The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3)

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The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3) Page 58

by Alexis Angel

  He takes the stand and Xavier cross examines him.

  "Where were you on the night of the murder?"

  "I was with Emma, but we had sex, got into an argument and then I left."

  "Can anyone attest to the fact that you left her apartment at the suggested time?"

  "No. I mean I don't have an alibi. It was late, okay man? What am I supposed to say? That I check in with my mommy when I get home? No! I live alone and how was I supposed to know what would happen? You think I don't feel bad about this? Well, I do okay. I feel bad that I left and that she got murdered and if I had stayed maybe this whole thing wouldn't have happened."

  Oh man, Damian's getting angry and he's not maintaining his composure. If he doesn't cool down quick this is going to look bad.

  "We have it on record," Xavier says coolly, that one of your ex-girlfriends, a Ms. Stephanie Sharp, has stated that you were an emotionally abusive man towards her and that she thinks you have the tendency towards violence."

  "What the fuck? She doesn't even know me. We dated for like two seconds and this is just her trying to get back at me because I dumped. her. God, man, get some real evidence. Do we have a real lawyer in the house? Anyone? Anyone better than this guy?"

  Geez, Damian's really going off the rails and it's not going well. In fact, this is one of the craziest days I've ever had in court.


  I get Damian Cain into his limo and head back up to the office. I’ve ordered Cain to stay in his damned house until it's time for court tomorrow. I hit the elevator button harder than I need to. I’m pissed. We have enough problems today with his outbursts. The last thing I need is for the paparazzi to catch him out drinking or doing anything else.

  When Cain went off in that court room I wanted to kick his ass. I can't imagine how the judge and jury felt. We're going to have to work overtime to get him back in the juror’s good graces and that's a hurdle we don't need. The elevator doors open smoothly and I step out. I take a deep calming breath. Jacqueline and Marcus are waiting for me in the conference room, and the two of them are just as pissed at Cain as I am.

  "Cain is a weapons grade asshole," Marcus says as soon as I shut the conference room door.

  "What part of sit down, look handsome and innocent, and shut the fuck up does this idiot not understand?" Jacqueline says almost talking over Marcus. "He could have blown our case." I can hear the anger and frustration in her voice, and it makes me even angrier with Cain. This is Jacqueline’s first major case and she’s working her ass off for Cain, and at the first opportunity he demolishes all of her hard work. I hate seeing her stressed out like this, but I know Jacqueline is tough; she’ll bounce back.

  "Cain is absolutely a jerk off," I say, "and he fucked up in court today but he's paying us top dollar so we have to unfuck the situation and we will, because we're the best at what we do and what we do is win."

  "Damn right," Marcus says.

  "Of course I'm going to win," Jacqueline says her frustration replaced with the confidence that I find so incredibly appealing, "but I still want to punch Cain in the face."

  "We all want to that," Marcus says.

  "How about we all get out of here and get some drinks,” I say. I think my team needs to blow off some steam. I know I do.

  "Alcohol sounds perfect right about now," Marcus says.

  "Agreed," Jacqueline replies, grabbing her purse from the table. "First round's on you."

  I chuckle at that. We leave and walk the two blocks to the bar at The Ritz and get a table. We all order scotch and have the waiter leave the bottle.

  "Some days I wonder why I ever became an attorney," Jacqueline says taking a long drink. "Why didn’t I pick a profession where I avoid assholes? I could have been a doctor or a hedge fund manager."

  "My brother is a hedge fund manager, and it might not be the best job if you're looking to avoid assholes," Marcus says, laughing.

  "In times like these it helps to remember why became a lawyer. So enlighten us Jacqueline. Why you did you?" I ask, genuinely curious. I want to know everything about Jacqueline.

  "Become a lawyer?" she asks taking another sip.

  "Yes," I say looking into her beautiful blue eyes.

  "I actually wanted to do some good in the world," Jacqueline says. "I wanted to help people. I wanted to leave the world better than I found it."

  "A noble goal." I say, turning to my other team member, "and what about you Marcus?"

  Marcus finishes his drink leans back. "I actually believe in the system. I think it works and I wanted to part of it."

  "Listen to us," Jacqueline says, "a bunch of idealists defending a billionaire. What about you Jason, why'd you become a lawyer?"

  "Because I don't think innocent men belong behind bars even if they are billionaire assholes like Cain." Jacqueline and Marcus both laugh and see the tension drain out of them both.

  "To saving assholes from themselves," Jacqueline says pouring herself another drink and raising her glass.

  "To saving assholes from themselves," Marcus and I both say raising our glasses as well. "So, Jaqueline how well do you know Xavier?"

  “We’ve been friends since undergrad." She says with a fond smile that suggests she and Xavier are a bit more than friends.

  "He's a damned good attorney," I say.

  "Tell me about it." Jacqueline says.

  "I think he could be a great addition to the firm." It’s the truth. Xavier was on fire in that courtroom today and I could totally see him as an integral part of Stone, Carvall, and Winters.

  Jacqueline laughs. "Seriously, Jason, are you trying to poach an attorney right under the DA’s nose in the middle of a trial?"

  "Jacqueline, you know I pride myself on having the best lawyers in the city in my firm. Xavier is one of the best, and he’s not on our team. I consider this a problem, but I do have manners I wouldn't poach him from Wolff until after the trial."

  "I don't know, Jason. It's not exactly going to be easy. The firm can’t just dazzle Xavier with prestige and money."

  "I'm aware that Xavier’s net worth is close to a billion dollars Jacqueline, but I think our firm has more to offer than just money." I say and raise an eyebrow.

  "Indeed it does," Marcus says loosening his tie and pouring himself another drink, "much more."

  I see Jacqueline’s gaze focus suddenly on the entrance. "And speak of the devil." I say looking over at the bar and seeing Xavier taking a seat.

  "You have to admit, Jacqueline, he's be an asset to the firm if he’s a team player."

  "I can assure you, Xavier has always been a team player. He works very well with others doesn’t he, Marcus?"

  I look over at Marcus. "Well," I say.

  "He makes a good second," Marcus says. "He’d keep up with the team."

  "Maybe it’s time you see for yourself if Xavier is a good fit," Jacqueline says as she puts down her drink. I can't take my eyes off her as she heads across the bar to Xavier.


  After we're done in court, and after a really crazy day, I'm with my guys and my team, celebrating the end of our first day in court. We're at a trendy bar not far from the courthouse, but it's definitely a step up from the dive bar I was in the other night with Xavier. It feels so good to release everything that happened in court.

  I see Xavier walk in and I feel like I should go over to him and say hi. I want to go over there and congratulate him. He really gave us a run for our money. He's super good at his job and I kinda wish he was on our side instead of the opposing one. One thing is for sure though. We have the truth on our side and that's more important than anything else. While Xavier's arguments might've been good, and Damian acted like a total freak in court, Xavier has to know that he doesn't understand Damian like we do. Whether he's got a bad reputation or not, it doesn't matter when it comes to his innocence. Xavier is fighting to put an innocent man in jail, and we just have to win this case.

  "Hey Xavier," I kiss his cheek in greetin

  "Wow, you did so well today. I just wanted to tell you I was blown away by your opening argument. It was so good."

  "Thanks, Jacqueline, I'm glad you're prepared to lose this thing," he quips.

  "Hey, I said you were good, but that doesn't mean you're right."

  "Oh yeah, you plan on proving that?"

  "Most definitely."

  It's kind of fun to have this competition between us. If there's someone to oppose it might as well be Xavier because it's creating a sexual tension between us that is palpable. I'm feeling attracted to him just by thinking of us being on opposing sides.

  "Hey, you guys did really good too," he says. "I wasn't expecting such a tough day in court. I thought we had this in the bag. You have a good team there."

  "Thanks, Xavier, I mean that." Being around him puts me at ease and it makes me feel so comfortable.

  "So, are you out celebrating after the first day?"

  "Yeah, I am."

  "Well, I'd love to take you back to my place to help release all your tension from the tough fight in court we just had."

  He's looking into my eyes and turning me on as I recognize what he means by release.

  I would love to go back with him but I'm here with Jason and Marcus and I can't just leave them hanging by going home with some other guy, especially the opposing counsel.

  "Hey, I'm here with my team, why don't you come meet them and have a drink first? It'll be fun."

  I take his hand and lead him across the bar to our table. "Everyone, this is Xavier, he's not our friend," I joke.

  "Hey man, I'm Jason. Nice opener in there. You did really good."

  Xavier seems genuinely pleased by the compliment. "Thanks, I appreciate that. You were not bad yourself."

  "And Xavier, this is Marcus, our newest recruit, but he's got a stunning track record."

  "Hi," Marcus says with a smile. I’m glad we can all be congenial, like adults and professionals, and not act like a bunch of fucking babies like some lawyers do.

  "Nice to see you again," Xavier says.

  "What? You guys have already met?" I ask, looking between them, surprised.

  "Yeah, we've been in the courtroom together before and we've seen each other around town," Marcus says.

  "You mean I've beat you in the courtroom before," Xavier shoots back.

  "Ha, only because the evidence was working against me. You can't deny what you had that time. There was no way I could win that case," Marcus says, raising his glass.

  "Well, you gave us a good fight," Xavier says, raising his hands up and widening his eyes. "Can’t deny that."

  "Thanks, man. Come in, sit down and join us for a drink," Marcus says.

  "What shall we have?" Jason asks.

  "Something strong to unwind," I say.

  "I know just that thing." Marcus gets up and goes to order at the bar. He comes back with a tray of Jaegermeister shots.

  "Geez Marcus, I haven't had one of these since college. Remember that Xavier? Remember that night we did do many Jaeger bombs and we wandered around town, but we both got really sick in the morning?"

  He laughs, "How could I forget? That night was epic, but it was also my last night having Jaeger."

  "Yeah, Marcus, I'm not sure I can stomach this," I say.

  "Oh come on you guys, suck it up, we can do this. It'll take the edge right off."

  "Okay, to winning in court!"

  "To winning in court!"

  We're each cheering for our own side as we clink glasses and down the heavy, dark liquid. I like to think of it as evil cough syrup, and I know it can get the job done. It puts me more at ease and I'm feeling good, like this going to be a great night.

  We talk and have another round before Jason makes an interesting proposal.

  "We're all here for Jacqueline right? We all want to take her home..."

  I blush, feeling my face heating up to what must be a bright red now. So what I was going to call this unspoken thing? Well, not so unspoken, now, is it.

  "But we can't all have what we want if we don't share. So, now that we've gotten to know each other a little bit, why don't we head upstairs in this hotel and get a room? It will make things more interesting."

  Fuck. The idea of having all three of them at once catches me off guard but I'm ready to go if they are. After all my recent sexual escapades, this one by far will be the best. I won’t have to choose anything...not even how many orgasms I’ll have.

  Jason takes my hand pulls me out of the booth while the other guys smile at each other and follow. I know I’m in for a wild ride, and I can hardly begin to imagine what’s in store for me. I’m going to get to know each of these guys intimately, and hopefully they'll all be adoring the process. It’s nights like these that make life worth living, like can you believe how righteously fucked, in the best way possible, I’m about to be? I follow Jason out of the bar, and the other guys are trailing behind. The idea of what we’re about to do is so crazy...but it’s also so very perfect.


  I'm with Marcus, Jason, and Xavier in the elevator leading up to the suite we have arranged for the night. I can't wait to get up there and just to let myself go with them and get down and dirty. I have three handsome men with me all aiming for the same thing. We all know our intentions for this evening, this celebratory night.

  "So, have you guys stayed here before?" I ask trying to remain calm. My heart is fluttering in my chest as I think about what's about to occur.

  They all in unison say, "Yes."

  "Oh, okay well..." I'm wondering if it was with another girl and a part of me knows it was. There's no way any one of them stayed here, at a hotel in town, unless they were getting some action. This leaves me feeling dismayed and Jason picks up on this right away.

  "Jacqueline, we've never been here with you, and that's all that matters going forward."

  "Yeah," Marcus says. "This is new for each of us, and that makes it special."

  "We're here for only you Jackie. In fact, now that I know you like this I could never go back."

  Their words comfort me, and I realize this a new venture for all of us. It's definitely new territory for me.

  The elevator situates itself on the very top floor, and I ascertain that Jason has booked the penthouse suite. I should've known, only the best. He circles the small of my back with his hand, and I feel that familiar excitement that comes with the thought of being with him. Jason always gets a rise out of me, and I feel so fortunate that he has no problem with me being with these other men.

  When Marcus sees this, he of course, has to jump to action so that he knows he has me too. He holds my hand tightly, as though he knows, in that unspoken way, that my nerves are getting the better of me. Marcus always calms me down. He's like my lighthouse in a storm. He knows all parts of me on an intimate level. I'm holding his hand and just breathing, trying to get ready to have three guys at once. It's a good thing, I feel cherished and like they all want only me, but three giant cocks is a lot to handle, and I have to get ready before we go in.

  The elevator opens, and we all follow Jason down the beautiful hallway to the room. He unlocks the door with his card, and I just kind of numbly follow him in like I'm in a daze. I hope somebody does something soon to make this easier on me. I have so many emotions flowing through my body in different ways for each of the men. It's all bottled up, and I need to express it.

  We walk through the door and Xavier is at my back. I can feel him breathing down my neck he's so close. And his hot breath makes surges of warmth go through me. He's laid-back but not with our newfound connection. I think he likes making me nervous. He likes me to know how strong he is and that he intends to have me any which way he desires.

  He grabs my hand and pulls me back while the other men enter the room. "You okay?" he says.

  "I'm okay. A little nervous that's all."

  There's almost a grin on his face as he sees my reaction. He pulls me in for a kiss and we're standing
in the doorway, just him and I, and it's nice to have this special moment and not worry that the other men I care so much about will be jealous. I think they all understand that my feelings for them are equal. His kiss tells me everything I need to know about how much Xavier desires me. And when his kiss becomes aggressive I know I'm in for a wild ride, and that gets me nice and wet and ready. My nerves melt away, and I'm just in this moment with Xavier, remembering why I care about him so much and why we're here. God, I want him to take me right here, in the doorway. My pulse is racing, and his hands are on my breasts. We’re ready to go, and I know all four of us are. I’m so fucking excited that I can’t think about being nervous anymore. I break our kiss, gasping for air.

  "Come on," I say. "Join me inside. I promise you won't be disappointed."

  I flash him a little smile, and he knows I'm into him, he knows our connection is real and that he feels safe in sharing me. I pull him inside, and his cock is at full erection, but he doesn't even try to hide it. It's not like the other guys will notice, they're eyes are on me.

  "Hi everyone," I say with a smile. I know that this beautiful room is where I’m getting the daylights fucked out of me tonight, so small talk almost seems silly. "Wow, this place is gorgeous. Jason, you really outdid yourself."

  I walk over to the floor to ceiling windows that show a spectacular view overlooking the city. I stand for a minute and take in the beauty of the situation. Here I am on top of the world, both literally and figuratively. I have everything I could ever want, and the emotion of great my life brings me almost to tears. My eyes fill up, but I don't let them drop. I am grateful, but I am also strong. I have to remember that it's up to me to keep these relationships in the right place. I can't fumble on a single one because then a part of my heart would shatter. I'm getting in deeper and deeper with this situation every day, and I know it's my honor to keep things running smoothly.


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