Foreplay: Six Full-Length Standalone Novels from Six New York Times Bestsellers

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Foreplay: Six Full-Length Standalone Novels from Six New York Times Bestsellers Page 68

by Vi Keeland

  I make it back to the bed and I think I’ve succeeded at not waking him, when a large arm grabs me and I’m suddenly on my back beneath Nico. It’s a little unnerving the way he tosses me around like I’m light as a feather, but at the same time I find it incredibly sexy. “Good morning, beautiful.” Nico buries his head in my neck as he speaks. His words vibrate with heat on my neck and goose bumps break out all over my body.

  I can’t see his face, but I hear in his voice that he’s smiling. I smile back at him even though he can’t see me either. “Good morning.” I lift my chin, giving him better access to the spot he’s gently sucking and I feel his arousal on my leg. He’s hard and it’s not just the erection that men seem to wake up with.

  Nico shifts his hips and his body completely covers mine, I feel him positioned perfectly at my opening. But he pauses and pulls his head back to look at me. “Are you sore?”

  I actually am pretty sore. And not just my private area. My whole body feels a little beat up from the night before. But it’s a good feeling and I want more of him. I attempt to minimize my discomfort, knowing full disclosure might lead to him stopping. “Not really.”

  Nico drops his head and I hear a deep chuckle. “You know, for a lawyer, you’re a shit liar.”

  “Are you saying that lawyers are usually good liars?”

  Nico arches an eyebrow in amusement. “That’s what I’m saying.”

  “And how do you know that I’m lying? Maybe I’m not sore. Maybe you’re just too full of yourself thinking that you can make me sore that easily.”

  Both of Nico’s eyebrows shoot up in response to my comment. “Well for starters, I asked you a direct question and you responded not really. I seem to remember that’s what you say when you have an answer that I’m not going to like.”

  I squint my eyes and furrow my brows in an effort to look pissed off. But there’s no use. He’s absolutely right and I can’t pretend he’s not. I let out an exasperated, over exaggerated sigh and roll my eyes. “So maybe I’m a little sore.”

  Nico smirks, looking full of himself. I’m not sure if he’s full of himself for being right or for making me sore. Both would be my guess. But then something in his face changes and I watch his eyes darken before he begins to climb off of me. I reach for him as his body is half lifted off of mine. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m hungry. I was going to have some breakfast since you’re sore.”

  I begin to answer, ready to argue with him, when I realize what he’s doing. He isn’t lifting himself off of me, he’s lowering himself down my body. Nico is hungry and I can’t wait to be his meal.

  Chapter 21


  Elle walks into the kitchen wearing nothing but the button up shirt I was wearing last night and a satisfied smile. I feel like fucking Tarzan and it takes everything I have not to bang on my chest, knowing I put that satisfaction on her face. Again.

  She looks sexy as hell and I need back inside of her. Soon. I can’t remember the last time I made a woman breakfast. The last thirteen months I’ve treated women like stray cats. I’d pet em a bit, but if I fed them and they knew where I lived, I was afraid they’d come back. But Elle’s different. I want her to stay. I want to make her breakfast and then spend the day with her, maybe even spend some of the day outside of bed.

  She’s quiet and I hope she isn’t thinking of how to make her getaway. She tries to steal a piece of turkey bacon I’m making, and I swat her ass with the spatula. Hmm. I hope she stays, so we can play with the spatula more. I toss her up onto the island, her bare legs swing around reminding me of a little kid. She’s smart and sexy and cute and has no idea of it.

  “You have any plans for the day?” I’m venturing into uncharted territory here. It’s usually the other way around. They want to stay and I can’t wait to get rid of them.

  “Umm. None that I really want to do. I have some work to catch up on, but it’ll keep.“

  I take a piece of bacon over to her and feed it to her. She doesn’t attempt to take it from my hand. Instead she sits on the counter and bites off pieces. She smiles at me as she takes the last piece in her mouth, nipping my finger on purpose. The woman doesn’t have an ounce of fear of me, even knowing what I’m capable of.

  She lifts her eyebrow at me in challenge after her nip. “What do you normally do on Sundays?”

  “I usually wind up downstairs, even though I tell myself I’m not going to work.” I take another piece of bacon from the plate over to her and offer her one bite. As she chews I pull her ass almost off the counter so she is flush up against me. The height is perfect. I’m definitely taking her in the kitchen like this when she isn’t sore. I pretend to offer her another bite of bacon, and then pull it back, shoving the rest of the piece into my own mouth instead.

  She playfully pouts and shoves at me, but I don’t budge. “Preach and I also usually have dinner with Vinny Sunday night.”


  “He’s a local kid I train. Mom’s a fu…screw up and he was on his way to a bad place. Got in trouble for fighting at school all the time, so I’m working on giving him focus. He’s a good kid, but don’t ever tell him I said that.”

  “Your secret’s safe with me. I won’t let on that you’re really a good guy.”

  I wrap my arms around her waist. “You better not, I have a reputation to live up to, you know.” I plant one on her lips before finishing off our breakfast.

  Chapter 22


  “Oh my god, this is so good. What did you put in the eggs?”

  Nico laughs. “Can’t give away my secret. But I think you’re an easy audience with all the take out crap you eat.”

  After breakfast we share a shower. We stay in until we’re both pruney and the water runs cold. I could have spent hours sudsing up all the hard lines on Nico. He’s even more sexy in the full light of day. His broad square shoulders lead to his thick tattooed and rippled arms. His flat abdominal muscles feel as if they’re carved of stone and he has the most delicious v that points down to his impressive manhood. Truly a work of art.

  Nico tells me he wants to take me out for the day and I agree, although he won’t tell me where we are going. We pass through the gym on the way out and I’m surprised at how packed it is for a Sunday. A lot of shouted greetings are exchanged and Nico waves and keeps us moving. I hear a catcall or two as we make our way to the garage and I feel Nico’s grip tighten on my hip.

  He opens the door to the SUV for me and helps me in. “Sorry about that. Sunday is match day and it’s a testosterone fest. They come in pumped up to compete and their manners go out the window.”

  I smile. “It’s fine. Doesn’t bother me. I waitressed through college at a place that hosted private bachelor parties every weekend. I learned to smile and ignore real fast.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ll be kicking some asses when I get back, all the same.”


  We pull up at Navy Pier Park and Nico comes around to open my door. He helps me out of the SUV, but doesn’t release my hand. Together we walk with our fingers laced tightly from the parking garage toward the Ferris wheel. I’ve never been one for public displays of affection, but it feels good, oddly natural, not forced or contrite.

  There’s a fair going on, as there is most summer weekends down at the pier, and vendors are set up all over the park. We walk around for a little while and the way that Nico directs us, I feel like we have a destination to get to eventually. But I don’t ask. It’s so unlike me to go with the flow and let someone else take the lead.

  We come upon a bunch of tables set up, covered in Girl Scout cookies and dozens of girls in scout uniforms. A little girl is charging in our direction and for a minute I think she is running away from someone. Her face is so intent on where she is going. I can’t help but smile when I see her smile, her entire face lit up like a Christmas tree on Christmas morning as she yells, “Uncle Nico, you came!”

  Nico lifts her up and swings her i
nto the air as the little girl is about to crash into us. “Yeah squirt, I came. You asked me to, right?” He sets her back down on the ground and she grabs Nico’s hand and begins pulling him in the direction of the cookie table. Nico looks to me apologetically, and grabs my hand, pulling me with him. We’re a human train led by what looks to be a six or seven-year-old girl.

  “This is my Uncle Nico and he’s famous!” The little girl yells to her friends. A gang of little girls swarm Nico and it’s the first time I see the big tough guy look a little scared.

  A woman stands next to me and introduces herself as Katie, Sarah’s mom. She apologizes for her daughter’s excitement and tells me that Uncle Nico is very popular with his nieces and nephews. I’m listening to her talk, but I can’t tear my eyes from Nico as he interacts with the kids. He’s such a walking contradiction, everything that he doesn’t appear to be. Soft, gentle, sweet, and playful, nothing like the bad boy fighter who I first laid eyes on more than a year ago at a random fight that I had no business being at.

  As if he senses me watching him, Nico looks up at me and catches me watching him. He smiles at me and I smile back. When I finally tear my gaze from the man who has captured my attention like no other, I find Katie is staring at me smiling. “What?” For a second I think I must have missed something during my momentary lapse of consciousness.

  “Oh boy. You’re in trouble. I know that look he has. It’s the look of determination and the Hunter boys don’t stop till they get what they want.”

  I laugh off her comment, but the thought that I could be Nico Hunter’s prey makes my stomach do a little flip flop.

  Chapter 23


  “We’re all set. Five weeks from Saturday you take on Kravits. The Commissioner himself gave me his word that it’s a one win hurdle to the title bout. You kick Kravits’ ass and we’re back in the belt.” Preach always sets me up, knows what I want to take away from a fight.

  I nod and start swinging the jump rope.

  “They want some new pics for the promo by Wednesday. Their dime, their shoot. All we have to do is bring the girls you want in the shots with you for the eye candy.”

  I whip the rope faster, taking two turns with each jump. “No girls.”

  Preach looks at me like I have two heads. “Whatta you mean, no girls. You’re Nico the fucking Lady Killer. Your shots always have ladies.”

  I can hear the rope slicing through the air, each turn whistling as I increase the speed. “Yeah, well. Not this time.”

  Preach squints as if he’s trying to read words that are written across my forehead. “This have anything to do with the girl?”

  I don’t respond. It’s none of his business anyway.


  Preach ratcheted up the workout today and I’ll probably be sore as hell tomorrow, but right now I’m running on sheer adrenaline. I do an extra five mile run after he leaves, sprinting almost the entire time. I just can’t seem to tire myself out, I’ve felt this way for the last few days.

  I let the hot water work its way into my muscles, blasting the shower on the massage setting. My muscles don’t hurt yet, but I know they will when I come down. I’m restless and I can’t seem to relax. I give in to the mental debate I’ve been having since yesterday about not coming on too strong with Elle. I don’t want to scare her, but, fuck I want that woman. And more than in my bed. I send off a quick text, before I change my mind. I’m acting like such a pussy. Can’t get you out of my mind. What are you doing? I’ll throw the ball in her corner and see where things lead.

  I’m surprised when my phone chimes back quickly, indicating a new text has arrived. Me too. About to order dinner.

  What are you in the mood for? I deliver.


  I don’t respond to the text, but twenty minutes later I’m at Elle’s door.

  She opens it and smiles. “Where’s my dinner?”

  “I’m right here.”

  Chapter 24


  I barely shut the door when I find myself thrust up against it by six foot three inches of pure man. He’s all strength and power and there is no mistaking he wants me. Badly. Almost as much as I want him at this very moment.

  I can feel his thick erection as he pins me to the door with his hips. He’s hard as steel and it makes me crazy to have so much clothing between us. I reach down for his zipper and yank it down in one desperate motion. The sound reverberates loudly between us and Nico growls as I reach in to free him. I need to touch him. Now. Feel his warm thick cock in my hands. Freeing him from his boxers, I give him one quick pump from the base to the tip, squeezing firmly as I slide my way up.

  Nico tries to grab for my skirt, his actions as desperate as mine. But I catch him off guard and grab his hand to stop him. He stills. I know already he will stop to check that I’m okay, even in the throws of passion. I use the seconds that pass, as he gives me room to confirm I’m okay, to slide down the door that I’m cornered against and drop to my knees.

  I look up at him under hooded eyes. “You said you were bringing me dinner.”

  The wide tip of his smooth cock glides past my lips and I’m rewarded with a groan and small burst of pre-ejaculation on my tongue. I suck hard on his thick head and pump my fist up and down the length of him. Another throaty groan makes my clit swell and I drown out everything but the desire to hear the sound again. I need to hear it. Need to know what I can do to him. That I can bring him to the same place he has brought me before. The place I haven’t been able to stop thinking about for two full days.

  I feel Nico’s fingers thread into my hair, winding until his hands are tightly wrapped. I lick him from base to tip on the underside and then slowly repeat the action on the top. I can feel his eyes watching me. Even though I can’t see his face, I know he is laser focused on me. As I reach the tip, I swirl my tongue around, giving him a good show, letting him watch as my tongue worships his thickness.

  One last swirl and then I suck him in deeply, unexpectedly, taking him by surprise as I swallow him down my throat so far it’s difficult to breathe. His already thick cock swells and I have to adjust my breathing to my nose in order to continue. A few short bobs and he glides in and out more easily. My throat muscles relax, opening for more of him to slide down my wet throat. Nico hisses out a deep breath and his hands in my hair tighten almost to the point of pain, but not quite. Then it happens. His body tenses and he begins to unravel, his hands wrapped in my hair pull tightly, and he corners my head against the door as he begins to slide in and out of my mouth, pushing his cock deeper into my throat. He growls as he fucks my mouth and the sound of him losing control has me on the brink of my own orgasm.

  Nico’s hands suddenly release my head on a loud throaty groan and I feel him begin to slide out of me. “I’m going to come, Babe.” His voice is strained and I want to finish what I started. I need to finish. So I push forward as he begins to pull away and catch him back in my mouth just as he begins to spurt long streams of creamy hot semen. I swallow it down and greedily suck on his head, desperate to milk every last drop out of him.

  After he is emptied, his body gone lax, Nico pulls me to my feet and lifts me, cradling me as he carries me into my apartment. He gently kisses my forehead as he walks to the couch, and sits with me still cradled tightly in his arms. “That was incredible.” He kisses the top of my head and speaks gently. “Thank you.”

  I snuggle into his chest and look up at him. “I don’t think it’s proper etiquette to thank someone after oral sex.” I’m coy in my response.

  “I’m not much for etiquette, Babe. I say what I feel and I feel thankful. And not just about the blowjob.”


  A few hours later we lie in my bed, spent. Nico twists a lose strand of my hair around his finger as we talk. I’ve always been a sleep after sex person, preferring to avoid the lingering intimacy that comes after two people share their bodies. But it’s different with Nico, I like the quiet time getting to know ea
ch other almost as much as the physical time. Both settle me, leave me feeling replete.

  “I set a date for a fight.”

  Mindlessly, I trace the beautifully woven ink patterns on his thick chest, following the circular design lightly with my nail. “It’s your first fight since...” My voice drops off, I don’t know how to finish the sentence.

  “Yeah.” Nico’s voice is low and contemplative, but it doesn’t sound like I’ve upset him with my thoughtless question.

  “How long’s it been?”

  “Too long.” He pauses. “Since May 1st last year, a little over 13 months.”

  His answer tells me the day is etched in his mind. I bet he can recite the number of days and hours and seconds since it happened. It’s always there, in the back of your mind, even when you aren’t thinking about it. It never goes away. I should know.

  “What made you decide it was time?”

  A long moment passes as Nico contemplates his answer. “I don’t really know…I’m just ready to move on.” His arm pulls me closer and he kisses the top of my head. The gesture is so small, yet so big.

  Chapter 25


  “Good morning, Regina.” I hand my friend a tall caramel latte as I walk in even later than my usual late.

  “Looks like you had a good night.” Regina raises one eyebrow with a knowing smirk.

  I look down at myself, wondering if something is out of place. Is my shirt on backwards? How could she know? “Are you joking? Is it that obvious?”

  “Well you don’t usually speak in singsong.” She winks at me as I walk around her desk and lean against her file cabinet.

  “Nico came over last night.” I sigh, thinking back to the sight of him in my kitchen making me breakfast this morning wearing nothing but sweats that hung low on his waist in a sinfully delicious place.


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