Coach Steele: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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Coach Steele: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 4

by Autumn Avery

  “Coach Steele?”

  The voice stops me in my tracks. I turn around and see Katie standing behind me, her eyebrows raised, lips barely open, with the most innocent ‘fuck me’ face I’ve ever seen.

  “Yes, Miss Summers?”

  I’m trying to maintain my composure, but all I can think about is grabbing her and taking her behind the dumpster, lifting her skirt up and fucking her until she’s screaming my name.

  “I was wondering if you had a second to…talk?”

  I quickly look around the parking lot to see if anyone’s around. This lot doesn’t see much traffic, mostly just early morning drop-offs from commuter kids coming from up north.

  There’s a new look in Katie’s eyes today. Before, it was just a slightly mischievous look of a girl who knew she was being watched. But now, there’s something new there. Now there’s something real between us. Now we have a shared secret, and she loves it.

  “People are going to talk if they keep seeing us together,” I tell her.

  She takes a step toward me. “No one’s seen us together yet. And I don’t care anyway.”

  She must be wearing a push-up bra. Her tits are looking spectacular, and I can only picture what it would look like with my cock sliding up and down between them.

  The breeze blows her hair and her scent fills my lungs as she steps close to me. It’s all I can do not to reach out and pull her body against mine.

  “I do. I could lose my job.”

  The skin on her breasts is so soft and supple and I can’t keep my eyes from roaming her body. I’m not even hiding it now. She knows how much she turns me on.

  “My parents want me to go to college,” she says. “Far away. But I don’t want to. I want to stay here with you.”

  Her words fill me with a sensation like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Until now, Katie has been the biggest babe I ever saw in my life. But when I hear those words come out of her mouth, I realize just how much I actually feel for her.

  This fact hadn’t even crossed my mind until now. Of course she’s been applying to colleges and of course some of them are going to be far away. I’ve just been so wrapped up in the whirlwind of the last few days that I wasn’t thinking that far ahead.

  “Have you applied anywhere in state?”

  “No. My dad said it would be good for me to get out of New Hampshire and see the world.”

  “Is it too late to apply somewhere closer?”

  “I don’t know,” she says. “I’ll check when I get home. But right now…”

  She steps right up to me and reaches out and caresses my cock right through my shorts. “I have something else on my mind.”

  Her touch is like electricity to my body and I feel my cock twitch with excitement. I want to be inside her – now. But my nerves kick in and I quickly look around the parking lot for anyone that might be walking by.

  This is the problem with having a dick. It just overrides all sense of right or wrong, any rational thought is instantly gone from your mind. I try to focus, make sure we’re not going to get caught out here, but Katie reaches out and pulls my head back around to face her.

  “It’s okay, Coach. We’re alone.”

  She slides her hands down my shorts and grab my cock like she’s done it a thousand times. I gasp and slide a hand under her skirt and cup her ass and squeeze. Perfect.

  I slide two fingers between her legs and feel a wet spot on her panties and almost lose it. This is the hottest shit ever. Without hesitation, I grab her panties and pull them aside and slide a finger insider her. She’s so fucking warm and wet and when I feel her grab my balls with her other hand, I lose all control.

  I wrap my arm around her and lift her up and carry her behind the dumpster and slam her up against the wall. I spit on my hand and pull my cock out of my shorts. Lifting her skirt, I pull up one of her legs and drive my cock home.

  She hasn’t been prepped. I barely fingered her at all, and the gasp she lets out as I bury my cock in her is music to my ears. I start thrusting like a dog, feeling ready to explode in her juicy pussy.

  I want to strip her bare and fuck her against the brick wall, but that would be just too risky, and this is actually kind of hot. She surrenders herself to me, throws both arms around my neck and shoulders and rests her head against my neck. I can feel her warm breath and hear her moan with every thrust.

  “You like that?” I ask her.

  “Yes.” She whispers back.

  “Tell me you like it. Tell me you love my cock inside you.”

  “I love your cock inside me, Coach,” she replies, driving me even crazier.

  “Tell me you’re my dirty high school princess.”

  “I’m your dirty high school princess,” she says back.

  “Yeah, you are,” I groan, feeling her juices drip down the shaft of my cock and onto my balls.

  I know we have to make this quick, so I do nothing to keep myself from cumming. Her pussy feels too fucking good anyway.

  “I’m gonna fill you with my cum,” I tell her. She can’t reply – she’s getting fucked too hard. All she can do is moan as I grab her ass and squeeze as I fuck her. She’ll let me do whatever I want.

  I feel my cock get as hard as it can possibly get. I’m right there. I’m so fucking close I’m feeling lightheaded. I am about to shoot my load in her.

  But right then, I hear the outside door open and a voice call.

  “Oh, Coach Steele?”


  It’s Mrs. Thompson! There’s no way this is happening right now. Katie freezes, pulls her face back and stares at me in total dread.

  “Fuck!” I shout in a whisper. “You gotta go!”

  Instantly, she pulls herself off of me and ducks behind the dumpster. Frantically, I try to get my cock back in my pants, but I’m two seconds from cumming and couldn’t be harder. There’s no hope. I can hear wooden heels against the pavement getting closer.

  There’s no way I’m going to be able to hide my hard-on, so I do the only thing I can do – step behind the dumpster just as Mrs. Thompson rounds the corner.

  “There you are!” She says with a tone that could be seductive and I know she wants to be. She makes a move to come around the side of the dumpster to where I’m standing, so I circle away from her and keep it between us. It’s a bit obvious, but she doesn’t pursue it. “What are you up to out here? Nothing naughty, I hope?”

  Could she have seen us? There’s no way. I heard the door open. If she’d been watching, it would have been obvious and she would probably be freaking out. No, she’s just trying to be provocative and get me going. Little does she know I’ve got the biggest boner of my life right now and I’m one stroke away from cumming.

  I can hear Katie shift beneath me and her fingernails against my calf. She’s messing with me and it’s not like I can just yell at her and tell her to stop.

  “Oh, just getting some air,” I manage to say. I’m willing my dick to go down, but it’s not listening to me. Every guy knows a dick has a mind of its own, and mine is currently focused on Katie and her unbelievably tight pussy.

  Katie obviously has her mind about where mine is now too. I feel her fingernails slink up my thigh and slip into one of the legs of my shorts. It’s all I can do not to jump out of my skin.

  “Uh huh,” Mrs. Thompson says, leaning down and resting one elbow against the dumpster, showing off her ample store-bought cleavage. “You know, I really don’t understand why you keep pushing me away.”

  Katie’s hand reaches my balls and I feel her nails as she gently caresses them. I take a sharp breath and try to hide the shiver that runs through my body.

  “I told you, Mrs. Thompson,” I stammer. “It’s just not a good idea.”

  She doesn’t look happy at this answer. “So you’ve got some slut on the side then, is that it?”

  This is new. Mrs. Thompson’s never gotten angry like this before. I hear the softest of giggles from Katie as she reaches up my shorts and grabs my s

  “It’s not like that,” I say through clenched teeth as I shift my weight as Katie pulls my cock down out of my waist band. I have to tilt my hips back as she pulls so she doesn’t tear it off, and it’s then that I feel her fingertips on the tip. She must have spit on them and is massaging the tip with a circular motion that’s threatening to make me explode. “I just – don’t think it’s a good thing for us to get into. We work together.”

  Katie’s fingers feel like Heaven on my dick. She wants me to cum. She’s loving this. I can practically feel her elation in driving me wild. If Mrs. Thompson only knew what was going on. This is so fucking risky, and maybe that’s one of the things that’s making it even hotter.

  “Mmmhmm,” she grumbles, standing up straight again. “I think you’re lying to me. I think you’re seeing someone, and I’m going to find out who.”

  Katie’s fingers move faster and faster and I lose it.

  Keeping a straight face while I cum has to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I can’t look down and I can’t react or Mrs. Thompson will see what’s happening. I don’t know how much I’m cumming, but it must be a lot, because I can hear it hit the pavement down below. I can only imagine what Katie’s face looks like.

  I’m surprised she didn’t catch it with her mouth, but I guess she wanted to watch. My fists clench down as each shot of cum spurts out of me. This really is unbelievable. I’ve never had such an appetite for anyone, and I can’t believe how quickly Katie is turning into a little slut for me. Jerking me off behind a dumpster while I talk to one of her teachers.

  So fucking sexy.

  Mrs. Thompson doesn’t say anything else, but walks away around the corner. I wait until I hear the door close behind her and then look down at Katie. She’s looking up at me with the proudest smile on her face, and beside her on the ground, I can see my cum.

  It was a big load, and I’m not surprised. I only wish I’d been able to drop it on her tits, or better yet, in her sweet little pussy.

  “You’re bad,” I tell her.

  “Who, me?” She asks with her most innocent face.




  * * *

  Things were so much simpler two days ago.

  Two days ago I knew Coach Steele liked me, I just didn’t know how much. Two days ago I was nervous and shy around him. Two days ago I’d never seen a penis in real life. Two days ago I was a virgin.

  So much can change in two days.

  When I think back to the girl I was two days ago, I almost don’t recognize her. Coach Steele was nothing but a fantasy. I’d thought about him – what I wanted him to do to me, but I never imagined it would actually happen.

  And then it did, and my world will never be the same.

  I look down at the stack of college acceptance letters in front of me, all of them so far away. So far from home. So far from here. So far from Coach Steele.

  I sigh and pull up the website for the University of New Hampshire and check their admission dates. I’ve missed early and regular registration, of course, and my heart sinks, until I see a note at the bottom of the page:

  Special late registration for New Hampshire residents only.

  It’s not too late! The registration fee is almost double a regular admission, but who cares? It doesn’t take me long to fill out the application. I’ve done so many of these this year I could practically fill them out in my sleep, and luckily their essay topics match one for another school, so I attach that and click send.

  I haven’t even mentioned this to my parents yet. After all the things I’ve been doing behind their back, I shouldn’t feel guilty about this, but somehow I do. This is my future and I should be letting them know.

  My mom will be happy if I stay close to home, but I know my dad wants me to get away for a while.

  “See the world! Get out of New Hampshire for a while!” He’d say. I get where he’s coming from, but going to Ohio or California always made me nervous, and now with what’s happened with Coach Steele, the thought of getting on a plane to go to school seems impossible.

  I want to have his baby.

  Ever since the locker room, when Coach came inside me, I’ve been overwhelmed by the desire to have him impregnate me. I don’t know if any of my friends could understand.

  Certainly not Tara. She hates children and has said she’d rather adopt than see herself get “all fat and frumpy” by getting pregnant. And Molly says she wants to wait until she’s “at least thirty-five” to have kids, and even then she only wants one.

  But I just can’t explain it. Until Coach took me in the locker room and filled me with his cum, I hadn’t thought about it at all. But something about the way he took me and did that to me, with no regard for the consequences, drove me wild and ever since then it’s like I’ve had baby fever.

  Maybe it will pass, but I doubt it. The thought of watching my body change during pregnancy turns me on, because I know Coach would love me every step of the way. I know he’d take care of me and provide.

  I’ve never been attracted to boys my age, and that’s why I never gave any of them my v-card. It’s not like none of them ever tried, but their stupid pickup lines and horrid attempts to ask me out were such a turn-off that I just stopped thinking I’d ever end up with a boyfriend from school.

  My phone rings. It’s Tara.

  “Hey, Tara.”

  “Oh my God, Katie. What are you doing? Are you sitting down?”

  Tara is ultra-dramatic and I’m used to it. I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair.

  “Yes, Tara. I’m sitting down,” I reply. “What’s up?”

  “Okay, this is big news. I mean – big!”

  Knowing Tara, this could either mean that we are now at war with Russia or she found a new hair dye that was on sale for forty percent off. It’s a toss-up.

  “You’re sure you’re sitting down—“

  “Tara! I’m leaning back in my chair, sitting at my desk,” I snap. “Tell me what the deal is?”

  There’s a long pause and I can just see her on the other end of the phone preparing herself for whatever she’s about to say. From the length of the pause, I’m assuming she’s going to tell me about a new deal on free makeup or something.

  Finally, I hear her take a deep breath.

  “Coach Steele got fired!”

  Her words hit me like a numbing agent. My entire body tenses up and seems to stop working. I’m aware of the fact that I’m sitting frozen in my chair, but I still don’t know what to do. I almost don’t believe what I just heard.

  Coach Steele was fired!?

  My brain tries to calculate all the possible reasons why this might be true, but I can’t land on a single one.

  Someone must have found out about us, but that’s impossible. No one else was in that locker room but us. All the girls had left and the janitor hadn’t come in yet.

  My parents didn’t see us outside, that’s for sure. I would have heard about that and Coach would probably be dead somewhere with my father in jail. And there’s no way anyone saw us out back at lunch either.

  So what is it then?

  “You—you’re kidding,” I finally manage to stammer.

  “Nope!” She says, almost with delight. If there’s anything Tara loves more than makeup and manicures, it’s rumors and gossip. “And get this – you want to know why?”

  “Why?” I ask, my voice almost a whisper. I can barely get the words out. I want to know, but at the same time I don’t want to know. I just want this to be one big misunderstanding. Maybe Tara has it wrong. Maybe she’s just messing with me.

  But why would she do that? I haven’t told her about Coach Steele and me. I haven’t told anyone! She’d have no reason to screw with me. It must be true.

  “Guess!” She says with glee.

  “I don’t want to guess, Tara,” I say, feeling the anger rising in my chest. “Just tell me.”

  “No, you have to guess,” she cackle
s. “It’s too good.”

  “Tara, just tell me.”

  “Guess!” She repeats. I’m about to freak out. “It’s no fun if I just tell you!”

  “Tara! Just fucking tell me!” I scream into the phone. There’s a long pause from the other end. I can feel my heart beat in my ears. It’s racing. The skin on my face is on fire and I’m starting to sweat. Every fiber of my being is praying she’s got the story wrong.

  The pause continues, and I’m about to lose my shit when finally I hear Tara’s voice.

  “Mrs. Thompson accused him of rape.”

  It’s like one of those movie moments where the bass drops and the whole world goes into slow motion. I almost drop the phone, but manage to hold on to it while my arm goes limp at my side.

  It can’t be true. That’s the first thing that runs through my mind. It can’t be true. Coach would never do that. Coach would never touch Mrs. Thompson! He could have her any time he wanted just by asking. Why would he do something like that?

  He wouldn’t! There’s just no way. I realize I’m completely zoned out and can hear Tara’s voice from the speaker of my phone hanging down by my legs. Slowly, I bring it to my ear.

  “Katie? Are you there?”

  “I’m here,” I say flatly, the shock overwhelming me.

  “Isn’t that crazy?!” She asks.

  “Yes,” I reply. “I mean – I don’t believe it.”

  “You don’t?” I hear the excitement in her words. This is the kind of juicy gossip conversation Tara was hoping to have.

  “I mean – no. No, I don’t,” I say firmly.

  “What makes you say that?” She asks eagerly. This is starting to piss me off.

  “I mean – Mrs. Thompson is crazy,” I say viciously. “She’s always hitting on him and stuff. Why would he do something like that? Does he really seem like that kind of guy to you?”

  “Guys are animals!” Tara says. “I wouldn’t put it past him.”

  “You don’t even fucking know him, Tara!” I snap back, unable to contain my anger anymore. “He’s a good guy! He wouldn’t do something like that!”


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