stretched and yawned, realising they were parked up outside her flat.

  “Oh, heavens, did you drive all the way? I would have taken over some of the journey.”

  “It’s all right. I’m used to it. Even like it.” Adam unclipped his seatbelt.

  “Don’t get out of the car,” Sophie said, waving a finger at him.


  “I don’t know. It’s not our date. You’re dropping me home from work, remember?”

  “A gentleman should still see a lady to her door.”

  “But will you be a gentleman when you get to my door?”

  “Of course.”

  She giggled at his teasing. She kissed his cheek and went to leave, but he grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

  “That wasn’t a kiss.”

  “You’ll have to wait for that, too.” She winked. God, what was she doing? Would playing hard to get backfire on her?

  “But this morning you let me kiss you.” His lips were inches away, the heat of his breath touched her lips, she smelled his aftershave – her aftershave – and had to fight her own struggle to not kiss him.

  “They were pecks, and besides, I’ve had all day to think about this.”

  Adam grumbled. Sophie smiled, wickedly. This would be fun – if she could hold out long enough. Or Adam didn’t get bored.

  “What are we going to do about work?” she said, frowning, all of a sudden worrying what she was supposed to do around him in the office.

  “What do you mean? I’m not going to be secretive about it. What’s the point? We’d get found out in the end.” He grinned. “We’ll have an open but professional relationship in the office.”

  She smiled agreeably, then kissed him on the lips, and regretted it, pulling away quickly before he could take a hold – his tongue in her mouth did all sorts to her insides. Butterflies back flipped deep in her belly. His kiss could set her knickers on fire; he was so damn hot.

  “See you tomorrow,” she said, getting out of the car sharp-ish. Adam got out his side. “I said stay in the car!”

  “I’ll prove to you I’m as good as my word.” He opened the boot, took her luggage out and carried it towards her flat.

  “I don’t doubt you’re good,” she said, pouting at him as he gave her a sexy smile. She walked as fast as she could after him, remembering the last time he’d tried taking her luggage to her front door and how it had ended. She wanted tonight to be much better.

  He dropped the bag outside her door.

  “I will try to stop by your desk, Miss Trewyn.” Sophie snorted a laugh at him. “But otherwise, I’ll be here at seven tomorrow evening.”

  She laid her best, sexy voice on thick, praying she didn’t sound stupid. “I look forward to it.”

  He pecked her on the cheek, then headed back down her stairwell.

  “Boo! That wasn’t a kiss.”

  He chuckled as he walked back towards his car.

  Once inside her flat, she closed her eyes and swallowed, trying to slow her breathing and her pounding heart. She worried whether she’d just played that cool enough, or too cool.

  Was this really happening? Or would she wake up tomorrow and find Adam had changed his mind?

  Chapter Twenty Five

  “Morning, James!” Sophie said in a sing-song voice, entering the office bright and early. She couldn’t sleep and knew her inbox would need assistance. Besides, the quicker she got the day over with, the quicker the evening would come.

  “You’re early.” He frowned, looking at his watch. He was the only one in the drawing office; none of the old-timers, as he called them, were in yet. “Is something wrong?”

  “Nope. Everything is absolutely fine and dandy.”

  “You do seem in a good mood, come to think of it.”

  “I am in rather a good mood, yes.” She leaned against a filing cabinet beside his desk, beaming like a Cheshire cat.

  “Did Nick … ” James cleared his throat, “um, look after you?”

  “Yes he did, actually.”

  Oh, this was going to be fun, letting James sweat it out. Then she’d give him a hug and kiss for pure genius, and his meddling. But she’d enjoy pulling his leg for a bit first.

  “He didn’t –?”

  “No, you’re okay. He didn’t get in my knickers.” She looked him sternly in the eye.

  James winced. “I’m sorry. I thought … uh, and how did Adam react?”

  “Not very well actually, James.” Sophie sobered her expression.

  “Did you tell him you were thinking of leaving?”

  “Yes,” she said leisurely.

  “Oh, shit, it backfired, didn’t it?”

  “No!” Sophie threw herself at James, smacking her lips on his, hugging h
im. “You and your meddling may have worked.”

  James hugged her back. “Oh, thank God! You had me worried then. I thought Nick had over stepped the mark. Or you’d fallen for him instead.”

  “Don’t tell Adam –”

  “Don’t tell me what?” Adam walked into their office, suspicion across his face.

  “I’m hugging his girlfriend,” James said, releasing Sophie. She stepped back, brushing his chest, and James playfully nudged her, like they were some Laurel and Hardy act.

  Girlfriend? The word sounded odd. But nice. Very nice.

  “Do you mind if I borrow Sophie for a moment?”

  “No, Boss, she’s all yours.” James winked at Sophie.

  “What was all that about?” Adam asked Sophie as they strolled towards his office.

  “I’ll let James tell you another day,” she said. She didn’t want to ruin anything. What if Adam felt manipulated - would he change his mind about her? She hadn’t been aware of it; she’d been a puppet also. And he could still change his mind regardless, Sophie kept reminding herself.

  “So, what did you want to see me about?” she said walking into his office.

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, surprising her. “I’m in meetings all day. I just wanted to see you before I got snowed under.”

  “What would your father say?” She edged away from him, to tease him.

  He followed. “I’m not going to tell him. Are you?”

  She backed into his desk and laughed coyly. As he bent to kiss her again, she turned her head; he planted a kiss on her cheek, and groaned with frustration. She noticed Adam’s calendar was open on his computer screen, and from seven o’clock he’d blocked it out with Sophie’s name in the box.

  “I’ve got till midnight, have I?”

  “You could have me all night, but I didn’t want to be presumptuous.” He smiled cheekily, and Sophie’s insides turned to jelly. “And in case you’re wondering, I blocked it out so that Joan didn’t book a dinner with a client or something.”

  “If you say so.” Her lips parted as she gazed up into his passionate blue eyes.

  “I say so.” He moved closer, pinning her against his desk, giving an alluring growl as he swept a hand across her cheek and down her hairline, cupping her neck. He leaned in, lips moistened, ready to kiss her again. She would need all the willpower in the world not to fall into bed with him on the first night. Which sounded daft considering they’d shared a bed. But she wanted to do this properly. Not jinx anything.


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