The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3)

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The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3) Page 83

by Alexis Angel


  The time has come for the war to begin. My guys are armed with ammunition, military assault rifles, hand guns. And, of course, the grenades. Everything is as concealed as it can be on our bodies. We've scoped out the territory and we know exactly which neck of the wood The Iron Legion thinks they're hiding out in. What did they imagine? That we wouldn't find them? I grew up here and I know every hill, forest, and valley of the place. They might be expecting an attack but nothing in the range of what we're about to deliver. It is a well-kept secret that we have more weapons than most motorcycle gangs could ever dream off. That is our strong point. We also know that since they’re from out of town they’re woefully underequipped, even for a group their size. You can only carry so much on a bike.

  Alex has the lay of the land mapped out. We have our scouts and we’re coming in far enough back that the Legion doesn't see us. Their campground is all tents and fires and even some trailers.

  First, we come upon the lookouts and kill them first to keep things quiet.

  There's only a few of them, three maybe. Jason and Alex stab them quickly and silently. Then we crawl on our bellies toward the camp. Jason signals to Stone and Alex that it's time and they each throw a well-placed grenade.

  The explosion is massive and hits the center of their site. I see limbs and pieces of fabric blown off. I keep my cool though. It's nothing I haven't witnessed before.

  The fight has started and Alex, Jason and I look at each other one last time as if to say one last goodbye…you know, just in case we don't make it out.

  We descend upon their camp and it is chaos. My crew is clearly marked in red bandanas so that nobody gets lost in the mix. Fires start raging around us and I'm shooting and stabbing and killing any piece of meat that comes up against me. I'm doing this for my father, my brothers beside me, and for all the brothers I've lost over the years. Every time we fight it's in their honor.

  And I’m doing it for Zeva.

  These bastards really fucked up when they decided to mess with her.

  It doesn't take long for us to wipe out most of their group. There was only a hundred or so here. The ones that aren't dead start running and they take off on their bikes. They know we've got them outnumbered and see the threat of our arsenal.

  The guys start yelling and celebrating. They think it's all over. They start tapping out from the Legion's kegs and they drink their whiskey. Smoke, one of the newer members, is especially boisterous in his celebration.

  “Oh come on! That was easy! These guys were pathetic. This is what it’s all about!” Smoke yells out, draining mug after mug of alcohol.

  I shake my head and hang back trying to survey the damage. I want to see if we lost any guys. Unfortunately I see some red bandanas attached to men on the ground.

  "Stop, guys. Get these men to a damn hospital before you start celebrating."

  They do as I say and start to tend to the victims. I'm standing on the side of hill just watching all the fires and all the bodies left to rot. Before I realize what's happened, and before I can even pull my gun up, someone jumps out from a tent and fires at me. I'm blown backwards by the force of it and I can feel the pain of the bullet in my shoulder.

  Jason is at my side in an instant and he takes the guy down. He's all clout as he doesn't even draw his gun but he stabs the guy over and over again. He yells for the men to check all the tents and every possible hiding spot.

  I'm wounded on the ground, just bleeding out. It's funny because all I can think of in this moment is Zeva's shining face. I don't feel sad or anything, I just remember her face and it makes me happy despite all the blood. I have to get back to her. I have to see her again. I may or may not die from this wound but I will get back to where she is and either hold her forever or tell her goodbye.

  Jason is wrapping a dirty rag from his jacket around my arm. "You gotta get to a doctor man, I can't tell how deep this goes. You could bleed out if you don't go."

  "No, first I have to go see Zeva. I have to see her face."

  He shakes his head, "First things first, Wade. Get yourself looked at and then decide if you should go see her."

  "I have to go now, Jason."

  I get up and cradle my injured shoulder. I grab one of the Legion bikes parked near me and I ride off into the night using only one arm.

  "Take care of the rest," I call to Alex over my shoulder. He's shocked at my decision, but I could really care less. Jason stopped up the bleeding enough for me to get home. I will see her first and then we can determine how bad this injury is. It's hard to maneuver the bike with just one arm but I manage. I think back over what just happened.

  No one likes to see war.

  No one wants to kill.

  I just wish like hell this gang would've known what's good for them and just disappeared, to begin with.

  I ride home at a slower speed than normal because I just can't manage it. It's late, and I know Zeva will be worried. Hopefully, she can check the wound and at least tell me if the doctor should come or not.

  I'll be alright, I have to be.

  I want this fresh start with Zeva. Now that the worst is over, and hopefully we've done our job, the Legion will crawl back to the rat holes where they came from and all will be well.

  And once that happens…well, maybe it’s time I start considering a different life.


  The sound of my bike probably wakes her.

  I peer into the dark and I see her coming out of the motel in just a towel. I’m slumped over my bike and she runs to me.

  "Wade! What happened? Are you okay?"

  "Baby, I've been shot."

  "What?" She looks me over and sees my arm tucked under my leather jacket, wrapped in a blood stained rag. "Oh my God. Wade!"

  I get off the bike and it falls to the side. I struggle to my feet to make it to the door. She turns the handle and I bust through the door. Her towel falls to the floor as I grab her tight as ever around the waist even though there’s blood everywhere. I'm glad to grab her. I'm relieved to have her back in my arms. I'm tough, sure; I probably proved that tonight. I'm independent, yes, but I want to be with Zeva. If sharing my life with someone means releasing some control, then I guess I'm willing to do that.

  She gets me inside and helps me to the couch and where she begins to strip away my clothing. She gets a first aid kit from her bag and starts to examine the wounds. She’s familiar with gunshot wounds. Apparently too familiar, the result of living this life of danger.

  Inside she must be panicking as she tries not to let me see her fingers tremble. There is blood everywhere and as I remove the rag holding it all in more blood spills from my arm. The wound is on my shoulder. She washes away the dirt and blood and to my total relief I see that this is a superficial wound.

  "It's okay. It's just an external wound. I can fix it." She tries to appear calm and she is calmer now, knowing that this is something she can take care of right here and now.

  "Oh Wade, I was so worried. Are you sure you're not hurt anywhere else? Are you absolutely positive? I think after this I should check."

  "No, Zeva, it's okay. I'm okay now that I'm with you." I want to let my head sink into this couch and pass out but I watch her keep on working. She makes sure I don’t lose too much blood. I’m trying to be strong for her.

  She tells me, "Wade, I'm so sorry for not listening to you about leaving the compound. I should have. I realize now I could've been killed. I'm so sorry."

  "Shhh," I say as I stroke her hair. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I left you alone to the wolves. Never again, Zeva. I will never leave your side again. Are you okay?" I push her back so that I can examine every bit of her naked body.

  “And the others? Please tell me they’re --”

  “They’re fine,” I whisper, managing a smile.

  "I need you, Wade," she says, whispering back at me. "I just have to be with you no matter what."

  "It's okay. Zeva, you have me. And I have you. Th
at's what I know now. I can't survive a minute without you."

  She’s happy to hear these words and she allows herself to relax. She’s safe now. And I'm not alone in this world as I thought I was.

  Zeva continues tending to my wound and I'm grateful to be in her presence. When the fighting started I was resigned to the fact that I might not ever see her again. They definitely fought back, and they could stand their ground. And while I knew we had them outgunned, there’s always that fear. It’s always a possibility that we might not make it out alive. I'm sure not everyone did. And my heart breaks for that. Jason and Alex stayed behind to tend to the wounded. I had to get back to see Zeva.

  Fighting never gets easier for me. I knew some of those guys I'll never see again. And though we all knew what we were in for, you never expect someone to ever really die. Luckily I was not wounded bad, and I was able to get back to her, but I will have to call Alex and figure out exactly what went down and see how many guys we lost.

  "You think it's just superficial?" She nods her head, focusing on the task at hand. I'm surprised she knows about this and I wonder how many wounds she's doctored in the past. I imagine this whole evening wasn't easy for her, she must've been worried and also thinking about the loved ones she's lost in this exact same circumstance.

  "Zeva, I'm sorry to have put you in this position. You know if there's something I could have done to avoid it I would have. You know that, right?"

  "Yes," she says, soft as ever. "I know you did what you could. But, oh, Wade," she throws her arms around my neck. "I thought I had lost you. To be here, without knowing what was happening... I thought it was over. I was preparing for the Legion to come after me next, and you know what? I didn't even care if I died. Because what point is there in living without you and Alex and Jason? You’re my family now."

  I hold her with my good arm. "Don't you say that. Don't you ever say that. You will go on no matter what. You have to be resilient and tough, do you hear me?"

  She nods her head in agreement but I can tell she doesn't really mean it. She probably would want to die if something happened to any of us, and that's a pain I can't bear to focus on.

  I have her to think of now and I might have to start considering her before all things, including war.

  I hold her to me and I suggest we take a shower. "Come on, I can wash the blood off and I want nothing more than to see more of you naked."

  "Are you sure you can manage it?"

  "I’ll just let you wash me, okay?"

  This idea seems to perk up her mood. Poor thing has been through enough in her short life. For her to consider not living because of me, well…that reveals the depths of her feelings. But it also shows how crazy she is to think that she couldn't be happy unless we were here. She would find another round of guys - at least I hope she would. I can't imagine her having our connection with anybody else.

  If I died though, I'd want her to be happy for sure. And besides, what am I thinking? If something happened to her my life would be equally over. I have to banish these thoughts and return to this moment with her.

  That’s all that matters.

  The fighting is over and hopefully, that will be the last of it.

  "Come on, let me help you." I allow myself to lean on her and she guides me to the shower. She gently strips off the rest of my clothes. She examines me thoroughly for any other wounds and then as she's on the floor inspecting my legs she begins to tenderly trail kisses up and down them, all over my body. I can tell she's happy to have me home, basically in one piece. She comes up and her lips meet my mouth and I begin to consume her. All I want now is to forget the past, for my soul to merge with hers and we will become one. In that space of ultimate contact, I can be me and I will be free. I want to penetrate her with my cock that is rising fast and hard to meet her tight little pussy. What a treat to come back and find her in the nude.

  She helps me into the shower and she makes the water a little cool so as not to aggravate my shoulder. She washes me off. Carefully she soaps the wound and the rest of my body. I have never been nurtured like this before and I never realized how good it would feel to be in the grace of someone you love.

  Most girls come and go out of my life, like fleeting images, never permanent. But there in the background, seeking me out from the shadows of the stage curtains, was my Zeva. She always had her eye on me and mine were on her. Little did we know it would bring us through this incredible journey of being together for the rest of our lives. I relax into that thought.

  "I'm so glad you're here," I tell her.

  "I will always be here, Wade. You know that, don’t you?"

  I stare up at her, a tired smile on my lips. "Of course I do. We all do, Zeva. Me, Jason and Alex. Our lives are yours now. "

  "But the war…I can’t stand having you at war.” she says. “Was it worth it? Was it worth risking everything because of that?"

  "Yes…because it kept you safe. That will always be my priority."

  I let her hold me in this moment, she's clinging to me like she's wanted it for years.

  By the time we step out of the shower, I feel like a new man. She caressed me gently, her fingertips working wonders all over my body, and I feel more exhausted than I’ve ever felt.

  I allow her to lead me toward the bed, and the moment I lay down on the mattress, all lights go out inside my head.


  I lay next to him for almost an hour, just watching him sleep.

  I keep my head on his chest, my arm draped over his body. My eyes are closed as I feel the steady rise and fall of his chest, and I keep a large smile on my face.

  Being here with him, snuggled against his body, it’s perfect.

  “Zeva,” he whispers, stirring in his sleep. He opens his eyes lazily, and then his lips curl into a smile. Reaching for me, he strokes my face with the back of his hand, doing it gently.

  “Oh, crap!” He suddenly mutters, sitting up on the bed. He rushes toward the door, almost as if he’s still asleep, and then turns on his heels to face me. “How long was I out?”

  “Wade,” I whisper, coming up to him and laying one hand against his chest. “You barely slept for an hour. Come back to bed,” I tell him, purring out each and every word. “This is perfect,” I continue, my eyes locked on his.

  “What is?”

  “Just...just being here with you,” I tell him, not really sure how to process everything that happened. “It feels...right.”

  “It feels right,” Wade repeats after me, his words charged with lust. Then, his lips turn into a wicked grin and he’s on me before I can do a thing.

  My back hits the wall with a dull thud, and the impact is enough to make me become as wet as the Pacific. My thong becomes drenched in the blink of an eye, and desire takes over me before I can even process what’s happening.

  His mouth finds mine a fraction of a second later, and our lips lock themselves in a frenzied embrace. My tongue meets his and I close my eyes, surrendering all of me to the flavor of his mouth. It tastes of oak and leather, a blend of manly scents that make a tingling sensation run up and down my spine.

  “I want you… I want you to fuck me,” I tell him in a single breath, my heart tightening up as I press my body against his. Opening my legs, I press my crotch against his thigh and bite on my lower lip, the pressure on my pussy making my heart gallop inside my chest. “Fuck me,” I repeat, taking my lips to his ear and brushing them against his skin.

  “That’s all I wanna do,” he replies, laying one hand on the nape of my neck and tangling his fingers on my hair. Holding my head still, Wade presses his lips against mine again, kissing me deeply as desire keeps on bubbling inside me, scalding like boiling oil.

  Still with my crotch pressed against his thigh, I sway my hips gently, rubbing my wetness against his leg and allowing that electric warmness to spread all over my body. I keep on pressing harder and, with one hand, I pull my dress up to my waist. As I do it, the wet fabric of my thong presses aga
inst his pants, staining them with my fluids. But I don’t care; right now, I don’t care about anything but satisfying the cravings of my body.

  With a knot in my throat, I grab his shirt and pull on it, untucking it from his jeans. I move straight down to his belt then, my anxious fingers fumbling with its buckle. Once I hear the metallic jingle that tells me the buckle’s off, I push his zipper down; I run my tongue between my lips as I feel that bulging shape under his boxer briefs, straining against the fabric and bumping against my knuckles. He’s as hard as I’m wet, it seems, and that’s exactly what I need right now.

  “I want it now,” I groan, hooking my fingers on the hem of his boxer briefs and pushing them down. “I want you to fuck me … right now!” I continue, giving his boxer briefs one final tug and allowing his cock to spring free; the moment it does, it whips me across the back of my hand, and I feel my brain overheating as I can’t help but imagine his cock pushing its way into my depths. I don’t know what it is about this man, but he drives me utterly crazy.

  “You want it now… You’ll get it now,” he groans, his hands sliding down the side of my body. He takes them down to my ass and over the rising curve of my cheeks; there, his fingers turn into claws and he pulls me up. My body reacts on its own and I lace my legs around his waist, throwing my arms over his shoulders at the same time.

  Taking one hand to between my thighs, he pinches the fabric of my thong and pushes it aside. My eyes roll in their orbits as I feel the tip of his cock brushing against my drenched folds, and my insides clench in anticipation.

  “Is this what you want?” He asks me, his mouth against my ear. I say nothing - I just tighten the hold my legs have on his waist and, taking that as a yes, he simply thrusts with all of his might.

  His cock parts my inner lips in a fraction of a second, and I can’t help but gasp as I feel his long inches straining against my inner walls on the way in. Fire seems to spread from my pussy to the rest of my body, my nerve endings heating up all at once.


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