Home > Romance > SPYDER > Page 6

by Becca Fanning

  “That’s exactly what terrifies me,” Mundo snarled. “You’re my baby girl. The last thing I...”

  “Your father doesn’t want you to get hurt,” her momma’s voice was soft, the voice of reason. But it always was. Jessie wondered if Christie ever got tired of defending Mundo´s mercurial moods, and if she didn´t, the woman deserved to be nominated for sainthood.

  “Then he shouldn’t have had me in the first place,” she snapped. “That’s what kids do, they get hurt. They live. That’s what life’s about. You can’t keep me wrapped up in cotton wool for the rest of my natural. I’m dying here. I’ve been miserable for so long, I don’t even know what it feels like to be happy anymore. You’ve kept me here like some kind of bird in a pretty cage. Well, I can’t stand any more of it. I can’t.”

  She’d never expected to be having this conversation butt naked, with her mate at her side, and her parents behind her bedroom door.

  Still, if it had to happen, it was better this way. If her father could get hold of Spyder, no matter what she said, he’d have attacked. And that would have only made things a thousand times worse because she didn’t want to fight her father.

  Not in this form or her Bear’s, and she was well aware that to protect her mate, she’d shift.

  It didn’t matter that she’d be fighting her daddy. The Bear wouldn’t recognize that when the moment came.

  Every part of Jessie was well aware that for a human, Spyder was strong, but in comparison to a Shifter, he wasn’t. There was no way he could take on her father. No way, no how.

  Hell, what human could take on a bear without getting some part of them ripped off or bitten?

  She shuddered at the prospect of her mate enduring such injuries, and nestled into his side when in reaction to her shiver, he curled an arm about her shoulder and tugged her close.

  “We should talk about this,” her mother tried once more. “Come on, baby. Let’s go and sit in the yard and talk this over.”

  “What’s there to talk about?” she replied, just as softly. “It’s done. I’m mated. There’s nothing either of you can do now to change that, and there’s nothing I’d want you to do to change it anyway.”

  Spyder clasped hold of her chin and tilted her head up so he could look her in the eye. “You mean that?”

  She nodded. “Of course, I do. We’re mates, Spyder. You don’t get what that means. I do. We’re born for one another. We die for one another.” She bit her lip. “I’ll not lie. I didn’t realize if something happened to me, you’d pass on too. Somebody should have mentioned that to me in the two decades of my existence,” she hollered and hoped her parents winced at the criticism. “I wish I’d known because I don’t think it was fair of me to put you in that position. To take away your choice. This doesn’t just affect me, after all. It affects both of us.”

  He shook his head. “I’m the one who’s in danger at the moment. If I’d known, I’d have made us wait until the situation with Martinez was dealt with.”

  “Then I’m glad we didn’t know,” she said simply.

  “Jesus, you’re stubborn.” His grin was slow, but it was a smile and it was appreciative.

  She winked. “You’ll get used to it.”

  “Somehow I doubt that.”

  Mundo reminded them he was there by calling out, “I don’t expect you to come out, Jessie. But when you do, I want to speak to you. Not to tell you off,” he added quickly, and she heard her mother muttering something which made her think Christie was behind that little addendum. “Just to talk. Okay?”

  “Of course,” she told him, quite willing to be reasonable.

  Especially now she had her mate. Well, only because she had her mate.

  “Congratulations, love,” her mother said softly through the door, and then the sound of two sets of footsteps walking away from her room rumbled on the floorboards, informing her they were leaving them alone for the moment.

  She let out a shaky breath. “That went quite well actually.”

  Spyder hooted. “That was ‘quite well’?”

  “You’re in one piece.” She jerked a shoulder, then grinned evilly when he blanched. “I’d take that as a victory.”

  Chapter 6

  When he stepped out of the bedroom, Spyder knew he was a different man to the one who’d gone in.

  Sex didn’t usually change a man, but in this instance, it did.

  He felt different. Older. Wiser. Like now he knew he had responsibilities and he was aware he couldn’t shirk them.

  That little conversation with a Goddess helped too.

  He shuddered at the memory.

  Had that actually happened? Really, had it?

  He ran a hand through his hair to hide the tremor in his fingers—because he knew it had happened.

  He’d had a reprieve. Jessie was his savior.

  He waited by the door for her to come out, and when she did, he bent down to kiss her cheek. Her lips were painted a bright candy red. It suited her, but he felt like pouting at the fact he couldn’t kiss her properly.

  Maybe she sensed his disappointment because she grinned. “It’s locked in place. Won’t stain.”

  “Really?” he asked, doubtfully. “Last thing I need is to walk into a room full of Shifters with bright red lips. I’d never here the end of it. They’d probably stop calling me Spyder and start calling me Hot Lips or some shit like that.”

  She giggled, and the sound was so young and so carefree, it made the weight and the worries on his shoulders fly free a second. “Silly, as if I’d let you go through that. Heck, I’d have to live through the teasing as well.”

  He snorted. “So it’s for your sake more than mine?”

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” She winked at him, then leaned up on tip toes as she pressed into him. Her hands went to his waist before they slid up to his chest. He felt her fingers dig into his pecs as she reached up and connected their mouths.

  She was surprisingly aggressive. Although, why that came as a surprise when the other half of her nature was a Bear, he wasn’t altogether sure. Still, he was new to the whole Shifter thing. As far as he was aware, he’d never come across another Shifter in his life so this was pretty much all new to him.

  Hell, everyone knew Shifters existed. It wasn’t like that came as a surprise. But they led such solitary lives, and blended so well with the rest of the world that they managed to hide in plain sight.

  A fact which was great for them, but not so great for the unsuspecting humans who roamed among them.

  Her lips were like velvet against his, and he loved how she pushed her tongue into his mouth, unafraid to claim him, to state without words that he was hers.

  “How is it I was your first?” he mumbled against her cheek as she pulled back.

  It was a tactless question and he almost expected her to pout at him and rail at him for being insensitive. Instead, as she always seemed to, she surprised the hell out of him by laughing. This woman of his kept on shocking him.

  “You’re not the first guy I’ve kissed, Devon,” she told him, uttering his name so softly it was almost noiseless.

  “I don’t really want to know about other guys,” he said on a rueful grimace as he grabbed a hold of her ass and jerked her against his body, not stopping until her hands were on his chest once more. “I just like knowing I’m your first in everything else.”

  She cocked a knowing brow at him. “And I thought human males would be different.”

  “Yeah? You didn’t realize we can be possessive pieces of shit too?”

  A chuckle escaped her as she reached up to cup his chin. “Yeah, that was really short-sighted of me, wasn’t it?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Just a bit.”

  She sighed as she pressed their lips together again. As they supped at each other mouths, he moaned as she pulled back and nipped his bottom lip. It would mark, and he knew it, but for some weird ass reason, he didn’t particularly care.

  Jessie had been sheltered at the
clubhouse. That was a fact he was immensely grateful for, but he could sense she’d been lonely. Some people were not born to be alone, and Jessie was one of those people. Saying that, he guessed by nature only that no Shifter was supposed to be alone. They were born to find a mate, and they were born into an extended family by way of their Clan.

  As a complaint, being lonely wasn’t the shittiest way to spend a childhood. He’d prefer her to have that than have endured his crappy time as a kid, after all.

  Still, her past had made the woman she was today. He’d be a fool to forget that over the coming years.

  They breathed against each other’s mouths for a few seconds, letting their foreheads brush as they soaked in each other.

  It was a heady time.

  In a sense, it reminded him of those first glorious experiences he’d had when he’d lost his own virginity. Heady as only a kid could experience. But this was a thousand times stronger.

  It was almost like he’d been drugged so powerful was his response to her.

  He’d have been freaked if he hadn’t known she was equally as absorbed in him.

  “Do you feel any different?” she asked softly.

  He studied her face, but could read little as her eyes were closed.

  “In what way?”

  “Your gift. From the Goddess,” she clarified. “A talent that makes you a little more prepared for this new world you’re in. I wondered if you could sense what it was.”

  He blinked. “You think I’ll get one?”

  “All the female mates get one. Why shouldn’t you?” Her eyes popped open in umbrage. “If you don’t, that’s totally unfair.”

  He laughed. “Who are you going to complain to?”

  She pouted. “I don’t know. I’ll find someone.”

  “I believe you.” He did.

  She peered at him in suspicion, then when she realized he meant it, she nodded in satisfaction. “Good.”

  “Not sure if you complaining would make a difference, mind you, but I know you’d try.”

  “You should have a gift. It’s for your protection.”

  “Protection against you?”

  “No. Against the world.”

  He blinked at that. “I’ve lived in a shitty part of the world, babe, and managed to survive. I think I can cope without a gift.”

  “Survive... what kind of life is that?” She shook her head. “And no, it isn’t to protect yourself from me. I’m not into mate beating.”

  He let out a sigh and pressed his forehead deeper into hers. “It’s funny you should say that.”

  “What? About the mate beating?” She frowned. “I don’t know what people have been telling you round here. I mean, I know I have tantrums and stuff but they’re not really tantrums. My folks just get me so mad sometimes, but I’m not...”

  He pressed a finger to her lips to stop her rambling. “I didn’t mean that. I don’t think you’re violent.”

  “Oh,” she whispered. “What did you mean then?”

  “I’m not sure you’d believe me,” he said with a laugh.

  “No lies between us,” she murmured. “That’s how we want it, right?”

  “More than you know.”

  “Well, then. Tell me. I have to believe you because I know you’re not lying to me.”

  “I don’t know if the hallway is the best place to discuss this.”

  “Then let’s go back into my room. The conversation with my dad isn’t going anywhere. Unfortunately,” she tacked on ruefully.

  He pondered that a second, then nodded, realizing she was right and he needed to talk about this. Needed to discuss what had happened when she’d Claimed him.

  He’d have pushed it aside, but her talk of this gift from the Goddess put him on edge. If he didn’t develop one, she’d wonder why. And maybe the Goddess wouldn’t give him one because being lucky enough to have a mate was his gift. Period.

  Not that that wasn’t enough. Hell, it was more than enough for him, but Jessie would think it was weird.

  “Come on, Devon,” she said gently, clasping her hand in his and tugging him back into her room.

  She led him over to the sofa that sat opposite the bed. He collapsed onto it and patted his lap, inviting her to sit on his knee.

  He knew she loved that from the way her features lit up. He had to hide a smile as she scrambled onto his knee and nestled into him.

  She was incredibly tactile. With any other woman, he hated that. But with her, Jesus, he needed it just as much. Her affection was a part of her, and he needed all of her and everything she had to give.

  “Come on, tell me what’s wrong,” she murmured against his jaw.

  He curled his arms tighter against her. The feel of her in his arms set him alight while simultaneously calming him down. It was amazing what she did for his peace of mind. Simply being around her made him happy in a way he’d never been before. In a way that made her words hit home… surviving was no way to lead a life.

  “You’ll think I’m crazy, but when you Claimed me, something happened.”

  “The world moved?” Her laugh was wicked. “I know. I was there.”

  He shared her grin but shook his head. “No. I-I spoke to someone.”

  She reared back. “You spoke to someone? While we were...?” Her cheeks flushed. “Who were you talking to?” She pressed her hand to his forehead. “Are you coming down with a fever?”

  “No, Jessie,” he chided her, pushing her hand away. “And no, I’m not schizophrenic either.” Just the notion had him chuckling. “At least, I don’t think I am. I’ve never had conversation with a Goddess before, so I’m not sure.”

  At his irreverence, she froze. Then, after a second’s gawking at him, whispered, “You spoke with the Goddess? What did she say?”

  “That I needed to start making better life choices.” He pulled a face. “I can’t exactly argue with her, can I? Hell, look at where Sammy is.”

  She shook her head. “That isn’t your fault,” she defended. “Martinez used you to get to The Nomads.”

  “Yeah, but he knew to use me and my family because I’m Prez of a shitty MC, too.”

  She bit her lip. “Don’t you like being Prez of Spider’s Venom?”

  He let out a sigh and reached out to cup the back of her head. Pressing his mouth to hers, he kissed her softly, then as he pulled back, said, “Before you, before this situation with Sammy, I loved it. I felt like I’d been born to the role. But now? Now, I know it’s not worth it.”

  “Sammy didn’t deserve this, and you don’t deserve to be dragged into that crappy world either.”

  She blinked. “Whatever you want to do, I’m with you.”

  His smile was slow. “Thanks, babe.”

  Jessie pressed her hand to his chest, and through his shirt, knew she could feel his heart beating. “You still didn’t tell me everything the Goddess said.”

  “That wasn’t enough?” he said ruefully, tilting his head back against the cushions. Trust her to be intuitive enough to know he was holding something back.

  “No. I can tell. Something else is bothering you.”

  He pulled a face. “If I tell you, you have to promise not to cry or to get upset. It’s all in the past.”

  She frowned. “I promise to try not to cry,” she stated. “I can’t say that I won’t. It depends how bad whatever you say is.”

  “It’s kind of bad.”

  “Okay, well, I really promise to try.”

  “My mom used to hit me when I was a kid.” He cleared his throat. “Hit me badly. Not just slaps, but punches. She tried to cut me a few times. Managed a couple, but then my dad realized and threw her out.”

  She was still on his lap, frozen. Aside from the hand that was on his chest—she’d curled her fingers into her claws that dug into the padded muscle of his pec.

  Surprised at her reaction, he looked into her eyes and then wasn’t so surprised. He should have known she wouldn’t just get upset. Should have known she’d ge
t angry.

  It was all the tales of her he’d heard. The notorious puller of tantrums. She had a reputation in this clubhouse, and he was learning exactly how wrong that rep was. This was no childish storm of emotion. This was a soul of deep rage. It burned deeply, it burned hotly, and God help anyone caught in the flash of its fire.

  “It’s okay, Jessie,” he comforted softly, but it didn’t stop the flames burning in her eye. When she remained silent, and uncertain as to whether he was throwing fuel onto the fire, he continued, “The Goddess referenced that.”

  “Why did she?” Her voice was a hoarse rasp. “How did your dad realize? Did he see the bruises?”

  He lifted a hand and rubbed at his forehead. “She hit me so badly she gave me concussion. I didn’t know and passed out at school. I didn’t play football or anything at the time so they wanted to know how a healthy kid got a concussion. I wouldn’t say. What could I say? I was embarrassed. Jesus, I was an eight year old boy being beaten by his mom. My dad was the big man of the MC. He had a rep. I…I didn’t want to humiliate him.”

  A soft sound escaped her, but it was tight and choked like her throat was closing up and not allowing sounds out but she managed to whisper, “It was bad, wasn’t it?”

  On a shaky sigh, he nodded. “I almost died.”

  “Tell me your father dealt with her,” she pleaded. The note in her voice was begging, and he knew then that she really hoped her father had doled out punishment.

  “He let the police deal with her.”

  “That’s not enough,” she roared. “I’ll kill her,” she seethed. “I’ll fucking kill her.”

  When she started to shift on his lap, almost like she was going to go and beat his mom up now, he grabbed hold of her and tugged her back onto his knees. “Hey! Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I’m going to go and rip her throat out.”

  She said it so calmly, he had to laugh. “There’s no need, babe. She’s dead.”


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