Ruthless Mountain Man

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Ruthless Mountain Man Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  Rosie comes to my side and that’s when I realize I got sidetracked and forgot to call the dogs back in.

  “What the hell is that smell?” I wrinkle my nose as Rosie gets closer. “What did you get into?” I lean down, and it gets stronger. “Is that…skunk?”

  Oh God, no. I didn’t even think skunks would be around this time of year. Then again, I don’t know much about the mountains in general.

  “Fuck.” I run to the door and start calling for Kozmo. No surprise he doesn’t come, and I’m forced to put on my jacket and boots and go look for him. I remember I have a flashlight under the sink, so I grab that first before heading out.

  “Kozmo!” I shout, trying to shield the blowing snow from my face. The wind has picked up, and when I checked online earlier, there was a weather advisory for an early snowfall coming. It’s not supposed to come until this weekend, but it’s obviously starting to circulate in the mountains.

  I hear a loud metal clanking noise echo through the air followed by barking. Shit.

  “Kozmo!” I start running toward the asshole neighbor’s cabin, certain one of his stupid traps caught my dog. Climbing up the cliff and slipping, I cut my hand on a rock and curse. “Motherfucker!”

  I finally make it up and run with my flashlight, following the sounds of Kozmo’s constant barking. Realizing there might be more traps, I slow down and take extra caution of where I’m walking.

  The smell hits me like a ton of bricks, and that’s when I know my suspicions were right. Kozmo must’ve been chasing after a skunk, got sprayed, and then ran into a trap. God. This keeps getting better and better.

  “Kozmo?” I say softly when I see his brown fur in the distance. He’s barking nonstop in one direction, obviously scared and feeling threatened, and that’s when I start to worry that the skunk may still be around.

  Walking closer with cautious steps, I plan to grab Kozmo’s collar and get us the hell out of here. Before I can reach him, I’m pummeled to the ground again with heavy weight on top of me. I don’t even have to look over my shoulder to see who it is, but before I can chew his ass, he covers my mouth with his large hand and shushes me to stay quiet.

  He reaches for the flashlight and clicks it off, making everything go dark around us. I shift underneath him, feeling his body go hard as he pins me down.

  “Unless you want to get sprayed, I suggest you stop wiggling your tight little ass against my cock so I can get us out of here quietly,” he growls against my ear, sending shivers down my spine—and not because of the cold.

  “What are you talking about?” I whisper once he removes his hand.

  “C’mon.” He stands up slowly and pulls me up. “Go inside, and I’ll get your stupid dog,” he grumbles, nodding his head toward his cabin. I’m thoroughly confused when he hands the flashlight back and gives me an encouraging push in the other direction.

  I should give him a piece of my mind for calling Kozmo stupid, but the fact that he probably saved me from getting sprayed by a skunk just might save his ass from getting a mouthful. Not to mention the words he whispered in my ear.

  Less than ten minutes later, he walks up the porch carrying Kozmo in his arms.

  “Oh my God, is he hurt?” I rush over, tripping over something on the floor and catching myself just in time. Could this night get any fucking worse?

  “No, he’s fine. Stubborn as fuck though. The skunk got caught in the trap, and he wouldn’t stop barking at it, so I picked his ass up instead.” He finally releases my dog, and I kneel in front of him.

  “Kozmo!” I scold, wrapping my arms around his neck even though he reeks. The skunk must’ve sprayed and missed him, but I can vaguely smell it on his fur. “What did I tell you about staying in the yard?”

  “Kozmo?” He grunts, grabbing my attention. “I warned ya about the traps.”

  I look up at him and scowl. “Not about the skunks though.”

  “Nope.” He crosses his arms over his broad chest. Even though he’s wearing his heavy jacket again, I can tell he’s built. Probably from all that damn chopping he does. “That was a surprise to me, too, but that’s what happens when trash gets tracked all over the damn place because someone lets their fucking dog run loose.”

  I narrow my eyes at him and stand up. “What are you talking about?”

  “Kozmo…” He says his name was such distaste, it makes me want to slap the smugness right off his perfect face. His chiseled jawline doesn’t help matters either. “Got into one of my garbage bins and emptied it throughout my property, attracting wildlife, such as skunks.”

  “How do you know it was Kozmo? Maybe the skunk got into it in the first place, and Kozmo is being wrongfully accused.” I stand my ground, not willing to let this man belittle my dog.

  He leans down until he’s directly in my face. “Because I saw him do it, sweetheart. And the fact I’ve been living out here for years without any issue. You move your sweet ass in next door, let your dog run wild, and all this shit starts happening.” He grunts as if he’s made the point of the century. “Even after I tried to shoo him away, he shoved his nose so deep in the bin, he nearly got himself stuck inside.”

  My heart is beating with anger as he talks down to me like I’m an idiot. “Kylie,” I say stupidly. “My name is Kylie.” He doesn’t get to call me sweetheart. Not after being an asshole since the moment we met five days ago.

  “Like it matters.”

  I roll my eyes, wondering what the hell climbed up his ass to make him so damn bitter and angry.

  Probably a skunk, I think to myself and chuckle. He notices my laughter, and I immediately press my lips together. He arches a brow, but I ignore him.

  “Let’s go, Kozmo.” I keep my gaze on him, wrapping my fingers around his collar.

  Just as I’m about to walk out the door, his words stop me in my tracks. “You can come clean up his shit and all the trash he left in the morning. Be in your best interest to do it before the blizzard comes though.”

  Looking over my shoulder, I reply, “It’s not supposed to come until this weekend.”

  “Forecast changed.”

  I snort, not believing a damn word he says. “Okay, Mr. Rude and Arrogant.”

  “I think you meant to say, ‘Mr. Who Saved my Dog and Me From Being Sprayed.’ Not that I’m really surprised.”

  That makes me turn around with a scowl on my face. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “I know your type. City girl came up here for some kind of adventure. You have no clue what you’re doing up here or how to live. You think because you have land you can just let your animals roam free without consequence. I’m guessing you don’t even have firewood for the season. Am I right?” He cocks a brow with a smug grin on his face.

  Ugh! He infuriates me!

  When I don’t respond, he chuckles. “That’s what I thought. Hope you make it out alive after the blizzard hits. Supposed to be a nasty one.”

  “Well, I’m sure if I don’t, you’ll throw a party in my honor.” And with that, I take Kozmo and leave.



  The wind has picked up since last night. Even the sun is hiding, and that’s definitely not a good sign. The forecast is showing a fierce blizzard making its way in, and even though we’re used to that up here, it’s early in its arrival.

  Double-checking my generator, supplies, and food, I make sure everything is stocked and ready to go. I’ve chopped enough wood to last until spring, but I keep an extra stock to sell. Most people in town buy locally, which keeps me working all year round. Between that and my side contract jobs, I keep myself busy. I inherited my parents’ estate when they passed, but I’d be bored off my ass if I didn’t do something.

  I’m a man of routine and solitude. I love living in the mountains and the views that come with it. That is until Kylie moved in and switched things up on me.

  Every time I go into town, I’m reminded of why I hide away in my cabin. Small-town gossip has never appeale
d to me, and I prefer to stay away from it. I get looks—mostly out of pity—but I ignore them. Women try to pursue me, but I haven’t lived that lifestyle in years.

  Once my coffee is brewed, I pour it into my mug and sit at my computer. The dial-up is nearly nonexistent, but I have the patience of a saint when it comes to technology. My cell phone only works when I’m in town, but otherwise, I use email to book my jobs and communicate with my clients.

  Just as I’m responding to my third message, I hear shouting outside. Standing, I look out my window and see Kozmo running circles around Kylie who’s attempting to pick up the trash her dog tossed everywhere. The fact that it’s windy doesn’t work in her favor either.

  “Jesus Christ,” I mutter, shaking my head when a gust blows her right over. She’s a damn hot mess. A gorgeous hot mess, but a hot mess nevertheless. Her designer boots aren’t doing shit for keeping her toes warm because I can tell they aren’t waterproof. I’d be surprised if they were insulated at all.

  I start laughing because watching her is the best entertainment I’ve seen in years.

  After ten minutes of watching her shove pieces of my garbage in a bag, I take pity on her and suit up. Figuring if I help, she’ll avoid frostbite at least.

  “Are you crazy or something?” I yell once I’m in earshot. “You’re going to get hypothermia out here.” The wind whips around me, the promise of a hard winter promised in the air.

  “Just go away,” she yells back, sounding defeated. The tree branches are blowing wildly, the air powerful as she attempts to stay on two feet. Her head is low as she tries blocking out the wind. “I’m cleaning up your precious property.”

  “Are you sure about that?” I holler back and can’t help but laugh, hoping to grab her attention.

  It works, and she looks up at me with a scowl on her face. “You fed my dog something, didn’t you?”

  Her question takes me by surprise, and I furrow my brows. “What are you talking about?”

  “Stop the act. You gave him something so he’d get sick and shit all over the floor.” She places a hand on her hip, pinning me with her eyes. “He has a sensitive stomach so whatever it was could’ve killed him.”

  Chuckling at the thought of that mutt using her cabin as a bathroom, I don’t hide my amusement when she arches an accusing eyebrow. “You think I fed him something to get him sick?”

  “Well, it’s no coincidence he got sick after you threatened me.”

  “Threatened you?” Has she lost her damn mind? Perhaps the thin air up here is affecting her oxygen intake. “Listen, sweetheart…”

  “Kylie,” she corrects, but I ignore her.

  “I didn’t feed your precious dog anything.” Though that would’ve been one way to get my point across. “However, he did help himself to a garbage buffet so whatever he ate that made him sick isn’t my fault. Maybe you should keep him on your property,” I remind her with a smug grin.

  “Whatever, asshole,” she mutters loud enough for me to hear.

  “Actually, it’s Luke,” I throw back in her face.

  “Too bad. Asshole suits you better.”

  “Yeah well, Snobby City Bitch suits you better, but that’s quite the mouthful to say.” The words are harsh, but I don’t take them back. First, she accuses me of poisoning her dog and then doesn’t even bother to apologize when I let her know she’s wrong.

  “And my point is made,” she says and huffs out before walking away. “Kozmo!” she screams as the dog runs in a circle chasing its own tail.

  Fucking hell.

  “Good luck! Hope your survival skills are better than your attitude.”

  Laughing, I shake my head and walk back inside. I’ve never met a more strongheaded and stubborn woman in my life, and yet, arguing with her these last few days has been the hottest foreplay I’ve ever had.

  Once I’m back inside, I decide to take a hot shower and thaw out before the storm inevitably knocks the power out. It happens every time. Between the ice and wind, power lines go down and it can take up to a week before they’re restored. Until then, I use my generator so I can make food at least.

  Stripping off my clothes, I think about Kylie and that hot mouth of hers. She’s undeniably gorgeous, and even though she’d be all kinds of wrong for me, I can’t help thinking what touching her would feel like. She’s the first woman in years who’s made my body react this way, and I’m tempted to act on it, but I won’t. I can’t. That’ll invite all kinds of drama I don’t want or need in my life.

  As the water cascades down my back, I feel my cock throb when I remind myself that I’m not crossing those boundaries. However, my dick has other plans.

  I wrap my hand around the base and stroke my shaft, feeling it grow thicker, harder under my palm. I think about all the things I’d do to Kylie if I could—if I’d let myself give into the temptations that are her sweet little body and sassy mouth. Pumping faster, I imagine her taut body under me as I slide inside and stretch her tight pussy. Picturing the curves of her hips and the swells of her breasts, I grow painfully hard and grip myself tighter. Continuing the self-torture, I pump continuously until I explode, and I release her name in a pained whisper.


  Once I’m cleaned, I step out of the shower and dry myself off before wrapping the towel around my waist. I look at my reflection in the mirror, wondering what the hell has come over me and why things feel different with her. I’d only learned her name a day ago yet every morning I’ve woken up and wondered if I’d be seeing her.

  Kylie could ruin me in more ways than one, and I’m not sure I’d ever recover from it.



  The wind and snow slam against the windows and front door, sounding like it could break right through the glass. Rosie shivers and whimpers beside me, as Kozmo growls. He’s my protector, even if he doesn’t listen to me worth a shit.

  “It’s okay, Kozmo.” I reach out and grab his collar, gently pulling him toward me. He lays down by my feet and I stroke his head, trying not to show that I’m pretty damn terrified of the storm raging outside. It’s not even about the weather per se, but the fact I’m so not prepared for this crap.

  The fire crackles, and I turn and look at the hearth, the flames a lot less intense than what they were an hour ago. The firewood stacked up in the corner of the room makes me nervous, seeing as there are only a few logs left. They’d been here when I first moved in, and I hadn’t even thought about replenishing the stock so soon, not when I’d been busy unpacking and cleaning.

  I grit my teeth as I think about Luke—Mr. Ruthless—next door and his warning. There’s no way in hell I was going to admit he’s right—that I’m unprepared and out of my element. Fuck him and his arrogant attitude.

  I bring the blanket around me a little higher just as the lights start to flicker. Tilting my head back and looking up, I stare at the ceiling and say a silent prayer that the power doesn’t go out. I may have enough food stocked to weather out this bitch of a storm, but that doesn’t mean I can cook any of it without a fire or electricity.

  The wind howls outside, and I curse the weatherman and his shitty forecast. “This weekend my ass,” I mutter. And then it’s like Mother Nature says a big “fuck you” as the lights go off. Rosie whimpers even louder, so I lift her into my lap, trying to calm her. She’s not used to this insane weather.

  “Shh. It’s okay, girl. It’ll come back on, and everything will be okay. The storm will pass soon.” I know why I’m saying this—trying to reassure myself and feel better about the situation—but it’s grossly clear that I’m not at all prepared for a storm like this. I didn’t check the generator, and my wood stockpile is nonexistent.

  The longer I sit here, the lower the flames get, and the colder it becomes. I set Rosie aside and get up to toss the remaining logs in, stoking them and walking over to grab a blanket. I move down in front of the fire to keep warm and call the dogs over.

  “Come here,” I call for Kozmo and Ros
ie. Both of them shuffle over and lay beside me, curling around my body. I glance at the front window, the sheer curtains not hiding the pellets that are assaulting the glass like tiny bullets. I only hope it’s strong enough to withstand it and not break.

  Mr. Ruthless was not right. He was not right.

  He might be a little right.

  An hour later and I’m still in front of the now dwindled fire, the embers the only thing alive in the damn hearth. The electricity shows no signs of coming back to life. The blanket is wrapped tightly around me, but it’s not helping keep the chill out of my bones. And the storm—the fucking storm is still going stronger than ever outside.

  No way this is ending anytime soon.

  I stand and head to the kitchen. Because I’m trying to stay positive, I check the stove. Nothing. I walk over to the fridge and open it. Nada. Because I have nothing better to do, I try the light switch. Zilch.


  Dammit. When this storm is done, and the weather isn’t shitty, I’m investing in a crap load of fuel and a gas stove.

  I glance at the front door, thinking over my options. No…no way in hell am I going to entertain the idea of asking him for help. Nope. No way in hell.

  Another hour passes, and I’m visibly shaking, the cold too much for the pups and me to handle. I have no idea how long the storm is going to rage or when the power will come back. Thinking about my options, I could stay here and freeze to death, my dogs having to survive by eating my frozen body. I snort and shake my head at the ludicrous thought. Perhaps this is where I start going crazy, talking to myself and hallucinating.

  Rosie burrows under the blanket farther, pressing against my body for heat. Kozmo is only halfway under the blanket, his head poking out as he stares at the front door, still on guard duty.

  The fire has since died, the embers a distant memory.

  “Fuck this,” I say and walk over to put my boots and jacket on. “If he wants to start shit or even have an ‘I told you so’ attitude, I’ll give him a piece of my mind,” I say to Rosie and Kozmo as if they can understand me. “Come on, guys. We aren’t staying here and freezing to death.”


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