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SPYDER Page 15

by Becca Fanning

  Lips twitching, Jessie murmured, “I think we need to get you to bed, Sammy. Your head is bound to start pounding soon.”

  “It already is,” he confided with a grimace. “In fact, it’s doing more than pounding. It’s ringing.”

  Spyder helped heave him up onto his feet. When he started weaving, she clucked her tongue. “Just go to Pip.”

  Spyder shook his head. “Sammy hates doctors.”

  “Pip isn’t a doctor. Now, Toni, she’s a doctor. A real one. But Pip’s gifts are like your strength. They’re a talent from the Goddess.”

  Spyder peered at his brother. “That sounds pretty cool, doesn’t it, Sammy?”

  He blinked caramel chocolate eyes at them both. “It does sound kind of neat,” he said softly. “That means I won’t have to have any needles or injections, right?”

  Jessie nodded. “That’s right.”

  When Sammy finally complied and the three of them headed toward the healer’s quarters on the floor below, Jessie had to admit she hadn’t expected the night to end with a trip to Pip’s bedroom.

  But then, that was family for you. The best laid plans of mice and men were often screwed up by the ones closest to them.

  And in this case, with Bears, there was triple the trouble.

  Chapter 9

  With her nose in a book, her feet swinging from the high counter she was perched on, she didn’t notice Ava pop up from nowhere.

  Ten feet away, behind a door and a partition wall that was made up of a window and wood, her mate and his brother were working on the bikes.

  How Ava managed to sneak in, she wasn’t sure, but it had her pressing a hand to her heart in surprise. “Ava, what the hell are you doing? Trying to give me a heart attack?”

  She dismissed that disinterestedly. “Your heart’s good for at least another hundred years. Until then, I can jump out at you from any corner or shadow I so choose without fear of the repercussions.”

  “I figured the longer you spent in bed with Chris, the less of an android you’d sound like. My reasoning wasn’t sound, it would seem.” Then, guilt hit her. “Still, I know you’ve been busy.”

  “Busy is an understatement. But I have good news.”

  “We have a lot going on at the minute. Narrow it down.”

  “Joe’s daughter, Savannah. I managed to put in the paperwork for fostering. I pushed ours ahead of schedule, and managed to get Justiss, Graver, and Toni on board with the idea too.”

  “Seriously?” Relief flushed through her. “I’m so glad. A pup shouldn’t be all on her own. Neither should human children, but pups need to socialize.”

  “You don’t need to tell me,” she said softly. “We never got on as cubs, did we? Not really.”

  Jessie shrugged. “Chalk and cheese.”

  “Yeah, but we always knew we were there for one another. That’s the Clan though, I guess.” She sucked in a breath. “We’re never alone. It could be kind of intimidating for some, but for us, it’s just how it is. You can hate my guts one day, and the next, come to me for help.” She pursed her lips. “I like that.”

  Jessie studied her a second, amused by Ava’s tone. It was one that spoke of great revelation. Like these thoughts had been a long time in coming, and were only recently being processed.

  “I never wanted to run away from that,” she said softly. “I didn’t want to run away period.”

  Ava’s sharp eyes took her in with a glance. “You just wanted to be you.”

  Jessie nodded. “I saw how they reacted to your wanting to head off to college. I knew there was no point. Not if they wouldn’t let you go. What with you being the Type A, teacher’s pet. My being the pain in the ass, tantrum-thrower extraordinaire sure as hell wasn’t going to be able to make a decent case, was I?”

  She shook her head. “They’re their own worst enemy, I suppose.”

  Jessie folded her arms across her chest. “But, at least we have them.” She paused thoughtfully for a second. “I think that’s why it bothers me so much about Savannah. I mean, it’s always terrible for a child to be dumped in welfare…”

  Ava wafted a hand. “It happens every day.”

  Jessie rolled her eyes. “That doesn’t make it right.”

  “Lots of things go on every day that aren’t right.”

  “True.” Ava’s harsh truths always could cut to the bone. “But Savannah’s a pup. She should be growing up in a Pack. Surrounded by too many folk, drowning in rules. She should be being smothered by too many people giving a damn.”

  “Like we were.”

  “Yes, dammit. It doesn’t matter that I wanted to hit my head against a brick wall most of the time. I knew I was loved. I knew if I hurt myself, any of the brothers would make my goddamn booboo better. I knew I was safe. I always knew I’d have food in my belly and cuddles at night, even if I’d been bad. She should have that too.”

  Ava nodded, but the sharpness in her eyes had softened a little. “She should, and she will.”

  Jessie cleared her throat. “Thanks, Ava. Chris was right. I was asking too much of you so I really appreciate you doing this for me.”

  “You and everybody else,” she said with a snort. “But like you said, it comes with the territory.”

  “I wish it did with me,” Jessie confessed.

  “You haven’t found your place yet, Jess,” Ava comforted, stunning both women with the gentleness of her tone. “You will. It will come with time, but at least you have your mate.”

  Jessie smiled. “Yeah. I do.” She looked out onto the workshop where Spyder and Sammy were working. “His name’s Devon, you know.”

  Ava chuckled. “I know.”

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “Because I did a background check on him, silly.”

  “Oh.” Jessie ducked her head. “Thanks, Ava.”

  She shrugged. “Not like it would do any of much good. He’s got a past, there’s no mistaking that. But I think the mate bond and getting away from the MC will put him on the straight and narrow.”

  “I know so. He’s already said he’s going to give the MC up.”

  “Is it as easy as that?”

  Jessie shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out.”

  “What’s he waiting for?”

  “This situation with Martinez to clear up.”

  Ava hooted. “This situation could go on for decades. It already has. What’s to stop it from never stopping?” She shook her head. “Tell him to jump ship now. Otherwise he’ll never be free, and Spider’s Venom isn’t a good place for any of you.”

  “You know something we don’t?”

  “Always.” But it was said without arrogance or smug confidence, so Jessie didn’t feel like smacking her in the face as she usually did when Ava spoke over her head. “Still, just trust me on this.”

  Jessie caught her eye. “I will.”

  “Good.” Ava winked. “I’ll leave you to your book.”

  As she started to make her way out of the room, Jessie called out, “Has Martinez called?” As well as making Joe remember the account number, they’d had him remember a cell phone number too. One he was supposed to call to bargain with them.

  “Not yet.”

  “How much did you clear from his bank account?”

  “Enough to make even a rich man weep.”

  Jessie cleared her throat. “I’m glad you’re on our side, Ava.”

  Laughter pealed from her sister, because that was what she was. “That’s exactly what Chris said last night.”

  The wind blew through her hair, separating the strands that weren’t tucked underneath the helmet. They whipped about her face and almost stung, but it didn’t matter.

  Goddess, it felt good to be on the back of a bike again.

  They’d traveled to the state jail where Joe was locked up, and the house rule was no traveling by bike unless it was with a mate or a father. If you were a chick, that is.

  More chauvinism.

  Still, it felt like a life
time since she’d ridden, and as the wind blasted her, the sun overheated her through the thick leather she wore, and her mate was firmly between her legs and in her arms, Jessie knew this day couldn’t get much better.

  They passed scenery she’d known since forever, then headed down an off shooting road just in Channelview that took them to Spider’s Venom, Spyder’s MC.

  As they pulled up outside the clubhouse, she recognized the difference in status between this and The Nomads.

  Her clubhouse, now Spyder’s too, was huge. It wasn’t pretty. Looked more like a compound. But everything was neat and well maintained.

  Here, the old hotel was battered to hell. It looked like the last hurricanes to hit it had given it more than a black eye and a few bruised bones.

  When she climbed off the back of the hog, and Spyder joined her, he murmured, “Told you it wasn’t fancy.”

  He was embarrassed. She could hear it in his voice so when he’d pulled off his helmet, she reached for him.

  “It was all yours,” she told him softly. “That’s all that matters.”

  His lips twitched as he used her hand to pull her in close to him. Letting his mouth claim hers, he breathed into her and took comfort from her. She felt him shore his defenses and right before her eyes, the Spyder she knew became one she didn’t.

  The MC Prez.

  He kept hold of her hand though. She guessed she ought to be thankful for small mercies because his eyes grew hard. They darkened and narrowed into slivers as he approached the front door.

  The old stucco was falling off in patches and graffiti, home grown, decorated where the brick had worn through.

  He’d parked the bike up by the front gate, and the door, always open, heralded more disasters.

  Dry wall peeked through, some doors hung off their hinges while others were used as target practice—bullet holes had torn through some of the wood, ripping it into shreds.

  Music blared and roared through the house, but Spyder knew where to go. He led her down a corridor and into their clubroom.

  About thirty men were lolling around on broken sofas and ragged chairs. A few were playing pool around the only decent thing in the room.

  A small bar housed a dripping tap and bottles of liquor, but more empties were lined up than were full.

  It was hard not to screw up her nose with distaste; Annette ran a clean house and would have murdered anyone who left the common room like this. Jessie was used to that, and was disgusted with the state of the place, but she managed to stop that from showing that on her face; instead settling for one of cool disinterest.

  She’d told him what Ava had said, and he’d read something into her words. Something he hadn’t explained but that had prompted him to tell her to go get changed.

  They’d left an hour after she’d shared Ava’s words of wisdom.

  He looked around, shook his head, then hollered, “Shut the fucking music off.”

  Nearly all of the men jumped at his holler, and the music immediately cut off.

  Brothers got to their feet and circled around Spyder. They were pleased to see him, she saw. They clapped him on the back and eyed her warily as they greeted him back into the fold.

  A snarled voice pierced through the crowd.

  “Ain’t any of you sheep going to ask the SOB where he’s been? He’s our Prez, for fuck’s sake. He’s been AWOL.”

  “I’ve been clearing up messes, Hades,” Spyder retorted, his voice no way near as angry as this dude, Hades’, but it was getting there.

  She shivered a little as the temperature in the room seemed to drop below subzero. Ironic, considering the guy challenging Spyder was named after hell itself.

  “That mean you couldn’t check up on your MC?” Hades demanded, and the group around the Prez began to clear out, making way for him.

  When he appeared, Jessie was almost surprised to see he was smaller than the rest. Not as muscle bound or even all that tall. His stinking attitude was probably what protected him in this place.

  “I called,” Spyder said simply.

  Hades snorted. “We’re not a slut you need to convince with a ‘Dear John’ letter. We’re your fucking men.”

  “And I was resolving a situation,” Spyder snarled, taking a step forward. She pressed a hand to his back, trying to remind him gently that it wasn’t necessary.

  What was the point in fighting over something he was going to give up? Because Hades had obviously appointed himself as temporary leader in Spyder’s absence.

  At her touch, Spyder turned to look at her. His eyes were still narrow, still cold, but they softened a touch at the sight of her. He nodded, silently telling her he remembered what they were there for, and she shot him a soft smile.

  “Look, there’s no need to lock horns over this, Hades. You’re the MC’s VP anyway, and I’m handing over my cut as Spider’s Venom’s Prez.”

  The brothers around him gawked in astonishment. “You can’t be serious,” one of them demanded.

  “I am. Deadly.” Spyder shook his head, the gesture almost apologetic. “I know I’ve led you for five years but it’s time for me to move on.”

  “What? Now you’re in an MC with richer pickings?” Hades snapped.

  Spyder crossed his arms across his chest. “I’m not in an MC, and I won’t be asked to join The Nomads. They’re a Shifter Clan, remember?”

  “Then why the hell are you leaving?” another yelled.

  “Because Jessie is my mate.”

  The simple retort seemed to confuse them all the more.

  “You’re dumping Spider’s Venom for some dumb bitch?”

  Jessie’s Bear reacted to the slur, but she managed to contain the internal shuffling that came in response. It wasn’t the first time the Sow had made herself known to Jessie, but it was the first time since she’d shifted.

  “I’ll let that insult go. This time. Because I understand I’ve thrown you guys a curveball and that things might be raw. But don’t do it again,” Spyder warned, the threat low and mean. His words sang with a seething violence any of the men in the MC would be fools to ignore.

  “I’m not frightened of you,” Hades retorted, stepping forward, shoving his away into Spyder’s personal space.

  At the other male’s physical proximity, her Bear flared to life once more. She couldn’t help it. She knew this was Spyder’s business. Knew she needed to butt out and let him handle it any way he saw fit, but her beast reacted.

  In a low tone, she hissed, “You might not be frightened of him, but remember what I am. What I can do. Ava Donner isn’t the only female who can shift at will.”

  Of course, that was bullshit. Jessie had as little control over the shift as Ava did, but Hades, the dumb fuck, didn’t have to know that, did he?

  At her words, the temperature in the room dove even further. From subzero to glacial. Tension entwined among the group. Like a long thread, it twirled around each brother, coiling them in its power as, nearly as one, they took a step back from Spyder and Jessie.

  She stayed at his back but made no other remark, and let him handle the rest. She knew he wasn’t happy that she’d thrown the limelight onto her, but it had worked.

  Her threat, her reminder of what she was had done the trick.

  Even Hades had backed off. Fear flickering in his eyes as he undoubtedly recalled the carnage Ava had reaped upon his brothers. There was no way that kind of memory died a swift death, especially considering how close that incident was to the present.

  They’d had brothers who had passed away in the attack. The wounds were still raw.

  The sooner they were out of here, the better. The sooner Spyder could move on from this part of his life, the more at ease she’d feel.

  Spyder sighed as he shrugged out of his cut. “I’ve worn this with pride, and I’d carry on if...” He turned his head to the side, and silently acknowledged her. “...but it’s my time to move on. And it’s your time to elect the next leader. If you pick Hades, then you’re w
ell within your rights. He’s a good VP, but that’s it. In my opinion, Charge would be the best option, but it’s down to you.” He cleared his throat as he threw the cut at the male. Considering he wasn’t Hades, Jessie assumed it was this guy, Charge.

  He caught it, looked down at the leather in his hands and clenched his fist around it as he shot a glance at the fuming Hades. That look and the way he’d gripped on to the leather told a tale of its own. He wasn’t going to give the cut up without a fight.

  Goddess, the ugly SOB looked like he was going to start breathing fire.

  “Before I go, I’ve had a warning.”

  The guy with the Prez’s cut in his hand asked, “What kind of warning?”

  “To be careful.”

  Charge blinked. “Going to assume that has more meaning than it seems?”

  “It’s from someone who knows what business we’re in, and who made the suggestion as a friendly warning to protect me. Not you. And only because of Jessie’s status in my life.” He shrugged. “What you do with that information is up to you, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a raid or something heading for the MC in the not too distant future.”

  “Funny that,” Hades snapped. “There’s a raid just as you’re leaving.”

  “Never said it was concrete, Hades. Might not even happen. I’m just telling you what someone told me.” He jerked a shoulder. “It’s down to the next Prez to act on that info.” To Jessie, he murmured, “Come on. I’m done here.”

  As they stepped into the hall, Jessie almost expected Hades to follow, to try to start something else. But as they moved down the corridor and headed back toward the grim courtyard where Spyder had parked his bike, the sounds of shouting made themselves known.

  Spyder chuckled under his breath. “Thought that would work,” he said as he passed her her helmet and started to strap his own on.

  “They’re arguing over who will be the next Prez?”

  He nodded.

  “A distraction,” she said softly, smiling as he climbed on the bike and she hopped on behind him. “Clever,” she told him as she slid her arms around his waist and held on tight. “Back to the clubhouse?” she asked before he started the engine.


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