Fatal Attraction

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Fatal Attraction Page 1

by Mia Ford

  Table of Contents

  Fatal Attraction

  Note from Mia


  Chapter One – Cici

  Chapter Two – Will

  Chapter Three – Cici

  Chapter Four – Will

  Chapter Five – Cici

  Chapter Six – Will

  Chapter Seven – Cici

  Chapter Eight – Will

  Chapter Nine – Cici

  Chapter Ten – Will

  Chapter Eleven – Cici

  Chapter Twelve – Will

  Chapter Thirteen – Cici

  Chapter Fourteen – Will

  Chapter Fifteen – Cici

  Chapter Sixteen – Will

  Chapter Seventeen – Cici

  Chapter Eighteen – Will

  Chapter Nineteen – Cici

  Chapter Twenty – Will

  Chapter Twenty One – Cici

  Chapter Twenty Two – Will

  Chapter Twenty Three – Cici

  Chapter Twenty Four – Will

  Chapter Twenty Five – Cici

  Chapter Twenty Six – Will

  Chapter Twenty Seven – Cici

  Chapter Twenty Eight – Will

  Chapter Twenty Nine – Cici

  Chapter Thirty – Will

  Chapter Thirty One – Cici

  Chapter Thirty Two – Will

  Chapter Thirty Three – Cici

  Chapter Thirty Four – Will

  Epilogue – Cici

  Tempt Me

  The One I Love

  Second Chance on St. Patrick’s Day

  The Most Eligible Bachelor


  More Steamy Romance by Mia Ford

  More Steamy Romance by Bella Winters

  Fatal Attraction

  Copyright © 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. While, as in all fiction, the literary perceptions and insights are based on life experiences and conclusions drawn from research, all names, characters, places and specific instances are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. No actual reference to any real person, living or dead, is intended or inferred.

  Note from Mia

  A big thank you for choosing to download my book and read it. I am very grateful to have you on board and to thank you, I have included inside this book, 5 of my previous best-selling novels as bonus stories to make your reading experience more enjoyable.

  So, sit back, grab some wine and enjoy these STEAMY ROMANCE Books!!!

  Thanks so much for looking into this while reading!

  Once you are finished reading, I would love to hear back from you! So, if you have any feedback, drop me an email at [email protected]


  xoxo Mia.

  Mia Ford. Let Loose Your Inner Nymphos.

  * * *


  Pregnant. A baby. A lifelong commitment. Seems so serious.

  Well, I don’t do commitments.

  I believe in fun and one night stands.

  And that was supposed to be just one such night.

  But now, I can’t stop thinking about her.

  Maybe it’s time for a change…

  Her perfect skin, those sparkling blue eyes, and that captivating smile.

  Let’s just call her irresistible;

  My brain says no but my heart wants to take control,

  And that’s how she enters my world.

  A world where fighting criminals is a routine.

  But soon it got too dangerous.

  Someone wants me dead.

  They don’t care who they take along the way.

  Even if it’s Cici or our baby;

  Now, all I know is I have two lives to protect.

  I need to bring that smile back on her face and make her happy.

  And no one can prevent that from happening. Absolutely no one!

  Chapter One – Cici

  “Okay,” my Auntie Mary says with a false wide smile. “I guess this is it.” She purses her lips tightly together and rakes her eyes up and down her daughter’s body. “You look beautiful, Annabelle. Really lovely.” I feel my shoulders hunch up around my ears as I can predict what’s about to happen. Mary is about to say something that we all think but none of us want to say. “Are you sure that this is what you want to do? You can still back out.”

  “Mom!” Annabelle rolls her eyes and chuckles at her mother. “I want to marry Landon. I love him. Plus, look at this dress. I am slaying in this dress. I want everyone to see it and they’re all in that hotel room waiting.”

  It takes all that I have not to snort with derision. Honestly, Annabelle is ridiculous. I love her and everything, but she’s always been crazy. We’ve always lived close to one another and we used to be inseparable as kids, always playing together, being the same age it was the most natural thing in the world, but as soon as we hit our teenage years I found myself pulling away from her. She went crazy, she started acting out and doing wild things almost for attention. The parties and stuff were fun, but she always had to take it one step too far. She had to get the drunkest, she had to act the nuttiest, she had to be the one up on tables flashing her breasts at everyone. This wedding feels more like that, another stupid action. Something else to get some attention.

  She hasn’t known Landon very long. Three to four months maybe. She met him in an upscale bar somewhere, the sort of place that she and her friends go to when they want to pick up business men for a night of fun, and something about this one caught her eye. Within a week, she was telling the family that she loved him, within a month she had moved her crazy ass into his massive house that’s almost like a mansion, and now there’s this shot gun wedding. It’s insane, but not a surprise to me. Annabelle just wants everyone noticing her. Plus, I’m sure the lure of living the high life is very appealing to her. She’ll love flashing the cash and being a trophy wife.

  “Maybe she’s having a baby,” I mutter in a teasing tone. I just want to lighten the mood.

  “Cici!” My mom gives me a terrible glare. I can almost see her cursing me for making things worse. “What are you talking about? Annabelle isn’t pregnant.” She turns to my cousin, suddenly unsure. “Are you?”

  Annabelle glowers. She gives the expression that always comes before an outburst. I’ve seen this far too many times before. First comes the look, then comes the yelling, then comes the endless damn drama. This isn’t the right time for that. We’re already a little late and while it’s a bride’s prerogative to be a little tardy to her ceremony, I don’t want this to just be another drama. I want this wedding over and done with.

  “I am not pregnant,” she snaps. “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you people. Why can’t I just meet someone and fall in love? Why does it all have to be on your time scales? I am my own person.”

  I’m sure it’s more to do with his money than love, but I cannot get into that right now. “No, we know that, Annabelle. I was only joking. Now, do you want to get to see all those people who want to see you in your dress?”

  She shakes her head and falls back onto the chair, grabbing her glass of champagne. For a moment, I think that maybe her mom’s words have gotten through to her, I mentally plan how we’re going to get out of here without creating too much of a scene, but then a smirk spreads across her lips. I guess this isn’t a s
tep too far.

  “No, I want everyone to wait a little longer. Especially Landon. I need him to know that I’m worth it.”

  This is why she should have had bridesmaids. Then they could be dealing with all this crap instead of me. Annabelle refused to have any other girls in the ceremony because she needs to make sure that no one detracts attention from her. It’s ridiculous and now utterly pissing me off. Mom, Mary, and me all share a look, but what can we do? Once Annabelle has her mind set to something there’s nothing to change her mind.

  “Okay, do you know what? Screw it!” Annabelle jumps up and she sways her dress around her heels. I have to admit, it does look really good on her. It hugs her curves well and makes her raven colored hair look even more dramatic. The lace detailing around her breasts looks far more virginal than she actually is. “Let’s get on with it. I’m not getting any attention sitting around here, am I? Plus, all the champagne is gone. I need some more.”

  I cannot believe that she’s drunk a whole bottle this early in the morning, right before she gets married. Tonight, is going to be an utter nightmare. She’s going to be wasted and causing trouble for the reception. I just hope this Landon really knows what he’s getting himself into. I need to be on call so Auntie Mary doesn’t cry.

  “Okay, come on then.” I move behind her and indicate towards the door. “Let’s get going, shall we?”

  This hotel is ridiculous. I don’t even want to know what it cost. It’s off the scale luxurious. It’s lovely, I can see what other people see in having all this kind of money, but it isn’t for me. I’m much happier being comfortable. I know my place in the world and I’m quite comfortable with it, thank you very much.

  “We’ll go inside first,” I whisper to Annabelle. “Then I’ll indicate for them to start, okay?”

  I examine her face for a moment, just searching for a glimmer of the version of her that I was one friends with. I guess I’m hunting for a second of doubt, something that I can leap on to help her with, but there’s nothing. Annabelle is determined, brash, and ready for the day. She actually looks excited. Maybe she’s the one who’s right and I’m wrong. Maybe because I haven’t ever been in love, I don’t know how it can happen. I suppose everyone has their own unique love story and I shouldn’t be the one to judge. Not until I know.

  I step inside the room with my mother and auntie and I wave an arm to let the vicar know that it’s time to begin. The music bursts to life, everyone hushes, and a sense of anticipation fills the room. Everyone turns to look at the back of the room to wait for Annabelle and her grand entrance… just as she wants. I’m the only person who’s staring forwards looking at the groom. I met him once before, but I don’t know him, and I want to.

  His face does light up as he sees my cousin coming into the room. He looks like the typical man about to marry the love of his life, but there’s still something about the whole thing that feels a little off to me. That might just be my pre judgement. It isn’t my role to make up my mind anyway, I just need to be there for Annabelle.

  She glides down the aisle, living out her fantasy as the most beautiful woman in the room. Gasps burst out around the room, people are really admiring her. That’s good. Anything to keep her happy makes my life easier. As Annabelle gets to the front and she turns to look at her future husband, she truly looks happy. I let myself relax just a little bit. Maybe this will all be okay after all, maybe we should just back off.

  “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Landon Verstraete‎ and Annabelle Owen…”

  I sit back and listen to the words, making the active choice to enjoy myself instead of worrying. If Annabelle is going to freak out later on, then I’ll deal with it then. Instead, I scan my eyes around the rest of the wedding party, wondering about Landon and his family. Weirdly, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of people who look like family members here. It seems to be all friends on his side of the room. All guys at a similar age to him. I wonder why that is. I suppose his family could live somewhere else, but it seems weird that they wouldn’t be here. This guy clearly has enough money to do whatever he wants. He could fly them from a different country if he wanted.

  Maybe there’s more to it. Maybe he doesn’t speak to them. Since our family is so close knit it does seem weird, but I suppose every family is different. Again, I’m making judgements about something I don’t understand.

  We get to the part where the bride and groom speak out their vows, and I have to admit they are sweet. They mix some of the traditional in with their own words and it’s nice. There aren’t many dry eyes left in the room. Maybe, as shocking as it’ll be, this is the first right choice that Annabelle makes. Mom seems to sense the same thing as she squeezes my hand tight. Maybe I’m going to end up with a new problem, people asking me about when I intend to get married. I might only be twenty four years of age, but because I haven’t had a serious relationship it seems to be strange. No one will accept that I just haven’t found the right man.

  Once upon a time I thought I had. I had a childhood sweetheart named Luke who I assumed was my forever and always. I naively believed that I was going to be one of those people who only ever had to be with one man my whole life. I thought I had it all. That is… until we slept together. Since we got together very young it took us a while. I wasn’t going to give my virginity away easily. I wanted to be certain that I was ready. And I really thought I was. We had a wonderfully romantic night that resulted in us having sex. It wasn’t like one of those horror stories where it turned out to be a painful nightmare, it was wonderful and I fell in love. Even more so.

  But then the next day, he turned on me. I wasn’t even sure what happened, he started treating me like shit and making jokes about me being a massive slut. School became hell, everyone was talking about me. It was awful. My self-confidence chipped away bit by bit and I don’t think I would ever get it back.

  I’m better now, I’m much happier and confident in myself, but there hasn’t been anyone serious since. I’ve had flings, but no one has truly gotten under my skin. There hasn’t been anyone who I’ve really liked. I guess I’m hunting for the spark, that moment where it feels like the whole world has stopped and it’s just me and him. Maybe that’s dumb, a fantasy derived from movies and books, but I think I deserve special. I want that for myself.

  I’m not too worried about it. I don’t know why I need to have a man right away, but I’ll definitely be fielding questions tonight. Urgh, this is going to be a nightmare. Maybe I should find a way to slip away early…

  “I can now pronounce you husband and wife. Landon Verstraete‎ and Annabelle Owen. You may now kiss the bride.”

  Everyone cheers and whoops, the wedding part has come to an end. Now, it’s time to see what the reception holds. There’s one thing that’s for sure… it’s going to be an interesting one.

  Chapter Two – Will

  “So, I’ve known this bastard my whole life, and he’s always been a crazy fucker.” As I pat my hands on Landon’s shoulders, I wonder if that’s too many curse words in one sentence. Landon won’t care, but I don’t know the bride’s family at all. Maybe I should tone it down a bit so I don’t offend. “When I heard that he was getting married, I was shocked. I didn’t think he ever would. I mean, this is the man who left the country for a month to escape a one night stand one time.” Yep, there’s a lot of laughter, but only from one side. “I didn’t think he would ever want to commit. But there’s something about Annabelle that’s gotten to him. She must be his one.”

  A murmuring breaks out from among the crowd. While everyone talks I glance down at my best friend, who’s grinning wildly at me, but his bride not so much. She’s glaring at me as if I’m the devil. Shit, I must have offended. I guess it’s time to tone down the anecdotes and cut this short. I don’t know Annabelle well, but I’ve seen her wasted before and it’s never a pretty sight. She’s wild. But maybe that’s what Landon likes about her. Maybe he likes to be kept on his toes, maybe he enjoys th
e insanity that comes with never really knowing where he stands. That isn’t really for me, but I suppose as a police officer that’s my life at work. I don’t need that when I come home as well. If I ever do meet someone, I want it to be someone who love comes easily with.

  “So, when Landon asked me to be his best man, of course I said yes right away. We met in school when we were about five years old. I was on my own, sitting in the playground, and he came over to me and demanded that I be his friend and work in his shop for him. I jumped at the chance because no one else wanted to play with me. What I didn’t know then was that this was the start of a very successful business empire… one that he still wants me to work for.” Everyone laughs again. Landon gwafs the loudest. He never really asks that, I’m kidding.

  “There’s no way I want a cop working for me, you’d be a nightmare!” he calls out. “Can you imagine? Health and safety are bad enough without you crawling up my ass all the time, driving me nuts.”

  I’m about to retort back and start some banter between us, but before I can, something catches my eye. Or more… someone. A very beautiful red head in the crowd. She has soft pale skin, sparkling blue eyes, and a captivating smile. She’s gorgeous. Not as overtly sexy as the women I usually like but still… she’s awesome.

  Normally, depending on my mood, I want a platinum blonde fake woman with large round tits and dresses to show all. Or sometimes I prefer a crazy tattooed brunette who I can have a wild time with. Never someone with a soft natural beauty because they’re the women who want more. I’m only twenty seven years old, I don’t want to settle down yet. All this marriage stuff might be okay for Landon, but not me. Not yet. I have a stressful, time consuming job, I don’t have the time for a relationship. And more than that, I like playing the field. I like the sex without the annoyance of actually having a girlfriend. I can’t always tell someone where I am and what I’m doing, I can’t always commit to dates, I’m not one who can be the man any woman needs in a relationship. I’m married to the freaking job, I’m always on call and that isn’t going to change any time soon. Especially not with the case that I currently have at hand. Right now, and for the last year or so, I’ve been consumed by it. Sex helps me to blow off steam. Having to talk afterwards won’t do me any good. I never want to discuss what I do.


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