Fatal Attraction

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Fatal Attraction Page 29

by Mia Ford

  “Yeah, of course.” Ally nods rapidly like she’s afraid to offend me. “Of course, I know that I wasn’t suggesting… I guess I’m just concerned for me and my friends, that’s all.”

  She makes me feel all weird inside, her comments have zapped all the happiness from my body. I don’t like the thought that I’m letting people down, it sucks. I guess the only thing I can do is work my damn ass off to ensure that doesn’t happen. It isn’t just Liam relying on me, it’s everyone else too.

  “That’s not going to happen, so don’t worry about it.”

  Once I shut the office door behind me I breathe so deeply I think I might explode. This is a nightmare, I can’t cope. It’s making my head spin like crazy. I need Katy to get here soon, to tell me that it’s all going to be okay in that lovely soft voice of hers. She just has this way of making me relax right at the moment that it feels the whole world might crash around me. Her warmth makes me think that I might just be able to save my company after all.

  God, I hope I haven’t fucked that up by kissing her.

  The memory of kissing Katy once has my heart skipping a beat, and the second one was even better. It just highlighted the chemistry that we have between us, and makes me want to know even more what it’ll be like when we take things one step further. And not even in a seedy way, my brain isn’t coming up with dirty, filthy, porn like images. The ideas are more loving, like the sort form a chick flick or something… it’s absolutely mental, but I kinda like it.

  “Hey.” All of a sudden as if I’ve created her from nowhere, hear head pops around the corner and she smiles shyly at me. “How are you? Can I come in?”

  Her hair is hanging down lose and it’s slightly wavy, and I can also see that she has just a little bit of make up on. Much as I prefer the natural look on Katy, I like that she’s made an effort. It shows that she was thinking about me when she got dressed this morning and she wanted to look nice. I wanted to look nice for Katy too so it’s safe to say that the feeling is mutual.

  “Of course, you can come in,” I tell her with a smile. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  I bite down on my bottom lip and wait for her to enter the room. As her sweet scent fills my office I inhale deeply and love every moment of it. Katy is still in her trademark business suit style, but there’s something a little sexier about it today… she’s added a skirt into the mix, just like she had on at the dinner which looks incredible. She’s so hot it’s hard to keep away from her.

  “So, last night was interesting,” she dives right into the difficult topic straight away. “Erm, do you think it’s something we might need to talk about?”

  Normally, even the idea of talking feelings with a woman would make me run for the hills. I wouldn’t even want to consider it, but with Katy my heart is surprisingly open. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. “Yes, okay. What do you want to say about it?”

  “Well, I don’t know, I guess I just…” She gives me a curious look, so I try to smile as reassuringly as I can. “I just think that we need to be careful. We can’t let whatever this is get in the way of us working together. It could just get really complicated, and I don’t want you to lose all of this that we’ve worked so hard for, you know?”

  I narrow my eyes and cock my head at her. “Are you trying to suggest that we just keep this between us for now? Because I’m totally cool with that. It’s probably for the best, right? Since you’re the lawyer helping me with my case.”

  She nods along with me and smiles widely. “Okay good, thank you. I think that’s for the best for now. And we should probably try and focus only on work while we’re working. Like, I don’t think we should kiss or anything while we’re sorting out the plans.”

  I don’t like that quite as much. Part of the fun of hooking up in the work place is the thrill of doing something crazy and possibly getting caught for it… but I respect Katy too much to ignore her words. If this is what she wants then I’ll let her have it.

  “Sure, that’s wise. Let’s just focus on the plans while we’re at work.” She pauses for a moment and I can almost see the steam of thoughts running through her brain. “What’s going on? Is there more?”

  “It’s just… well, I hate to ask this.” She looks so uncomfortable it takes everything I have not to take her in my arms and hold her close to my chest. “But Ally…”

  Ah of course. Katy is super perceptive, of course she’s spotted that there’s something going on between me and Ally. There’s no point in me trying to deny it, not if she’s already seen.

  “There was something between me and Ally, I will be honest with you, but it was only a sexual thing, it wasn’t ever more… and I’ve ended it now.”

  “Isn’t that awkward?” She glanced towards the door as if Ally is about to burst through it in a fit of rage. “Working together and stuff.”

  “We always both knew exactly what it was so it’s fine. Better than fine actually, me and Ally are okay. There isn’t anything to worry about there.”

  She doesn’t look like she fully trusts my words, but she does nod which I take as a good sign. This could create some sorts of issues later on, maybe, but for now it all looks great. Finally, it seems like something might be going my way.

  Katy takes a seat on the other side of my desk, so I copy her. She might have created some ground rules for us to try and stop things from getting out of control, but that doesn’t stop the intense, sexual vibrations from flowing between us. It hums in the air and makes it really difficult for me to keep my hands to myself.

  “So,” I say as calmly as I can. “What do we need to do today?”

  As Katy talks, I focus on the movement of her plump lips, while a deep pressure builds in my chest. In reality it hasn’t been that long at all but it feels like this thing between me and her has been building forever. I know she’s saying some very serious stuff to me, but I can barely hear it.

  I’m doing okay now, but the sexual tension is going to get to me eventually. I am going to cave and try something. I just hope that Katy caves first…

  Chapter Fourteen – Katy

  The tension is too much, it’s crushing me, I don’t know what to do about it. Every single conversation that me and Evan share, however innocent, somehow manages to have a sexual undertone. Every time his skin brushes against mine I feel like I’ve been electrocuted. I can barely stand to look at him he has me feeling so many things inside. The kiss we shared last night was so filled with promise, so much so that I thought it was going to culminate into something right there and then, but since it didn’t the atmosphere between us is heady and thick with lust.

  “So, erm…” I blink my eyes a couple of times, trying to steady myself. With him so close to me it’s as if I’m staring directly into the sun. “I think we’re all set for the day, don’t you?”

  “Oh I certainly do,” Evan replies with a twinkle in his eye. “We’ve worked our asses off, haven’t we? We’ve done so much that I’m starting to think that I might need to keep you around full time. Having a lawyer is more useful than I thought it would be.”

  I shiver lightly at the idea of working here full time. It certainly beats the fear that’s leading up to the partner decision making process at Harrison and Associates that’s taking absolutely forever. But of course, that’s ridiculous, it just couldn’t work ever.

  “Let’s just save your business first,” I reply wryly. “One thing at a time. I don’t think it’s a good idea to start hiring new people, do you?”

  “Alright, fine.” He rolls his eyes in a mocking manner. “I won’t hire you just yet.”

  As we collect up the papers, I feel a lump forming in the back of my throat. Despite the fact that it’s been damn near impossible, we’ve stuck to my rule about keeping it all about work, but now… well now work is done. Who knows what will happen. I lay awake pretty much all night long trying to work out how we can make this thing work even slightly in a way that doesn’t mess us both up, and that’s all I could come up
with. Keep it about work and keep it a secret. I just don’t want anyone to find out about us until we’ve stopped working together… and maybe not even then if I can help it. I don’t want my integrity ruined and I also don’t want anything to affect Evan’s chance to keep his business. That isn’t fair, just because there’s a solid attraction there, we shouldn’t be punished.

  Especially when it’s the first time for me in a very long time! I’m so enjoying this feeling, it’s utterly intoxicating. I don’t want to give it up just because it isn’t right, and honestly, I don’t think I can. Not now that we’ve already overstepped that boundary. It’s too much for me.

  “Since I can’t hire you,” Evan starts while closing the gap between us, making my heart leap right up into my throat where it pounds heavily. “Can I hang out with you instead?”

  I bite my tongue so I don’t make any silly comments about how hiring people hasn’t stopped him fooling around with women before. I don’t want to say anything petty like that because he really does seem to be done with Ally. That was just a sex thing anyway, according to Evan, and it seems that what we have something that runs much deeper. I don’t want to sound like I’m jealous. I might be just a little bit, but there’s no point in letting Evan know that.

  “That sounds great, what’s the plan?” I lean into him a little and rest against his chest. “Any ideas of what you’d like to do?” I know what I want to do but I don’t want to be too forward. I peer up at Evan expectantly and wait for him to answer. “Since work is done?”

  Evan’s arms circle my waist and he tugs me closer to him. With his hands on the small of my back I feel petite and precious. It’s a nice feeling that makes me shudder violently. There isn’t a damn person in the world that would be able to hold back if they felt the way I do now. This is some serious passion, it’s undeniable, I even think it would hold up in a court of law… or if it wouldn’t, it should. I haven’t ever understood crimes of passion before, not that I work in that area, but now I’m starting to realize that it’s possible to go so crazy from lust that you’d do absolutely anything.

  With Evan looking at me like I’m beautiful, I feel so glad that I got up a little earlier today to make some effort with my appearance. It isn’t that I think I should be liked for my looks, I just feel better about myself. It’s amazing what I can find the time for when I have a solid motivation. I even managed to get make up on my face this morning. Maybe I’m not always that busy after all!

  Without saying even another word, Evan brings that delicious mouth back down to mine and he kisses me passionately. The warmth of his lips parts mine and invite his tongue in. As he explores my mouth with his tongue, I do the same to him, while pushing myself up onto my tiptoes to deepen the kiss. There’s a pressure in my chest, a sensation that’s crying out for a release.

  “Oh my God,” Evan groans as he moves his mouth towards my neck where he kisses and flicks his tongue all over my hypersensitive skin. “Katy, you are something else.”

  I toss my head back and allow my hair to spill backwards. My eyes fall closed as Evan kisses me in places that I didn’t know I needed to be kissed until right now. His hands fist at the back of my blouse, undoubtedly creasing it badly, but for the first time ever I don’t mind about not looking smart and professional. I’m much too needy for that.

  A sheen of sweat coats my skin as my entire body flames like a match has been lit underneath me. It gives me another reason to want every single item of my clothing off. I want to be naked, I want Evan to spread me across his desk to examine and explore every damn inch of me, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. Not when I’m not one hundred percent sure that the office is empty. It’s late so it should be and I haven’t heard anyone for a while, but I don’t want to get caught out in that embarrassing situation, just in case.

  Just as I think I might lose my mind with lust, Evan hitches my skirt up around my waist and he picks me up. My legs automatically wrap around him as he carries me, which means I get a great feel of the thick erection he has waiting for me in his trousers. That’s a hardness that I’ve created with my lips alone and I feel possessive of it. I can’t wait to feel him inside me. I can’t help but notice how big he already feels… much larger than anyone I’ve ever had before. That fills me with a nervous excitement. I wonder how crazy he’ll make me.

  Eventually Evan plonks my butt on his desk which causes my thighs to fall apart. He gets in between them so I can still feel him, then he grabs my cheeks to kiss me using his signature move. There’s a warm wetness in my panties, and if I don’t get my satisfaction soon, I might completely lose my shit and scream the damn building down.

  “You are so sexy,” Evan mutters to me as his hands travel down my body. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to touch you.”

  Probably not for as long as I’ve wanted to be touched, I think as he traces his fingers tantalizingly along my thighs, but I can’t find the words anywhere in my throat to speak. It’s almost as if my voice box has been cut off completely. Oh God, touch me more. Touch me everywhere!

  Just as I think he’s going to slip his fingers into me, Evan drops to the floor and he moves his nose into my area. I can feel the tip of it brushing against me through the lace of my underwear which makes me want to cry out with sheer bliss. He hasn’t even really done anything to me yet and I’m buzzing, the anticipation is utterly intense. I have no idea how that’s going to feel when he takes that to the next level and he finally dips into me. I might just fall apart completely.

  “I need these gone,” Evan growls as he hooks his fingers around the waistband of my underwear. “Is that cool with you?”

  “Fuck yes,” I moan back. I need them gone too. They’re the only thing standing in the way of my sheer pleasure and I just can’t freaking wait. “Shred them from me.”

  He takes my words a little too literally as he yanks them down so hard that I can hear a tearing sound, but I honestly don’t care. They could be in a million pieces and it wouldn’t make any difference to me… all I can focus on is Evan’s mouth which is slowly edging towards me. I can feel his breath teasing my entrance now and my hips buck towards him accordingly.

  I grip my hands around the edge of the desk, trying to hold myself in place, and the moment that his tongue connects with my clit I’m glad. I leap up so hard from the incredible sensations that I would have fallen off if I wasn’t holding on.

  “Oh shit.” Evan’s mouth is expert. He starts tracing the most phenomenal feeling patterns all over my clit that I’ve ever felt. My heart hammers hard, it rattles my rib cage as ragged breaths fall from my lips. I’m on top of the damn world. “Oh, Evan.”

  My body rushes rapidly towards the massive pit of desire. A heat pools in my belly and threatens to spread right through me at any moment. I gasp, I grunt, I groan, all of which only encourages Evan to pick up the pace. I lose myself completely, any control that I had over myself is gone, I’ve given myself over to Evan totally and I honestly don’t mind. He’s making me feel so good that I’d let him have every single inch of me just to keep the sensation going…

  But then, he completely stuns me by pulling away, just as I could feel myself tipping. I can feel myself wanting to scream out and protest but I can’t quite find the words. As Evan steps away from me, leaving me vulnerable and exposed, he pulls a condom from his pocket, so the anticipation strips any anger from me. This isn’t over, if anything it’s just beginning.

  In what feels like mere seconds, Eve has pulled his throbbing cock free and I watch in awe as he rolls the latex over him. I was right to think that he’s big, he’s absolutely massive, I don’t know how I’m going to be able to take him all but I’m excited to find out.

  “Come back here,” I groan once he’s ready for me. I’m aching for him so hard that I need to feel him. I’m pulsating hard against his desk and it’s starting to get uncomfortable. I need a sexual awakening, my body is screaming out for one. “I need you.”

  As Evan
slides his way into me, filling me up completely, a sense of calm overcomes me. This has been a long time coming and I just know that it’s going to feel awesome, which his hard, fast thrusts confirm. I’m already so close to the edge, he put me there with his tongue, so it isn’t long until the orgasm is absolutely shattering through me and I’m screaming so loud that I really do hope we’re the only people here…

  Chapter Fifteen – Evan

  That woman is too much, I think to myself with a smile on my face as I watch Katy work. She is absolutely awesome. I don’t know what I would do without her.

  I don’t even just mean that professionally anymore, I mean it personally too. We might have only slept together only once a couple of days ago, but the memory is still very fresh in my mind. We’ve both just had lots to do which is why we haven’t had the chance again… I can’t wait until we do. The chemistry we share is stronger than ever and the knowledge that we have a sexual compatibility will only make it better. There’s always a risk with the first time of having sex with someone that it won’t be as good as you think it’s going to be… but that wasn’t the case with Katy. It was better.

  “Are you okay?” I ask her cautiously. “You look a bit strung out?”

  She looks more stressed than normal, and I have a feeling it isn’t anything to do with the stack of paper in her hands. She’s distracted, and I want to know why. Maybe it’ll even be me…

  “Oh I’m sorry.” She shakes her head rapidly as if she’s trying to rid her brains of any thoughts. “I am a bit. I don’t mean to be and I don’t want it to affect any of my work…”


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