Merry Me

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Merry Me Page 11

by Amanda Siegrist

  He resisted the urge to shove people out of his way as he rushed through the throng of people. She would surely hate him by the time he reached her if Marybeth said anything to suggest there was something going on between them.

  Losing Lynn would be like losing his heart completely. And hating Christmas until the end of time.

  Chapter 10

  Lynn stepped out of the stall and smoothed her dress down with trembling hands. The last thing she needed was to create wrinkles in such a lovely dress. The tension between her and Elliot was enough to worry about.

  By all indications, the evening wouldn't be ending like she had hoped this morning. Falling helplessly into Elliot's arms. Paying him back for fixing her car seemed even more crucial now. She would walk away from this small-lived relationship without being indebted to him.

  The brown box faded in many spots, that sat tucked away in her closet, squeezed at her gut again. She hadn't opened it in months. Taking out Trent's things, even after all this time, could put her in a serious funk. Laura didn’t need to see that.

  Now, her choices were slim. She would have to take it out when she got home. The thought of removing the one thing that would cure her money problems made her steps wobble as she walked to the sink. The pain of losing him would happen all over again.

  So much pain.

  Sniffling, she swiped a hand across her cheek, erasing the only tear she would shed. No more. Crying would just make the night worse.

  Yanking on the faucet, the water flowing freely, she washed her hands. Too bad the water couldn't wash her problems away as well.

  While the tension swirled around her and Elliot, she had enjoyed the evening somewhat. The festivities of Christmas always filled her soul with happiness. Knowing Elliot wasn't happy dimmed that happiness immensely. Ending the evening would probably be best. Just end it all.

  She had nobody to blame but herself. She had to throw out those damaging words to him. How could she know anything about the relationship between him and his father? What made her such an expert on relationships?

  She knew how it felt to love someone so special, then lose them in a blink of an eye. She had seen Gregory's pain when he spoke about his late wife. She had also seen the happiness when he mentioned Gabby. She could relate to both of those feelings. She felt pain when she thought of Trent, and she felt happiness when she thought of Elliot. That's all she had really been trying to tell him.

  Drying her hands slowly didn't diminish the rapid beating of her heart. How would Elliot react when she asked to go home? Immediately agree with her or convince her to stay? He probably didn't want to continue seeing her after she opened her mouth the way she did. He might even be grateful she wanted to go home. Gregory was right. Elliot could fake happiness very well, yet, the sadness in his eyes never wavered since they walked out of his house. Of course, nobody seemed to notice. She did. She had from the start.

  She tossed the paper towels into the trash receptacle near the faucet and turned around.

  "Oh, Marybeth. Hello. How are you?"

  Marybeth smiled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Could she actually see the tension between her and Elliot? Did she know something Lynn didn't?

  "I'm wonderful. How is your evening going, Gwynn?"

  Her eyebrow slowly rose. Intentional or accidental? "It's Lynn. And I've been having a wonderful evening as well."

  "My apologies. I swore Elliot said Gwynn earlier. How long have you been dating?"

  "A while. I'll leave you to it."

  Lynn smiled even as the pain in her heart swelled. Marybeth looked absolutely flawless, once again, in her evening gown that clung to her body with ease. Had Elliot seen her yet this evening?

  "Are you breaking up with Elliot?"

  Lynn jerked as she took a step forward. She pointed toward the stalls. "I meant going to the bathroom. That's all. I get the impression you like him."

  "I think it's mutual, actually. I'm so sorry he seems to be leading you on. I hate to say anything, but sometimes it's easier to know sooner rather than later."

  "Leading me on?" Marybeth was wrong. Elliot would never do anything like that.

  Marybeth shook her head as her lips curled with delight. "You're so innocent. It's kind of sad. Look at me and then look at yourself. You'll clearly see why Elliot would want me instead. No disrespect, but you probably purchased that dress at a thrift store, where I'm sure you get all your clothes, don't you? Elliot's used to the finer things in life."

  The audacity of this woman. She had suspected she liked Elliot, but Lynn never expected her to be so cruel.

  "As a matter of fact, I do. It helps me save money. I work hard to earn money. Do you even know what working hard means?"

  "I know Elliot's leading you on. I'm just trying to help you see that. Don't take it personally. You should be grateful."

  Lynn's jaw almost dropped, yet snapped it shut as she clenched her teeth. Déjà vu. It's like her mother was standing right in front of her. She hadn't seen her in years, and she had no intention of wanting to see her in the future. Interacting with a woman who reminded her of her mother wasn't something she wanted to deal with either.

  "I'd be grateful to end this conversation. That's about it. Excuse me, Marybeth."

  "Gwynn, I didn't mean to upset you."

  "It's Lynn. I don't appreciate you making Elliot look like a horrible person. You say he's leading me on. The man I know would never do such a thing. He's kind, generous, and smart enough not to date you. Please, Marybeth, don't take that personally. I'm just trying to help you see that."

  Marybeth backed up a step, clearly surprised. "You have no idea what you're talking about. Elliot likes me. His eyes have been telling me that all night. He can't seem to stop daring a glance. Has he even commented on that dress you're wearing? Honestly, I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you now."

  Delusional, or clearly persistent? Trying to make heads or tails of her behavior wouldn't get her anywhere. They could probably go back and forth all night in this bathroom.

  "Let's get something straight. It doesn't bother me to wear thrift clothes. I can still look as glamorous as you in them. Money isn't everything. And for your information, this is his mother's dress. I dare you to tell him just exactly what you think of it. Because if you know anything at all about Elliot, you know what his mother meant to him. I think this conversation has reached its limit. Excuse me."

  She believed Elliot when he said he never had anything to do with Marybeth. And now she understood why. Good for him for seeing the train wreck she clearly was.

  She took a few steps, stopping when Marybeth refused to move out of the way. Freedom was just a pull of the door. Blocked. "Move, please."

  "Gwynn, I don't think you understand."

  Lynn leaned forward, getting inches from her face. "It's Lynn, for the last time. And I don't think you understand. I'll push you out of the way if I have to. I want to leave this restroom."

  "Gosh, and I won't hesitate to scream assault." Marybeth cocked her head in a challenge as a wide smirk spread across her face.

  Lynn screamed loudly. Marybeth jumped back. A chuckled escaped as she grabbed the door handle. "You must be really lonely. Why else would you be so cruel? Merry Christmas, Marybeth. I truly don't want to fight with you. This should be a joyous time of year."

  Lynn exited the bathroom with the hopes Marybeth left her alone for the rest of the night. With the tension between her and Elliot, she couldn't help but worry that Marybeth might swoop in and snatch him away. Would Elliot do that to her?

  No. She believed him. He didn't like Marybeth.

  "Oh, geez, I'm so sorry. I don't know where my mind is at," Lynn said as she almost collided with another woman.

  "Probably still fighting that woman inside the bathroom," the woman said with a laugh.

  Lynn's eyes rounded with shock. "Did you hear what was said? I didn't mean—"

  "Oh, dear, you didn't say anything horrible. I sure hope that wasn'
t an apology about to leave your mouth. I heard some of the conversation. I'm Gabby, by the way." She held her hand out in greeting.

  "Gregory's Gabby?"

  "Oh, I like the sound of that. Yes, I am." Gabby laughed as Lynn shook hands with her. "You must be Elliot's Lynn."

  "Yes, I am. Or, I hope so." She laughed without enthusiasm as she brushed her hands down her dress.

  "Why would you sound so unsure? I just met him, but he seemed quite concerned about you. He was about to walk into this bathroom himself, until I suggested it would be better if I did."

  "We, uh, didn't exactly see eye-to-eye on an issue before we left for the party. What can I say? I'm a little worried."

  "I don't think you have anything to worry about. What was the issue?"

  "Uh, well…it's okay. I'm sure we'll work it out." Lynn gestured her hand. "Perhaps we should join Elliot and Gregory now."

  "Yes, of course."

  Worry. That's all the night had held. Lynn wasn't about to start another problem by mentioning the reason her and Elliot were having issues. How would Gabby take the news? Best not to find out. And hurting Gregory in that manner wasn’t on her to-do list. One Duncan man angry with her was enough.

  Escaping this party became crucial. Gabby could have more questions later. Elliot would continue to pretend to enjoy himself when he clearly wasn't. And taking the chance of another encounter with Marybeth would be too much. She had enough.

  "Lynn, there you are. Is everything okay?" Elliot asked as he rounded the corner.

  Just seeing his face brought a smile. Yet, the worry still lingered, especially the way he looked flushed. His words had been a bit breathless. Concern immediately took front and center. "Everything's fine. I was just meeting Gabby. Are you okay?"

  "Of course, but you had me worried when you were gone so long. My dad's probably waiting for us. Let's join him." Elliot held out his arm to Lynn.

  Her smile widened at the eagerness in his expression. His soft touch, no matter how small, always helped to calm her down. Nothing to worry about. Maybe the night wouldn't have to end so soon. His concern for her couldn't be misinterpreted. Always so much concern. He really did worry too much about things. Perhaps, she was worrying too much about the strain between them.

  She took a step, then stumbled as Marybeth rushed past her and grasped Elliot's arm. Great. Now what was she up to?

  "Oh, Elliot, there you are. I…I don't know what to say," Marybeth said between shaky breaths.

  Elliot's brows dipped in confusion, sparing a worried glance at Lynn. "What are you talking about?"

  Marybeth tilted her eyes to Lynn, her lips barely curling, but enough to see the devious glint. "Your girlfriend and I had some words in the restroom. Just out of nowhere, she was telling me to back off. I have no idea what I did to cause such a reaction from her. And she muttered under her breath before that, how much she hated her dress. It's such a lovely dress. I'm not sure why she'd wear it if she didn't like it. And then I tried to leave the restroom and she pushed me."

  Elliot looked back and forth between Marybeth and Lynn. Her stomach dropped as his face contorted with anger. He was always such a friendly, loving man. Anger never made an appearance, even in their small arguments. He always managed to keep a smile on his face. Probably the reason she always let the arguments drop. That sweet smile of his.

  Now, nothing but anger. Why did it seem directed at her?

  The nerve of this woman. Such a master with words. Her mother's face flashed before her again. Escaping the past always caught up to a person somehow. Tears started to pool in the corner of her eyes.

  Gabby's hand brushed her arm, offering her comfort. So she saw his anger as well. What a disastrous night.


  He refused to look at her as he cut her off, his attention solely focused on Marybeth. "What is the matter with you, Marybeth? I have a hard time believing everything you just said. Lynn loves that dress. If she didn't like it, she would've said so because she's an honest person." Elliot shook her hand off and backed up a step.

  "Elliot, she pushed me. I want to press charges. You’re the chief of police, you can't ignore that." Marybeth crossed her arms as she pouted her lips.

  "I don't think she pushed you. I was right outside the bathroom door. If anything, I heard Lynn scream. Did she touch you, Lynn?" Gabby said, looking at Lynn with concern.

  Elliot's head frantically whipped to Lynn, the concern just as prominent. "Did she hurt you?"

  "Elliot, she pushed me. Why are you ignoring me?" Marybeth demanded.

  Lynn ignored Marybeth's tantrum. Acting the way her seven year old could act, rarely, but it did happen. Such desperation. Perhaps Marybeth could finally see that Elliot didn’t want her.

  "No, she didn't. She refused to move out of my way, so I screamed, which made her jump back. I never touched her and she never touched me."

  Lynn wrapped her arms around herself. Could she ward off all the unhappiness surrounding them? She had wanted to enjoy a nice, wonderful Christmas party. Instead, they had to deal with this.

  "Elliot, I—"

  "Oh, stop it, Marybeth Jenkins. Move on from Chief Duncan. He clearly has his eyes on another woman. Just because your father is on the City Council does not give you the right to treat others with disrespect. Chief Duncan, nobody touched anybody in the restroom. I was in one of the stalls and heard it all. If you'd like to arrest somebody, I suggest arresting Marybeth Jenkins for a false report," City Councilwoman Tina Waters said with quiet decorum.

  "And you, Lynn, stood up for yourself quite admirably. Well done. I hope you don’t let this ruin the rest of your evening," Tina said, looking at her with a brilliant smile.

  "I certainly wouldn't have gotten anywhere in life if I let people bring me down," Lynn softly replied.

  "Come, Marybeth, join me. I think if you walk away now, Chief Duncan will decide to forgo pressing charges for a false report. Right, Chief?" Tina said.

  "I think I could manage that." Elliot walked over to Lynn, grabbing her hand. Peace descended immediately, her heart filling back up with serenity. "But I hope this doesn't happen again. I won't be so forgiving next time."

  "Of course not. I wouldn't either." Tina smiled brightly as she steered Marybeth out of the room, who looked ready to explode that the situation didn't go her way.

  "Well, that was certainly more entertainment than I bargained for at this party. I'll go find Gregory and meet up with you two later." Gabby smiled gently before walking away.

  Lynn trembled as Elliot blew out a breath. He brought her hand to his mouth and lightly kissed it. A few more trembles escaped. His soft touch could still heat her up without much effort.

  "I'm sorry, Lynn. I had no idea Marybeth could act that way. To accuse you of something like that…I just can't understand her. What did she say in there?"

  "It doesn't matter."

  "I want to know."

  "Don't worry about it. Let's just forget it. Let's forget it all." Lynn glanced down at his chest. His warm touch had calmed her down, but his eyes could tell a completely different story. Could they still salvage what they had between them? An apology for opening her mouth earlier concerning his dad and Gabby was a good place to start.

  "Forget it all? Why do I feel like I'm losing you?" Elliot asked, pulling her hand closer to his chest, making her move closer as well.

  God, she needed his arms around her. To pull her close and take the pain away. Take the worry away.

  "I'm sorry about what I said at the house. It's your dad, and I shouldn't have said anything."

  "It might take me a while to warm up to the idea, but I think it'll be easier with you by my side." He grabbed her face, his heartache pouring from his eyes. "You didn't answer me. Am I losing you?"


  His hands slid down her sides and wove around to her back. Exactly what she wanted him to do.

  "That's all I needed to hear. Do you want to leave?"

  She shook h
er head as his warm touch started to soothe her. "Let's enjoy this party."

  Elliot smiled. He wrapped her even tighter in his arms and dove in for a kiss. A deep, fierce kiss that spoke volumes. The worry slowly ebbed away.

  "So we're still on for our sleepover?"

  Lynn leaned into him, whispering into his ear delicately, "I've been looking forward to it. Maybe I am ready to leave."

  Chapter 11

  Lynn let out a soft, silent breath. Nerves. Nearly thirty years old and the nerves could still appear out of nowhere. A woman with a seven-year-old daughter. She knew how sex operated. What was there to be nervous about? Nothing would happen she didn't want to. Oh, but she wanted every little thing to happen between her and Elliot.

  The tension filling the car said a lot would happen once they reached his house. Sexual tension, that is. None of that other stress remained. Maybe the air could be cleared a little better, but tomorrow would work. Tonight, the heat she always experienced by a simple glance from him or a tender word from his sweet mouth or even the littlest contact from him would be extinguished. No more needing cold air to cool her down.

  Maybe. One time with him might not be enough.

  One worry at a time. They still had to get through their first time in one piece. God, it had been so long. Her infrequent occasional dates meant nothing. She hadn't slept with a man since Trent.

  The butterflies fluttering around her stomach were going crazy. Almost like it was her first time. How bad would she screw this up? This could be the most pivotal moment in their short relationship.

  Very short. She had never contemplated sleeping with a man so soon before. With Elliot, it just felt right. How had she gone so long without a man in her bed? Probably because none of those men had been Elliot.

  Nothing to it. She could do this. Just pull all of those wily ways of seduction out and work some magic.

  Ugh! She never seduced a man. Not even Trent. More like he swooped into her life, mastered the charm like a pro and made her fall completely in love without blinking an eye.

  Elliot was almost doing the same exact thing.


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