Fatal Attraction

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Fatal Attraction Page 4

by Mia Ford

  “Yes… oh, yes,” I gasp. I cling onto him tightly, digging my fingers into his shoulders. “So good.”

  I’m mewing, practically purring like a pussy cat as he touches me everywhere. I didn’t know the pressure of pleasure could creep up on my so quickly. My toes feel stiff as it begins to creep through me. I want to come hard, I know that I will if he continues to finger fuck me like he is, but I also want to feel him inside of me.

  “I… I need you,” I just about manage to gasp out. “I want you.”

  “You want me to what?” he demands, choosing now tease me. “Tell me.”

  This definitely isn’t like me. I’ve never been one to dirty talk, but how am I going to get what I want if I don’t? I suppose I have to give it a try. It’s probably good that this is a one night stand. I don’t know if I’d be able to face him again. I’ll probably see him, but I can’t worry about that right now.

  “I want you inside me,” I groan while I roll my hips into him. “I want you to… to fuck me.”

  As the words burst free, I feel raw and exposed but in the best way possible. Will rewards me by nipping down on my neck while he yanks his hand away. I can feel him as he yanks his trousers and underwear down and then… I can feel it. The thick tip of his throbbing erection begging for entrance. It feels wonderful, it reminds me of how much I miss having sex. It’s been a while since I last found someone I liked enough to tumble with, so this is well needed. This is everything right now.

  “Beg me,” Will whispers, his breath tickling my neck. “Beg me to fuck you.”

  Shit, that’s wild, but I’m up for it. Right now, I’ll do anything to get that sensation of him filling me up. “Please?” I pull back and pout my lip out to him. “Please, fuck me hard.”

  He groans like he’s in physical pain then he caves. I’m sure he meant to make that teasing last longer, but thankfully he can’t resist. I wrap my legs tightly around his butt and drive him into me hard. I let out a little whimper as an intense shiver runs up and down my spine. He feels amazing. One thrust in and I’m already seeing stars. Almost right away, I want more, I want to feel him more. This is a man that seems to always be in control, and I’ve handed over every bit of power to him so far. Now, it’s time for me to claim it back.

  I push from my back and roll him over. Unfortunately, in the heat of the moment I forgot that we were on the couch so we fall to the ground instead.

  “Oh my God,” I gasp in a panic. “Are you okay? Sorry, I didn’t think…”

  “I’m fine. I’m fine…” I can tell from the needy look in Will’s eyes that he doesn’t want to stop. Even if he is hurt, he wants to continue this moment. “The pile of clothes broke my fall.”

  He pushes himself up into a sitting position to kiss me passionately. I allow him for just a second until I push him back down again. I want him lying down, staring up at me as I ride him. He looks up at me with sheer lust as I press a hand to his chest and I move in a way that feels fucking phenomenal to me. From this angle, I can ensure that I hit every angle perfectly. I’m greedily going after my own orgasm. Thankfully this doesn’t seem to bother Will. He’s enjoying this just as much as I am.

  My head spins even wilder as the pleasure starts to roll over me in waves. I can barely even think straight as it swallows my up whole. It shatters through my body, it shakes me to the core, it opens me up like a freaking flower.

  “Oh my God, Will,” I scream as I lose myself completely. “We have to keep doing this all night.”

  This is a sensation that I never want to end, one time isn’t going to be enough. Luckily, we’re at Will’s home and we have the whole night stretched out in front of us. It might only be a one night stand, but that doesn’t mean we have to commit to only having sex once, does it? I’m an animal. I need much more.

  Chapter Six – Will

  I yawn and slam my hand across the other side of the bed, almost jumping as I feel another body next to me. I never usually have sleep overs, once I’ve had sex with someone they’re out of here. Or I’m out of there if I’m at their home. But for some reason, I let Cici stay. I turn to face her, trying to work out what’s so different about her. I mean, she’s hot, that’s for sure, and I definitely had a lot of fun with her, but she isn’t special… is she?

  Nah. I shake my head quickly, trying to stop myself from getting sucked into a vortex of emotions that I’m nowhere near mentally equipped to deal with, certainly not at this time of the morning before work. She’s smoking, she’s a laugh, and we had great sex. Four times, actually. That’s why she’s still here.

  Still, I don’t wake her right away like I normally would. I head out to the shower so I can get myself geared up for work. I needed the hot jets of water to clear my brain. The way that work is perfect at the moment, I have to be fully in the right mode. Any slight wobble and I might miss something vital. It might be the smallest thing to solve this case… this fucking case that’s sending me insane. I haven’t ever had a case that I haven’t been able to solve before but this one is killer. This drug dealer is big time, yet somehow the DEA can’t seem to catch him. We don’t even have a name, never mind a clue. We just call him ‘Kingpin’. He must be some powerful fucker as well, because every scrawny little junky that we bring in to question in connection with him would rather go to jail than give us any details. It’s very frustrating and makes me worried as to how dangerous he really is.

  I’m practically growling and spitting with rage as I come out of the shower. Thoughts of Kingpin and his operation pisses me off. I feel like it’s a game of cat and mouse and I’m not the one in control. I hate that!

  “Good morning.” I almost forgot that Cici was still here until she speaks. “I made some coffee.”

  “You did?” All of a sudden, my bad mood evaporates as I see her smiling face. “Thanks.”

  Her red hair is all mussed up around her face, her skin has prints from the pillow on it, and the oversized tee shirt that I’m sure she must have taken from me hangs loose from her body is foxy. She’s sexy as hell. As she hands me the mug and our eyes lock in place for a moment, I feel a weird fluttering inside.

  “How are you feeling this morning?” she asks me sweetly. “Last night was pretty crazy, wasn’t it?”

  “It sure was.” I take a big swig of caffeine. “It’s just a shame that I have to go to work in a moment.”

  Usually, I say that as a hint but today I actually mean it. I wouldn’t mind more time in bed with this woman. She’s incredible in bed. I wouldn’t mind getting to know that body of hers a little better. But no, I can’t.

  “Yeah, I have a lot of work to do as well.” She sips her drink staring idly at the wall. “People assume that teachers get weekends and school holidays off, but it isn’t like that at all. There’s always stuff to do.”

  “You’re a teacher?” I rake my eyes up and down her body, picturing her in a classroom. “To what age?”

  “Young children.” She narrows her eyes at me. “Eight and nine year old’s, how come?”

  “I was just thinking how little work our kids would get done if they’re teenagers.” I wink and give her a playful smirk. “Especially if you strut around the classroom in low cut tops and mini skirts. Oh, and heels…”

  “I do not dress like that for work.” She laughs and rolls her eyes at me. “Can you imagine?”

  “Oh, I’m imagining it and I would appreciate it if you didn’t ruin my fantasy thank you very much.”

  Yep, flirting with her is still fun in the sober light of morning. Who would have thought it? I still don’t want to kick her out the door and she’s been here for at least five minutes. This has got to be a first.

  “Oh, well if you are going to be disgusting, then I’m going to leave.” She hops down off the chair and glares at me. “I’m sure you’re too busy today to sit around chatting with me anyway, so… yeah.”

  There aren’t any expectations, which is awesome. Usually if I am with a woman this long they start giving
me that look while they wait for me to suggest another date. I don’t ever cave but it’s always awkward for a while. Cici isn’t giving me that look at all. She’s staring at me like she’s done, she’s accepting that this is the last time she’ll ever see me. It’s strange, but that makes me want to see her again

  “Do you want my number?” I blurt out before I can really think about what I’m saying. “I mean…”

  Her eyes bug out, she looks stunned, but then she nods silently. “Erm, sure. I don’t see why not…”

  She hands me her cell phone and I type in my number quickly, without overanalyzing what I’m doing. My heart might be pounding but I don’t want to stop. Cici is the first woman that I’ve ever wanted to be able to contact again. Refusing to meet my eyes, she fires off a text to me so I have her number as well.

  “I guess… call me if you want?” she offers with a shrug. “And maybe I’ll see you… whenever…”

  As she walks off to get dressed, I wonder what we’re doing here. Am I actually planning to call her or have I just led her on for no good reason? God knows, I can’t get too lost in that right now. I have work…


  “Yo, Will, have you heard the news?” my cop partner, Andre, calls out the moment I walk into the office. “More action on the ground when it comes to your guy. Some little punk ass junkies were pulled off the streets last night with some of Kingpin’s stuff. It seems that he’s done laying low. Pretty awesome, huh?”

  I sigh loudly, glad to have something to work with again. It’s almost been harder with Kingpin laying low. Knowing that he’s out there but not taking action has had me nervous. You never know what this fucker is going to do next. I keep bracing myself, waiting for something huge. He knows that we’re after him, so why wouldn’t he want to take revenge on the police? I’m sure that he doesn’t want us to get close to him.

  “Oh yeah? They say anything?” I demand while flopping down into my seat. “Or more radio silence?”

  “Oh, they were as tight lipped as all the others, but at least there’s something to work with.”

  I nod slowly, wishing that I had more to go on. It always feels like he’s slipping through our fingers. He’s so close, but still so far. It really fucking pisses me off. I squeeze my fist and bang it on my desk.

  “Right, okay, so what do we have? We must have something.” I sound like I’m growling. “Evidence, or whatever? Are those kids still here? Can I have a shot at questioning the little shits?”

  “They didn’t have enough on them to keep them here. I’m sure they are small time dealers, but the amount that they were carrying at the time classed as personal use. We couldn’t do much about it. We do have it though.”

  I stand up, determined to see it. “Right sure. Take me to it. I guess I better take a look at this crap.”

  As we walk, I can hear Andre talking to me but I’m barely paying attention to his words. I’m distracted, but this time it isn’t by the white stuff that’s been tormenting me forever. This time, there’s a face behind my eyes, a distinctly female face who I should’ve forgotten about hours ago. What is it about Cici?

  “You look a little hangover today, Will,” Andre comments. “It was the wedding yesterday, right? How was it? Did Landon have a good day? Was that crazy ass woman of his playing up as usual?”

  Andre’s met Landon enough times to know Annabelle too, which just shows how closely related my work and personal life is. Not that I mind it that way, it makes it a lot easier. I think they all get along as well. I’m not generally the sort of person to care about that sort of shit. If they aren’t fighting in front of me then so be it.

  “Annabelle was crazy as always, but Landon’s married to her now so he’s stuck.”

  “Oh yeah?” Andre nudges me. “You met any women? I’m sure you did, you player.”

  Ever since Andre got married himself three years back, he’s been living vicariously through me. The fact that he misses the single life so much is only further proof that I need to stick with it. Although that doesn’t necessarily mean that I can’t see Cici again. Just for some fun. I mean, she was something else in bed…

  “I did, and she was phenomenal.” I smile to myself. “But I haven’t got time to talk about that now, have I?”

  I can’t meet his eyes, I keep my gaze fixed forward. Keeping my lips together shut is weird.

  “What?” Andre sounds genuinely horrified. “But you love to share. That’s the best thing about you.”

  Hmm, maybe I do usually, but today isn’t a typical today. It’d feel weirdly like a violation if I shared. Much as this isn’t like me, I’m not going to worry about it too much. I’m sure it doesn’t mean anything.

  “God, you’re such a dirty perv.” I shoot him a mock disgusted look. “Honestly, being married doesn’t suit you one bit. When is Mary Ann going to realize that she’s made a mistake and dump your sorry ass?”

  Andre shakes his head at me. “You just don’t get it, do you? Well, one day you will. One day, you’ll meet that woman who changes everything. You might not even notice it at first, but the foundations of your world will be shaken, then you’ll find yourself falling bit by bit until you can’t imagine life without her.”

  Something about Andre’s words makes me a little uncomfortable. I don’t know why, but I have to gulp back a thick lump the size of a golf ball that lodges itself firmly in the back of my throat.

  “Whatever, man,” I rasp out. “When did you get to be such a loser, honestly?”

  But in this moment, I’m the one who feels like a loser. I don’t know what it is, but something about my life style suddenly feels sad and shallow rather than fun. Maybe I am hungover. I did drink a lot at the wedding. There has to be some reason why I’m being a freak. What was that whiskey anyway? And what was in those cocktails? Plus, there was a whole lot of champagne. Landon splashed the cash when it came to the booze and I took full advantage. That was a bit of a dumb ass mistake when I had work today.

  “Right, let’s take a look at this stuff. Then we can get onto our next plan of action. We need to catch this Kingpin asshole now that he’s back in action. We can’t let things lie low again…”

  Now, if I can just stop thinking about Cici in that sexy as fuck teacher’s outfit that my brain has concocted, then I might be able to get something done. Damn her and her profession. Why couldn’t she be a garbage collector or something? Something that wouldn’t have me on the brink of getting a constant hard on…

  Chapter Seven – Cici

  “Right.” I wipe the perspiration away from my forehead, trying desperately to stop the headache from forming. Whoever thinks this is an easy job is an idiot. Some days it’s impossible. “Okay, so homework.” I had this all planned out, but now that I’m not feeling one hundred percent, my mind has gone completely blank. “Volcanoes… yes, that’s it. I want you to… create a flyer about everything that we’ve learned.”

  “What size, Miss?” one of the most irritating kids, Tyler, calls out to me.

  “Yeah, and what do we need to include in it? I don’t remember anything,” Pete joins in.

  “Does it need to have a picture on it, or is it only writing? One side or two?”

  This is why eight and nine year olds are such hard work. They’re at a really awkward age where they aren’t quite teenagers, so the hormones aren’t there yet, but they’re getting a sense of self awareness. They understand now that they can have their own opinions, and they exercise the right to practice that a lot. With attitude as well. And the dramas… oh my God, the dramas. Being a teacher really isn’t just about the teaching. There’s so much more to just communicating knowledge. There’s also the task of dealing with their friendship dramas. I don’t remember ever having so many dramas when I was that age. But maybe we did. I guess Annabelle might have.

  Teachers learn how to pass information on, that’s part of the training, but the dramas are something else. That’s something you need to learn as you go along. The same w
ith the attitude. None of the manuals cover that.

  If I didn’t have such a throbbing pain in my head, maybe I’d be able to come up with a witty reply, but right now I’m watching the clock tick down, waiting for the end of the day. It’s only Tuesday and I’m already mad keen for the end of the week to roll around. Thankfully, I don’t have any plans this weekend, no stressful weddings on Saturday to take up all my free time, so I can just relax and make myself feel better.

  “You know what?” I give up and toss my hands in the air. “I want you to use your imagination. Do what you want with it, as long as it includes everything that you can remember, that’s fine by me.”

  I brace myself, expecting another million questions to fly my way despite the fact that I’ve just told them to do what they want, but thankfully the bell rings out signaling the end of the day. However much this lot want to wind me up, getting the hell out of here is more of a priority. Thank God, because I include myself in that. As the familiar babble of excitement rises up while they get out of their seats, I flop back in my chair, relieved. I’ve been shattered ever since the wedding, and it doesn’t help that I’ve struggled to sleep. The whole thing has had me on edge. Even if it was just a moment of fun, me succumbing to intense chemistry and blowing off some steam, I still feel a little strange about it. I am not the one night stand type and I dint think I ever would be.


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