Don't Say Goodbye (Taphouse Blues Book 2)

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Don't Say Goodbye (Taphouse Blues Book 2) Page 6

by Heather Lyn

  Taking a sip of my drink, I follow Lindsey and the other girls to a table they have set up. Settling into a chair, I look over my shoulder, finding Garret watching me with a smile. He winks and I flush before turning to face the girls.

  “Oh, girl. That guy is just smitten with you,” Lindsey giggles, and I shake my head.

  “We’re just friends,” I concede, running my finger around the top of the can.

  “For now,” Kennedy jokes.

  I smile, but in my head I disagree.

  Just friends. That’s all we’ll ever be.


  I’m so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and came tonight. I’ve been having the most amazing time, and everyone here is awesome. I really jive well with the girls, and they’ve kept me plenty entertained telling me stories about their husbands. We’ve eaten dinner, and now the guys are down in the backyard playing cornhole while us girls lounge by the table, watching them and chatting up a storm.

  Carmen is next to me, and she and I get along best. I really like her, and I’m drawn to her. I haven’t the faintest clue why, but she reminds me so much of myself. Plus, we’re about the same age.

  “So, how did you all meet?” I ask, folding my legs under me.

  “Well,” Kennedy starts, “I met Gray when our best friends started dating. That would be Noah and Aubrey. Noah is Carmen’s older brother, and they’re all firefighters a couple towns over.”

  “I met Hunter a few months after I moved home from college. I was working in a bakery a couple streets over from the firehouse when he came in to get breakfast for the guys.” Carmen reaches for the bottle of wine on the table and pours herself a glass.

  “They met Brody when they started frequenting Walker’s,” Lindsey says.

  “They seem great,” I tell them, and their eyes light up when they look over at the guys.

  Garret has kept his distance from me since we got here, respecting my space, and I can’t help feel a twinge of jealousy at these women. Not only are they all smart and beautiful, but they have incredible men, and happy lives. It wasn’t something I ever thought I would want again, but sitting here now, I realize I do. And I think I want that with Garret. But that’s too big a risk for me. What if we get close and he changes? What if he hurts me?

  I can’t bear that again.

  Years with Graham led to my lack of self-esteem, and while I know deep down that I’m not a horrible choice, I feel like Garret deserves better than me. Someone who can be honest with him, not hold him back from a full life.

  Kennedy and Lindsey excuse themselves, running down to join the guys. Watching Grayson sweep Kennedy into his arms, grabbing her ass, a mist fills my eyes. My brain can’t figure out why my heart is sad, so I turn away, finding Carmen looking at me.

  “You okay?” she asks, and I nod with a smile, forcing the tears away.

  “Yeah. I’m having a lot of fun with you guys.”

  “I’m glad. We’re a crazy bunch, but you won’t find anyone who will love you more.”

  “I see that.” As I reach for my water, a hand comes down on my shoulder and I jump, throwing the water away from me.

  “Shit.” Garret kneels next to me, eyes filled with concern.

  “Jesus, Garret,” I groan, hand over my pounding heart.

  “I’m sorry,” he says, giving me an apologetic smile.

  “You scared the hell out of me,” I tell him, reaching over to slap his shoulder.

  Laughing, he jumps up and retrieves my water, handing it to me. I’m tempted to pour it over his head, but he jogs over to the cooler to get more beers, taking them down to the others.

  Shaking my head and all thoughts of terror away, I turn to Carmen to find her looking at me, her eyes sad and wide.

  “What?” I ask.

  “How long?” She moves her chair closer to mine.

  “How long what?”

  “How long did he hurt you?”

  I’m completely taken aback, mouth dropping open and eyes welling with tears.

  “I don’t know what you’re—”

  “Nacole, it’s okay. I know. I’ve been there.”

  Well I didn’t expect that.

  “Seven years,” I whisper, and her eyes widen in shock before she leans forward to give me a hug. When she pulls away, I see tears sparkling in her eyes.

  “When did you leave?”

  “Four months ago. Moved down here and was living in this run-down apartment. Spent the first few months crying and sleeping. I lost my mom back in January, and I never got a chance…”

  It all comes out like word vomit, and I watch Carmen’s expression switch from shock to sadness, to anger and then back to sadness.

  She reaches out for my hand and gives it a squeeze. “I’m so sorry, girl. How are you doing now?”

  “Honestly? Better than I have in a long time. Losing Mom was my breaking point with Graham, and every day, I feel better. I feel like myself.”


  “Can I ask you something, Carmen?”

  “Of course.”

  “What gave it away?”

  She sighs. “I saw the flash of fear in your eyes when Garret scared you. It’s only noticeable to the group of us who have been through it. The six months that Craig hurt me were the hardest and most painful months of my life, and I don’t mean just physically but emotionally. He tried to kill me in the end, and every day, when I see Hunter, or I wake up and get annoyed because I didn’t get enough sleep, I remember. I remember having final thoughts. I was only twenty-two years old, but I knew my life hadn’t been enough for me. I wanted more out of it.”

  I nod, knowing exactly what she means. “Graham wasn’t always physical. I mean, here and there over the first couple years, but it was his words that hurt the most. I was worthless. Why did he bother marrying me? I was a waste of his time. Holding him back.” Shaking off the nightmares, I forge ahead. “He became more physical with me the last couple years. That’s around the time he started sleeping with his assistants, and anyone else he could get his hands on.”

  “Asshole,” Carmen grumbles, smiling when I laugh at her.

  “I don’t know why, but after Mom died, it became so much worse. She was all I had, and it was like he knew he didn’t have to hold back anymore, that he could do whatever he wanted. It was like he didn’t care if anyone could see the bruises anymore.”


  “I left him, and every single day I’ve spent in Tennessee has been lighter and happier than I’ve been in a long time. While I never expected being almost thirty with a bachelor’s degree yet working in a sports bar to be fulfilling, it is. I enjoy working at the bar. I’m trying to make friends and carve out a life here. Garret has just been the wrench that I can’t decide what to do with.”

  “You like him.” It’s not a question, and I smile at Carmen.

  “Yeah, I do. But I don’t want to date him, because that leads to a relationship and that could wind up being my downfall.”

  “Or it could be the best thing to happen to you.” Carmen moves her chair so she’s in front of me, taking both of my hands in hers.

  “Can I tell you something?”

  “Of course.”

  Biting her lower lip, she looks past me to Hunter, and I see her eyes light up, the happiness and love behind them. “I met Hunter when I was at my lowest point. Nightmares on an almost nightly basis. I lost someone I cared about, and he was there for me. No questions asked, no expectations. But it was my fear that drove us apart. And while temporary, it was enough.”

  “I’m sorry.” I feel a tear escape down my cheek and I swipe it away.

  “I’m not saying you and Garret are meant to drive off into the sunset together, but you like him, and I think he likes you too. Don’t let a monster like Graham determine the rest of your life. Don’t let him take any more happiness away from you. You deserve more than that.”

  Her words strike a chord with me and I look over my shoulder to where Ga
rret is. He’s unaware of my gaze, and I watch as he laughs over something Brody says to him, head thrown back and mouth open wide. A smile creeps across my face and I look back to Carmen.

  “Thank you,” I tell her sincerely.

  “Hey, what are friends for?” With a short squeeze, she brushes past me to go down to Hunter, who instantly grabs her for a kiss.

  Decision made, I stand up and brush off my dress. Squaring my shoulders, I walk down to join everyone.

  Carmen is right. Graham is my past. I have no idea if Garret is my future, but I’ll be damned if I spend another second living in the past.

  It’s time to start living for today.



  “So, when are you and Jace gonna fess up to being ‘partner’ partners?” Hunter jokes, tossing the beanbag to me, my turn up next.

  “Dude, shut up,” I groan, hefting the beanbag at Hunter’s head. Laughing, he takes a swig of his beer and picks the beanbag up, throwing it back at me.

  “What? It was an innocent question.”

  “Yeah, but it came out of your stupid-ass mouth, so it wasn’t innocent.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes, then,” he laughs, and this time I get him in the stomach with the beanbag. With an “oof,” he falls to the ground. “Hey, take it easy. You bruised my eight-pack, man!”

  “What fucking eight-pack?” Grayson taunts and Hunter jumps up.

  “Wanna see?”

  “Hunter, put your shirt down,” Carmen exclaims, rushing over to join us.

  “Busted!” I shout, laughing loudly.

  Hunter grabs Carmen for a kiss and I turn to find Nacole walking toward us, a smile on her face. Every time I see it, I swear it takes my breath away. She is so goddamn beautiful, and she really has no idea.

  “Hey, you,” I greet, thrown for a loop when she walks into my arms, giving me a tight hug. I pull her to me and she tucks her face into my neck.

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  “For what?”

  Nacole lifts her head and has an even bigger smile on her face, her eyes sparkling. “For bringing me tonight. I really needed this.”

  “I’m real glad to hear it.”

  She moves so she’s next to me and I sling my arm around her, pulling her close to me. I don’t miss the way her arm curls around my waist, or how she rests her head on my shoulder.

  And I definitely don’t miss how fucking perfect she fits with me.


  “Thank you, guys, for coming. It was so much fun.” Lindsey hugs me tight and I hold her to me before pulling back. Then she and Nacole hug and she whispers something in Nacole’s ear, who starts giggling at her.

  I clap Brody on the back, and then we head around the house to my Jeep, the sun having set long ago.

  Helping her in, I shut the door behind her and go around the hood, climbing into my side. Turning the key, I back out of my brother’s driveway and take off. The windows are down and the radio is cranked, Brett Eldridge singing something about being drunk and in love. The wind is blowing Nacole’s long hair all over the place, and she’s singing off-key at the top of her lungs, a huge smile on her face. The glow from the dashboard lights up her face and I smile, wishing I could record the moment.

  When I pull into her driveway ten minutes later, I kill the engine and turn to her. “Thank you for coming tonight.”

  “Thank you for asking. Seriously, Garret, that was the best night I’ve had in a long time. I really like your friends.”

  “Well they’re your friends now too.”

  “I know.”

  With a laugh, she climbs out of my Jeep and I follow her, walking her to the front door. I step onto the small porch behind her, watching her fumble with her keys beneath the outdoor light. Finding the right one, she unlocks the door and tosses the keys in her purse.

  “Well, thank you again.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  With my hands in my pockets, I look down at her in the dim light as she chews her lower lip. Before I get a chance to ask what’s on her mind, she stands on tiptoes and gently presses her lips to mine. I don’t get a chance to kiss her back before she pulls away, eyes wide at her forwardness.

  Now it’s my turn.

  Cradling her face, I kiss her again, holding her body to mine. Her small hands grip my biceps, her soft lips warm against mine. Groaning, I deepen the kiss and gently demand access with my tongue. The second she accepts, I tangle mine with hers, capturing her quiet moans with my mouth.

  The kiss becomes heated, and I carefully back her up against her house, my cock completely at attention and ready to go. Nacole runs her hands down my arms until they’re wrapped around my waist. My heart is pounding, and my skin feels like it’s been touched with a live wire.

  I fucking want her more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.

  But I force myself to calm down, and with a final brush of my tongue against hers, I place one last kiss to her swollen mouth and pull back. Her eyes are heavy lidded with desire, her mouth turned up into a small smile.

  “Why’d you stop?” she whispers, she’s looking up at me.

  “Because I’ll be damned if the first time I get to kiss you, it ends with me taking you against the side of your house.”


  “Look at me, sweetheart.” Tipping her face up to mine, I drop a kiss to her forehead. “I like you, Nacole, but I refuse to rush anything with you. I can tell you’re still scared, and I’ll wait for as long as you need, because I don’t want to scare you or force you into something you aren’t ready for.”

  With a smile, she leans up and kisses my scruffy cheek. “Good night, Garret.”

  “I’ll call you.”

  Without another word, I stroll to my Jeep, willing my stupid fucking dick to calm down. When it doesn’t, I groan, starting the vehicle.

  “Better get used to being blue, fucker.”


  Stepping from the shower, I quickly dry off and wrap a towel around my waist, then go over to the mirror, wiping the steam from it. Grabbing my electric razor, I quickly clean up my scruff before brushing my teeth. I glance into my bedroom at the clock on the wall, seeing I need to leave in twenty minutes.

  It’s been a week since the party my brother threw, and I haven’t seen Nacole since. We’ve talked every day though, and I’m happy that today is the country festival, if for no other reason than I get to spend the entire day with her. She still has no idea who we’re seeing, and I can’t wait to see her face.

  Briskly towel-drying my hair, I toss the bath sheets in the basket and head into my room to get dressed. Throwing on my favorite jeans and a T-shirt, I look around my room, finally finding my worn Braves cap. Jamming it on my head, I grab a pair of socks and sneakers, heading for my living room. The smell of coffee fills the area, and after tying my laces, I make my way to the kitchen, filling a travel mug with coffee, black. Shoving the tickets in my wallet, I head out for my Jeep, coffee in hand. It’s only ten thirty, and the concert isn’t set to start until seven, but I made sure to make plans to fill our day.

  As I make the drive to Nacole’s, I drink my coffee, glad I took the top off my Jeep. It’s an absolutely gorgeous day out, and I know it’s going to be an amazing day for her.

  Pulling into her driveway, I finish my coffee and stick it in the cupholder. She’s sitting on her front steps, reading some paperback. She looks up and smiles, waving at me.

  Today just got a whole lot more gorgeous.


  Hand in hand, we’re walking through downtown Nashville, Nacole’s eyes huge as she takes in all the sights. Dressed in jean shorts and a white shirt, I haven’t been able to take my eyes off her. She’s every bit the little country fan at the moment, and I love it. Unable to resist, I pull my cell from my back pocket and hold it up, telling her to smile. She does at the same time a breeze blows, her hair in her face and smile bright.

  It’s time for us to head to the concert, so
I take her hand once more and walk us back to my Jeep. I can’t help leaning down to kiss her, heart soaring when she laughs against my mouth.

  “Just tell me who it is,” she pouts.

  I chuckle, holding the door open for her. “No chance, babe.”

  I pull out into traffic, and she leans over and turns the radio on. I can’t help the smirk when she turns up the latest Blake Shelton single, but my excitement dies a second later when the song ends and the radio host starts talking.

  “And that was the latest single from Blake Shelton, who’ll be live in Nashville tonight—”

  I reach over to change stations, but I’m not fast enough. Nacole is looking at me with her mouth open wide, her eyes bright and excited.


  I let out a deep sigh. “Yes, we’re seeing Blake Shelton.”

  With a loud whoop, she surprises me when she leans across the seat and kisses me on the cheek before pulling away with a fist pump.

  “Well, now that the surprise is ruined,” I groan.

  “No it’s not. I am so excited.”

  “I couldn’t tell,” I joke. My surprise may be shot, but it’s nothing compared to the happiness on her face. And I’m the one who did that.

  Tonight is gonna fucking rock.


  Halfway through the concert, this is easily a night for the books. I got us pit tickets, so we’re standing in a crowd of people, Nacole in front of me. We’ve been dancing and singing all night, and now Blake is currently crooning out the ballad “God Gave Me You.”

  As much as I would like to pull her into my arms and hold her close, I’m not sure she wants that. She’s kept a distance between us since the show started, so I settle for placing my hands on her shoulders. Halfway through the song, she leans back against me, not stopping me when my hands drift down to her waist. The sweet scent of her shampoo fills the air between us and together we dance the night away, not a care in the world.


  “Call me tomorrow, okay?”

  “You know I will.” Giving her a kiss on the cheek, I force myself to turn around and walk away, hearing her front door close behind her. Climbing into the Jeep, I turn the headlights on and crank the engine, heading back to my house. It’s well after midnight and I’m ready to crash. The rest of the concert was amazing and we lingered on the way home, grabbing an ice cream cone to share. I felt like a teenager all night, and I’ve never seen her so happy and relaxed.


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