Beauty and the Blitz

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Beauty and the Blitz Page 18

by Sosie Frost

  “You worried about me?”

  Not that she’d admit. “Gotta protect my assets.”

  “My assets got kicked today.”

  “You bled a lot.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  She expected me to sit. If I did, I’d never get up. Rose wiggled, gave the cutest fucking snore, and woke herself up. The baby looked as exhausted as me, but she still smiled all bashful.

  “We wanted to see you when you got back, didn’t we?” Piper smoothed Rose’s little puffball pigtails and stood. “Since she was so influential in your win.”

  “She’s a decent motivator.”

  She made a pouty face. “Uh-oh, Rosie. Look. Cole has a boo-boo.”

  I’d never shuffle away fast enough. “No. Cole’s fine.”

  “Uh-oh!” Rose stared at me, eyes huge. “Boo-boo! Uh-oh!”

  “Know what he needs?”

  I didn’t trust her. “A shot of whiskey and sleep?”

  “He needs a kiss to fix the boo-boo!”

  I’d probably need surgery in the off-season, not toddler slobber. I edged away. Piper moved faster, and Rose reached for me with grabby hands.

  “Boo boo!”

  This was some sort of weird Mr. Roger’s level torture. Piper didn’t give me a choice. I presented my cheek with a fading prayer that the kid wouldn’t flail her arms and crack my nose off-kilter again.

  I should have known better. Rose gently pecked my cheek and groggily giggled.

  “Aw, so nice!” Piper teased. “Don’t you feel better?”

  Actually. I did feel a little better. Probably meant I had a concussion too.

  I cracked a smile. “Thanks, kid.”

  “I need to get her to bed.” Piper looked me over. “Are you going to be okay?”

  I wasn’t an invalid. Yet. “I’m fine. Just sore.”

  She didn’t believe me, but the baby fussed. Piper headed upstairs to take care of Rose.

  And I started the long, arduous trek to my room as well.

  One shuffling step at a time.

  I took the stairs slow, stretching my hamstring with every hop up the marble. Hard to do when my knees refused to bend, my ankles twisted the wrong way, and my body hurt so much even my teeth ached.

  I reached the second floor with a grunt. So much for a clean getaway. Piper met me with crossed arms and a tapping foot. Sure. Gloat more. Her joints could actually move.

  She pointed the baby monitor at me. “I changed Rose’s diaper and got her back to sleep by the time you made it up the stairs.” She pretended like she was more annoyed than worried, but I saw through it. “Let me help you.”

  “Don’t need help.”

  “Could have fooled me.”

  “Never needed help before, beautiful.”

  “Has anyone ever offered you help before?”


  I didn’t answer, and somehow that still gave Piper the edge. She took my arm and hauled me up the last stair—as if a little thing like her could shove me.

  “I put one baby to bed.” She guided me to my room. “Might as well take care of the other.”

  “So I get my ass beat on the field and break my goddamned nose, and I’m a baby now?”

  She sat me on my bed, snapping her fingers. “Arms up.”

  I actually laughed. “You think I can get my arms up?”

  “Hmm…” She twisted her lips into a pout. “Okay. I’ll work around you.”

  She reached for my shirt, but I brushed her away. “I got this.”

  “I don’t think you do.”

  Neither did I, but I wasn’t having her walk me, sit me down, and strip me. Last thing I needed was her grabbing a spare diaper and doing the whole nine yards.

  But Christ, nothing like being a grown man who couldn’t take off his own shirt. My hands hurt so much I couldn’t pinch my fingers on the buttons.

  My temper flared. Fine. I’d rip the fucking thing off.

  “Stop.” Piper slapped me away, probably the only time she’d overpower me. “You don’t need to go all Hulk if I’m here to help.”

  She worked quick and bit her lip as she went down the line, starting at the top. This wasn’t so bad. She leaned close, and I caught the scent of her hair. Bright. Citrus.

  The dress shirt fell open. Piper stared at me in horror.

  “Oh God. You’re a solid bruise. Did the trainers—”

  “It was a hard game. I’m used to it.”

  “I’m not!”

  “Well…you don’t often strip me after a game.”

  “Would you really want me to?”

  “I’m stubborn, but what man would argue with a woman begging to take his pants off?” I met her gaze. “Any guy who’d refuse is an idiot.”

  “What do I call the man who lets me help?”

  “The luckiest son of a bitch in the world.”

  “Funny…” Piper’s smile faded. “The last time I had a guy strip for me, he wasn’t lucky, just a regular son of a bitch.”

  “Yeah. He was a bastard.”

  She nodded. “A big one.”

  “Well, I’d kick my own ass for you, but I think the damage has already been done.”

  “I’m not looking for revenge, Cole,” she said. “I just want to understand you.”

  “I’m not worth it.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  She helped me with my belt, and I let my hands fall to the bed. Her fingers moved, quick and delicate, as she pulled the zipper down.

  Any other man might have been ashamed of himself for the bulge that grew, but I couldn’t hate myself any more.

  “You know I’m just an animal,” I said. “I’m nothing you should get involved with.”

  Piper tugged the trousers down, revealing that hardness I couldn’t control. I stopped her.

  She held my stare, her eyes beautiful and vibrant. Honest. “You’re not an animal. Never have been, never will be.”

  “You deserve better than me.”

  “Says who?”

  “Me. You’ll realize it too.”

  “Don’t pretend you know what’s best for me. I’ve had enough men in my life try to tell me what to do and how to live. I know what I want. And I know what’s good for me and my baby.”

  “You think that’s me?”

  “I know when something is worth fighting…” Her words broke. “You could be a good man, Cole.”

  She was so naïve, so genuine, so confident. “I want to be.”

  “Why don’t you believe me?”

  “Because…” It was too good to be true. “I don’t accept help. I don’t get kisses for boo-boos. I don’t dedicate my game to someone else.”

  “But you did.”

  “I’m not a man who talks about my feelings with anyone.”

  “But you are.”

  “I’m not…someone who makes love to a woman. I fuck, and I fuck her like a beast.” The apology sounded just as coarse and ugly as the lust I felt for her. “I shouldn’t have touched you. I shouldn’t have let you see that monster in me.”

  I stiffened in every conceivable way as Piper knelt before me, edging between my legs and tugging my boxers low. My cock stirred, but I didn’t dare touch it.

  Piper looked up at me—surrendering and challenging me at the same time.

  How was it possible to want this woman as badly as I needed her to stay away?

  “I didn’t fuck The Beast,” Piper whispered. “I wanted you, Cole, and I still want that man. The one who’ll read a bedtime story to my baby. The one who shares his banana with her in the morning. The one who calls me beautiful.”

  “You are.”

  “The one who makes me feel beautiful.”

  “You should always feel beautiful.”

  “And you should know that you are that man, Cole.”

  I curled my hands into fists, hiding the trembling. “I have no idea who I am.”

  “Then let me show you.”

  Her fingers danced over my c
ock. The heat from her hands burned through me, a blessing I didn’t deserve, but I didn’t have the strength to push her away. Her elegant fingers clenched, squeezing my paler skin against her lovely darkness.

  I tensed as she lowered her lips. Her tongue flicked against me, soft and gentle. Like she just wanted to taste. She swiped across the head and so enjoyed my shiver that she did it again. I hardened even more, the blood pulsing and burning me from the inside out.

  Her lips parted, and she slowly slipped me into her mouth.

  Was she trying to drive me insane? Did she want to destroy me? Or maybe it was a tease because she knew I couldn’t move my aching muscles.

  I realized too late that my beauty wasn’t a sadist. She licked, kissed, and sucked with that infuriating slowness not to taunt me but…

  Because it was gentle.

  Soft and tender. Sweet and attentive. She did it to please me.

  And I had no idea how wonderful it felt to be...pleased.

  I never thought of my cock as an instrument of pleasure. It was meant to be used. Slammed between lips, punished between legs. No one ever wanted me. They asked to fuck a dominant, dangerous man, and I delivered.

  But Piper…

  Christ, she amazed me. Humbled me. She gave herself to my desires, watching as I hissed between clenched teeth and bucked my hips. I resisted the urge to curl her hair in my fist. I couldn’t ruin this moment. Not when I feared I’d push her away, and not when I knew I’d draw her closer.

  Her tongue traced down, flicking as she bobbed over the shaft. Every draw of her mouth cascaded a shiver over me. She pulled the head from between her lips to breathe, kissing my length as I stared at her, amazed.

  “Does that feel good?” she asked.

  What an unnecessary question. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Piper smiled. “You’re allowed to enjoy it, Cole.”

  Oh, she was naïve. “I’m trying not to enjoy it too much.”

  “You could do that too.” Her lips popped over my head ahead, sinking down to take more into her throat. A perfect temptress. “I just wanted to show you…”


  She licked her way back up.

  “That someone cares about you.”

  Now it was too much. I tensed, but I didn’t let myself come.

  “Stand up,” I whispered. “Let me see you.”

  Piper obeyed, never once breaking her gaze with mine. She pulled her camisole over her head, chasing it with her bra. Everything slow and deliberate. A sexy reveal, just for me. She wanted me to see. To imagine what waited. To want what she could give.

  And it worked.

  I wanted everything—her kiss, her touch, her body. I dreamed of anything she might have offered beyond this one night.

  She stood. Her hips shimmied left to right, and she kicked off her jeans and panties.


  Her nickname was a whisper of truth. She amazed me. Curvy and dark. Soft and feminine. God, she was petite. I might have broken her in half if she hadn’t broken me first.

  I tried to stand, but she didn’t allow it. Piper pushed on my chest, and I rested flat on the bed.

  This was something…new.


  She crawled over me, giggling like she thought it was ridiculous that she might tease me with the sultry movement of her shoulders and hips. Christ, if she only knew how hard I had to fight not to blow right then and there.

  She braced her legs on either side of my waist. The bruises bothered her. I held my breath, and she pressed a hand over the spreading darkness on my ribs.

  Her voice caressed me as softly as her hands. “You sure you’re okay?”

  “Don’t you dare stop now.”

  “What if I hurt you?”

  “And what if you heal me?”

  I gripped her hips, but I didn’t squeeze, didn’t force her to move. I helped steady her over me. Time slowed as she stroked my cock, tugging just to position herself over the straining head. She settled over the shaft.

  I held her stare.

  The heat struck me first.

  Then the tightness.


  All of her.

  For so long, sex was something invasive, meant to penetrate and slice and impale. I had no idea I could be the one smothered and helpless and…


  She enveloped me in a silken, perfect heat. I didn’t need the trap. I wouldn’t have moved. Never would move again. Her velvet pussy milked me with every aching clench. My body had been put through hell tonight. Now I’d recover in Heaven.

  She took every hardened inch. I buried in her, safe and tight. We shivered together, each wave stunning me in unbelievable perfection. I didn’t move. Her tightness was enough of a gift.

  But she gave me more. She moved for me—small, quiet bumps of her hips against mine. The bed shifted with her, and she dug her feet into the blankets for leverage. Brave little girl.

  Her almond eyes widened as she impaled herself on my cock. She breathed words I wasn’t meant to hear but strained to understand. Every press upon me trembled her breasts, teasing me with those hard nipples inches from my lips.

  I took one in my mouth as she leaned forward, but I held it as her hips struck back. She groaned as I tugged her sensitive little bud as she rode me. I didn’t nip. Didn’t hurt. Didn’t do anything but suckle just to watch her shiver in pleasure.

  “God, Cole…” Piper groaned. “You have no idea how good…”

  Like hell. I knew exactly how fucking good this felt.

  I leaned up, ignoring the screaming pain in my shoulders. Piper was careful when kissing me, avoiding my nose and cheek. I didn’t care. I gripped the back of her neck and pulled her closer. Our tongues met, and she murmured again and again as she moved against me.

  Her whimpers turned to whines, and she ground hard against my cock. I recognized that sound now. I hadn’t heard it as often as I would like yet, but that would change.

  Everything would change.

  This was a woman who deserved a good fuck every night before bed.


  Not just a fuck.

  Worship. Adoration. Something I did to prove she was the only reason I could see the light in whatever darkness surrounded me.

  Her touch gave me hope.

  Her kiss soothed my rage.

  And her words broke the curse that trapped me in fury, isolation, and fear.

  With her, I was more than a beast. I was finally her man.

  I touched her—gently, softly, caressing her curves without fear of hurting her. She purred with encouragement and leaned into my hands.

  She wanted more. I’d deliver. My hamstrings ached, but the heat of her pussy soothed everything in me. I thrust my hips up, burying my cock deeper inside of her. Faster. Harder. But not fierce. Not harsh. Not with anything to prove or any reason to punish her or myself.

  Piper shuddered, and her moan transformed into my name. I watched, enraptured, as her body tensed. She sat up higher only to slam against my cock and take me as deeply as she could.

  This woman would destroy me in pleasure.

  Her breasts bounced, her head fell back, and every bit of her was exposed to me.

  This wasn’t sex—it was so much more.

  It was passion. Understanding. A moment without anything to hide or apologies to make or fears conquering our lives. This was a moment of pure ecstasy and vulnerability and honesty.

  And I’d never had anything like it before. No intimacy. No trust.

  How had I lived for so long without this?

  Without her?

  The rush of heat clenched everything in me—legs, abs, balls. She arched and cried out for me, her body trembling, shaking, nearly breaking.

  And I came deep inside of her.

  I buried to the hilt and flooded her. It only made her come harder.

  I didn’t let her roll away. I gripped her, sitting up
and straining every muscle in my back, shoulder, and abs to hold her close to me.

  Her kiss stole my breath, but I’d never take another gasp of air if it meant I could savor her nibbled lips forever.

  She wove her hands through my hair and stared at me, still shuddering as my cock emptied more inside her.

  I didn’t know what to say. If I could even speak.

  I rolled her onto her back, resting at her side. Pulling from her body and losing that connection with her caused me more pain than any of my injuries during the game. I had to keep her close.

  Piper tensed, rolling to reach for her clothes and the baby monitor. I didn’t let her go, but I took her hand instead of grasping her wrist.

  “Stay,” I said, my voice hoarse. “Sleep here.”

  She bit her swollen lip, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. “Are you sure?”

  “Stay. Please.”

  She rested against the bed. Her fingers brushed my cheek as she kissed me.

  “Just say the word, Cole Hawthorne, and I’ll never leave.”


  Rose wasn’t in her crib.

  I tore through her blankets just in case. Nothing. Not a trace of her.

  Not even Mr. Bumpybottom.

  Just gone.

  I spun, crashing my foot into the crib. My toe immediately throbbed. Good. Now I wouldn’t have to waste time pinching myself to check if I was dreaming.

  This was a waking nightmare.

  I burst from her room and sprinted through the hall. I knew nothing good would come from me sleeping with Cole all week. His bed was on the other side of the mansion, so far from my baby.

  How the hell did she get out of her crib?

  I didn’t think she could haul herself over the bars. Sure, she watched Cole work out sometimes, but he wasn’t teaching her any techniques. No way did he teach her how to dead lift her own weight when she couldn’t figure out hide and seek.

  My stomach twisted.

  Maybe she hadn’t escaped.

  Was it possible something worse happened? The security system hadn’t gone off, but…

  Cole yelled from his den before I took the stairs head-first.

  “We’re down here.”


  I rushed to him, breathless and shaking.

  What the hell?

  Rose waved from the couch, her little fingers goopy and sticky with smooshed bananas. She used her other hand to toss Cheerios across the room.


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