The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 3

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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 3 Page 19

by Heather Rainier

  Kendall released her toes and kissed his way up her arch and over her instep as he pressed her bent leg back against her abdomen. She relaxed under their caresses and sighed happily as he cupped her ass cheek and watched Boone feast on her pussy.

  “You’re so good to me,” Maya whispered as Boone stroked her pussy and gently lifted the slight hood on her clit to suckle the delicate nub it covered. She struggled to hold still for his attention and felt a whirlwind of heat surround her as her orgasm burst inside her, centering under his lips. Her cunt clenched and released rhythmically on his teasing fingertip, and her voice was lost somewhere between a pant and a groan as the orgasm ripped through her like a fireball.

  Boone kept it going, suckling relentlessly on her clit until she screamed for him with a second fiery eruption. He finally let her come down from it, and her arms fell limp to the bed beside her head.

  Lifting her ankles until her heels were resting on his shoulders, Boone thrust his sheathed cock home with one smooth stroke. With her legs up, he was able to go deep inside her and she felt every hard, throbbing inch of him as he thrust repeatedly.

  In a gravelly, intense voice he said, “I love watching you take my cock, baby. Love seeing your little pussy pressed open and wet for my fucking pleasure.” Boone emphasized his words by stroking her pussy and her clit. She was almost jealous she couldn’t see what he was gazing down at with such satisfaction. “Fuck. That is beautiful. Wet, pink, and beautiful.”

  Boone fucked her into another glorious orgasm as Richard and Kendall watched at her sides, stroking her and whispering naughty things in her ears but never interfering with Boone’s access. By the time they finished loving her that night she’d come three more times and then they stroked her all over with their callused hands until she practically purred.

  * * * *

  Boone said his good-byes to Maya, along with Richard, in bed the next morning. They had to be at the Rockin’ C Ranch earlier than normal and had not wanted her to get up just for that. They’d slipped quietly from the bed, leaving Maya curled up to Kendall. After showers they’d both come back into the bedroom fully dressed.

  Boone was once again grateful Maya preferred sleeping in the nude. She’d pushed the sheets down during the night, so her back side was exposed all the way down to the midpoint of the cleft of her ass. She was partially on her side with one knee raised, her arms curled under her. Her long, wavy blonde hair was strewn all around her shoulders, and he bent to press his nose to its fragrant disarray. As always, her scent stirred his cock to life. He thought he must be a masochist to do that but couldn’t resist her. Richard slid a single fingertip down the delicate curve of her spine, and she shivered slightly before drawing her arms up tighter.

  Richard smiled faintly at him, and Boone saw satisfaction in his brother’s eyes like never before. Maya put her heart, her soul, her everything into the love she showed her men.

  Boone pressed a kiss against her shoulder and watched as she turned her face toward him, and her eyelashes flickered a little. Gradually she opened her eyes and smiled at them. Boone thought a momentary sadness registered in them, and she murmured in a sleepy, husky voice, “I’m going to miss you.”

  She rolled over and stretched with a luxuriant yawn, and Boone’s cock went on full alert at the sexy sound. Glancing at Richard, Boone thought he might’ve felt the same way. She crawled on her knees to the end of the bed and let them envelop her in their arms one at a time. Her flesh was warm and tender under his rough hands, and he very much wanted to climb back into the bed with her. Boone kissed her and memorized the feel of her soft lips smooching his to replay later when they were on the road.

  Yeah, definitely a masochist.

  “Did you eat?” Maya asked as Richard released her after she hugged and kissed him, too.

  “Yes. We’ve got to go now. You should go back to sleep. It’s at least an hour before Kendall has to be up.”

  “Please be careful.”

  It was difficult for Boone to release her and walk away. He turned to her at the bedroom door as she knelt on the bed with the sheet twisted around her hips. Her hair was mussed and her lush breasts and curvy ass were in perfect profile. He knew he’d remember that moment for a lifetime.

  “I love you, Maya.”

  Richard echoed the sentiment.

  “I love you, too. Be safe.” Her winsome smile made Boone’s heart feel like it would burst from his chest.

  With great impatience for the trip to already be over, Boone smiled at her one last time and turned to walk down the hall. His boots felt like they were full of lead.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Richard grinned at Boone as they followed Chance and Clayton into the parking lot of the Oasis Café. Richard had noticed as they drove west on Interstate Ten that the closer they got to Fort Stockton the heavier Chance’s foot got on the gas pedal in front of them.

  Boone chuckled. “Someone’s in the mood for a greasy cheeseburger. Is this the place you were telling me about?”

  “Yep. Food’s not too bad, if you order something they have on hand.”

  They parked in the trailer parking area, climbed from the big pickup, and followed Chance and Clayton Carlisle, Gil James, and Jonah Kirby to the front door of the café. The café was bustling as they walked through the vestibule into the small building. Richard watched Chance as he looked around the establishment. When Chance smiled and seemed to relax a bit, Richard figured he’d found the one he was looking for.

  The pretty brunette waitress, who looked to be in her late twenties, appeared, clad in a drab tan waitress uniform. She gave them all a friendly smile, but her dark brown eyes lit up when she noticed Chance.

  “Hello, again. How are you?” she asked as she led them to a table and placed the menus in front of them. She seemed surprised when Clayton took off his cowboy hat and smiled up at her as she handed him his menu.

  Clayton glanced at her nametag and said, “We’re fine, Lydia. How are you today?”

  Lydia grinned and said, “Great! What can I get you gentlemen to drink?”

  They placed their orders and Richard stifled his amusement when Chance made no secret of watching the shapely waitress walk away. Clayton rolled his eyes at his brother and made small talk with the other men.

  When she returned moments later with a laden tray she said, “You two are as identical as you can be.”

  Chance spoke up. “Yes, ma’am. This is my twin brother, Clayton. It was me and Richard here that you waited on a few weeks ago. I’m surprised you remembered us. It’s been a while.”

  “Only a few weeks. I always remember a friendly face.” She glanced out the front window where the trucks and cattle trailers were all lined up. “Hauling cattle again?”

  “Yeah,” Chance responded with a nod. “Making a run into Colorado.”

  She talked with them of mundane things for a minute before she was interrupted.


  She turned her head and looked back at the window behind the counter. She nodded and waved. Turning back to them, she smiled and blushed in embarrassment. “I think my boss is a little hard of hearing. He doesn’t mean to be so loud. What can I get you gentlemen?”

  The excuse was made kindly, but Richard wasn’t completely convinced her boss’s rudeness was so benign. It sounded like the same man who had yelled at her the last time they’d been by.

  Today, she didn’t seem quite so stressed out, though they were just as busy as last time. Once again, there were only two waitresses working the entire diner. She was wearing better shoes and seemed more comfortable doing her job than last time, as well.


  Lydia repeated their orders back to them with efficient accuracy, took their menus, and excused herself. She hurried to the window and placed their order.

  Richard noticed both Chance and Clayton followed her every move with their eyes. He glanced at Boone and caught his arched eyebrow, but he gave no other hint he noticed the inter
est both their bosses were showing in the waitress.

  Their food took a while, but when she served them, it was fresh and hot. Chance tried to draw her into conversation, and she answered his questions and made small talk with them as she tidied the tables nearby. She kept glancing at the kitchen window, and Richard realized her boss was watching her every move from the kitchen. He was an older gray-haired man with a perpetual frown on his face.

  “Lydia, are you from around here?” Clayton asked as she stood between him and Chance at the head of the table.

  Lydia shook her head with a wry smile. “No, I’m from San Angelo. I came here for a job that fell through—”


  She sighed, but the smile never left her eyes as she murmured, “Pardon me, boys, while I go see about changing my name.”

  Chance chuckled but cast a hard glance at the kitchen window. “Now don’t go doing that. I like Lydia.”

  Richard suppressed his chuckle at Chance’s flirtatious tone. Chance was always serious, while Clayton was usually the one flirting with the ladies.

  Lydia smiled and shrugged, saying, “No? Roberta? Ophelia? Maybe Bernardine?”

  She snickered as Chance cringed and said, “All nice names, but a lovely name like Lydia suits you.”

  Richard nearly spewed his Coke when he caught Boone making a gagging face.

  Lydia blushed and gestured a thumb at the window and said, “Duty calls, gentlemen. I’ll check on you in a few minutes.”

  * * * *

  Kendall wearily climbed from the pickup after parking in front of the ranch house. His day had been long, hot, and tiring. He wanted nothing more than an ice-cold beer, his boots off, and a full belly. His pity party was interrupted by a muffled, thumping sound. A rhythmic sound, like drums. He looked to the house and realized it came from within its walls.

  Careful to make no noise on the porch, Kendall climbed the steps and peeked in the front picture window.

  Hot, holy, fucking hell.

  Kendall’s empty belly, aching feet, and tired body were all forgotten. The throb in the thumb he’d smashed with his hammer that afternoon was a distant memory compared to the throb in his rapidly engorging dick as he watched Maya doing housework. They’d asked her not to bother, but there she was, duster in hand, dressed in her snug little stretchy pants and tank top.

  He loved the way those pants clung to her curves as she gyrated her glorious, heart-shaped ass to the beat of the music blaring at eardrum-piercing volume inside the house. He grinned, remembering Maya liked her music really loud. She picked up a knickknack and flicked the duster over it before wiping the shelf and replacing the object.

  Perfectly balanced on the balls of her bare, dainty feet, she held on to the shelf and shimmied down low to the beat of “Follow You Home,” by Nickelback, then rolled her ass on the way back up like an exotic dancer would. He made a mental note to ask her to perform that maneuver for him again later that night, like right in his face, up close.

  She must’ve made good on her desire to take striptease and pole-dancing lessons at the recreation center in San Marcos. That had been another one of those “go-to guy” moments. It looked like some of those times were going to be of direct benefit to him now.

  Stepping back from the window, he reached for the doorknob and turned it. The music blasted through the house, and she must’ve had her eyes closed because she didn’t acknowledge him. Careful not to startle her, he leaned back against the door after closing it and enjoyed his homecoming.

  A heavenly aroma permeated the air with the scent of simmering Mexican spices, and two places were set at the dining table with candles. Maya flicked her long hair back, and it flew around her shoulders in shimmering blonde waves as her arms rose above her head in graceful arcs, the duster still held in her fingertips.

  His cock twitched eagerly as she swung her ass and gyrated her hips. The heavy beat of the guitar and drums pounded out the rhythm she danced to, and every drop of blood in him surged at the sight she presented. He groaned softly when she dropped the duster on a shelf and slid her hands down her torso and over her hips to her ass cheeks before running her fingers through her hair.

  He loved the view from the back, and as if sensing his wish she turned on the balls of her feet and gifted him with the view from her front as she tilted her head back and cupped those beautiful, round breasts in her hands. Her eyes were closed, her lips were parted, and she was utterly enjoying herself.

  He almost dreaded the moment when she realized she was no longer alone, because it was obvious she was lost in the music. The song came to its sudden, resounding end, and her eyes flashed open. Her breath caught in her throat, and she smiled as she launched herself at him in complete, unembarrassed abandon.

  He caught her and chuckled as she wrapped her arms and legs around him and rained panting kisses on his face.

  “Welcome home, honey,” she said with a breathless giggle.

  “I’ll say.”

  “I have something for you to eat,” she murmured with a lopsided grin.

  Kendall looked into her twinkling blue eyes and knew she was not referring to supper.

  It was amazing how quickly a man could forget bone-weary tiredness when properly motivated.

  * * * *

  The sun was setting as Boone and Richard climbed back into the truck after their last gas stop of the day in Santa Fe. They were stopping for the night there and planned to arrive in Alamosa midmorning the next day.

  Richard would’ve preferred driving through the night so they could be home that much sooner, but Chance and Clayton wanted to pace the trip and not stress the breeding stock in the trailers too much. They wanted them all to arrive in good condition.

  They might also be pacing the trip so it would be convenient to stop at the Oasis Café on the trip back, around a meal time again. Richard chuckled to himself thinking of the goofy grin Chance had worn on his face as he’d told a joke on their way out the café’s door and Lydia had laughed and blushingly smacked him on the shoulder with a menu.

  They were not hauling the trailers or any livestock back to the Rockin’ C Ranch on the return trip, so their help was not needed. The Carlisle brothers had told them they could head on home from Alamosa.

  As far as Richard knew, Chance and Clayton had been bachelors all their lives. Anyone would have to be an idiot not to see the attraction between Chance and the lovely, if overworked, waitress, Lydia. Clayton had been more reserved, but Richard suspected he might be interested in Lydia as well. Prior to living in Divine he would’ve thought that was a recipe for disaster. Now he was just curious to see how things turned out.

  Boone started the dually’s engine and asked, “Did you want to make a stop in Ruidoso on the way back?”

  Richard did a mental lockdown, waiting for the pain in his chest at the reminder.

  “Sorry, man. I thought you’d want to stop since we did last time we made this run together.”

  “It’s all right. Yeah, I think I should.” Richard looked out the side window at the scenery passing in the fading light. Michelle was buried in Ruidoso.

  * * * *

  “I think I enjoy being a vanilla kind of guy,” Kendall murmured as he watched the spoon pass between Maya’s lips when she took a bite of his ice cream.

  He scooped up another small bite and pressed the utensil to her bare breast and watched as the ice cream dribbled down her satiny flesh, dividing into rivulets around her nipple before he caught the melted dessert with the tip of his tongue.

  “I like the tasty bits they add to ice cream, but in this instance—”

  “I’m much happier nibbling on your tasty bits,” Kendall finished for her before taking her turgid, pink areola in his mouth. Maya panted and squirmed on his lap, where he held her securely.

  After greeting him with breathless kisses at the door, following her wildly erotic display, she’d insisted he sit down and actually eat his supper. After the chicken mole enchiladas and salad
were a delicious memory, Maya had served a bowl of ice cream, gotten a spoon to eat it with, and crooked a finger at him. Dirty dishes forgotten, Kendall had followed her to the back door. She’d removed something from her pocket and laid it on the table beside the glider on the back porch. The sun was setting behind her as she led him to sit on the glider and he’d watched with growing lust as she lifted her top over her head.

  Kendall’s cock had responded the way it did any time he was around Maya, which was with surging attentiveness. She’d glanced at his groin and smiled as she’d slipped her snug stretchy pants down her hips. His hands had itched to reach for her smooth curves and draw her to him, but he’d restrained himself, wondering how far she’d go.

  Glancing around at the fence line to make sure they were truly alone, he’d been grateful to whoever had planted the thick, tall shrubs in the yard. He would never have allowed her to disrobe on the back porch like this if there were a chance one of the ranch hands might see her.

  Eyes back on her, Kendall had watched with appreciation as Maya had unclasped her sexy lace bra and dropped it in the small pile with the rest of the clothing. All that was left was the transparent, lace G-string that had covered her mound.

  Unable to resist, Kendall had slid his fingers under the elastic band at her hips and had drawn it down her thighs himself, revealing her damp, bare pussy to his hungry gaze. He’d planted a kiss on her abdomen and had looked up at her, feeling nothing but adoration for her.

  Carefully, she’d climbed into his lap and handed him the bowl of ice cream as if she expected him to eat it.

  “Your dessert is ready,” she’d murmured with a sexy sigh as she’d squirmed in his lap and had gotten comfortable.

  He’d been able to tell by the heat in her blue eyes that she’d found her exposed, spread position very titillating. He’d kissed her collarbone and enjoyed the scent of her wet pussy as he’d taken a bite of ice cream.


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