Hostile Work Environment: A Dirty Billionaire Boss Romance

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Hostile Work Environment: A Dirty Billionaire Boss Romance Page 28

by Dark Angel

  After everything that’s happened, I still somehow feel trapped. The freedom that I had when I was being shown to the potential buyers? It's completely gone. I almost want to throw a fit about this. I want to be able to find my way out of this mess in my mind.


  First they share me, and then they show me off.

  Damien wouldn’t make eye contact with me all day, and he shuffled me off toward a room full of young women my age, all being made up and led off in a line. I get made up with the most glamorous makeup that I have ever seen in my life. I'm shocked by the sight of my own face. I barely recognize myself, not because I look so different but because it's like I look more like me than I ever have in my whole life. I’m shimmering, dewy, vibrant.

  On the outside, I look stunning.

  On the inside, I feel like I'm being hollowed out into nothing.

  Damien is going to sell me.

  At least Trevor may buy me.

  At least they may share me again.

  I find actual comfort in that as I’m strapped naked to a block in front of so many people. This is all so barbaric, but I can still those thoughts and feel hopeful.

  Until the auction begins and Trevor is nowhere to be seen.

  Damien still won’t look at me, but he looks worried. I don’t know what this means, but every second that comes closer to me being sold, I lose my soul. Everything I have blocked out around me invades my mind and I'm hearing the comments of those bidding. Hearing the bids on other girls.

  This is happening to me. I'm no longer foolish enough to think that Damien cared about me, that Trevor did. They took me, used me, and now they are selling me off at an auction of virgins, something I’m not anymore. I relished everything that happened between the three of us, until now. Now I feel so stupid. It isn’t my fault that I got taken. It's my fault that I let myself trust either of them. How could I be so stupid? Trying not to shake, I feel my whole body start to get too heavy and I feel dizzy. I can’t believe this is happening and I want to scream. I can’t handle this. I can’t do this.

  Someone is going to buy me. I'm going to be owned.

  There are two people I want to belong to.

  One of those people is selling me.

  The other is nowhere to be found.

  I won’t cry. I don’t want to cry. I remember Damien’s warnings from when he showed me off and taught me to be obedient. I'm sickened knowing I’ll have to somehow sublimate the desires I let grow for Damien, and then Trevor, into not resisting the buyer. I can’t do that. I feel weak now. But I know that I will be strong. I don’t care how long it takes. I will be a silent foe, planning my escape.

  But why do I want to escape and crawl back to Damien? Am I too stupid to let it sink in that he doesn’t want me? Sharing me with Trevor? It was all a test. He told me that when he said he was training me. That’s why they fucked me and didn’t give me any straight answers about anything. I can’t take this. I need to be able to breathe, and I just want out of here. I'm trying to block out the sounds around me.

  I can’t explain it, but I have the feeling that I should look at Damien. It is like something is shifting in the air. I look at him and I see a crazed look in his eyes. I don’t know what’s happening, but I feel like it's connected to Trevor not showing up. Every cell in my body is telling me to forget all my doubts. I want to trust Damien. It doesn’t matter if all the reasoning I had before made sense, the only thing that makes sense to my heart, to my soul, is that Damien is going to run off with me because Trevor isn’t buying me. I can’t explain it, it might make no sense, but that’s transmitting through my mind like a siren.

  And just when I suck in a breath because it feels like something is about to happen…Trevor shows up. He buys me.

  I feel like I’m going to scream out in joy. Cry my eyes out. Jump up and down. I don’t know how to handle everything happening inside my mind right now.

  I try to say his name but I keep myself from making a sound. This whole Virgin Market terrifies me and I don’t think I should say anything.

  "Lot 0452 goes to Mr. Trevor Davries for a sum above the reserve by a considerable amount," the auctioneer announces and I hear it somewhere far away in my mind.

  And I lose it. I just jump out into Trevor’s arms. I'm so happy that everything I hoped for, it has to be true. Trevor relents his hold on me to Damien and I can’t handle this. It's all too perfect.

  "Your mother tried to use the money they stole from Damien to buy you," Damien tells me.


  My parents stole money and tried to buy me…oh God. Whatever held up Trevor, I don’t want to know anymore. I inhale a quick, angry breath at the thought of them. I wrap my arms around Damien and tell him the truth. "I can't fucking believe those assholes. It isn't exactly your standard meet-cute, but I've never thought you were a monster." I hold Damien, needing to kiss him and show him how much I care. “Not like they are, fucking degenerates." My parents are so dead to me.

  I need my boys to take me home as soon as possible. I'm aching for their touch like nothing else. The pain of today is tainting my body, and I need them to lick it all away and paint over me with, well, you know what I have in mind. I'm so not virginal anymore.


  "Trevor!" Sarah's wordless mouthing of my name fucking ends me.

  Shit, I can't believe how fucking close this got.

  I look to Damien, who uses all his composure not to fucking punch me in the face while he does his cool businessman stride toward me.

  "Lot 0452 goes to Mr. Trevor Davries for a sum above the reserve by a considerable amount," the auctioneer announces.

  Sarah jumps, yeah she fucking jumps, into my arms at that announcement. Some eyebrows are raised around the room about her exit from the block. But I don't fucking care. I grab her tight ass and pull her into a kiss. I finally let her go so that Damien can touch her. I know he needs some relief. The crazed look in his eyes tells me that I showed up at literally the right moment. A few seconds later and some bad shit would've gone down.

  Well, some bad shit has gone down.

  "Your mother tried to use the money they stole from Damien to buy you," I tell Sarah.

  Her eyes narrow. For a moment I wonder if she doesn't believe me, but she circles her arms around Damien and presses her head to his chest. "I can't fucking believe those assholes. It isn't exactly your standard meet-cute, but I've never thought you were a monster." Sarah looks up and cups Damien's face. "Not like they are, fucking degenerates."

  "Let's get the fuck out of here. I don't want to think about them anymore. I don't want you to think about them anymore. In fact, I want to get the fuck out of here and not think about a goddamn thing except how good you'll feel between us both."

  Sarah's eyes roll back in her head. "I can't wait for that." She bites her lip and looks to me. "Your cocks buried inside me are the only thing I want to think about."

  "A wise investment," Damien says with a full-hearted laugh. It's good to hear my buddy laughing. I can practically see the tension melting away from him. Cast that shit off, bro, we're about to bury ourselves inside our girl and fill her up with the cum that claims her. Ours. All fucking ours.

  "I didn't just buy her with my money—I made them give all yours back, too, Damien." I say.

  Sarah shoots me a playful look of disappointment, but despite her mock chastisement, the happiness glints in her gorgeous eyes.

  I lift my hands up in mock surrender. "Okay, no more business. Well, until you find out what we're doing with that money," I say with a wink toward Damien.

  "Fuck, we need to get goddamn home now or I'm fucking you here before we even leave the Market," Damien says, pressing his mouth to Sarah's neck.

  Damn straight we're both fucking thrilled with our plans for Sarah. She's goddamn ours in every legal, financial, primal way. She's fucking ours...and we're fucking her as soon as goddamn possible.

  We head toward my vehicle. Damien and I exchange a
glance and he knows to have his driver head off.

  Sarah stops walking for a second and stands in front of us. "You aren't going to tell me the surprise, are you?"

  "That defeats the purpose of a surprise," Damien says, pulling her closer to him. "Are you sure you're okay with everything about your parents?" He isn't just trying to distract her.

  We are both genuinely concerned. And after what they must've went through while I was fucking scrambling to get here? Fuck. I pull the elegant chignon from her hair and admire her gorgeous face. Those strong features are looking back at me now.

  "I'm fine. I care a lot more about this surprise than I do about my parents. I'm glad you got Damien's money back though. I can't believe they stole from you Damien. That's not just awful, it's fucking stupid. You can be scary," she says in a hushed whisper at the end.

  Damien looks so damned pleased right now I think maybe Mr. Scary could be pushed to spill the secret.

  "No more talking on the way home. You'll get the surprise soon enough. Your big scary men are going to take care of you," I say with a darker tone that I know is full of promise. I know my own elation is also evident.

  How can I help myself?

  Everything got so damned drastically close at the end. All these assholes at the Virgin Market—yes, I know I have been and currently am one of those assholes—were dying to bid on her fine ass. But she belongs to us. We couldn't have it any other way. I didn't have to see Damien to know that he was willing to do anything to keep her because I feel exactly the same way. He would've ran. If I hadn't been able to work everything out with Sarah's parents, well, I fucking would've ran, too. The three of us were a given in that we are a conclusion, a result that must occur. But we three have learned. You can't always just have what you want. Sarah was given to Damien...but it wasn't fucking like that. The three of us had to take each other, and claim each other. Getting the most valuable things in life isn't just about money, though that gets involved. It isn't just about power, though that takes a lot of chance away from a situation. No, it's mostly about fucking fight. About not giving a single goddamn shit about what is right or wrong or otherwise a 'given' because you take what you want.

  Sarah wants to be ours. We want Sarah. It's as goddamn perfect as I can imagine anything being, and this is only the fucking beginning.

  Don't think for a second any one of the three of us would've let this end any other way.

  Because this isn't a fucking end. This is our beginning.


  I look over at Sarah on the car ride home. Her face is beaming. All that over the top makeup isn't making her look too dolled up now. She looks delectable. Happy. Leaning into us both.

  I can't believe this is really fucking happening. Her shit bag parents thought they could just buy her and take her back after all this...but Trevor fixed that and we get to keep our girl.

  "Sarah, you sure this is what you want? Trevor and I, we might as well have all the money in the world. We could give you anything, get you anything you want, no strings attached," I tell her. I mean those words, despite every dark part in my soul. I don't want to want to give her up, but that's how much I love her. Enough to do it if needs be.

  "No matter how many times you ask me that," Sarah says, narrowing her eyes at me, "My answer is not going to change." She laughs, the most carefree sound in the world that I've ever heard. But there's something else there, too.

  "You're sure? I mean, you don't have to stay with us," I say and look to Trevor. To his credit, he doesn't have that goofy grin he seems to wear all the time, particularly as far as Sarah is concerned.

  "Yes, Sarah, you are a free woman. We weren't really buying you. We were buying your freedom. You can have all that money, and never see us again, if that's what you want." Trevor says and he's dead serious. None of that usual humor in his voice. No smirk.

  Sarah takes a deep breath. "Look, I have thought about everything. I know you're both more loaded than God, but...this is the life I want. I want to go back to school, sure, but I just needed to take time to be what I wanted to be, and you've given me that." Sarah inhales and looks back and forth to both of us.

  "As soon as you're ready to start school, yes, we'll get you set up. We can go now--" I start but Sarah interrupts me.

  "That is so sweet of you, and we'll take care of that soon enough, but that's not really what any of us has in mind right now," Sarah says, licking her lips.

  Goddamn, that woman is the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Still, I need to know that she's happy. I take her hand in mine and I squeeze it for dear fucking life.

  "I just have to know that you're truly happy. And if that's what you're telling me, I will accept it. I want you to have the world."

  Sarah kisses me on the cheek. Then she does the same to Trevor, taking his hand and squeezing it, too.

  "You know," she says with a smile. "I know that people say they want to give someone the world, and they may even mean it. But the two of you are capable of just that. You could give me the world. You could probably buy me another one or someone else's or something, but I really don't want much. Just you two, forever. None of these mind games. No holding back. There are zero reasons that we can't be forever, as long as that's what you two want, too."

  "YES!" Trevor and I both say in unison.

  Seriously, if one thing is for sure, we both want Sarah with everything we have. We have never wanted anything more. I knew when I saw Sarah, I had to have her...and I also know that Trevor was going to want her just as much. It is an odd little thing but the three of us really work. I believe Sarah when she says that this is what she really wants. So I will have to take her word for it. I will do my damnedest, at least.

  "This car ride feels impossibly long," I say, exhaling.

  Trevor laughs. "Yeah, I know the feeling. But tonight is too special for us to start fucking right here in the car. Champagne?" He pops a panel out in front of us and busts out the bar.

  Just what we need with emotions flying so high. Alcohol. No, really, I have my hand out, a flute in it, and some bubbly pouring down my throat before I can think otherwise. We all do the same with the first few sips.

  "We need to be cheesy and cheer, you alcoholics," Sarah says. "But I'm having water," she says, and I see that's she's go sparkling but not bubbly in her flute. That's just as well. I wouldn't want her to get sleep when we need her to up for absolutely everything we have to do to her body when we get to the house.

  "To us," Trevor says, raising his champagne flute.

  We all raise ours and clink them.

  "Forever," Sarah says.

  Now I'm wearing a wide grin. That's exactly what I want to toast to. I drink up, watching them both sip as well, and think, fuck. This is too damn perfect. I want to remember this feeling for the rest of my life.

  Well, that, and the feeling that I'll have when I bury myself inside Sarah and know she's mine. She wants to be mine. She'll always be mine. Because after everything that kept me from her disappearing, and knowing she really wants this...I am the luckiest fucking man in the world. I tend to take quite a few things for granted but one thing I never will is being able to love the woman of my fucking dreams for the rest of my life.


  Despite the happiness, something starts gnawing at me as we enter Midtown and approach Damien’s penthouse.

  As we go home.

  Home, yes, home. I need to remind myself of that truth. I reach out and hold each of their hands, resting my lap in Damien's in the back of the car as we head to our home. I need to be calm. I need to not let this fear creep in.

  After my exhausting experience at the Virgin Market, I can't seem to completely swing back. I was so afraid to lose them, and I still am, I realize. I want the truth. I want the pain. I want the pleasure. But the pain I'd know if they ever left me? That destroys me.

  "So, you said a surprise?" I whisper. Yes, that's where I go. I don't know what else to say. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm worried a
bout the three of us working out. I don't want to be the thing that ruins us. I don't want anything to be the thing that ruins us. I want a forever that's made to last, but my life has been utterly transformed and currently has no parameters, which I know.

  They share a look between them and then shake their head at me. Guess there is no surprise reveal right now.

  We arrive back at Damien's penthouse and go back to the one place I have ached to be.

  Damien's bedroom. The bed is massive and we three sit on it, in an oddly innocent seeming moment. There's nothing about this that is innocent. My men are about to fuck me in ways that will make this room humid with our lust.

  None of us speak for several long moments. It isn't uncomfortable, per se, but there's something that is hanging in the air.

  Trevor breaks the silence. "You belong to us now, Sarah. And we're so good at being obedient, but you need that final push past everything that keeps you from letting go," Trevor says, grazing his thumb over my lower lip.

  "What are you talking about?" I don't want to say this, but it comes out. I want to let Trevor show me how to let go, not sit here and act like I don't understand what he's talking about.

  Damien kisses my forehead. "You're such a good girl, Sarah. What's about to doesn't mean otherwise. It isn't going to change it. Trust us when we say you need this." His fingers tuck under my chin and he leans forward, pulling me closer, and he kisses me.

  The kiss is fire, burning up between us like fireworks and bringing my body to life.

  Then Damien pulls back and slaps me right on the face. This pushes me into Trevor, who grabs both of my arms and pulls them behind my back, standing up with me in his hold. He slams me against the bed, my stomach pushing into the edge of the mattress. Damien starts tearing off my clothes.


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