Surrendering to My Spy (Linked Across Time Book 4)

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Surrendering to My Spy (Linked Across Time Book 4) Page 14

by Dawn Brower

  “Not at all,” Bradford responded. “Regina’s more than enough for me.”

  “I’d hope so,” Regina interrupted. “Otherwise I’d have to cut off some important parts you’re rather fond of.”

  Zane smiled at her. She was different and the kind of woman who’d always keep a man guessing. Too bad the damn duke had found her first. Nothing he could do to change that, besides he was happy Bradford found someone to love. The duke hadn’t had an easy life and deserved to find joy wherever possible. Regina gave him a reason to smile.

  Bradford leaned down and kissed her cheek. “You’re rather fond of them too.”

  “Doesn’t mean I won’t alleviate them from your person if you look at another woman.” Her lips tilted upward. “Don’t worry I wouldn’t leave this fictitious wench unharmed. You’d both be bloody when I finished.”

  How did one respond to such gruesome intent? Zane repressed a smile. It wouldn’t do to let Regina realize how much she amused him. She already thought he lacked substance and survived on charm. In some ways he supposed she was right. He hadn’t had to work for anything, including women. Probably was why he was so freaking bored. As entertaining as Bradford and Regina could be—he needed to escape. They were as suffocating as every single one of his guests. This was probably going to be the last fundraiser. He couldn’t stand the tediousness of them any longer.

  Bradford nuzzled Regina’s neck and she giggled. “It’s a good thing you’re the only one for me.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him with Regina still facing Zane. His hand rubbed over her belly possessively. “You’re mine and there’s no escaping it.”

  “Stop mauling me,” she slapped his hand. “You keep rubbing my stomach like that I might lose the contents of my stomach.”

  Zane raised an eyebrow. “The food not to your liking?” Please give me a reason to leave and harass the caterers. “I haven’t tried much of it myself.” He had no appetite for any food.

  “No,” she replied. “Food itself makes me gag these days. It’s all his fault.” She jerked her thumb toward Bradford. “He can’t keep his hands off of me and now I’m suffering.”

  Ah. So they were expecting. Explained why Regina hadn’t been drinking any of the champagne. “I suppose congratulations are in order.” He couldn’t imagine why either one of them wanted to procreate, but it wasn’t for him to decide.

  Bradford smiled. “We’re not telling anyone yet. It’s still new...”

  And yet Regina couldn’t help telling him. He wondered why she felt the need to spill their good tidings. “You’re secret is safe with me.”

  He stared across the room again and prayed for a reason to leave. Anything. Zane turned back to Regina and Bradford and almost gagged. She’d not been lying he really couldn’t keep his hands off of her. He cleared his throat and they broke apart.

  “Sorry,” Regina said. “I’m irresistible. He can’t help himself.”

  “You love it,” Bradford replied. “You want me to touch you all over.

  “As fun as that sounds...” Zane was at a loss. Good grief did they ever stop? “Yeah I think I’ll leave you two to your love talk.”

  “Don’t go,” Regina said. “There is something I wanted to discuss with you.” She pulled off her elaborate peacock mask and met his gaze. While the mask was beautiful it didn’t compare to her. Her platinum blonde hair was piled on her head in an elaborate style. Curls fell artfully down the side of her face adding to her costume. The brilliant sapphire and amethyst gown sparkled under the lights. “It’s about Trenton.”

  At the mention of his stepbrother Bradford frowned. “He’s been obsessed with finding Genevieve. The journal you loaned us helped, but it’s only made him more desperate to find her. He thinks he might find the answers here.”

  Regina nodded. Her lips formed a firm line. “We know what happened to Alys now and it’s reasonable to think something similar happened to Genevieve. Is it possible...” She cleared her throat. “What I’m trying to say is can Trenton come and do some more research here?”

  The last thing he wanted was Trenton Quinn to make himself at home at Seabrook. He’d been rather looking forward to the peace of having no one around. Quinn was obsessed with finding his lost love and maybe he’d find answers at Zane’s estate, but he was reluctant to let him. Not because he didn’t want him to find Genevieve, but because he hated people. There he said it—people got on every last one of his nerves. He wasn’t the proclaimed social monger society believed him to be. What Zane was—was a damn fine actor. He could pretend forever if he wanted to but inside he cringed whenever someone talked to him. Especially when all he wanted was for the usurpers to leave him bloody well alone...

  But he couldn’t say no to Bradford. He was one of the few people he liked and could stand to be around. “Fine. Tell him to come.”

  “Good,” Regina said. “He’s already on his way. I talked to him an hour ago.”

  Zane opened his mouth and closed it several times. He was about to say something he’d regret so instead of addressing Regina’s blatant disregard he turned on his heels and left. He couldn’t offend her if he wasn’t around to say anything. He fully realized he probably already did that by walking away, but she’d get over that. Regina, he assumed, was well aware she’d overstepped. On this occasion he didn’t envy Bradford. Zane might well strangle a woman who thought to rule him in such a way. Though he doubted very much that the duke let Regina have control in all things, he was too set in his ways to allow it. The dynamics of their relationship was rather interesting. More than the bloody masquerade ball had been any way.

  He pushed open a door and headed toward the conservatory. There he could find the measure of peace he’d been hoping to gain. It wasn’t lost on him that last year’s fundraiser he’d done much the same thing. The difference was he’d found Regina there. It had amused him to flirt with her and make Bradford jealous—their relationship too new and trust rare at the time. Somehow they managed to work it all out and married in a rush soon after.

  The orange blossoms permeated the air and called out to him. This was his favorite part of his estate. It was comforting to be amongst the foliage and look into the night sky through the glass ceiling. The best of everything was found in the conservatory. There was comfort, fresh air, and a bit of protection from the elements. He could sit out there for hours and not realize it. Unfortunately he wasn’t afforded the opportunity to indulge in that past time much. He moved around the room not paying attention to anything in particular. The quiet encircled him and created the calm he needed. Zane closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  When he opened them he was shocked silent. A woman stumbled toward him. Her ice blue gown was torn on one side and her matching mask dangled from her right wrist. What must have been an elegant coiffure was now a mess of tangled mahogany curls. She lifted her head and met his gaze. Zane was stunned by her pale green eyes. This was a woman he’d never met and suddenly wanted to know in every way possible, but he wasn’t such an ass not to realize she wasn’t in any condition to do anything. She limped as she struggled to walk and held her one shoulder was stiff.

  “Pardon me,” she started to say. Her body swayed and Zane reached out to catch her. “I’m not usually so gauche as to fall at a man’s feet.”

  Zane’s lips tilted upward. “Madame I doubt you’d have to stoop to such measures.” She was breathtaking.

  She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. There was something there that broke his heart. So much sadness reflected out of them. “My lord I assure you I do not.”

  “What happened to you? Zane helped her to her feet and kept her steady.

  “I don’t know,” she replied. She brushed her hand through her hair. “Where am I?” She turned away from him and scoured the area.

  Zane wasn’t sure what to make of her. She didn’t seem daft, but there was something unusual about her. The woman’s accent suggested she hailed from France. He hadn’t invited anyon
e with that distinction. That didn’t matter though. Anyone could have brought her as their guest. He hadn’t kept tabs on everyone’s plus one and didn’t really care. This woman was something else entirely though. For the first time in forever he was intrigued.

  “What is your name?”

  She turned to him and seemed to stare through him. “You seem familiar.” Her eyes scrunched up as she studied him. “Have we met?”

  “Trust me,” he countered. “If we’d met you’d remember.”

  She tilted her head and frowned. “Something about you strikes a familiar chord—something is there. I’ll figure it out.”

  He didn’t want to remind her of anyone. Zane wanted to be the only one she desired and if she believed he was recognizable because of someone else—that didn’t bode well for that outcome.

  “Are we going to play a guessing game?” He said. “Am I to figure out who you are through a series of questions or are you going to tell me who you are?”

  “Why are you so adamant?” She asked haughtily. “Why do I need to identify myself?”

  Zane bit on his lip and considered her words. She was a conundrum. Something clearly had happened to her and yet she had enough tenacity to hold her ground. He liked it.

  “Why don’t we start with me then?” He took a step forward. “Since you’re in my home it seems rather redundant, but I’m willing to play your game.”

  “Oh?” She said raising an eyebrow. “Your home?”

  “Yes,” he replied. “I am Zane.” He lifted his arms and gestured around him. “And this is the conservatory in Seabrook Manor.”

  “That’s not possible,” she replied. “How can this be?” She swayed again and this time she did lose consciousness. Zane barely had time to catch her before she hit the floor.

  “Bloody hell,” he said. “I guess I’ll have to see you upstairs then.”

  He scooped her into his arms and carried her up to his room. He didn’t know where else to put her and she was clearly not well. The door to his chamber was ajar making it easier for him to enter. He laid her down on his bed and took a step back. There was a small stain of blood on her shoulder—something he’d missed earlier. He leaned down and pulled back her gown over her shoulder and saw a small wound. The blood flow seemed to be easing, but he had no medical training to make an accurate diagnosis. Maybe he’d get lucky and there would be a doctor in attendance. Damn it. What had happened to her? So much for finding a moment of peace...

  About the Author

  Dawn Brower holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Master of Arts in Education, and a Master of Arts in Liberal Arts with concentrations in Literature, History, and Sociology. She works as a substitute teacher and enjoys the flexibility it gives her to concentrate on her other endeavors.

  Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby. While she loves all genres she focuses most of her writing on historical and contemporary romance.

  There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.

  For more information visit her website at:

  Books by Dawn Brower

  Broken Pearl

  Deadly Benevolence

  Don’t Happen Twice

  A Wallflower’s Christmas Kiss

  Marsden Romances

  A Flawed Jewel

  A Crystal Angel

  A Treasured Lily

  A Sanguine Gem

  A Hidden Ruby

  A Discarded Pearl

  Novak Springs

  Cowgirl Fever

  Dirty Proof

  Unbridled Pursuit

  Sensual Games

  Linked Across Time

  Saved by My Blackguard

  Searching for My Rogue

  Seduction of My Rake

  Surrendering to My Spy

  Coming Soon

  Spellbound by My Charmer

  Heart’s Intent

  One Heart to Give

  An Unveiled Heart

  Coming Soon

  Heart of the Moment




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