The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3)

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The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3) Page 78

by Alexis Angel

  Zeva follows me out and we take my bike. She hops on the back and I feel her slender arms tighten around my waist. All I care about is that she is safe and we are free. For this moment, during this ride, we are free of war. She clutches me tightly and despite her bravery, I can feel that she's shaken up. There's a slight tremor to her hold. My compound will definitely be the safest place for her. I am destroyed thinking how I almost her. The despair is turning into anger and there's a storm brewing inside of me, a hurricane. As the leader of this gang, I will not stop until every last member of The Iron legion pays for this. That is the only thought that can calm me down now.

  We pull up and I enter the code to the gate. I drive in and breathe a sigh of relief at getting Zeva inside these walls.

  "Baby, come here, let me make you a drink. It will calm your nerves."

  "Okay,” she answers with hesitation.

  I pour her some tequila and she takes it gratefully. I pour myself a shot and we hear a buzz at the gate.

  "It's Jason, let me in."

  I open it and he drives in. As he does I get a call from Alex who I've been waiting to hear from. I step aside but I see Jason come in and grab Zeva. He kisses her all over making sure every inch of her is all right.

  Alex delivers the worst news. "The Honey Pot man. It's been hit. They've taken the damn Honeypot."

  The war has started. This is too much. I have to go down there and make sure everyone's all right.

  "Fuck!" I scream to no one. "I have to go. It's the Honeypot. The fucking gang of assholes has hit our home."

  Jason starts to come with me but I tell him to stay. The best place for him now is with Zeva. She needs personal protection and there's no one better to do that than him. He's got the brawn to take out anyone that might dare to come close.

  I give her a quick kiss goodbye and hurry to leave.


  “Alex, they’re leaving,” Tammi yells out to me from the bar.

  “Ok, thanks,” I say, stepping out of the back office.

  I head up to the front in a quick jog to give my personal comforts to Zeva before she’s rushed off. It's not the moment for me to be sappy; I’ll make sure to take her out for drinks myself later. I step back in and survey the club. It’s a moderately busy evening that I can be satisfied with. There’s a little more business to handle in the back though. We have a delivery heading out for the club, and this one is big.

  “You doin alright?” I say to Tammi.

  She smirks at me, her eyes crinkling with wizened wrinkles. I didn’t really need to ask. She’s been handling the Honeypot for more years than I’ve been with the Order myself. I have more trust in her than most people I’ve met.

  I take one more moment to enjoy the scenery of dancers in various states of undress, people enjoying themselves with drinks in hand, and impressive décor before stepping back into the office. I close the door behind me and the music dulls, just enough to concentrate. I stare at the table in front of me, recounting the boxes hiding various drugs in various ways. Stuffed bears, clothing, and other various innocuous measures we’ve come up with to create a very strange looking display. I shrug and begin to package up the boxes, making various nondescript marks on my paperwork as I do.

  I let my thoughts drift back to Zeva during the monotonous work. I never thought I’d be okay with sharing a girl, but I've never had such a brotherly bond with Wade and Jason before. And there’s something about Zeva that just quells something inside us. We each have a beast within us; that’s for sure. She has faced down our beasts in many ways and seems excited to do so again. There’s no fazing her is there?

  I hear a few bikes outside over the music. It must be a few of the guys who had a little too much to drink and are getting a little rowdy on their bikes. Normally I’d let them have their fun but we’ve been getting a few too many complaints to handle under the table so I head out to the front to see exactly what all the commotion is about.

  As I step past the bar a customer I’d seen inside minutes ago comes through the door clutching his arm. I see blood running through his fingers and instinctively reach for the gun on my side. My first assumption is that Cole sent a few of his new boys and they got a little big for their britches, but that thought is dashed immediately as bullets suddenly rain through the front door behind the guy. A few clip him in the back and he falls to the ground.

  “GET DOWN!” I yell to the entire bar and everyone begins screaming. “Stone! Get the girls in the back! Tammi, get the Stick!”

  We were low on security today; one of the guys called out sick and Wade and Jason are with Zeva. Stone and Johnny are the only two guys besides me. I duck behind the bar next to Tammi.

  “You okay?” I yell over the shots pummelling the front of the building.

  “Yeah. What the fuck is happening?” Tammi yells back.

  I barely muster a shrug before I hear the front door get kicked open. I peek over the counter and immediately fire shots at the doorway, but whoever kicked it through was still around the corner. Tammi and I wait carefully, our guns pointed at the door. My heart is beating in my ears as I draw all my focus.

  Johnny creeps slowly toward the door. I try to signal to him but he’s only paying attention to the unknown assailants. A small black metal sphere rolls in. Johnny sees it and his eyes grow wide. He dives backwards behind an overturned table, just barely making cover before the grenade explodes. Shrapnel flies all over the restaurant, peppering the walls, tables, and bar with hot metal.

  My ears are ringing as I peek over the side of the bar at Johnny. I can’t hear much, but I can see him clutching his leg. He must've been clipped by the explosion. Fuck… Before I have any time to react two figures follow their explosion through the doorway. I peek from my shadowed position to get a good look at them while motioning to Tammi to stay down.

  The man on the left blinks as his eyes adjust. He has a red beard and a bald head, and is wearing a ripped sleeve leather jacket with the Iron Legion insignia on it. He’s wielding a Colt rifle, the weapon that’s been barraging my club. I hold my reflex to find a better opportunity as the other man steps in. The second one has a bandana over his head and long brown hair disguising most of his features, aside from the matching leather jacket to his comrade’s. In his hands is a sawed off shotgun; not something I care to meet the business end of.

  As the two men scan the floor for any signs of movement I nod to Tammi, then tilt my head over to the other side of the bar for her to head that direction. I poise myself at the ready for any sign of distraction or opening against them.

  “Oi hey! I know not everybody is dead here! Come on out!” the first man shouts, then fires his rifle into the ceiling in front of him. Plaster rains down, met with clicking from his gun. Thankfully he wasted most of his rounds on the outside of the building; his gun is empty. He laughs and pulls out a large pistol.

  Assuming safety I see Johnny rush out, firing his gun at the first man. Two bullets connect with the man’s leg and he drops to the ground immediately. The second man whips towards him and catches a full shotgun blast to his stomach. Johnny is down for good.

  “Now!” I yell to Tammi, and she fires her own blast from her shotgun, Stick. She hits the second man square on and fells him immediately. I point my gun at the man on the ground, but not before he fires directly into Tammi’s arm. I shoot my full clip into him and drop to the ground with a deep sigh.

  “You alright Tammi?” I say. No response. Was it that bad of a hit?

  I jump up and rush to her side. She’s in shock. I call an ambulance, then ring up Wade.

  War—it has started.



  “Listen Zeva,” Jason says, looking at me sternly. “You’re staying here. I know you want to check on things yourself too, but Wade and Alex have a handle on it.”

  I sigh and stare out at the door. If I left I know Jason wouldn’t stop me by force, but he does have a point. Who knows who else is there from the Ir
on Legion? But that’s also part of why I worry. Maybe there was some way I could help. Maybe I could--

  My train of thought is suddenly halted by Jason’s lips pressed to my mouth.

  “I’ll stop you any way I can, but you know I wouldn’t hurt you,” Jason says.

  I sigh and pull him back in for a deeper kiss. His strong arms wrap around me. I feel warm and safe within his grasp, and slowly the worries melt away. I try to force it all out of my mind, and tell myself everything will be okay, but still there’s a nagging feeling in the back of my mind. Something somebody isn’t telling me. It must show on my face because Jason is still looking at me, worried.

  He pulls me toward Wade’s sex chamber. “Wade told me I could always use this whenever I want, and it seems like just the thing to keep your mind off,” he says smirking.

  “I thought you said you wouldn’t hurt me?” I say as I stare at the various paddles, whips, and clamps as well as a variety of other sexual implements.

  “Well, not unless you ask me nicely,” he says, closing the door behind us and kissing me again.

  I kiss him back deeply, intertwining my tongue with his. My mind starts to relax as I run my hands against his chest, feeling his soft leather jacket and the tight muscles underneath. I grip his jacket tight and press him back to the couch behind him, knocking him backwards and straddling his lap. I smirk and start to grind into his lap, using moves more than well practiced in my daily life.

  I feel him grind his hips back against me, his cock growing hard just beneath my warm pussy. I press down so he can feel the heat radiating off me, then deftly spin around to rub my ass on his crotch. I spin my hips against him and he slides his hands on me, running them up my sides, across my thighs, down to my hips, and grabs my ass tight. I moan at his touch, placing my hands on his as he caresses me. I grind on his cock more as I slowly slip my shirt off giving him a teasing view of my bare back.

  I slowly crawl off his lap and cover my chest as I turn to face him. I smirk as I hide my breasts from his view, but he grabs my wrists and pulls them wide, exposing my full view to him. He smiles and pulls me close and takes one nipple into his mouth, sucking gently on my breast. I moan and wrap my fingers within his hair as he nibbles and sucks on me. He switches breasts and gropes the breast he was sucking on. I moan further and reach down to strip his jacket and shirt off quickly.

  As I strip his shirt off I stroke his chest, tracing the cut muscles with my fingers. I stare and bite my lip as I admire his fantastic figure. I reach down and slide a finger under his pant line. I slide along his pants back and forth, moving deeper and deeper with my hand to tease him further. With my other hand I stroke his throbbing cock through his pants. I undo his belt deftly and pull his pants and underwear down in one smooth motion, freeing his huge cock to stand at full attention in front of me.

  I wrap two hands around his pulsing cock. My hands are stacked on top of each other and my fingertips don’t even touch. I’m barely covering half of his whole shaft with my hands. I start to work my hands around, twisting and stroking his enormous cock slowly. He smiles down at me as I work the shaft, and then pulls my head toward his cock, taking control of the situation. He rubs the head of his cock against my lips as I stroke him, smearing precum on me like lipstick. I flick my tongue out against it. The taste of his cock, the hardness, everything about it has my panties soaked.

  I open my lips and let his cock slowly slip into my mouth. I swirl my tongue around every part that passes my lips, then suction onto his cock tightly as I start to stroke faster. I bob my head up and down with the motion of my hands, sucking his cock passionately. He presses down on the back of my head, pushing his cock deeper into my mouth, and then presses down hard to force it as deep as it will go before hitting the back of my throat. I gag slightly, which only fuels his pressure. My throat relaxes to the pressure of his cock and he slides his entire length down my throat. He starts to rock his hips, gently fucking my mouth like he would a pussy riding his cock.

  I slip him out of my mouth as saliva trails from my mouth to his cock. I breathe deep and rub his spit-slick cock, gripping tight and stroking faster. He stands up and I prop up on my knees and take his cock back into my mouth. I suck him deep as I stroke him, occasionally forcing his entire length back down my throat before stroking him fast again. I reach down to stroke his balls as I feel his cock start to pulse harder, his balls throbbing to match. I grip them gently but firmly as I stroke him quickly and open my mouth, staring up at him.

  His face contorts in pleasure as his cock begins to spasm. Jets of cum splash from his cock onto my face and waiting mouth, spraying on my tongue and coating my chest with layer after layer of hot semen. I moan gently and take his cock into my mouth to receive the last few spurts of his orgasm into my mouth. I let his cum swirl in my mouth as I savor the taste and rub the copious amounts of slick cum on my chest into my tits, using it as lubrication to play with my nipples as he watches me toy with his cum.

  Jason strips his clothes off completely and then grabs my wrist and pulls me up. He drags me over to a bar hanging from the ceiling and fastens one wrist to each side of the bar. I look up and my eyes widen as I realize the bar is attached to a rope that can be pulled to suspend me in mid-air. I bite my lip as I watch him move toward the rope.

  “You’re used to a little suspension right?” Jason smirks as he slowly pulls the chain attached to the bar. My arms are slowly lifted up. The bar distributes my weight across my arms so I feel a tug but it’s not actually all that painful, even as my feet start to leave the ground.

  He pulls me up high enough that my crotch is aligned with his face when he drops to his knees. He watches me squirm above him knowing my pussy is fucking drenched already. He pulls my shorts down leaving me in the air wearing only a pair of lace panties. He kisses my thighs and hips but refuses to come close to my sopping wet pussy. I kick at him; the teasing is nearly unbearable at this point. He grabs my legs and holds them tight together as he smirks and continues to tease me.

  Finally after my moans and groans he yanks my thong down and off me in a quick motion. He shoves my legs up hard and stares at my soaked pussy, admiring his handiwork. After what feels like ages of just feeling his breath on my cunt he finally slides his tongue along my slit. The feeling is electric and I moan loudly from just that slight touch. He presses deeper with his tongue, slipping between my folds but avoiding my clit as he tastes me. I squirm as much as I can but he’s got my legs held fast, and I have very little movement with my hands bound so high.

  After an eternity he takes my clit into his mouth and I nearly scream in the throes of my first orgasm by his mouth. My whole body writhes as electricity jolts up and down my whole body, shooting down to my toes, all the way back up my legs to run up my spine, down my slowly numbing arms, and up to finally explode in ecstasy in my mind.

  Not letting me rest for a moment he stands up and kisses me full on the mouth as he shoves two fingers deep inside me easily. I feel his fingers slip in and around inside, curling to press hard into my g-spot as I writhe with renewed orgasm. I feel my legs begin to shake as my mind goes completely blank and my body relinquishes all control to his forceful touch. I feel my pussy begin to spray as it cums over and over, squirting orgasmic fluid all over his hand and the floor well beneath me.

  Satisfied with my cunt he stands up and rotates me so my ass sits right on top of his cock. He rubs his whole length on my ass, then slips it between my legs to rub his whole shaft along my soaked cunt. With each pass the swollen head of his cock rubs roughly against my clit and my entire body shudders with renewed pleasure. His entire cock is now slick with my juices as he continues to rub and tease my pussy.

  Without any warning he suddenly thrusts his cock into my waiting pussy. I scream out as I feel my body struggle to adjust to his enormous girth. He holds my legs tight to my body and thrusts into me with hard passion, wasting absolutely no time. Jason has full control of my body as he fucks me, suspended at t
he perfect height for his entire cock. I feel his cock slide almost entirely out of me, only to be slammed right back inside me deep. He does this over and over, varying his pace so I can’t prepare my body fully every time.

  I feel my cunt begin to spasm on his cock, waves of orgasm building up with every thrust of his massive cock. My entire body goes limp to his fucking as I begin to orgasm over and over. Jason takes notice as my cunt begins to tighten down further onto his cock. His strokes become erratic and I feel his cock swell inside me. I’ve lost count of my own orgasms on his cock and I strain to hold my mind stable as I feel his cock pulsate inside me and flood my cunt with his burning hot cum. I moan and scream out as his cum splashes out of me, joining my own flooded juices on the floor below me.

  Jason slowly lowers me to the ground and I finally have my own balance again. He releases my wrists and I briefly enjoy my freedom before he immediately rebinds me to a down-sloped table. I barely have the strength from my orgasms to resist his pressure, and I’m pushed down over the table easily. This time my ankles are also clipped into a spreader bar and I’m left entirely immobile once again. I hear Jason shuffle around behind me. Cabinet doors open and close, and I can tell he’s looking for something…or gathering some things.

  “So about that asking nicely…you’ve seen what this room has to offer,” Jason says.

  “A few orgasms aren’t enough to make me beg quite yet,” I say indignantly.

  “I hoped you’d say that,” he smiles. Even his words are smirking.

  I feel cold liquid poured across my ass and my whole body shivers. His hands work the fluid into my ass cheeks firmly, and I feel an interesting tingling sensation and a light but pleasant heat. He rubs the same fluid right onto my asshole before working one finger inside me. I moan at the new sensation and the warming tingle inside my body. He works his finger in and out slowly before adding a second, and I feel my asshole relaxing to accept him.


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