Anna_The Ever After Series Book 2

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Anna_The Ever After Series Book 2 Page 15

by Stella James

  “Getting my life back Miss B,” he says. “I’m sorry if I caused you to worry.”

  Jack tells me about the circumstances that led him to be homeless and how he finally tracked down his now grown daughter in an attempt to make things right.

  “It started small,” he says. “A bet here or there, nothing major. But it all caught up with me eventually and I lost it all. My wife took our daughter and I starting drinking to forget how badly I’d screwed everything up. The more I drank, the more I gambled, until there was nothing left.”

  “I’m sorry Jack,” I say.

  “Don’t you be sorry for me,” he says. “I had it coming. I could have gotten help, but I was too damn proud. I was a lucky man with a wife and a daughter and I threw it all away. For ten years I’ve lived with nothing, to try and get right with myself.”

  Ten years. For a decade Jack has been punishing himself and living on the streets with nothing or nobody.

  “What changed?” I ask gently.

  “My wife’s sister found me,” he explains. “To tell me she’d passed away. She and her husband don’t live far from here. I’ve been staying with them, trying to get back on my feet.”

  “Wow, Jack that’s great,” I say sincerely. “I’m happy for you.”

  “I didn’t know if you’d want to know, but I felt like I owed you an explanation,” he says. “You were always so kind to me and I wanted to say thank you.”

  “I’m glad you came back,” I tell him. “Thank you for letting me know.”

  We visit for a while longer, Jack tells me a bit about his daughter along with his hopes and fears of what might develop between them. We part ways after we exchange mailing addresses and the promise to keep in touch.

  I stop by Sebastian’s apartment first and take Bruno for a quick trip around the block. I bring him back to my place and get him settled with a few new chew toys before I lay my supplies out on the counter. As I slice peaches and make the batter for the cake, I hum along with the radio. I place the pan in the oven and set the timer, figuring I have enough time to jump in the shower. Peeling off my dress, I step into the tub, turning the water just a bit cooler than usual. I quickly soap up and rinse off, feeling less sticky from the heat as I wrap a plush blue towel around myself. I unpin my hair and brush it out, twisting it back into a knot before I head into my bedroom, my hand flying to my chest when Sebastian enters the room.

  “Oh my God, you scared me,” I gasp.

  “Sorry babe, I thought you heard me,” he grins.

  “I didn’t,” I laugh. “I was trying to be quick so the cake doesn’t burn.”

  “Smells good,” he says, glancing down at my feet and trailing his eyes up the length of my body.

  Sebastian has been dealing with so much these last couple of weeks and it seems like we went from a fight, into a grieving period, into trying to move forward in such rapid succession and it’s been a bit challenging. We’ve talked about why he lied to me, and I’ve forgiven him for his reaction that day at the block party. But it still feels like we are stumbling a bit, trying to get back in the groove of us, I suppose.

  So when his eyes look just a tad primal by the time they meet my own, I can’t help it when a tiny whimper escapes my now parted lips. It’s my own fault really, but I didn’t want us working through all of this stuff under the distraction of sex. So, I proposed a ban for the time being. A ban that I’m thinking might need to end. I let my towel drop to the floor, I’m naked and flushed and waiting for less than a second before Sebastian closes the space between us and my arms wrap around his neck. He smashes his mouth to mine in a hungry kiss, gripping my backside and hoisting me up.

  I wrap my legs around his waist as he guides us back toward the bed. Our tongues meet and when a grumble comes from his chest, I swear I feel the vibration down to my toes.

  “Fuck, Anna, I’m not going to last,” he groans, lying me on top of the covers.

  He stands and pulls his shirt and jeans off, sliding his boxers down his legs next. His erection is so thick and full that I can’t help myself. I sit up and crawl to the edge of the bed, dipping my head down, I take him into my mouth, swirling my tongue along his length as I take him as deep as I can. I let him go with a pop and repeat. His fingers grip my hair as I lick long, slow strokes.

  “Christ, babe, lie back so I can get inside you,” he grumbles.

  I place one last open kiss on the tip before I obey and he watches me with a heavy gaze. He fists his length and gives himself two slow strokes before he kneels on the bed and climbs over me. He guides himself to my centre and plunges in on one deep thrust.

  “Oh, God, I’ve missed this,” I gasp. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Me too, freckles,” he says, leaning down and fusing his lips to mine. We kiss long and deep as my body takes him all the way in before he begins to move slowly.

  My hips rock into his, grinding shamelessly in a rhythm that’s all our own. I grip his shoulders, bending one knee up, trying to take him deeper. I can’t think past my need. To be taken, to be his, to be us.

  “Don’t stop,” I gasp. “I love you Sebastian, don’t stop.”

  The words tumble from my lips, laced with pleasure as I begin to feel myself tighten around him, the tension in my body coming in waves before I finally let go and come apart beneath him.

  “Fucking hell,” he groans, stiffening above me and filling me with his own release.

  My limbs feel weightless as he slows, our bodies molded together in a mess of sticky sweat. I catch my breath and place my palms on either side of his face, urging him to look at me. Sated and sexy, he lazily kisses my lips and when he pulls back I keep my hands where they are.

  “I love you, Sebastian,” I say.

  “I love you too, Anna.”

  Hours later, after we’ve made love twice more and eaten half my cake right out of the pan, we lie in bed, Sebastian wrapped protectively around me. When the steady rise and fall of his chest begins to lull me to sleep I realize that all I ever used to want was a fairy tale. I wanted an idea, a fantasy. But what I’ve found is so much more than that.

  It’s unexpected, it’s real and it belongs to us.



  4 years later…

  “You look beautiful,” I say to Esme, our eyes meeting in the reflection of the hotel room mirror.

  “I’m nearly sixty-five years old and I have butterflies, can you believe it?” she snorts.

  “Of course you do, you’re getting married,” Elle calls out from the bathroom. “It’s natural.”

  Today is the day that our Esme begins her new life with Gus. Personally, I can’t believe they waited this long, but finally the day has come. I do up the last pearl button on the back of her cream coloured dress while Esme runs her palms down the front of the A-line the skirt. Her grey hair is pulled back in a neat chignon, her usually chunky jewelry replace with a simple gold necklace and matching bracelet.

  “You really are glowing,” Dru says, as she steps into her green pumps.

  My sisters and I are serving as bridesmaids, each wearing a different coloured dress made by yours truly. Dru is in green, Elle is in blue and I’m in pink. Dru’s twins and Elle’s little girl Sadie are in matching pale yellow dresses, their outfits topped off with flower crowns and fairy wings. We currently have them occupied with a large bowl of goldfish crackers and an episode of Dora the Explorer.

  There’s a knock at the door, which Elle answers while Dru fixes her hair and I take a seat on the edge of the bed, my hand instantly moving to my nine-month pregnant belly.

  I look up just as Sebastian walks into the room, our two year old son, Andrew, sitting on top of his shoulders. He has his father’s mischievous grin as well as his dirty blond hair. He’s named after my brother and I like to think that sometimes I see bits and pieces of him sprinkled in too.

  “Looking good ladies,” Sebastian says with a whistle.

  “Oh you,” Esme replies with a grin
. “Give me that handsome boy and go help your wife put her shoes on.”

  “Anything for you,” he says with a wink.

  “Gram!” Andrew squeals as Esme takes him in her arms and hands him a bright red lollipop.

  “Damn babe, you’re looking good,” Sebastian says, sitting down in the chair in front of me. He takes one of my feet in his hands and rubs the arch while I moan out loud.

  “God, that feels good,” I say. “I’m so big.”

  He sets my foot down and leans forward. “You’re beautiful, and your tits looks fantastic.”

  “Pervert,” I mutter with a smile.

  “Only for you,” he says.

  He straps my heels on and helps me up, and soon we’re all making our way downstairs. I spot Jay and Blake near the elevators, no doubt talking business. Darius looks annoyed as the little girls gather around him, giggling.

  As we walk to the small reception room where the ceremony is being held, it’s hard to believe that four years have gone by. Shortly after Barron passed away, Sebastian and I got married in a small outdoor ceremony in the city centre park. Esme walked me down the aisle and gave me away while Dru and Elle stood beside me at the alter. Afterwards, we headed over to Allessia’s and celebrated with pasta and wine. I’m still teaching at Walton Elementary and Sebastian continues to sell his work. We moved to the suburbs when I was pregnant with Andrew and Sebastian converted our garage into a studio so that he can work from home.

  I’m still in touch with Jack. He’s living about two hours away, closer to his daughter Lynn and her family. It was a rough road, but they’ve been working at repairing their relationship. He has a one-bedroom apartment and a part-time job at an auto body shop.

  Jay and Darius are a steady presence in our lives and have been for the last several years. Once McKenna squeezed every dime she could out of Jay, she finally agreed to let him have full custody. She’s living in Europe now and doesn’t often bother with Darius aside from the odd phone call. As a mother myself, I’ll never understand how she could just walk away from her child. But Darius is thriving regardless and is surrounded by people who love him. Esme and Gus have even taken it upon themselves to act as his surrogate grandparents; they love to spend time with him and treat him as if he were blood.

  Jay’s been dating now and then but insists he isn’t looking for anything serious. He never did take over for Barron at Kent Enterprises, instead choosing to cut back his own hours and promote someone else for the position of CEO.

  We pause outside the reception room, sending the men in first to let everyone know we’re ready. Most of the room is filled with kids from Linden House where Esme still faithfully volunteers, as well as employees from The Nightingale. When I peek through the door, I give the signal to start the music and as it begins to play I feel a swift kick in my belly, courtesy of our daughter. When we found out we were going to have a girl, I told Sebastian I wanted to name her Isabelle, for his mother.

  Elle sends the little girls and Andrew down the aisle first, following close behind to make sure they stay on track. Dru kisses Esme loudly on the cheek before turning and continuing the line.

  I take Esme’s hand in mine and squeeze it gently. “Are you ready?”

  “Absolutely dear,” she says.

  We walk hand in hand down the aisle toward a blushing Gus who tucks Esme into his side the minute he can reach her. They keep their vows short and sweet, both my sisters and I unable to hide our tears as our mother seals her happily ever after with a kiss.

  While some couples are still dancing, the rest of the crowd begins to thin. The little ones have already gone upstairs with the sitter and my eyes sweep the room, looking for my husband.

  A small plate with a large slab of chocolate cake appears in front of me from behind and when I turn around, there he is.

  “Are you trying to seduce me?” I ask.

  “Always,” he says, taking a fork and spearing a large bite. He holds it up to my lips and as soon as the frosting hits my tongue I can’t help but let out a moan.

  “Dammit freckles,” he says. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Aw, come here,” I say, leaning in and pressing my lips to his. “Is that better?”

  “It’s a start,” he says. “Let’s sneak into the coat check and make out.”

  “What’s in it for me?” I ask, removing the fork from his hand and taking another large bite.

  He leans in and tucks some loose hair behind my ear before bringing his lips close. “Bring the cake, I’ll lick the frosting off your body,” he says.

  “Mm, is this the part where I wake up and all of this is a dream?” I ask with a grin.

  “No, baby,” he says. “This is the part where we keep living happily ever after.”

  And we do.

  The End


  Thank you to my amazing husband and my beautiful daughters for all your love and support.

  To my tribe - L, R and J – It is a privilege to know you. Thank you for every ounce of support and motivation you give me.

  To my readers and supporters, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you all dearly.

  Stella xox

  About the Author

  Stella James enjoys reading, yoga and beer/wine. Not necessarily in that order. She writes in her limited spare time for your reading pleasure and also to silence the various characters that have taken up residence in her cute little head.

  If you would like to be informed of upcoming releases or if you just want to be nosy because it’s fun, come and find her on social media.

  Also by Stella James

  Currently available on Amazon

  Worth the Chance – Blue Falls Book 1

  Worth the Risk – Blue Falls book 2

  Clipped (a Blue Falls novella 2.5)

  Worth the Fight – Blue Falls Book 3

  Wild (a Blue Falls novella 3.5)

  Worth the Wait – Blue Falls Book 4

  The Boss – A novella contribution to the Amazon bestselling anthology, Brothel: The magnolia diaries

  The Beard – A contemporary standalone romantic comedy

  Bluebird – A standalone new adult romance

  Dru – The Ever After Series (book one)




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