Foreplay: Six Full-Length Standalone Novels from Six New York Times Bestsellers

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Foreplay: Six Full-Length Standalone Novels from Six New York Times Bestsellers Page 135

by Vi Keeland

  “We’re not talking about Sophie”—I look over my shoulder—“ever.”

  “Jesus, it never takes you guys long to get pussy-whipped, does it?” He chuckles, sitting down across from me.

  A stewardess in a small blue dress walks up the aisle towards us. Her eyes light up when she looks at me, and I shake my head. Chicks are all the fucking same. They all talk about how men only want one thing from them, but they are constantly throwing themselves at me, yet I never hit on them first. They want the bad-boy experience. Before Sophie, I would have been happy to take this chick into the bathroom to see what she could do with that mouth of hers—hell, I might have pulled out my cock and let her take me right here—but now, the thought of her anywhere near my junk has my shit shriveling up.

  “Hello. Welcome aboard. Can I get you anything?”

  “No, thanks,” I tell her dismissively.

  “Nothing to drink or eat?”

  “No, thanks,” I repeat.

  “Are you sure you don’t need anything?” she asks seductively leaning forward and giving me a shot of her breast.

  My jaw clenches when I see the smile on Sven’s face. I can’t wait for him to find a woman. I hope when he finds someone that she puts him though hell.

  “I don’t need anything,” I repeat, making each word clear.

  “We’re good, Stacy. Tell the pilot we’re ready to go,” Sven says, fixing his suit jacket.

  She nods and walks to the front of the plane behind a small curtain.

  “You’re really gonna to pass up Stacy? She used to work for the circus,” he says, and I shake my head, not even bothering to entertain him with that conversation.

  “Tell me about what’s going on with the club and why you need my help when you have bodyguards and people you pay to deal with this kind of shit,” I say, leaning back in my seat.

  “I don’t trust anyone right now, especially those I have to pay. I don’t know if someone’s paying them more than I am,” he answers, squeezing the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

  “You’ve never trusted anyone,” I remind him.

  “You’re right, but you forget I have a good reason. My mother—the one person my dad should have been able to trust—tried to kill him, and then she was going to do the same thing to me.”

  “Your mother was also crazy.” I shake my head.

  When we were young and Sven and his family moved into the area my parents still live in, his mom would make it her daily mission to come to the school and cause a scene. She was constantly accusing her husband and son of trying to kill her or being possessed by the devil; it was always some kind of drama. My father was repeatedly called to their home to settle some kind of domestic dispute. Then one night, Sven’s mom went completely over the edge and stabbed Sven’s dad six times in his sleep. He was half dead when Sven, who was ten at the time, heard what was happening, hid, and called 911. His dad was in the hospital for six months, and during that time, Sven lived with us. He became one of our brothers.

  “You’re right,” he repeats, rubbing his forehead.

  “Dude, what’s really going on?” I ask, seeing the stress evident on his face.

  “Someone’s bringing drugs into my club. Not only are they dealing, but on seven different occasions, women have been roofied. I don’t want or need that shit in my place of business. The guy I had asking questions ended up dead on my doorstep with a note telling me that they knew he was working for me.” He looks out the window before his eyes come back to me. “Now you—no one knows you, and you sure as fuck look like you could hang with the guys who are dealing in the area. I need you to talk to them and find out who’s behind this.”

  “I’m going to ignore the fact you just said I looked like a drug dealer.” I narrow my eyes on him.

  “Bro,” he laughs, “you and I both know you look like you belong on the other side of the law.” He shakes his head, looking me over. “That’s why—I have to say—I was surprised to see your girlfriend. She couldn’t be more opposite of you if she tried. Does she even have her ears pierced?” he questions with a smile.

  “I’m not going to tell you again. You don’t need to know anything about Sophie.”

  “You gonna marry her?”

  “Yes,” I state immediately.

  “Jesus, you’ve known her for what—a day?”

  “A few months, but I knew the moment I saw her,” I tell him, watching his eyes widen.

  “Why am I just learning about her then?”

  “First, there is not one damn reason for you to know about her. Second, I know you bitches love to sit around and gossip like a bunch of women in a knitting club, but unlike you fuckers, my business is my business.”

  “Does Mom know her?” He smirks, and he knows she doesn’t.

  If my mom knew about Sophie, the phone chain would have been activated, and everyone and their mothers would know about her. That’s why she will meet Sophie as soon as I get back into town; it would be fucked up to introduce Sophie to my mom after I’ve already married her and knocked her up.

  “She’ll be meeting her soon enough.” I shrug.

  “You are so fucked.” He laughs, and I couldn’t agree more.

  Ma is going to be pissed that she is just finding out about her. I send Sophie a quick text telling her we’re getting ready to take off in a few minutes and will call her when I land. She sends back a text telling me to be careful, with a small heart and some X’s and O’s.

  I know she loves me; I have been waiting for her to figure it out. I have never been known for my patience, but with her, I want her to have time to accept things. Okay, that’s a fucking lie; as soon as possible, I’m planting my kid in her whether she’s ready or not. Shit, she could be pregnant now for all we know. I can see her behind my closed eyelids, holding our son or daughter and smiling down at them.

  “What’s that smile?” Sven asks.

  I don’t even open my eyes to reply. “Someday, dude, you’ll understand,” I tell him before zoning out and falling asleep.


  “So your telling me that one of the biggest pimps in Vegas has been filtering drugs through my club…in hopes of recruiting new girls?” Sven asks, running his hands through his hair.

  I have been in Vegas for over a week now. I didn’t think it would take as long as it did to find out what was going on, but I hadn’t realized how big this was. I thought for sure this was just some local drug dealer trying to sell his product in the perfect location.

  “That’s what I’m telling you. I also talked to local drug enforcement officers, and they said this has been happening all over Vegas.”

  “What do I do?”

  “There is not really much you can do. There’s no way to know who is bringing it in. Unless you hire some extra security and tighten that up, there isn’t anything you can do at this point. People are always going to find a way to buy drugs, even if they do it outside the club. All I can tell you to do is keep an eye out and make sure the women who come into the club know what’s going on.”

  “It’s not like I can put up a poster saying ‘You may be roofied. Drink at your own risk.’”

  “That’s not what I’m saying, fucker. You can have a guy you trust at the door giving wristbands letting people know not to leave their drinks unattended. Until the DEA has enough to build a case against the main guy behind this, there just isn’t much you can do unless you want to close down your club.”

  “I’m not letting those fucks run me out of my own club,” he growls.

  “So, you know what you need to do,” I tell him, sitting back in my chair.

  “You sure you can’t stay for a few more days?” he asks, sitting down behind his desk.

  “Nah, man.” I run a hand over my head and down my face, “Sophie has been on edge ever since someone tried to break into her house. She tries to hide it, but I know it bothers her.”

  “Why don’t you just say you’re pussy-whipped and want to go home to your
girl?” he goads.

  “When you find someone, you’ll understand. Until then, fuck off.”

  “Why would I want to settle down when I have endless pussy at my disposal?” He shakes his head.

  “You say that now.”

  “Just like you say you’re ready to settle down with one woman for the rest of your life.” He lifts an eyebrow.

  “No, man. You think you will be happy banging some random chick every day for the rest of your life, but I can tell you now—eventually, that shit will get old. You’ll start thinking about starting a family and having someone to go home to, someone who isn’t after what you can do for them, but what they can do for you.”

  “You start working for Hallmark?” he asks with a smirk.

  “Say what you want, man, but I know when I get home, Sophie will be waiting for me with open arms.”

  “When I get home, the hot blonde I met today will be waiting for me with open legs,” he remarks.

  “You’re lying to yourself if you think that kind of life will satisfy you forever.”

  “Whatever, man,” Sven grumbles, but I can see it in his eyes that he knows I’m right, even if he doesn’t want to admit it to himself. “You know you’re a brother to me. Thanks for coming out here on such short notice to help me out.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair.

  “I’ve always got your back,” I tell him, meaning that shit. Sven is family, even if it isn’t by blood.

  “All right, before you start getting all sappy and shit, let me call and have the plane readied to take you home.”

  “That would be appreciated.” I smile, ready to get home to my girl. After I make it onto the plane, I send a quick text to Sophie, letting her know I’ll be home soon.

  The cab pulls up in front of my house a little after seven that night. I start to make my way up the sidewalk when the front door is thrown open and Sophie—wearing a pair of sweats, a tank top, and her hair down, lying against the tops of her breast—runs to me at full speed. I drop my bag to the ground as she crashes into me so hard I’m forced to take a step back to catch her without toppling backwards. She wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. Her mouth crashes down on mine as one of my hands goes to her ass and the other to her hair so I can control the kiss. I pull her head to the side, opening my mouth under hers, her taste exploding in my mouth as soon as her tongue touches mine. Both of her hands move to hold on to my face as she kisses me back.

  “I missed you,” she breathes, pulling her mouth from mine to look down at me.

  “Missed you too, baby,” I tell her, pushing her hair out of her face. That’s when I see the bags and dark circles under her eyes and know that she hasn’t been sleeping. “Why didn’t you tell me you haven’t been sleeping?”

  “I…I didn’t want you to worry,” she says, looking over my shoulder.

  “Baby, even when I know you’re okay, I worry about you.” I pull her face back down for another kiss. When I pull my mouth from hers, I whisper against her lips, “You should have told me you needed me.” I crouch down and pick up my bag.

  “Let me down,” she says, trying to unwrap her legs from around my waist.

  “No,” I growl as I squeeze her ass, pulling her tighter against me. “I’m not letting you down until I get you to bed, and then I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t have a choice but to fall asleep afterwards,” I say. Her hips shift, rubbing against my erection. I can feel the heat coming off her pussy through my jeans and her sweats. “Are you wet for me?” I ask, dropping my bag just inside the front door. Daisy starts jumping around at our feet. I’ll come back out and give her some attention, but only after I’ve gotten inside my girl and put her to sleep.

  Sophie moans, her tongue licking up my neck to my ear before biting down. I stumble slightly before running us into the wall, holding her up with my hips.

  “Fuck, baby,” I groan, my hands ripping the front of her top down the middle, baring her tits to me. My head drops forward, pulling one nipple into my mouth while pulling and pinching the other between two fingers. I hear her head fall back against the wall with a soft thunk as her hips roll into me. “You wet now?” I ask, looking up at her.

  She nods, and I shake my head.

  “I don’t think you’re wet enough. I want you drenched when I eat you.” I press into her harder; hearing her soft moan is music to my ears. “You want me to eat your pussy?” She shakes her head. “You don’t?” I ask, surprised.

  “No, I want you.” She bites her bottom lip, shifting her hips against me.

  “You’re gonna get me, but I haven’t had your taste on my tongue for a week. I need it, so you’re gonna be a good girl and lay back and let me eat your hot little pussy until I’m full, and then I’ll give you the dick,” I promise.

  She moans again as I pull her away from the wall, walking into my bedroom. Laying her on the bed, I look down at her for a second before pulling my shirt over my head and tossing it behind me, toeing off my boots and pulling off my jeans and boxers in record time. She watches my every move with her beautiful eyes clouding with lust, her lower lip caught between her teeth, and her thighs rubbing together.

  Once naked, I go to the bed, and my hands go under her ass to pull her sweats off, along with her panties. Her eyes roam over me; I can feel them burning into my skin. I toss her clothes over my shoulder before my hands go to her thighs to spread them wide. My mouth lands right on her center, licking deep the first time. I missed her taste; I could never get enough of it.

  I bury my face in her pussy, placing one hand on her stomach to hold her down when her hips try to buck me off. “Come in my mouth, baby. I want to taste it,” I tell her before going back to licking and biting. I know she’s on the edge by the way she’s thrashing around on the bed.

  I suck her clit into my mouth as I enter her with two fingers, scissoring them inside her. She comes on a scream, her taste flooding my mouth, her body convulsing around my fingers. I lay my forehead against her stomach, trying to calm down enough so that I won’t hurt her when I take her. I feel her body stop shaking as her hand goes to my hair, running through it softly.


  “Just a second, baby.” I take a breath; I can feel my cock throbbing. Having her taste in my mouth is not helping to calm me. It’s been too long.

  “Are you okay?” she asks softly.

  My eyes meet hers, and I take another deep breath before moving up her body. Her legs open wider, making room for me. I run my hand up the smooth skin of her thigh as the other cups behind her neck to bring her closer.

  “Fine, I just need to be inside you.” My mouth opens over hers as I slide in deep. Her tight, warm heat has me pulling my mouth from hers to grit my teeth. “Fuck, your pussy is too fucking hot.” I swivel my hips, keeping our bodies as close as possible. Her legs wrap around me, her hands going to my hair, holding me close.

  “Nico,” she whimpers, her legs pulling me closer.

  “I’m here, baby.” I hold her tighter, sinking into her, pulling out slightly, and sliding back in. I keep my strokes even, pressing into her fully and grinding my pelvis against her clit.

  We’re both breathing heavily, our breaths mixing between kisses. I can feel her heart beating rapidly against my chest. A thin sheen of sweat has started to slicken our skin. Her hands roam over me, her nails digging into my skin on each thrust. I can feel her getting closer as her hips tip, making me slide deeper. I know I’m close when I start to feel that deep tingle and my toes start to curl.

  “I’m going to—”

  “I know,” I say, cutting her off, thrusting my tongue into her mouth as her pussy squeezes my cock. I bury myself balls-deep inside her, letting her orgasm pull me over with her. I hold her close as I roll, pulling her on top of me. “You okay?” I ask once my breathing returns to normal.

  “Yeah,” she whispers, cuddling closer. “I hated that you were gone, but hated it even more when you had to stay gone longer. I was reall
y worried about you,” she confesses softly. I can feel her tracing one of the tattoos along my ribs.

  “I hated being away from you too. You know that, right?” I tip my head down to look at her.

  “Yes.” She nods, her eyes meeting mine, “I’m just glad you came home,” she says, and my heart squeezes at the word home. She is my home now.

  “I will always come home to you. I won’t lie and tell you what I do isn’t dangerous sometimes, but I’m always careful, and now, with you, I have a whole new reason to stay safe.”

  “Did you take care of whatever it was you were doing in Vegas?” she asks, and I feel my muscles tighten at her question; I’m not used to sharing things about my job with anyone but Kenton.

  “I did as much as I could. Hopefully it won’t take long for the police to get the situation figured out.”

  “What does that mean?” she asks, and I let out a long breath, wondering how much I should say. “You can tell me,” she encourages.

  “There are bad people in the world. You know that, Sophie. I just don’t want you to know how bad some of them are, and I really don’t want to talk to you about this right after I just got home and I’m still inside you in our bed. We should make a pact now to never talk about work stuff while we’re in bed.”

  “Fine.” She sighs before lifting her head and putting her chin on her hand. “You know how you want me to talk to you?”

  “This is different. You and I both know it is.” I run my fingers through her hair. “There are going to be times I can’t or won’t tell you about my job.”

  “Why?” she asks, shifting, making me groan and my dick jump.

  “There are things I will always shield you from, and my work is one of them.”

  “Don’t you think it’s better for me to know?”

  “No, I don’t. If it’s something you need to know, I will tell you. Otherwise, you’re just going to have to trust me.”

  “Okay, but if something happens to you, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  I smile and flip her to her back, making her scream out in surprise. “How are you going to kick my ass when you can’t even get out of this position?” I ask, bending down to pull one of her nipples into my mouth.


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