A Jaguars Touch

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A Jaguars Touch Page 2

by Lacey Thorn

  “Give him hell,” she told Vic as she turned to leave the room.

  A rumble started in Tah’s chest, and Vic heard Abby laugh on the way out. And damn it, after that display, most of Vic’s anger was gone. Abby hadn’t just calmed Tah, she’d calmed Vic, as well. How did she always manage to do that?

  Tah and Reno shared a look before Tah finally spoke to her again.

  “Gideon requested you not be allowed down there right now. It’s just temporary while we figure out what’s going on with him. After talking to him, I agreed,” Tah stated as if that was it.

  Discussion over. And there was all her anger, rising back up to wrap around her like a mantle.

  “So, Gideon is in charge now? We take orders from him? I’m supposed to take orders from him?” Gideon. Yep, she was fucking pissed again.

  “Don’t, Vic,” Tah warned her. “There’s more going on here than you’re aware of.”

  “Then why don’t you make me fucking aware? Or am I not in the inner circle, anymore? You ask me to be a part of your fucking council? Now, you tell me there are things I’m not aware of? What the fuck is going on?” she demanded.

  “You just need to stay out of the storage rooms,” Reno said.

  “You’re going to have to give me a reason why,” Vic stated. “Tell me why when I went to do my job today, Murphy stepped in front of me and wouldn’t allow me down there? And so help me if you say because Gideon said, I’m going to seriously lose my shit.”

  “You know Gideon was hit with two arrows on the way here,” Tah reminded her.

  “Yeah, I heard. The arrows were laced with yet another variant of this damn fever that seems to be showing up an awful lot lately,” Vic said.

  “Your presence upset Gideon It’s why Logan sent you back here,” Reno said, sharing another look with Tah.

  “Big fucking deal,” Vic retorted. “I upset a lot of people. You don’t order me to avoid working near them.”

  “Gideon is a shifter,” Tah said. “One with an animal who’s riding close to the surface right now. His control isn’t what it should be.”

  “So lock him in a fucking room like we do Dillon. Problem solved.”

  “It’s only you who affects him,” Reno said. “Do you know why?”

  “Because he’s a jackass who doesn’t like humans,” Vic suggested. “Just a guess, but I’m fairly confidant it’s accurate.”

  “He’s edgy and fighting against the drug in his system. You set him off. Until we know what we’re dealing with for sure, and he can get a better handle on himself, it’s best if you steer clear of him,” Tah said.

  “So that’s it?” Vic demanded. “Gideon asks, and you say of course, anything you want?”

  “I’m not going to put you in a dangerous situation,” Tah said, and Vic began laughing.

  “You had no problem when I was covering your ass in the desert. You think I’m afraid of Gideon?”

  “No, I don’t,” Tah said. “Which is why I gave my order. If I left it up to you, you’d walk right up and challenge him.”

  “Damn straight I would, and I will the first chance I get,” she said. “I’m not afraid of anyone, including your little kitty down there who might get a hard-on when I’m around.”

  Reno and Tah shared another look, eyes going wide.

  “Please, I’m not stupid,” Vic reminded them. “You think I didn’t see the lust in his eyes the brief moment I saw him? You think I don’t understand what you’re worried about? Give me some fucking credit.”

  “Then why would you want to face that?” Reno asked. “Are you looking to get mated?”

  Vic snorted. “I’m no one’s mate. No matter what you believe, I do have a say in that. And I say, I’m not. I don’t care if my scent wraps around Gideon’s balls and has his dick saluting. He’s a grown man, and he can control himself. If he wants to fuck, then he can ask me pretty please, and I can tell him to go fuck himself. What I won’t do is avoid my job because it might be hard for him, or upset him.”

  Tah sighed. “Vic, I’m not sure it works that way. With Abby and me…”

  “I’m not Abby, and that cat down there isn’t you. From what I hear, she had moony eyes even before that beast woke up inside you. And Amia was a tempting little morsel who drew your tiger out,” she told Reno. “And Logan and Clara, you could see the chemistry between them from day one. I’ll admit, Zane and Diane surprised me a bit, but I’m not them. The only thing I feel for Gideon is an overwhelming urge to snap his neck.”

  “Then maybe you should stay away from him,” Reno said.

  “I’m going to ask this one more time,” Vic warned, gaze bouncing between the two men before settling on Tah. “Do you think I’m incapable of doing my job?”

  Tah stared at her, jaw clenched, nostrils flaring. She held her ground, refusing to squirm before his intense gaze.

  Finally, he gave a jerk of his chin. “No. You’re more than capable of doing any task needed.”

  “Then don’t ever fucking give an order like this one again, or I swear to God, I’m walking.”

  “You’re right,” Tah said. “I’m sorry. I was trying to protect you.”

  “I don’t need protection,” Vic gritted out. “I need trust.”

  “You may not need protection, but you’ve got it,” Tah stated. “Any of us would step up to the plate for you, so deal. Just like you have for us. You can’t give and not expect to get the same thing back. And trust? We trust you with our lives, with our mates’ lives, with Regan’s.”

  “You’re family,” Reno added.

  Vic swallowed, uncomfortable. “Look, just let me handle this myself. If Gideon has an issue with me, then let the two of us work it out.”

  Tah snorted. “And have you break his neck? Abby would kill us both.”

  “Why? What’s so important about this one?” Vic asked.

  “He knows shit—a lot of it. About hunters, about shifter biology, about Clara’s uncle. He knows Dillon and Lydia. Clara trusts him, and the two shifters he brought with him worship the ground he walks on. You don’t have to like him but keep in mind how much we need him right now,” Tah warned.

  “So I won’t kill him,” Vic said with a shrug. “He doesn’t have to look pretty to spew answers.”

  Reno laughed. “I have no fucking idea why we thought for even a second you couldn’t handle him.”

  “Damn straight,” Vic stated.

  “He is a shifter,” Tah warned her. “With a dose of feral fever to boot. And his animal seems to think you smell attractive.”

  “How do you know that? It could just be I’m the only unmated woman he’s been around besides the shifter female he traveled with.”

  “Her name’s Ariel,” Reno said.

  “Whatever,” Vic said. “I don’t trust her. There’s something off.”

  “I know,” Tah said. “We’re keeping an eye on her.”

  “So, we’re good? I can do my job? Murphy can live another day? And you won’t give stupid ass orders concerning me again without at least giving me the courtesy of consulting me first?” Vic asked.

  “Vic…” Tah said but didn’t finish his thought, at least not out loud. He nodded, but she could see the anxiety in his eyes, for her.

  “I know what you’re worried about,” Vic said. “I’m not Gideon’s mate. If his hormones flared, it’s because I’m sexy as hell, and it’s about time someone noticed.”

  Tah shook his head again while Reno laughed. It cut the tension in the room, though, which was exactly what she’d been aiming for.

  “I can hold my own against any one of you,” she reminded him. “Gideon’s no different.”

  “What if you’re wrong?” Tah asked softly. “What if you are his mate? I can’t protect you if you tie my hands.”

  “I’m not, and from what I’ve seen with you guys, you couldn’t protect me no matter what if that was my fate. But I’m telling you, it’s not. Gideon and I are not mates,” Vic stated firmly.

“If this is your choice then you and only you are responsible for any consequences brought about by your actions,” Tah warned.

  “I’m always responsible for my actions,” Vic answered with a snarl.

  “I know,” Tah replied. “I’m here if you do decide you need me.”

  “I know that,” Vic said. “But you have to know that whatever happens between Gideon and me is on me. That also means when he opens his mouth and stupid spills out, I take complete blame for his inability to speak through a broken jaw. But hey, he’s a shifter. You guys seem to heal real quick.” She cracked her knuckles and grinned big. “This could be fun.”

  “Maybe he’s the one we should be protecting,” Reno muttered in an aside to Tah.

  She glared at them. “Is that all?”

  “I want the equipment list when you have it. You know it has nothing to do with being a female. There’s no one better at knowing what we need to make things run smoother than you,” Tah said.

  “I’ll get it to you,” Vic assured him.

  “That’s all then,” Tah stated.

  She headed out of the office with a spring in her step. God, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this excited. She hadn’t felt the need to mention to Tah or Reno just how wet she got thinking about all that lean muscle downstairs. That was no one’s concern but hers and, if she chose, Gideon’s.

  The damn shifter was an arrogant asshole, but he was a gorgeous one. She wanted to clench her fingers in the thick waves of long, black hair that fell around his face, use those locks to jerk him to her. She was angry when she thought of him, but she was turned on, as well. Getting together with him would be combustible—hard, rough and probably bordering on violent. She wanted her hands on him, nails scratching and teeth biting.

  First, she’d go take care of the list they needed then she’d make her way back downstairs and make sure Gideon knew he wasn’t dictating anything when it came to her. And if the bastard became angry, all the better. Fighting or fucking. They both sounded good where he was involved.

  Chapter Two

  Gideon paced the lab while the one called Diane watched over the analysis of the newest sample of his blood. They’d taken it first thing this morning, and now he waited for confirmation. He already knew what it was, could feel the fire of the feral cat virus attacking the jaguar inside him. But it wasn’t strong. It wasn’t uncontrollable as long as he kept his emotions under lock. What he didn’t know was why it was affecting his ability to completely heal where the arrows had pierced his skin. The wounds had closed up, but they still ached under the skin—an ache that should have already dissipated.

  He’d lost control briefly during the meeting with Orsai’s nephew Zane in the woods. Gideon had fought to restrain his cat as the animal had risen quickly to the surface. Ariel and her attitude had more to do with that than anything else. The younger woman had a chip on her shoulder that had her mouth running before her brain engaged. It was going to cost her one day if she didn’t learn how to curb her temper.

  He’d spent the last few nights listening to Dillon ranting about something in the room he was being kept in downstairs. If Gideon was given the opportunity, he was going to rip the younger man’s head off. Dillon thought he’d managed to hide the damage he’d done when he’d left. But Gideon knew, and he would make sure Dillon died for his betrayal.

  “Hey, I heard you were down here,” Clara said as she entered the lab and walked toward Gideon.

  She’d been so excited to see him, Ariel and Griffin. It made him feel a touch guilty for the things he needed to keep from her. But she wasn’t ready, and the pride she’d joined was in no shape to offer help with what he had planned. Plus, he’d grown pretty fucking weak by the time they’d gotten to him. Ariel had been close to leaving to follow the scent of the panther and his mate through the woods. It’d taken all Gideon had to keep her with him. The young woman was fiercely protective of those she cared for, and despite his best efforts, she cared for him.

  “Everything okay?” Clara asked, and he realized he hadn’t spoken to her, yet.

  “Yeah, just waiting for the newest round of tests to tell us the same thing,” he said gruffly. He went to run his hand through his hair as he often did and remembered he’d pulled it back in a ponytail today.

  “It’s almost done,” Diane said then gave a weary sigh. “And yeah, it doesn’t look like anything’s changed.”

  Gideon walked over and nudged Diane aside a bit. His fingers flew over the keyboard while both women watched.

  “What are you…” Diane began, but Gideon heard Clara hush her.

  He brought up the analysis code, read through it, rewrote a few things and began the test again with what he wanted.

  “What did you do?” Diane asked.

  “You’re running the wrong tests,” Gideon said, gaze glued to the monitor as the information started feeding through his program. “We’re not animals and can’t be tested as such. We’re not humans, either. So you have to adjust your formulas to account for both.” He glanced over at Diane. “A merging of the two. You’ll get better answers that way.”

  “I’ve got a room down here you can stay in,” Diane said, looking so eager he almost smiled. “The Professor has a spare he doesn’t use. It’s not huge, but it’s bigger than what you chose downstairs where Lydia and Dillon are. There’s a bed and privacy.” Her eyes pleaded with him. “I could really use your help.”

  It was the privacy that nailed it for him. He wasn’t a social creature by nature, and even though he had a traitor to deal with, it didn’t mean he had to stay uncomfortable. Still, guilt ate at him.

  “You should move Lydia here, as well. You’re packing up, anyway, so there’s plenty of room. She’ll be more comfortable and better rested not having to listen to Dillon,” he told her.

  Clara nodded. “He’s right. We should have thought of that. I should have thought of it.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Diane said. “Her body is deteriorating too fast. Moving her, while good in theory, might not be what’s best for her right now. We should have done it sooner, before she got this far, and I’m sorry for not thinking of it.”

  “You were a little busy hunting down your mate,” Clara said. “This isn’t on you, Diane.”

  “Still, we’ve done more based on our convenience then on hers,” Diane said.

  Gideon knew all about decisions based on that. It was his convenience and dislike of all things Blane that had kept him turning a blind eye to Lydia and her changing personality. Thomas had commented on it a few times but usually just in passing. He’d seemed interested in Lydia’s growing anger, especially toward her own daughter. Gideon hadn’t cared, and part of him still didn’t. But Thomas had seemed to, and that meant Gideon would try to make sure the woman was comfortable at the end, which he was certain would be soon. He doubted if she lasted for the trip the pride was planning.

  “Gideon?” Diane asked. “What do you say? Want to move done here instead?”

  “Done,” he agreed.

  Thomas would want him to teach this pride as much as he could before he moved on. It was Clara’s pride, which carried more weight with Gideon than the fact the Tah they’d all been waiting for was here. Probably because Gideon had never believed the existence of one man would suddenly make all the difference.

  “Hey, look who I found.”

  Clara’s mate entered with the newest little pride member in his arms. Clara immediately went to her man and cooed over the baby girl. In that moment, Gideon could see the future, one where Clara and her mate held young of their own. Gideon knew it was something Clara’s father Michael would have wanted for his daughter. He wished Michael was there to see the woman she’d grown into as well as the pride she’d joined.

  Thoughts of the pride turned toward one particular member. The image of the sexy blonde warrior entered his mind. He’d smelled her long before he’d spotted her face. She’d been all short, messy curls and big b
lue eyes. His glance had skimmed her from head to toe, and his body had responded to the vision she was. He wanted her long legs wrapped around him, demanding pleasure. He wanted to feel the strength in her touch against his flesh. He wanted it with a desperation that could only be explained by the drug moving through his veins. The need to protect her from what he was had battled with the desire to take her, and he’d responded in anger, roaring for her to stay the hell away from him.

  Her wide-eyed gaze had dimmed then sparked with anger, and it had only made him fucking hotter. Thankfully, Logan had sent her back to the cabin and away from Gideon. He’d needed the time to calm his beast and gain control. He’d known instantly that he had to stay away from her even though his beast roared in disagreement. Tah had agreed during their brief conversation, and Gideon had been able to avoid her since arriving. He knew he was on borrowed time, though. She didn’t come across as one who easily backed down, and damned if that didn’t make him want her more.

  “Well, if it isn’t the devil himself.”

  Tah’s mate, Abby, entered with a grin. Though her words were thrown at him, she headed straight to her little girl as if pulled by an imaginary string. The love she felt seemed to surround her, and the sweet scent of it filled the room. Her energy crackled in the air as she turned the full wattage of her smile toward him.

  “I’d tell you to watch out, but I get the impression not much scares you,” Abby said.

  “The devil,” he commented, rolling the word around in his mouth. “I’ve been called much worse I assure you.”

  Clara snorted a laugh.

  “Oh my God! What’s that?” Diane asked at his side.

  Gideon turned once more to view the computer screen and felt Abby move to his other side.

  “This is what I had it run,” Gideon said.

  “But what does all this mean?” Diane asked.


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