Destiny Lost: A Military Science Fiction Space Opera Epic: Aeon 14 (The Orion War)

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Destiny Lost: A Military Science Fiction Space Opera Epic: Aeon 14 (The Orion War) Page 5

by M. D. Cooper

  “Girl, that was the best flying I’ve ever seen!” Sera gave her pilot a squeeze.

  Cheeky offered a weak smile. “Thanks, Captain, I’d appreciate it if you guys didn’t tell anyone about this little after effect, though.” She looked down at the spattered deck-plate.

  Cargo bent down to clean up the mess. “What after effect?”

  Cheeky reached down and smacked his head. “I mean it…I can’t have anyone thinking I’m less than ladylike.”

  Sera laughed, wondering who might think that Cheeky was ladylike to begin with.

  The distraction had calmed Cheeky and she sat back down at her console, reviewing the ship’s readouts.

  “Everything looks bang on, Captain,” she turned and said after a minute’s examination. “Mind if I hit my cabin for a bit and clean up?”

  “Whatever you need to do, Cheeks. Cargo and I can hold the ship together while you’re gone.”

  Sabrina huffed.

  Sera stroked a console affectionately.

  Cheeky left the bridge with a slight wobble in her step as she navigated around the consoles in her heels. Sera sat back in her chair and gave the crew the good news over the ship-wide net.

  Sera added a smile to her comment.

  Thompson replied dryly.

  Nance’s hazsuited avatar did a jump and a kick in everyone’s mind.

  Sabrina interjected.

  Thompson somehow managed to convey both thirst and the urge to urinate in his message.

  Nance asked.

  Sera said.

  Thompson said while Nance’s avatar managed a stiff nod.

  Sera laid their interstellar course over her vision as she brought up the nav computer on her console’s holo.

  she asked her AI as she worked through the calculations herself. Helen would have the answer before she was half done, but Sera liked to test herself. People, who let their AI think for them didn’t take long to degenerate into little more than automatons.

  Helen said, giving Sera a bit more time to finish the math on her own.

  Sera said idly as she flipped through a matrix of figures.



  Helen sighed.

  Sera admitted.

  Helen supplied.

  Cheeky returned to the bridge several minutes later, for once wearing pants and a shirt. Sera didn’t comment on it, and the pilot began working out the details of when they needed to drop out of the dark layer and back into normal space.

  “Have I mentioned that I hate special relativity math?” she asked. “An RM up our ass I can forgive, making me adjust calculations for all this time dilation is something else.”

  Sera smiled. “You have fun; I’m going to see what’s in that crate we got from Kade’s boys at the eleventh hour.”

  “If it’s something nasty, kick it for me,” Cheeky said.

  Thompson and Nance were already in the cargo bay when Sera arrived. The burly super was sliding a gravity lift under the crate, while Nance, wearing her hazsuit with the hood sealed tight, stood nearby.

  “How are you doing?” Sera asked.

  “Mm, good,” Nance replied.

  Sera saw that the lenses of her bio’s mask were fogged up and the woman’s limbs had a slight tremble.

  “Nance, honey, take off the hood; let me see you.”

  Helen chuckled.

  Sera had never seen Nance out of her hazsuit, and had only seen her face a few times, when Nance had her suit’s hood only half-off. There was a pool on the ship with a big pot for whoever finally got her to reveal her entire head.

  Without speaking, the bio reached behind her head and unsealed the hood. Sera held her breath as Nance slowly slid it off her head.

  “You have hair!” Sera exclaimed. “It’s beautiful!”

  Nance stepped back as Sera reached out to touch the dark brown locks, a frown creasing her brow.

  “Of course I have hair; it’s a normal thing to grow on a person’s head.”

  “Damn it!” Thompson swore. “I can’t believe you picked now to try that—and it worked!”

  “You can’t believe I won,” Sera said with a grin. She turned back to Nance and reached for the bio’s hand. “Seriously, though, are you OK? You seemed fine on the Link.”

  “I think you missed my sarcastic tone,” Nance replied. “I was scared shitless.”

  “I guess the suit masks it,” Sera replied.

  Thompson got the lift under the mysterious crate and it rose into the air. He leaned against it and eyed Nance.

  “That is a pretty amazing amount of hair.”

  “Says the blonde ape,” Sera smiled.

  “Hey, nine thousand years ago, this amount of body hair was perfectly normal.”

  “Yeah, and nine thousand years ago, people had just upgraded to pooping in public troughs,” Nance grimaced.

  “Don’t try to distract me, Nance,” Sera said. “I had never even imagined that you had hair. How do you keep it so soft while it’s plastered to your head all day? Doesn’t it get sweaty?”

  Nance made a disgusted sound. “I don’t sweat. I had all those oozing glands removed years ago.”

  “I enjoy a good sweat,” Thompson said, with thinly veiled innuendo.

  Sera sniffed in his direction. “That’s no secret.”

  Thompson ignored her. “Don’t you get hot, Nance?”

  “No, my suit has a cooling system.”

  “I’d think you’d still get itchy,” Thompson frowned. “All that flaking skin with no sweat to lubricate it.”

  Nance shivered convulsively. “Ewww! I have a controlled shedding, which my nano activates when I’m in the shower. I don’t have flaking skin.”

  Sera peered at her bio’s face, hands held back so Nance wouldn’t flinch away. “You do have really smooth-looking skin. And it looks so clean…”

  “You’d be amazed what lives and accumulates in your pores. Thank god I don’t have those anymore,” Nance looked at the super. “Look at those crevices on your face. And Cheeky wonders why my suit has tinted lenses.”

  Thompson seemed to decide that there was no way this conversation would favor him, so got back to the situation at hand. “So, what do you think is in here that they wanted so bad, Captain? I’m betting it’s no dog.”

  “If it is, it’s getting its shots,” Nance said. “No way I’m letting some dirty mutt run around the ship and contaminate my environmental tanks.”

  Nance pulled a holo display into the air over
the crate. Initial scan showed that some living creature was inside, but its vital signs were masked by cryostasis.

  “I’m not getting a reading on anything hazardous,” she said and looked over Sabrina’s scan on the emissions and power levels in the crate. “No heavy metals, probably running on an SC Battery.”

  “Let’s take it into the sealed chamber. I don’t like little tiny surprises any more than you do, Nance."

  It never hurt to pop a container that seemed harmless into the biohazard chamber and check it out by remote. Their lives were dangerous enough without extra unknowns adding risk. Not many ships had a hermetically sealed chamber, but from time to time Sera found it necessary to determine the exact level of danger a cargo presented for herself and her ship. If it was more trouble than she’d been told, extra charges were applied to the transport.

  Once the container was in the chamber, they stood back and watched as Sabrina used robotic arms to crack the seal and lift off the lid. Inside was the cryostasis pod Nance had detected.

  “Either it’s a kid, or an adult that’s going to have some serious cramps,” Thompson observed.

  “You don’t cramp in stasis,” Sera said.

  “Depends on how good the system is and how long it took the stasis to kick in,” Thompson replied. “Once I had to hop in an evac pod on a gas platform, it took the stasis over an hour to fully set in. That’s not an experience I’d wish on my worst enemy.”

  “Owww,” Nance said, casting an appreciative look at the super.

  “What do the readouts look like, Sabrina?” Sera asked.

  the ship’s AI responded.

  A robotic arm extended and fitted a physical data connector into the cryo pod. Sabrina had done this before and knew to exercise extreme caution. All the systems within the sealed chamber were isolated from the rest of the ship. Sabrina felt the same way about foreign computers as Nance did about germs.

  Sabrina announced moments later.

  “Nance, it’s finally a party you’re already dressed for,” Thompson said with a smile.

  Sera caught a glint in his eye when he said it.

  Sera asked Helen.


  Sera gave her head a slight shake and addressed Thompson. “Take it into the med lab, Thompson. Nance and I will pop it open and see what we see.”

  Nance looked as though she was being asked to juggle flaming knives. She pinned her hair up and pulled her suit’s hood back on.

  Sabrina re-sealed the crate and Thompson entered the chamber and keyed the grav lift to float the it down the hall and into the med lab.

  Ten minutes later, the stasis pod sat on the floor of the med lab with Sera and Nance standing to either side. Thompson and Cargo were both outside peering through one of the observation windows.

  Sera asked.


  Sera smiled through the clear faceplate of her hazsuit.


  Sera chuckled while Nance made a soft gagging noise.


  Sera sighed and bent to look the console over. The controls were fairly standard and Sera entered the sequence to open the pod. Immediately, the pod’s interface flashed a warning and prompted for additional access codes. She attempted to bypass it with some of her usual tricks, but the pod locked down entirely.

  Nance asked as she leaned against the examination table.


  Shielding her actions with her body, Sera pressed the tip of her finger tight against the hazsuit’s glove and spoke to Helen.




  Sera ignored Helen’s mothering tone and use of her childhood nickname. She acted as though she was working on the pod’s interface while the nano completed their task and the interface altered to a simple security setup, set to the final stage of a basic hack. Sera manually entered the final sequence. The outer cover hissed pod open, and she left her index finger on the edge of the console until Helen informed her that all the nano were back in her body.

  Sera said to Nance as she looked up at the bio.

  Cargo said with a grin from the other side of the observation window.

  The pod flashed a short countdown as it pulled its occupant out of cryostasis, then the inner shell split open. Sera stood and peered in as Nance pulled one of the scan arms over from the examination table, her other hand double-checking the seal of her hazsuit’s hood.

  The occupant of the container was a woman. She had the same ageless look that most people acquired after their first rejuvenation treatment. She was also naked; whoever had placed her in stasis hadn’t bothered to put her in a stasis suit, or even put a salve on her skin to deal with the quick freeze.

  Sera observed.

  Nance looked at the med scanner’s readout as it hovered over the pod.

  Sera replied.

  Nance grimaced.


  Nance's avatar smiled at Sera.

  They lifted the woman out of the pod and Thompson let a whistle loose as they set her naked form on the table, earning a cold look from Sera. Cargo grinned but was smart enough not to add more.

  Nance pulled a blanket over the woman, then lifted her head, smoothed her hair, and placed a low pillow underneath. The action was very gentle for someone who eschewed tactile contact. Sera peered at the bio, but the opaque lenses of her hood hid any expression that may have been behind them.

  Nance said as she looked over the data from the medical scanner.

  Sera asked.


  Sera peered closer and dialed her vision in to a higher level of magnification.



  Nance’s expressionless face looked up at Sera.


  Sera looked down at the woman. She appeared to be normal. Her body showed the tall frame of a person raised in lower gravity, but her muscle
tone indicated time spent in full gravity, as well. The readout put her at one hundred and eighty-four centimeters; just shy of ninety-seven kilograms, though probably well under seventy without her internal tech—which was considerable.

  Her features were classic Scandinavian, from the slight slope of her brow and high cheekbones to the perfectly straight, blonde hair. Of course, none of that meant she had a drop of Scandinavian blood. It could just indicate a good rebuild.

  Thompson commented.

  Sera looked at the two men.

  They looked at one another and shrugged.

  Cargo said, and the pair sauntered off.


  Sera said with a shake of her head.

  Nance said as she pulled the IV line down from the array of devices above the examination table. It would be primed with the nano machines that would begin knitting the woman’s bones back together.

  The women turned to the med system’s status display, watching the nano filtering through her body, moving toward the injuries.

  Sera commented.

  Nance exclaimed.

  They both stared as the med unit lost contact with the nano in the woman’s body and then reported that they had all been destroyed.

  Sera shook her head. Med nano was hard to kill; the mystery surrounding this woman was growing.

  Nance pulled up the detailed logs on the med nano’s ill-fated venture and looked them over. Nance closed the log and then initiated a more detailed scan.

  Sera said, and pulled a high-res holo image of the woman over her body.

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