Bearly Saved My Heart: Quake Lake Bears (Madison Range Shifters Book 1)

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Bearly Saved My Heart: Quake Lake Bears (Madison Range Shifters Book 1) Page 7

by Margery Ellen

  Charles moaned as he ran his hands over her naked body and her voluptuous ass. He pulled back from her kiss. “Oh God, Jackie, I love you so much.” He buried his face in her hair and shoulder. He held her tight against his chest. “I missed you.”

  Charles walked over to the bed where she dropped her feet to the bed and started to unbutton his shirt.

  “Jackie. Baby, wait. I have to ask you something.” Before he could say another word, she answered.

  “Yes, I’ll be your mate. I love you. I know all about the bond and having kids.

  “You will? You do?”

  “Yes I do, but I’ll explain all that later. Right now, all I want is you.” She kissed him again as she got to the last button of his shirt. He started to unbutton his pants when she stopped him. “I’ll do that.” She whispered.

  She slid his shirt down his shoulders and arms and let it fall on the floor. She ran her hands over his massive chest and down his abs.

  Charles had all he could do to stand there. He wanted to throw her on the bed and impale her with his stiff cock that was so ready. He couldn’t, she was a virgin, he had to go slowly so he wouldn’t hurt her, but she wasn’t making it easy.

  She gently kissed his mouth, his chin, down his neck and then slowly down his chest. She let her tongue get a little rough and ran it down his abs and back up. She circled his nipples as she reached for his jeans and undid the button and slowly slid the zipper down. Jackie slowly pushed his jeans over his hips and down to his knees, as she did she ran her tongue down to his belly and circled his navel. She could feel his cock against her chest under his boxers.

  “Jackie, please.”

  She hooked her thumbs in his shorts and slowly pulled them down to release his throbbing cock. She could see the head of his cock glistening in the candle light. She wrapped her hands around his shaft and ran her tongue around the head of his cock.

  Charles thought he had died and gone to heaven except his knees were turning to jelly. Just when he thought he would crumble to the floor, Jackie released him and slowly turned him around to sit on her bed. She pushed him back on the bed. Again, she slowly made her way down his belly and stopped. She moved back to pull his jeans the rest of the way off. He had the forethought to remove his boots and socks before he went looking for her.

  Jackie slowly made her way back up his body. As she did, she ran her rough tongue from just below his navel to the center of his chest, then again around each nipple as he sucked air through his teeth. She was slowly torturing him.

  He’d had enough. He reached under her arms and pulled her up to his mouth so he could kiss her. Then, quicker than she could think, he was above her. Even though it was cool in the room, both their naked bodies glistened with sweat in the candle light. Now it was his turn to torture her. Slowly and deliberately.

  He kissed her until she was breathless. He held both of her hands above her head as he slowly ran his tongue down her neck to the center of her luscious breasts. With his other hand, he cupped a breast and lavished her nipple with his tongue, then moved to the other. Jackie moaned under his assault. He released her hands as moved down her belly, kissing her neatly trimmed mound. He ran his hands over her hips and down her thighs to her knees. He slowly spread her knees apart. He looked up to see her watching him as he moved to her center. He had to taste her. Slowly he ran his tongue over her slit and around her throbbing clit.

  Jackie started to writhe under his assault. He slowly slid two fingers inside her and heard her gasp. He had to get control of himself or he would hurt her if he rushed. He slowly moved his fingers until he found the spot that made her moan. Slowly he kept working her until her pussy started to clamp down on his fingers.

  “That’s it baby, come for me, let it go.” And she did. She stiffened and grabbed the hair on his head and pulled until he thought she would pull his hair out. When he was sure she was spent, he released her and slowly moved back to her mouth and kissed her hard.

  He moved between her legs so the head of his cock was at her wet entrance. He rubbed his cock up and down her slit and then slowly entered her. He moved slowly at first, moving in and out until her could feel her barrier.

  “Jackie, sweetheart. This might hurt, I’m sorry if I hurt you.” As he said that he continued further until he felt her tense. “Baby, you okay. I can stop.”

  “No, don’t stop. Please don’t stop. It didn’t hurt, it just surprised me.”

  With that, Charles started to move. Jackie’s pain slowly turned to pleasure as she moaned beneath him. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of pleasure, Jackie started to climax a second time. Her pussy clamped down on his cock like a vice. That did it, Charles stiffened as his release came, he roared as Jackie screamed and they came at the exact same time. As they did, Charles extended his teeth and bit into Jackie’s shoulder at the base of her neck. Out of instinct, Jackie did the same to Charles, biting him. As their blood mixed and their DNA spread through each other’s veins, they screamed together. Two more thrusts and he was done. He pulled out collapsed beside her.

  He chuckled softly. Jackie gave him a questioning look.

  “James told me not to make any noise.”

  Jackie started to giggle. “Too late now, you should have told me that first. We could have waited until we got home.

  “Are you nuts? I don’t think I could have waited another second, let alone a trip all the way home.”

  “You’re right, I don’t think I could have let you leave this bedroom, either.”

  They laid there in each other arms. Charles felt whole for the first time in his life. Jackie was snuggled into his side.



  “How did you know to bite me?”

  “I don’t know, it just seemed like the right thing to do. I mean, you were biting me. It only seemed fair I bite you back.” That made Charles chuckle.

  Suddenly Charles leaned up on his elbow and looked down at her. “You learned how to shift, didn’t you?” He was excited. That would explain her instinct to bite him.

  Jackie had a huge smile that made her eyes sparkle. “Yes, Amy taught me. She told me everything I needed to know that my mother wasn’t able to tell me.” She ran her fingers over his chest and down his abs to below his navel. That made him shiver and gave him goosebumps.

  He leaned down and kissed her. They made love several more times, a little more quietly, before they both fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.

  Chapter 14

  Jackie slowly started to wake up. It was dark in her room because there were no windows. As she moved, she felt a slight pain between her legs, but it was a good pain. She felt a hard chest at her back and strong arms around her.

  He knew she was awake. He could see in the dark. He snuggled her neck and kissed his bite on her shoulder. That made her moan and turn in his arms so she could face him. Being a cat, she could see in the dark too.

  “Good morning. How are you?” He kissed the tip of her nose.

  “A little sore, but it’s a good sore.” She kissed him gently on the lips.

  As much as he wanted to make love to her again, he decided to give her a break. “You can shift now, right?” She gave him a nod. “Would you like to go for a run. It’s beautiful up here on the Peak at sunrise.”

  Jackie laughed. “How can you tell what time it is?”

  “I just know, come on.” He helped her out of bed. “Do you have a robe or t-shirt?”

  Jackie pulled out the t-shirt he had given her to wear. “I grabbed it before we left. I had to have something of yours with me.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Let’s go.” He had put his boxers on. They quietly went outside, everyone else was still sleeping. They went behind some rocks and striped out of what little they had on.

  “After we shift, I want you to stay with me, okay. I know the Peak really well and I want you to stay safe next to me.” He kissed her softly.

  “I promise I’ll stay next t
o you. I’d like to shift first so you can watch me, okay?” Jackie wanted him to be proud of what she had learned. Charles watched her shift into a beautiful golden spotted bob-cat. Now he understood where the emerald green eyes came from. She was stunning.

  Charles shifted into his bear and started up the mountain, but stopped when she didn’t follow. She had never seen his bear before; she had only seen Robert. Charles was the biggest bear she had ever seen. She realized he was waiting and slowly sashayed her cute little butt and short tail under his nose as she walked past him. He reached out a huge paw and pulled her to him. He rubbed his head all over her. He wanted her cat scent on him. He licked the side of her face, the only way he could kiss her as a bear.

  They both headed up the mountain. She stayed beside him as she promised. When they got to the top of the peak, they both shifted. Both being shifters, their animal blood kept them warm. Charles wrapped his arms around her and they watched the sunrise.

  “Wow. That is the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen, thank you.” She whispered.

  “It was my pleasure.” He held her with her back against his chest. “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” He snuggled her neck and could tell by the increased warmth that she was blushing. He licked his mark and it made her shiver all over. “Are you cold?”

  She turned in his arms and faced him. “No, I’m not cold, I’m perfect. I love you so much.” She stood on her tip-toes and kissed him. “Can we go home now? I want to make love to you in that big bed of yours for about a week.”

  Charles laughed. “I’ll have you know; I just happen to have a week off.” He winked at her. “Are you ready?”

  She nodded and watched him shift. She walked up to him and ran her hands over his head and face. She kissed his nose and gave him a hug. “Correction.” She whispered in his fuzzy ear. “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Race you back to the house.” With a laugh and a shift, Jackie headed back down the mountain.

  Charles growled and tried to grab her, but she was too quick. Off they went, chasing each other back and forth, all the way back to the cabin. When they got there, they both wrestled together on the ground. Something told them they were being watched and so they stopped.

  Charles looked up and entire Wolf family and his brother were watching them, all grinning from ear to ear. They didn’t tell him then, but they would tell him later, how happy they were for him.

  Jackie was a bit embarrassed, if she shifted she would be naked in front of everyone. Sensing her discomfort, Amy came to the rescue. “Alright all you lookie-loos, break it up. Jackie, if you wore something out side, go and get it and shift. No peeking you guys, she isn’t family and she’s new at this, so give her a break.”

  Charles let her up and followed her into the bushes. A short time later they both came back, Jackie in Charles’ t-shirt and Charles in his boxers. Some of the younger members of the family let out a few whistles and cat calls.

  “That’s my mate you ogling.” Charles told them in a warning voice.

  “We’re whistling at you, not her. Sexy legs.” They all burst out in laughter. Charles looked at himself and then at Jackie and they all started laughing.

  Robert finally stepped up. “Come on, bro. Time we hiked back down the mountain and headed for home. Go and get dressed.”

  Jackie thanked everyone before she left. They had been so nice to her. She would never forget their hospitality and always consider them friends. She invited Amy to come and stay with her whenever Charles and Robert had to be gone over night. She gladly accepted.

  By the time they got home it was noon. Jackie told the guys to go and shower and she’d fix brunch since they didn’t eat breakfast. She fixed pancakes, eggs, bacon and coffee. Brunch was ready by the time they were done showering and cleaning up. Jackie fixed a cup of coffee for herself, grabbed some bacon and headed for the shower. She gave Charles a quick kiss on the cheek as she walked past him and went upstairs.”


  “You are one lucky son-of-a-bitch.” Robert told him. “Hey, we have to call Mack. Tell him you found your mate.”

  “What about you, we still have to find out about Dr. Stevens. Do you want to wait and tell him about both of us?”

  “No, bro. It’s your thunder, call him.”

  “All right.” Charles went into the den and called his baby brother. Mack answered the phone.

  “Hey, Mack. How’s married life and that beautiful wife treating you?”

  “Couldn’t be better. What’s up. I know you’re not calling about that?”

  “I found my mate. On our way home, I found her.” He was so excited to finally admit to the world he had found his mate.

  “What? You’re kidding me. How? What’s she like?” Mack had a thousand questions. He put his phone on speaker so Peg could hear him.

  “Mack, you’re not going to believe it, she’s a bob-cat and she’s beautiful. We’ve already mated. I can’t believe how much I love her.”

  “Well, where is she, we want to say hi.” Peg asked.

  “We just got home and she’s taking a shower. Someone was trying to abduct her yesterday, so the wolves took her up to the Peak. Robert and I were out on a search and rescue.”

  “So, is it over?” Mack asked.

  “Don’t know.” Charles answered. “I don’t think so.”

  “Damn, not again, this family certainly has had its share of drama when it comes to our mates. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “How long would it take you to get to Bend, Oregon? Just in case I need you.”

  Mack thought about it. “I could fly up to Eugene and drive from there. Unless Bend has an airport, I’ll check. You know, that’s Agent Adams territory. Abduction is right up his alley.”

  “I don’t know if I want to get the FBI involved. I’m hoping this can be settled quietly. It’s sort of a family problem.”

  “You didn’t steal her from her family, did you? Big brother, you know better.” Mack scolded.

  “No, I rescued her. He uncle sold her to a truck driver. I gave him what he paid for her and then some for his trouble and told him to get lost.”

  Mack instantly took the phone off speaker. “What. Sold her.” He yelled. Charles had to hold the phone at arm’s length; Mack was yelling so loud. “Nobody sells another person; what kind of people would do such a thing. You’d think we lived in the dark ages.”

  Charles laughed. “Those were my words exactly.”

  “That is worse than kidnapping. I really think you should let Luke know.”

  “I’ll think about it. I need to go. I’ll let you know if I need you, okay?”

  “Yeah, take care big brother and take care of that new mate. I can’t wait to meet her.” Mack hung up and immediately called Agent Adams.


  Charles ran upstairs to find Jackie. She had just gotten out of the shower. He sniffed the air, it smelled like cherry blossoms, sweet like his mate. He went into the bathroom and there she was, wrapped in a towel.

  “I thought cats didn’t like water?” he teased.

  “Well, you thought wrong. I love water, at least in this form. As a cat, I have no way of knowing. Where were you, I thought you’d come up sooner and wash my back for me.”

  He gave her a sly smile and loosened her towel as he snuggled her neck. “We could always get back in the shower.”

  “Or we could get into that big bed of yours.”

  “Your wish is my command.” He scooped her up and carried her to the bed. “It’s our bed now.” She gave him a questioning look. “You said big bed of yours? Anything that was mine is now yours as well, so it’s our bed.”

  “I thought that only happened when people got married.”

  “It does, but being true mates is much more permanent than marriage. We are bonded for life, only to be parted if one of us dies. Do you remember what your aunt said about your parents; that it was good that they died together? One couldn’t live witho
ut the other?” She shook her head yes. “Well, that’s you and me now. Is that okay with you?”

  “Oh, yes. It’s very okay with me. I love you.” She reached up and pulled him down to the bed.

  Chapter 15

  Charles and Jackie finally made an appearance around dinner time. Robert had already fixed dinner and they sat down to eat.

  “So tell me, Jack. How do you like your new life as a shifter?” Robert asked.

  “It’s amazing. When Charles and I ran up to the Peak, it was exhilarating. It was like my spirit had been set free. I always knew I was different, but this is so much more. Thank you, both of you, for saving me.” She smiled. “I have to give Amy credit too. She taught me how to shift and filled in all the blanks. There was so much I didn’t know and I had so many questions; she was very patient. She’s the first friend I’ve ever had.”

  “Jackie, I hate to ask, but do you know why someone would come looking for you?” Robert asked. “Where was that truck driver taking you, do you know?”

  “I don’t know, he kept me locked in that truck. He did say that he was going to make a lot of money because I was a freak. I think he was thinking out loud. When he said it, he thought I was asleep.”

  “Did he know you were a shifter?” Charles asked.

  “I don’t know. He must have, my uncle must have told him. Why else would he call me that?”

  “All of this doesn’t make sense. If that was the case, I wonder why he let us take you so easily without a fight?” remarked Robert.

  “There was one stop we made, he told me it was the end of the line. He locked me in the truck like he always did, but when he came back he was furious. Said people wouldn’t believe him and they wouldn’t pay him.”

  “Shit!” was all Charles could say.

  “What? What’s wrong?” Jackie asked.

  “He was telling people you were a shifter? That’s not good. We try to keep it a secret. If people find out about us, some people will come after us.”


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