Bearly Saved My Heart: Quake Lake Bears (Madison Range Shifters Book 1)

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Bearly Saved My Heart: Quake Lake Bears (Madison Range Shifters Book 1) Page 4

by Margery Ellen

  Jackie tried to pull away. “You can’t be in love with me, you’ve only known me for two days. You don’t know anything about me.”

  “I know you are sweet, and kind, a great cook and I’m in love with you. What more do I need to know?” He smiled down at her and kissed her forehead.

  “I’m a freak. There’s something terribly wrong with me,” she confessed to him. “That’s why my uncle wanted to get rid of me.”

  “What?” He took her over to the bed and told her to sit down, then pulled a chair over and sat in front of her. He leaned forward and held her hands in his. “Alright, start from the beginning and tell me what this is all about.”

  “I’m afraid to tell you. You’ll think I’m crazy, I haven’t told anyone. My parents and aunt are the only ones that knew. My aunt protected me when my parents died. She told me to never tell, but my uncle found out when I was little. He never said anything until after my aunt died, then he quit using my name and just called me Freak.” Tears ran down her cheeks.

  “Are you going to tell me? I’ve seen and heard a lot of strange things in my lifetime. Things you wouldn’t believe either, so come on, shock me. I promise I won’t judge, okay?”

  “But I’m not supposed to tell. I promised my aunt just before she died.”

  “That’s just it, she died. She isn’t here anymore to protect you, but I am. I’ll protect you no matter what it is. I promise. Please tell me.” He gave her his most pleading innocent look and it made her smile just a little.

  “I swear; you’ll think I’m crazy.”

  “Pleeeesse tell me. If I think you’re crazy, I’ll let you tie me up and feed me vending machine sandwiches for a week.” He made a horrible face and stuck out his tongue and groaned.

  “You’d really let me do that.” She laughed.

  “Scouts honor.” He held up two fingers.

  She sat there for a long time thinking things over. He knew exactly what she was doing and waited. He knew she was wrestling with her promise to her aunt and he didn’t want to rush her.

  “After I tell you, if you want me to leave, I’ll understand.” She had some tissues. She wiped her eyes, blew her nose and then took a deep breath and let it out.

  “Here goes. I can turn into a cat. Not just any cat, a bobcat.” She watched his expression.

  Slowly a smile spread across his face. “That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “See, I told you. I knew you wouldn’t believe me, no one in their right mind would.” She sat there and hung her head. “I’m so embarrassed that I told you.”

  He reached over and lifted her chin so he could look into her beautiful green eyes. “So you’re a shifter.”

  “A what? What’s a shifter?” she asked, totally confused.

  “You don’t know? They didn’t explain what it was all about?” He couldn’t believe what she was telling him.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about. My parents died when I was three, so I never knew them. My aunt said it had something to do with my father, some kind of screwed up gene or something.” Things started to dawn on her. “You believe me?”

  “Yes, sweetheart, I believe you. I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through all that with no one to help you. So, your aunt is the only one that knew about your other side?”

  “My other side? Oh, you mean the bobcat. I’m sorry, I’m not use to talking about it. Why is it that you know about these things?” she asked.

  “Because I’m a shifter. I’m a bear.”

  “See, I told you. Now you’re making fun of me.” She got mad. “Maybe I should leave. Would you give me a ride to town? If you won’t take me, I’ll ask Robert. I’ll walk if I have to.”

  “You’re not going anywhere. I need to show you something.” Her took her by the hand. She didn’t want to go with him. “Come on, humor me.” He called out to his brother. “Robert, you gone to bed yet?”

  He came out of his room in nothing but a towel. “Oops, sorry. I didn’t know Jackie was with you.” He turned to go back in his room.

  “No, that’s all right, in fact it’s perfect. Come outside with us.” Charles told him.

  “Jackie, did he fall and hit his head or something?” Robert chuckled.

  “Just come out side. I want you to shift for Jackie.”

  “You want me to do what?” he asked.

  “See, you’re just making fun of me.” She started to cry. “Please take me to town, I can’t stay here anymore. You’re worse than my uncle.”

  Robert was confused. “Charlie, what the hell is going on?”

  “Jackie is a bobcat, a shifter. Her father must have been a shifter, but her parents died when she was three and she didn’t know. She thought she was some kind of freak. Her uncle found out when she was little, but didn’t say anything until after her aunt died. Then he tormented her. I told her I was a bear and she thinks I’m making fun of her. Would you please shift.”

  Robert looked at Jackie. “Is that true?”

  “Yes, are you going to make fun of me now, too.” She was almost hysterical, screaming at them both.

  “No Jack, I’m not making fun of you. Settle down and I’ll show you, okay?” They walked out onto the porch and down onto the grass.

  Jackie stood there with her arms across her chest, she was just about to start walking when Robert started to shimmer and before her eyes he changed to a bear, a grizzly bear.

  Jackie just stood there, frozen. Charles stood by her. “Jackie, I’d like you to meet my brother, Robert McCormick, grizzly bear shifter. Don’t be scared, he won’t hurt you. Go up to him, it’s alright.”

  Jackie slowly walked up to Robert as he sat on his hunches and dropped his massive front feet on the ground. She touched his head. “I thought I was the only one, a freak of nature.” She suddenly threw her arms around the bear’s neck and cried. Robert didn’t know what to do, so he didn’t move.

  Charles walked up to them. “Come on Jackie. Let him go so he can change back.” She took a step back and watched him change as Charles handed him back his towel.

  “Will you two wait for me for just a minute.?” Robert ran inside so he could put on some pants and came right back. “Okay, explain to me what this is all about.”

  Jackie told him the whole story, just like she told Charles.

  “So, do you know how to shift?” Robert asked.

  “I’ve only done it a few times and it was usually by accident.” She told them. “My aunt thought if I didn’t know how, I couldn’t shift, no one would know, but every once in a while, it would happen. I almost did it in front of strangers in front of a store. Luckily, my aunt shoved me into the car before anyone saw me.”

  “Well, it’s kind of late to start teaching you tonight. Let’s all get a good night’s rest and when we get home tomorrow, we can work on it. How’s that sound? Robert and I can teach you how to shift and how to control it.”

  “Wow, I can’t believe any of this is happening.” She sat down on the steps.

  “Are you guys cool now?” Robert asked.

  “Yes, I think things are going to be just fine from now on.” Charles told him. “Thanks Rob, for doing that for me.”

  “No problem, bro. I’m going to bed. See you in the morning. Good night Jack.”

  “Good night, Rob. Thank you.”

  Charles sat down beside her on the steps. “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, I think so. I’m sorry about all the things I said.”

  “That’s alright. You solved a really big problem for me.” He told her.

  “Really?” He nodded his head. “What?”

  “I don’t have to tell you about my bear. I was trying to figure out how to tell you without you thinking I was crazy.” They both laughed. “And I don’t have to eat vending machine sandwiches for a week.”

  Chapter 8

  Charles and Jackie sat and talked for a long time. As much as he wanted to carry her off to bed, he felt that helping her to understand thi
ngs was more important.

  “Did your aunt ever explain anything to you, or tell you about your parents?”

  “The first time I shifted, that I can remember, I think I was six. That’s when my aunt told me that my father did the same thing. She told me about how much my mother and father loved each other, how one would never have been able to live without the other and it was probably a good thing that they died together.”

  “That’s very true. We call it the bond. Once a shifter finds his or her predestined mate and they bond with each other, they will be true to each other until the end of their days. If one were to die, the other would live in such misery, they would slowly die from sadness or do something really stupid.”

  Jackie looked at him. “What do you mean?”

  Charles hung his head and took a deep breath. “My mother wasn’t a shifter, she was human. When she disappeared, my father went crazy. He stopped hiding his bear and didn’t care who saw him. We lived where my youngest brother lives now in California. Eventually, the same people that killed my mother, succeeded in killing my father. We didn’t know about any of this until last year. When my brother met his wife, Peg, the same bastards kidnapped her. She was almost killed. That is when we found out the truth about what happened to our parents. The kidnappers confessed to everything before a shifter Tribunal took them away.”

  “I gather a Tribunal is like a shifter judge and jury.” Charles just nodded. “What did you mean by predestined?”

  “It means that two souls were determined by fate to spend their lives together. Sometimes they meet and sometimes they don’t. I think you are my destined mate, Jackie. Since the moment I heard you crying in that truck, I was drawn to you. I couldn’t have left you there even if I tried. I had to help you. My bear had to help you.”

  “So you’re saying that we were meant to be together, forever?”


  Jackie got up and turned to him. She put her hand out to him. “When I held your hand in the restaurant, something passed between us. I didn’t know what it was then. I thought I was a freak and I couldn’t take a chance of getting involved with you or anyone. I didn’t understand what was wrong with me?”


  “I’m not afraid anymore, I want to be with you. I think I started falling in love with you the moment you tried to get me to come out of that truck. I have a confession to make. I spent most of this morning in your room. Now I understand why; it was your scent. I hope you don’t mind.” She realized he would smell her scent all over his room.

  “Not at all.” Charles pulled her on to his lap and kissed her long and hard. When he released her lips, he stared into her beautiful green eyes. “How would you like to spend some more time in my room, maybe in my bed?”

  She put her arms around his neck and whispered. “I’d like that. I’ve another confession to make, I’ve never been with anyone before.”

  “Then I guess I’ll be the first one and the only one.” He picked her up in his arms and carried her to his room.

  He set her gently on the bed. “I’m going to go slow. Any time you want me to stop, just tell me. I don’t want to do anything to hurt you, especially the first time.” He kissed her mouth gently, then slowly moved along her jawline. He nibbled on her earlobe and it made her shiver all over. He felt a tremor run through her body. He kept going and moved to her neck and shoulder. He wanted to bite her, but this wasn’t the time. He hadn’t explained everything to her yet and she still had to choose whether or not she wanted to stay with him.

  He ran his hand slowly down to her center. He cupped her crotch and she raised her hips to push against his hand. He slowly rubbed between her legs. Jackie started to moan. He moved back up to unbutton her jeans and slide the zipper down. He slid his hand inside her pants to feel her warmth and wetness. He wanted to take her so badly, but she was a virgin and he didn’t want to rush.

  He slowly fingered her wet folds and slid his finger inside her and then another. She was tight. He slowly worked his fingers in and out as he kissed her. He knew she was ready to go. He could feel it inside her body.

  “Relax sweetheart, let it go.” He slowly placed his thumb over her throbbing clit and rubbed her softly.

  Jackie thought her body was about to explode. She bucked her hips against his hand and stars exploded in her head. “Oooh, my god.” She screamed. She bucked a couple more times and collapsed.

  Charles kissed her gently. “Are you okay?” he chuckled.

  “Pheeww. I never knew it could feel like that.”

  “That is just the beginning sweetheart, there is so much more. He moved up and was about to remove her top when there was a knock on the door.

  “Not now.” He yelled.

  “Sorry, duty calls. There are some lost hikers, we just got called in.” Robert told him through the door. They hadn’t even gotten any sleep since their last work shift.

  Charles hung his head. “Damn.” He said almost under his breath.

  Jackie giggled. “Sorry.”

  Charles looked up at her. “This is not how I wanted things to go. I’m so sorry, sweetheart, I’ve gotta go. Will you stay here in my bed?” He gave her a kiss. “Keep the bed warm for me?”

  “Yes. This bed is so big; you may have to send a search party for me when you get back.” He gave her a kiss and got up.

  “Give me a couple of minutes to change, I’ll be right down. Do you know where we’re going?” He knew Robert was still outside his door.

  “Yellowstone, southwest quadrant. I’ll grab our gear and see you down stairs.” He heard Robert go down the stairs.

  “Shit, shit, shit.” He looked at Jackie and ran his hands through his hair. “I’m afraid we might be gone for a couple of days. Are you going to be alright here alone?”

  “Yes, I’ll be fine. There is plenty of food and I noticed you had some books in the den, so I have something to read. Don’t worry about me.” She walked over to him and put her arms around his waist. “I’ll miss you.” She looked up at him and he couldn’t resist kissing her again.

  “I will worry about you. If you need me, there is an emergency number and a wireless satellite phone in the den.” He gave her one more kiss. “I have to go, I love you.” He groaned and let her go and headed out the door. He turned around to say good-bye and she ran into his arms.

  “I love you, too. Please be careful.” She laid her head against his chest. “I wish you didn’t have to go; I don’t want to lose you.”

  He gave her a hug and whispered. “I love you. You won’t lose me.”

  Charles went out the bedroom door and down the stairs. Jackie sat on the top step and watched them put their gear into two big backpacks. Everything was ready. Charles ran up the stairs for one last kiss.

  “Charles, does anyone come here? Should I worry if anyone comes around?” Charles stopped half way down the stairs and turned to her.

  “No one comes here unless they have been invited. As of right now, no one has. If anyone comes around…… damn. Are you worried that man will come looking for you?” She nodded her head yes. “Damn it.”

  “Charlie, give James a quick call and see if he can watch the house?” Robert suggested.

  Charles went into the den and called their friend. He explained what was happening and what was needed. While he was in the den, Jackie came down stairs. “Who is James.”

  “James Wolf, he’s a wolf shifter and a really good friend. I’m sure he and his bothers will come and watch the house. If Charlie tells him that no one is welcome here while we’re gone, you’ll be safe.”

  Jackie started to laugh. “A wolf shifter named James Wolf?”

  “Yeah, I know, but it’s true. He’s the Alpha of the wolves on the Peak.”

  “What’s the Peak?” Jackie asked.

  “It’s the highest mountain in the Madison Range, we’re at the very southern end of that range.”

  Charles came out of the den. “He’s on his way. Jackie, when James gets
here, he’ll let you know that he is here, then he’ll sit on the porch. Did Rob tell you about James? He’s going to be in his wolf form. Watch for him.

  When he gets here, go out and let him know who you are. Let him sniff you so he knows your scent. It’s okay to go outside if you want to go down to the lake or sit on the porch. It will be like having a bunch of big dogs hanging around. He and his brothers know that no one else is expected here. If they think you are in any danger and they can’t protect you here, they will take you somewhere safe.” He gave her one last hug. “I have to go.”

  “You two take care and stay safe.” She gave Robert a hug and a kiss on the cheek and then gave Charles a kiss that said he better come back soon. “Please be careful.”

  “Sweetheart, lock all the doors. James will let you know when he gets here if you don’t see him. I’m sorry this is happening. I don’t think that guy will come after you, but at least this way I know you’re not alone. Gotta go. I love you.”

  She had to laugh. As they walked toward the Hummer she heard Robert remark to Charles; “James would be really pissed if he heard you called him a big dog.”

  She watched them load up the Hummer and take off. They were only half way around the lake when a pack of wolves appeared down by the lakeshore. One large grey wolf came up to the porch. Jackie open the door and slowly walked out. “You must be James.” The wolf wagged his tail. She put her hand out to let him sniff. The wolf sniffed and licked her hand, then he rubbed up against her. He was big and almost knocked her off balance.

  Some sort of instinct kicked in. “I know what you’re doing. You’re putting your scent on me so your brothers know who I am. Am I right?” The wolf wagged his tail again. “Okay. I feel silly talking to a wolf, but you do understand me, don’t you?” The wolf yipped and wagged his tail again. He finally turned around and faced the yard and laid down. The other wolves weren’t far off. She could barely see the other wolves in the dark.


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