The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3)

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The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3) Page 74

by Alexis Angel

  I stare bleary-eyed at the ceiling trying to figure out what’s going on. I keep hearing a noise but my brain can’t figure out quite what it is yet. A few more blinks and the realization hits me: my phone. I fumble around my bed and finally wrap my fingers around it, promptly drop it, and manage to pick it up.

  “Hello..?” I say groggily.

  “Jason, were you sleeping?”


  “Yes, Alex. This is the third time I’ve called, was about to send a search squad to check if you were still alive. Look, Wade and I are conducting some business, can’t talk long. Tammi texted me saying someone is making Zeva uncomfortable. Can you get up to Honey and take care of it? Bouncers can’t do anything since it’s nothing officially against policy yet, but I want you to keep it from getting to that point. Thanks.”

  He hangs up before I even say anything. I shrug to myself and pull my pants on. He knows when it comes to Zeva all three of us will drop anything unimportant to take care of her. Even if it’s a good nap. But if the two of them are on Order business it’s gotta be some serious dollars on the line. They know I’m up to taking care of it, or Wade would send Alex and take care of things himself, whether or not that might get him killed in the process.

  I get to Honeypot within a few minutes of the phone call and make my way inside. As I walk in Stone nods to the guy in question sitting in the seat nearest the dressing room. I walk up to him as he’s sipping a beer. I knock it out of his hand, spilling the entire contents over his lap. He yells and stands up to take a swing at me, but before he even pulls his hands back I have the barrel of my gun in his mouth.

  His eyes grow wide and he throws his hands up. He makes eye contact and immediately realizes I mean business.

  “I don’t have any questions for you and you don’t have any business here. I see your face here again and I’ll be digging a hole out back for you.”

  He tries to say something muffled into the barrel of my gun, but I don’t like his tone. I click the hammer back to let him know I’m serious. I glance down and notice a wet spot on his pants much bigger than what was left of his beer. I laugh and put my gun away as he trips over himself running for the door, but I grab his collar and reach into his jacket.

  “I’m also keeping your wallet to pay to clean up your piss, asshole,” I say. I kick him in the ass and he falls forward, then scrambles, half crawling out the front door.

  I turn around to see Zeva peeking out of the dressing room. I take her hand and hug her tight, partly in greeting, partly to comfort.

  “Ugh, that guy would not stop asking for time in the VIP room. Kept saying he heard all the girls here do ‘full service’ and he was some big shot from out of town, talking about all the businesses he owned and just would not shut up!” she explains, laying her head on my chest.

  “Let’s call it a night for you okay? I’ll give you a ride up to the diner and we can grab a bite,” I say.

  She nods against my chest, and within minutes we’re on my bike and on the way to the diner. She holds onto me tight. I don’t know the last time she was on a bike but she definitely doesn’t seem completely comfortable with it. I take it slow and easy just to make sure.

  We arrive and get our table. I order my usual breakfast platter, and the waitress makes her usual joke about it being the dead of the night and I’m asking for breakfast.

  “I really don’t get shaken like that normally,” Zeva says as we finish our meal. “Just…when he asked I thought about somebody besides you, Wade, or Alex touching me and it really threw me...”

  I watch her as she stares into her coffee.

  “It’s one of those things that can come with the territory, sadly,” I say. “Guys can be pretty big assholes, but that’s why we’re here for you. We can take care of trash like that like it’s nothing.”

  “I really appreciate you showing up, Jason,” she looks up at me. Our eyes meet and it brings a smile to my face like always.

  “Well, Wade or Alex would do the same. I just happened to be closer. We care about you, Zeva. We won’t let anything happen to you okay?”

  She smiles and nods. “I know. I wish there was something I could do to show you the same.”

  “We know just as well. It’s not every day three guys as close as us share feelings for the same girl without having any competition between us. You’re something seriously special.”

  “F-feelings?” Zeva blushes.


  “Oh…umm. Well yeah. You’re more than just a dancer or a lay,” I say. I wonder to myself if this is a conversation we all should have had together, but shit happens, I guess. “I’m not going to speak for the other two completely but it’s not stepping too far out to say you’re a pretty big part of our lives.”

  She stares into her coffee again. “I’ve…been alone for quite a while. I have plenty of friends, but nobody that I share much with aside from your occasional chat. But just being with each of you, or all three of you, I feel really safe. I feel at home. I hope that doesn’t ever need to change.”

  She stands up and hugs me tight.

  “Thanks again, Jason. I need some time to process it all,” she whispers, her voice just a sweet sigh. “Do you mind giving me a ride back to my truck now?”

  I nod and leave some cash on the table, giving the waitress a nod before we leave.

  Fuck, I can’t believe I just told Zeva I had feelings for her.

  What’s this girl doing to us?


  I finally make it back to work after getting my truck fixed. My mechanic is always on call; he's a friend and he knows how often I break down and just how to fix it. So tonight I plan on making up for lost time and making some real money.

  In my dressing room, all is quiet except for the low thump of the music outside. Another girl is performing; her name is Eva and she's pretty good. I feel lucky to work here at the Honeypot—it’s my home away from the farmhouse.

  I'm putting the final touches on my makeup and hair. A little perfume, a little glitter, and I'm good to go. I can't stop thinking about Wade, and Alex, and Jason...My trio of fine, sexy men. If I'm honest, I'm putting all this time and attention into my appearance for them. I want them to be impressed, to be dazzled by me. I am so swept up by each man that I have a constant swirl of butterflies in my stomach. It makes me nauseous and excited all at the same time. Right now, I'm gazing at my reflection in the mirror, thinking of what it’s like to be fucked simultaneously by three toughened motorcycle leaders, and everything appears as though in a dream.

  I see Tammi walk by and she catches me daydreaming. "Are you thinking about those guys Zeva?"

  "No!” I lie, feeling my cheeks burn. “I'm thinking about my performance."

  "Sure, right,” she laughs. “If I didn't know any better I would say that's the look of love."

  "Hey," I start, looking at her and placing both hands on my hips. "Not love. I know better. They’re not the kind of guys you fall in love with," I continue, and I have to admit: saying it out loud kinda hurts.

  "Zeva," she says kindly. "I know you. I have known you since you were a girl. I recognize that look. You can’t get them out of your head, right? Is it with just one or all of them?"

  I can't deny it. She does know me all too well.

  "Fine, Tammi,” I sigh. “I can't hide things from you. I’m getting in deep, okay? But it’s not love. It can’t be love.”

  I know that even feeling close to falling for one of the guys is dangerous territory. Each man is the kind of guy who has a million girls, and I may have thrown myself into that mix. While being with them is worth it, my heart will be crushed if I end up alone.

  "Darlin’," she tells me. "Falling for a biker is nothing but trouble. You'll get your heart broken. And I'd hate to see that, Zeva, I really would."

  "I know you're right, but…” I trail off then, feeling my heart tighten up. “How can I help it? They’re all perfect. So kind to me, and so..."

  "I know
, I know. Those guys are everything a woman wants. I’ve heard it all before," she cuts me off. "But they’re also a loose cannon. Everyone knows they like to be…free, especially with women. I’m not sure Alex, Jason, or Wade has ever been tied down to one girl, and I'm sorry to say it, but I doubt it will start with you."

  Her words are like daggers through my heart. I might know she's right but it still hurts to hear. I know that those guys are players, that their hearts never land in one place, but that doesn't take the sting out of hearing it.

  "I guess…I guess I thought maybe I'd be different," I whisper, the words coming out of my mouth as heavy as they could be.

  She takes a seat next to me and places one hand on my shoulder. “You can still have time with them. You can fuck them all you want. I just don't want you getting your heart all wrapped up in it. Because, sweetie, you know how they are. This is not news to you. You've seen them have virtually every woman who dances at this club. And does it ever last? No. Bikers tend to have an…appetite. One that can't be quenched. They like variety. And every girl who comes in here thinks she is the one to change them. Every single dancer has tried it. Trust me, I've been there to pick up the tears. I don't want it happening to you. Be with them, have fun, but guard your heart."

  I feel tears welling up in my eyes. My God, am I seriously about to tear up? What’s going on with me? Tammi sees the faint glow in my eyes, and she strokes my back.

  "I know, I know … you're right."

  "Honey, I know how long you've had your sights set on finding the right man. But listen, I’m not here to sugar coat it. I’m trying to protect you. I hope you know I'm not trying to cause you any pain."

  Tears run down my cheeks, and mascara is smearing down my face.

  "I know, Tammi, you're right. I guess I lost control of my imagination. I just got caught up in it. And you're right, I need to keep my wits and not expect anything. I know you're right."

  She smoothens my hair and tries to comfort me. "It’s okay,” she whispers, her lips a thin smile. “You can be with them, but just remember none of them are the one for you. You deserve to have the best. And some man is going to come into your life when you're ready, and he will sweep you off your feet. Do you hear me? And I will be at your wedding, just like I promised your daddy I would be."

  "You think so, Tammi?" I ask her, even though I know her scenario will never happen. Not after I’ve experienced what it feels like being with them. I’m ruined for other men now.

  "Sweetie, I’m sure of it. Who knows—maybe he'll even take you out of this town and you can start over. That’d be nice, wouldn’t it?"

  "Yes," I lie to appease her. I know I'll never leave the farmhouse, and I know deep in my heart that even though it might be the wrong decision, I'm as committed to these guys as ever.

  It’s not something I can control.

  Or even something that I want to control.


  I've called a meeting at my compound.

  It's time to strategize about what our next moves will be considering The Iron Legion is making their presence more known and not in a good way. I know the other guys are itching to protect their families as well. After all, that's what this is about ... family, and territory.

  A rough gang has entered our home and we have to see them out, dead or alive. I will not stop until every one of them is dead or scared off for all of time. That's my job as leader of the crew and I'll protect everyone.

  These guys think they can just ride into town and do whatever the fuck they please? Yeah, they’re in for a rude awakening. They’ve been fucking with The Order for too long now, and it’s time they pay the price for that.

  Standing here in front of this band of roughnecks and people who have seen the hard side of life reminds me of my dad. He ran a crew as well, and even though every one of these guys look like hard ass criminals, they all have heart and loyalty. Ultimately these are the people who would give you the shirt off their backs if it came to that.

  Money is nothing and family is everything here.

  They are unlike The Iron Legion who are out to kill and that's it. To me, that is not integrity or anything worth looking up to. Everyone can pull a trigger. Only a few can do it and retain honor.

  "We have to formulate a plan to grind these assholes into dust,” I start, slowly looking around the room. “I have some idea of what will happen but I welcome your thoughts," I say this to the sea of faces looking at me.

  I'm proud to be part of this clan of generations. The Order has been around for years. And that will not end under my watch.

  I'm standing on the stairs so that I can speak to everyone. The VIPS and I have already met and agreed that the other guys should be in on this. Some of them are young, some of them are foolish, but all of them are loyal. Besides, the newest members often have the best ideas.

  "We could just bomb them all," one guy speaks up.

  "Or attack them in the night."

  "I say we scout every last one of them out and burn them with gasoline."

  Man, these guys have some gnarly ideas. I look up at Zeva who's sitting on the balcony, her legs hanging off. She looks perfect in her little jean skirt and boots. I look at her and then back to the many faces staring up at me. Any one of these guys could die at any time and each of them knows it…and yet they are here. They are all willing to fight and to put their lives on the line to protect the others. To protect me.

  It's this attitude that’s our bond.

  I'm grateful for every member and, though I’d like to avoid war, it has come to this. Zeva is staring down at the crowd and I think about how I could lose her too. And that makes this war insufferable.

  No, we can't have war, we need to plan an ambush and stop it before it starts. The idea of losing Zeva and having ongoing fighting is just too much to bear, and so I don't even let my mind go there.

  "I think you might be right,” I start, and the whole room quiets down to hear my words. “We should have our scouts find their location and then we'll take them by surprise. We need to make sure we get rid of their lookouts first, then we move fast and put a bullet in their skulls."

  Stone says, "Everyone make sure you have your weapon of choice and any backups you need. We'll visit the artillery room next."

  At that, all the guys cheer and they follow Stone out of the room. They head straight to the locked cavernous basement, where everything from hand grenades to shotguns and rifles are stored.

  I sit down at the kitchen island with Alex and Jason, and we make a map of the areas where we think The Iron Legion is camped. There's plenty of coverage for our men to hide and I don't think we'll have a problem surprising them.

  "We'll only have once chance at this, so we can't screw it up."

  "We won't," Jason says.

  "Alright, well, you have to make sure the captains keep their crew in line. This is fucking serious. As a matter of fact, I'd like to send the new guys in last. They need to see how it's done. Even one noise will screw our plan.” I run my tongue between my lips, imagining the warpath I’m putting everyone on, and I feel myself hesitate. “The news guys aren’t that experienced. Maybe we should station them in town?" I don’t want the blood of young kids on my hands. These guys are loyal, and they’d die for me – I’d just rather avoid that. I have enough blood on my hands as it is.

  "Not a bad idea. I'll tell the captains. The new guys will be disappointed, though.”

  “Well, fuck ‘em,” Alex chimes in. “This isn’t paintball. They have to earn their rank. And we’re looking out for ‘em."

  "Yeah," I agree. "Plus, I don't want to have their amateur blood on my hands."

  "Okay," they agree, and I look at the map down on the counter. If the Legion has camped out where I think, we have the attack all staged out.

  Just as we're wrapping up I feel Zeva's hands tuck around my waist. My stomach contracts and I have that intense feeling of connection with her. All I want to do is to drag her upstairs and to ma
ke love to her as many times as I can before this war starts for good.

  I need to cherish these moments with Zeva, because as much as I hate to admit it, they may be my last. She will be safe of course but I'll be on the front lines and I'm prepared to die for this cause…but I'm not ready to leave Zeva alone in this harsh, cold world where who knows who would protect her.

  I shiver to think of her not having me, but as her arms lovingly squeeze me and my cock gets hard, I let all the worries go and try to focus on all the positive things.

  I have Zeva with me here, and that’s everything I need. Once we get the fucking Iron legion out of town, my worries will be over, and the sooner I can get on with my life.

  And after this, my life will be … Zeva.

  I don’t know how or why it happened, but the bond the four of us forged is…well, it’s fucking special. I’m not one to use fancy words, and I sure as hell don’t like having a rosy view of the world. But with Zeva, I can’t help but feel hopeful about the future.

  Alex and Jason pull me aside, then, and I feel my lips turning into a thin line as I notice the concern on their faces.

  “Wade, man…we get that you are trying to prepare everybody. But you seem hesitant about the whole thing,” Jason tells me, and I keep a blank expression as I hear his word. “Why? We can take them down. It will be easy.”

  It’s always easy, isn’t it?

  Until it starts to rain blood.


  We're finally alone at the compound as everyone has trickled out. The meeting was full of drama with some members being for a war and some members preferring to keep the peace. It's always a delicate balance—that line between life and death, but ultimately for me, I think war is necessary. You have to show your strength up front otherwise people will find your weakness and manipulate it.

  "Wade, if we don't go to war that means letting this rival gang just come through our town to do God knows what. They've been killing people, the leaders of other gangs. What makes you think they won't do the same to you?" I'm increasingly becoming more for the war.


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